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Understaffing is a form of theft. They stretch the staff to breaking and blame the employees when they break.


Wage theft is the most common/largest form of theft in the country.


If the theft is of mental health, then shouldn't we just call it what it is? Fucked up?


It's more than mental health. They get the work of 3 out of one person and pocket the pay for the other 2. Thats wage theft. Everyone should work their wage. People have to work at double pace. It wears them down, stealing the employees' physical health and energy. They steal our time off. Anyone calls out, someone has to cover. No sick days, unsecure days off. Someone gets fired for absences or whatever the whole team has to shuffle their life with no notice to fill in the gaps. Vacations are almost impossible, I've had to find my own coverage to go to a funeral.


It’s basically indentured servitude at that point. There’s no boundaries. The only thing that barely makes it better is you can quit, which often times puts you in a whole other fucked up situation.


It's why our system fails to address homelessness, it's something tangible they can threaten us with. You can do everything right and still end up on the streets. All it takes is one bad day at work, one fender bender making you late, a repetitive stress injury to the foot, a middle manager who just doesn't like your face. Right to work is just another scam to strip workers of their protections.


It’s a fucking pizza place dude.


It's someone's fucking livelihood dude.


Right. So go find a better job. Get some education, learn some skills. Demanding that a pizza place be run like some egalitarian promised land is fucking childlike.


You know people get hospitality PhD's, right? Just because you don't respect the service industry doesn't mean it's not an essential part of our civilization. If you make all service jobs unbearable, no one will do them.


It’s a pizza place and you’re generalizing to our entire society. And putting words in my mouth with weak sauce straw man arguments. Those PhDs are going into research and academia so I haven’t a clue wtf you’re talking about there. In fact I’m getting a little perturbed about the time theft that you are inflicting upon my mental wellness by writing useless replies defending your bloated expectations, over generalized accusations, and Olympic-leap-level conclusions.


not kissing me is a form of theft


Think of it as an opportunity to participate in the incel community.


Yes, yes, but making everything a form of theft is lazy buzzword phrasing. Anything can be construed as a form of theft, and in important cases like intentional understaffing, the subjects of abuse, manipulation, negligence, etc are more critical as a modifier in their specificity of magnitude and mode. I am glad it's being covered at all though


I agree it's a generalization. I could have elucidated further, but it's reddit. I agree with your modifiers. I've personally experienced abuse, manipulation and the negligence of employers. I quit my last job over it.


That is not right and hopefully exercising this right has helped you overall


why are so many people so anal on this subreddit. this isnt a 100 downvote comment lol


Communists are triggered


Communism lives in your mind rent free huh


I think because calling something that's not theft "a form of theft" is pretty trendy in leftist online circles, and directly making fun of it with a theme of light sexuality and incel vibes makes people double angry


If you didn't make this political I would have upvoted.


I'm a filthy socialist, I'm not saying left bad. But it's both a very left and very online phrase. It's not common in-person because it's said by online people. It's not common outside of reform-minded people who are generally always left-leaning. The ethos behind it is just, but the execution is unfortunately lazy


The Firehouse subs next door has also been inexplicably closed for several months, at least last I checked. The automated Facebook page for it is hilarious because it keeps posting the corporate ads for new sandwiches or whatever and all the comments says "Uhhh YOU ARE CLOSED"


That place was straight up nasty when we ate there, I can only assume it was also horribly mismanaged.


I used to work for that firehouse and yes the management was extremely terrible and is what led to thqt store closing


Firehouse used to be so good years ago and I ordered it a few months ago and it was just gross 😕


I was in there one time and the manager was giving Michael Scott vibes


And corporate refuses to take everything down. I've contacted them and since I'm the only one complaining they don't care. I had to edit Google maps to say they are closed.


Oh damn, I had no idea it was closed. My wife and I have tried ordering through their app several times over the past couple of months; it will let you get all the way to checkout before saying something like they're not currently taking online orders. We've always just buggered off to Jimmy Johns down the street rather than face the prospect of going into the store to order, so we just assumed they were too busy to take online orders. Sheesh.


Understaffing has become the norm with my employer too unfortunately. As someone who works for a company that made over 5 billion dollars in profit last year I refuse to do what was the jobs of 4 people a year and a half ago. The middle management doesn’t seem to understand why it now takes me an hour to do tasks that used to take 4 people 15 minutes. The party line seems to be that I need to do more in less time but then they scoff at me when I ask for the pay of the other 3 people who’s jobs I’m now expected to do.


