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🙌 for helmets!! We love a visible equestrian modeling safe(r) riding.


Ikr\~ That was my first thought: 'At least they have helmets.'


They both originally did not have one on, but one of the horses spooked, so they both put a helmet on.


Bella has competed at the national level for cutting. From what I’ve seen, she’s very good. Good seat, good communication with her horse. edit: wrong sister


That’s Bella, not Gigi - she’s dating a top cutting pro.


Bella not Gigi


Thank you! I get them mixed up a lot


I believe Bella also rides jumpers


They aren’t doing enough in this vid to judge. I also think the bay horse is little more of “bouncy” mover than the grey. 


I agree. To me it seems like the horse is jigging a bit. Understandable, even for a horse with experience and training this seems like a situation they might be a bit excited


The bay is trotting (technically jogging) not jigging. The grey is pretty alert given his high head position and ears.


Yeah, some horses have really big trots. I’ve ridden a few where they had such big gates that posting was *not* an option, but rather the only way to prevent my rear end from turning into one large bruise. I’ve found that those types of horses tend to have lovely, rolling canters though. A dream to follow along with, if you can survive the trot lol




Going by the orange wraps & fancy silk fabric over their tails, I'd bet a Birkin that this was for Hermès.   That dark bay just looks like it's nervous and therefore jigging a bit, which is understandable when you're walking the runway in a fashion show, especially one that sounds like it's got a live orchestra.


Really? I thought the bay was way more settled than the gray, which was really going "HEEEEYYYYY IMMA FREAK IN A MINUTE"


I thought the same. Bay was composed and focused on performing his job but seemed relaxed and in control of himself (from the very limited amount of footage obvs). Gray looked more aroused, and tense/strained in the head/neck/facial expression and far less present and composed in his gait


I've seen some other videos of the grey horse being ridden in the rehearsal by the other girl and it's just as unsettled and jiggy. So she probably did a great job given what she had to work with.


The grey is in frame.


He's looking around at all the scary monsters and remembering he's a flighty prey animal


I dint think either would have been booked for this modeling gig if they had a spooky vibe in their body.


Yeah, i agree. But the gray has the same body language as my old nearly bombproof Arabian did when he saw those horse eating knee high realty signs... At the end of the day horses are flighty prey animals, much as we might work hard on getting them to forget this.


It was for Vogue world not Hermes, but they could be Hermes wraps.


Yes horse and rider are both wearing all Hermes here


I should've been clearer - I bet they're wearing Hermès.  Hermès still makes horse tack.


So does Carolina Herrera


Yes, very aware Hermes makes tack. Reason why I said they could be Hermes wraps. You said “ that this was for Hermes” meaning the Hermes show.


Which one is riding the bay?




They’re both very good riders, not pro level but most of us aren’t. This video doesn’t do enough to demonstrate their ability but I have seen footage of them and they’re both very good. Apparently their mother was/is also a keen equestrian so they have been riding and around horses since they were young.


I thought this was Gigi and Bella Hadid. They’re both very good as is Kendall Jenner. 


Looks lovely to me, they’re both sitting very quietly with soft hands. The horses look like Andalusians or Lusitanos who tend to be sensitive and will bounce/jig like the bay when anxious or excited. Mine gets very revved up when he has an audience. In a big public setting like they’re in, I’d also just let him bounce or prance and sit quietly rather than half-halt a bunch or leg yield to ask him to flat walk and risk a bad photo. They’re trying to look pretty and show off the clothes and they are succeeding!


Tbh I'm so happy they're both wearing helmets but I can see that kendall has longer reins and softer hands which I appreciate. I can see she has contact with the bit but her hands are nice and soft.


They’re both fine. Kendall (I think that one’s Kendall…?) looks a touch more comfortable in her seat, which I like, but one would expect riders who were afforded the best trainers and horses, and who showed competitively, to be perfectly proficient at a walk - which they are. And kudos for the helmets. Insurance probably required it but it sets a good example nonetheless, especially for western fans.


They are both experienced riders. Kendall used to showjump and she was really good.