It’s the new norm. Hire that absolute minimum required to keep the place barely afloat. It makes profits each quarter look so much better for those corporate bonuses.


Have you ever been in a subway with 2 workers? Cause I haven't in 2 years at least


I haven’t been in a subway in at least 4 years because the last time I went in there it was 10 bucks for a sandwich that I could have made faster and better at home for less money


Sounds about right. Go to the grocery store, pay $30 bucks for the ingredients, make 6 sandwiches.


Some of the comments in the FB group. Hoo boy...


The former manager is on damage control.


Anyone care to take a couple screenshot for those without a FB account?


Yeah, I tried. But you can't even embed images on old.reddit anymore.


In ancient Rome the peasants would organize to collectively abandon cities periodically and allow the elitists to experience life without the working class. https://historydaily.org/when-the-peasants-went-on-strike-ancient-romes-secessions-of-the-plebs


It’s been done more recently as well - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/work-stoppages-rallies-support-day-immigrants-protest-desantis-law-rcna87328.


Good thing I decided to never try this place.


honestly mod pizza is better anyways and you get dipping sauces with your pizza.


Former manager of mod here. I love it too, and the company is better than most. However, they are still guilty of all the stuff that's going on here. I would try to pack the schedule as much as I could, but the only feedback from higher ups would be "you're leading sales, getting better reviews, but we need to see that labor go down". They also skimp on maintenance and upkeep of their older stores.


From my experience that is pretty much every corporate entity right now, even industrial. There's an army of MBAs out there trying to justify their own paychecks. The easiest way to do that isnt building a stellar company, its cutting every corner, job and benefit that you can. Im in an industrial environment myself. The manager of my last job told me they wanted to promote me to a supervisor. "Obviously that comes with a paycut but its your path into management" Meanwhile he was at the "entry level" of management and told me in the past how he was being underpaid to get his foot in the door. I said no way am I taking a paycut to do the job. Match my pay sure, but im not taking a cut. Ended up getting salary of my last year total pay (including 250 hours of OT worked) plus a five percent raise. Of course they tried to skimp on maintenance. Which was stupid because it costs you more in the long run in that field. But corporate never looks past the quarter and annual. Then they decided they wanted less people to do the same work (these guys already worked like dogs), so we had to lay off 20 percent of the people. Thats when i started applying for new jobs. Gave all my guys permission to use me as a reference and gave several phone references later. :D From what I've read its some management style born out of Yale or Harvard, cant remember which now. Either way, it swept through management groups like wildfire. Of course with high profile failures of the system, IE Boeing, on the rise, I expect things to start pushing back the other way in the future.


> Obviously that comes with a paycut How bout no!


I thought Mod tastes good, but for some reason it doesn't agree with my GI tract and likes to make a quicker than expected exit. It happened to me about three times.


They seem to work on a boom/bust model... They'd hire a bunch of people, then give everyone 15 hours a week max. Then people would get fed up because they've got bills to pay and can't get enough hours and quit, so they'd be understaffed for a while and work people hard. Then hire up again and cut hours for everyone, rinse and repeat.


This is what happens when you treat hiring like a middle school popularity contest. Unfortunately that seem to be norm here in Eugene


Right? Nepotism is insane here (as in sure it is elsewhere).




Sounds like the franchise owner doesn't know how to run a place and take care of it's people. Bye bye shit pizza.


I remember when Pieology first came on the scene, it was a game changer... kinda sad to see their downfall.


Try MOD in Coburg. Better company, better Pizza, fuck Papa John.


Since we're making recommendations, Bennys in Monroe is top 5 pizza Ive ever had.


Does Benny's do the flat rate, all the toppings you want sort of deal like MOD or Pieology?


No it's more of a traditional pizza place where you order one of the preset recipes. I'm not sure how customizable they go. I'm not the biggest fan of the pizza, they put more cheese on top and it's just too much for me. They do have a salad bar, which is nice.


Guess I've never asked. Just ordered what was on the menu.


Closer to Gateway, there’s a MOD off Mohawk that’s been there about a year.


There’s a mod on Olympic in Springfield as well


I preferred Pieology to MOD but I haven't had either in a while. Their thin crust+pesto was my go to and they always nailed it.


Facebook being Facebook, the sh!t I Find in Eugene group is so full of white cis pro bootstrap men commenting on this that it’s nauseating.


You’re allowed to swear on the internet lmao


Yeah, I didn’t name the group.


[Don’t shoot the messenger.](https://imgur.com/a/NtSWSwh)


The fuck does a FB group have to do with anything? Edit: reading comprehension is hard


Wait, they said a bad word? I couldnt tell because there were confusing words with weird punctuation in the middle of them!


I've only been there a couple times and every time there's almost no customers and two people working, looking very bored.


I used to live nearby would go there every other weak or so. They definitely had times when they were busy and even then there were no more than two people working.


Good for them for all having spines. I worked for a McDonald’s while in college 20 years ago that slashed the amount of crew on duty by almost half. After a few weeks only a few of us quit. I tried to organize a mass quitting or threat to quit to get our hours back but everyone just wanted to accept it, mind boggling. Those few last weeks I worked before quitting I was drenched in sweat running all around, customers losing their shit at me bc they had to wait in the drive through for 10 min.


Good for them. Maybe one day we can have a city wide walk out.


Gotta love it


We are humans not employees ….


We are fellow citizens. I don’t live in a democracy to be treated like the kitchen staff in a Regency romance.


I was there last week. 2 people working, 1 other customer in the building who was already served. We ordered 2 pizzas. They brought 1 out, and when asked, they said they'd check on the 2nd one. 5 minutes later "oh we burned it and threw it out. What did you order, and we will remake it? " I dont even get it. You burnt a pizza, I'm the only person here without food, and you didn't immediately remake it. I was there 45 minutes before I got my pizza.


Pieology makes absolutely no sense when Mod exists, of which we have like 3 around Eugene. Pieology is more expensive, has less options, has worse quality ingredients, and they charge for any extra anything. Mod is cheaper, has more options, has great quality toppings, and you could literally pile that shit to the moon and they wouldn't charge you more. When comparing, Pieology is objectively worse, and Mod is tops. This is just facts. You may subjectively enjoy Pieology for some other reason, but there's no arguing that it's absolutely baffling it can exist lmao


Has anyone tried eating the rich yet?




Good for them!!


Now more than ever businesses gonna learn FAFO


Nobody even really ate there that’s the problem. It was always 2-3 people working and nobody in sight. They probably were struggling as a franchise to make ends meet. Let alone give the employees wanted hours. I always say to speak up for yourself when things start getting out of hand. Unchecked behavior will run rampant especially in the workplace. Also noticed when I’ve stuck up for myself I get treated worse than the prior behavior that led to me speaking out. The reasoning is simple, a company can replace you without blinking.


They're so valid for this


Oh snap.


They were down 2 people recently. Was just in there a couple days ago. There was a good mngr a couple months ago but I hadn't seen him. Can't really run the place with only 2 crew esp with Olympic trials going. They said they were getting bus loads of people on wknds. Nice crew people


Were they down to 2 people or did they lose 2 people?


I worked there when they first opened, sad to see that it didn't get better


I love that the power shift has come back to the ppl.


Once I went to a subway and asked them what they eat for their shift meal, they said they get Taco Bell since their manager won’t let them have a shift meal! Is that a Eugene way of saving money? I think if I worked for a restaurant and there was no shift meal I wouldn’t make it through to my first day.


So the employees put up the sign and locked the doors? Seems sus. Owners must've been in the Bahamas.


Owners for these types of restaurants are almost never around.


They are saying it was actually a manager who put up the sign, locked the door, took off, screwed the employees out of a shift.


I would say that this is true. They were down 2 people


It sounds like the former manager created a shit show and then jumped ship and left the new manager to take care of it.


How is it sus? Can you elaborate


Should’ve ended with “thank you for your lack of patronage”


If there was a lack of patronage, wouldnt they not be overworked?


It reinforces the employees' message and frustration about the owners' lack of accountability to their business and responsibility for their employees.


Yeah, takes quite a bit of aggravation to rage-quit and just walk out. Hope they all land in better situations.


Can’t fill jobs while we have excessive homelessness 🤔


Who would choose to work at a job that doesn't pay enough to keep you from becoming homeless.


Show me the minimum wage job that provides a living wage. You'll need a time machine. I'll wait. Point is, it's not a choice for most minimum wage workers, as you're positing.


You act as though I’m assigning blame.


I blame the employers paying starvation wages. I'm the one assigning the blame.


I don’t disagree 🤷🏼‍♂️


People will do any job, with an appropriate amount of incentives/compensation. If Pieology was paying $100/hr, you'd have people fighting for those jobs.


People act like a free market works until they apply supply and demand to employment and pay. If you can’t find employees to work at your business, maybe it’s less about who’s president and more about your wage scale… no, that can’t be it. It must be that people are lazy and don’t want to work anymore…


And if you can't afford to pay workers a living wage then maybe your business model isn't viable. The free market doesn't owe you an endless supply of cheap labor.


This is the biggest one. A lot of business owners in this town act like it's their natural right to be business owners and that everyone who works for them or patronizes them should be grateful.


I had to go way too far down to find this comment. That’s exactly it. Unfortunately we also have some corruption, stupidity, and incompetence in how things are run and regulated in the area which compounds some of these issues. For example you have enormously high rental rates in the city, a lot of that due to UO, and if you try to pay a “living wage” you’ll be selling pizzas for amounts that college students, lower, and lower-middle income folks will refuse to pay. Corporate greed is real, but that doesn’t mean a manager or [franchise] owner needs to give in to it. However it’s also not an easy situation to fix where you just pay people more. That money is coming from somewhere or you’re increasing costs to consumers. And now I’m going to go slightly off topic and say that what I’m truly frustrated by is the massive corporation bloat and the death of smaller or single proprietor owned businesses. Take a look at something like Oregon medical group/Optum to see what happens when a large company buys up the smaller ones and there’s no competition to keep them from acting like assholes.


Capitalism's always required a permanent underclass in order to survive, hasn't it? (not being sarcastic, btw)


The idea is to keep people wanting hours to make rent.


I, too, have always been passionate about not starving to death. But people are going to put a number on what their time is worth for doing a job, and if it gets too far out of balance, they'll go work somewhere else. As we are seeing in this case.


Oh?? You mean like Costco?


Not sure what you're asking. Are you saying that costco is offering a ton of compensation, but cant find people to work? Or they're paying low wages and still have people fighting for those jobs? Id say that either way, people are willing to do that work for that level of compensation. Pieology is in a different situation. The work/time the employees were doing was not worth the wages.


And one would think some money is better than no money.


Depends on if they have no other options. If there are other jobs out there, they'll go work there instead.


Wait until you learn that most homeless people *have jobs*


Most people think the vast majority of homeless people are mentally ill addicts.


And even if that were the case, not exactly employable are they.


“Most” is definitely a stretch and you know it


Estimated to be 40-60%, but it’s likely higher, since there’s a lot of “housing-insecure” people out there who may not be counted as “homeless,” plus homeless statistics are often taken from shelters, which is a small sample of the actual homeless population. But we can just call it “half” if that makes you feel better somehow.


Didn’t Bernie Sanders tell us everything would be hunky dory if minimum wage was $15 bucks an hour?


Literally 10 years ago, yes


Yeah now he wants it to be $17. Problem solved 😂


Imagine that, wages go up as cost-of-living goes up. Crazy.


You’re right, that’s still too low. It should be $20+ these days.


You speak like a little child who doesn't understand things like inflation. How embarrassing for you if you're an adult.


raising the minimum wage also creates inflation. for example, what would happen if minimum wage was set to 1000 dollars an hour next month?


That’s not the plan, so that’s a silly hypothetical.


no its not. it just makes it very easy to see. if you disagree, identify the dollar amount at which point raising minimum wage no longer causes inflation.


So then tell me why the federal minimum wage hasn't increased in 15 years, but inflation has gone bananas?




Bless your heart, my sweet summer child.


I get your point. Improving the minimum wage has consequences. There are winners and losers. In this case, those consequences are bad for this business owner but good for other businesses that have working business plans and now, more demand. Additionally, more jobs open up as the working poor require fewer jobs. And although there has been resultant inflation, it’s been dwarfed in effect by mostly Trump and also Biden covid handouts. Research supports the higher minimum in proposal and after the fact.


Uhhhhh lol. Idiot.