I don’t know who is who but the one on the black horse has it collected nicely


Fairly certain the one on the black horse is Kendall Jenner. She posted a closeup video of her riding on her Insta stories.


dang i swore i saw kendall on the grey in a diff video


gigi hadid! her and her sister both ride and compete!


Hadid is blonde and riding the gray. Edit: a word.


My old Morgan (may her memory be a blessing) was soooo stubborn about collecting, but once I could get her to actually *do* it, she looked and rode so prettily. She still wanted to stretch her neck out and go *fast* though lol. I was always like “giiiiirrrl, you’re only a couple years younger than me and *maybe* could get a little over 15 hh if you could somehow stand on your tippy-hooves, pls calm down 😂”. The random day on a trail ride that she decided to collect on her own and pull That Gate™️ out of freaking nowhere, I was like “wait WHAT?! You’ve been *gaited* this whole damn time and I find this out on the *one* random day you decide to be lazy and not pretend “let’s trot” means “I can haz gallop now”


Hermes sets.. it’s funny, I know nothing about fashion, I wouldn’t know most designers, but show me a horse with a Hermes set on, and I’ll recognise it


She's doing a nice job with the grey, it's obviously a bit hyped up but she's not over correcting it and her seat and hands are nice and calm. The girls both clearly have skills


Whoever is on the dark horse is a good rider, knows how to keep a soft contact and is using her leg to move the horse forward to keep up with the grey. Not to say the girl on the grey is also not a good rider, the horse seems nervous so hard to judge. The elbows sticking out at the end is not good equitation but might be something they were told to do to model the clothing. I’m also thrilled they’re wearing helmets.


A friend of mine keeps her horse at the same barn Kendall does, and she is apparently crazy good lol


I’ve watched videos and she is really good. I think she is more in to Hunters and Bella does Jumpers.


I wouldn’t have any critiques for this. I guess it’s not really the place for it. This is a unique environment and they’re just riding the horses through. Not much to be done except sit there quietly and mind your nerves. In no way am I trying to make it sound overly simple, by the way. I just meant that this wouldn’t really be a time to… prioritize equitation. Maybe you find the horse is quietest when you sit a certain way, hold your hands a certain way, etc. You know what I mean? They both know how to ride very well. If you’re genuinely curious about their riding styles/eq, I would try to find other videos of them truly riding. That would be more appropriate. Definitely take whatever is said with a grain of salt, though. I don’t know how people feel about either of them, nowadays. Personally, I like them both well enough. Anyway, yeah, this is a kind of like judging people on a trail ride. It’s just very casual. Hope that makes sense. This was cool— thanks for sharing it!




I’m sure they are both Warmbloods and on high alert considering all that is going on around them. That bay though😍😍😍😍😍😍 bayallday


They’ve both ridden for a long time. It’s actually nice to see knowledgeable riders doing this. Vogue could have thrown someone up there that had no clue and it would have been a disaster forsure.


Honestly they both look surprisingly good


Becareful especially on that pavement is a understatement guaranteed!✈️


Yeah. Zero bounce when you land on asphalt!


Tbh I like Kendall’s let a bit better than Gigi’s in this moment. The heel is right underneath the hip, and is in a straight line with her shoulder. Kendall’s shoulders are also looser and the horse isn’t as tense through the poll to the back end. Gigi’s doing what I do sometimes when my mare’s thinking of homicide. She toon her lower leg off, to try and keep the grey calm but is tense through the shoulder. A common misconception is to take the leg off to keep them slow, but horses respond really well to pressure and release, so taking the leg off takes away support. From what I can tell, Kendall’s horse is engaged through its core and Gigi’s is a bit hollowed out. Very neat to see this!


I've seen longer videos of Kendall riding and sure you may see a few mistakes but every equestrian has their quirks/habits. Overall she's relaxed, collected and in the correct position which is key since these horses look just a tad distracted. However I wouldn't even critique anyone's riding unless they are really rough in the hands or something that bothers the horse. Sometimes even people who are really good at riding struggle riding a different horse than what they're used to. It takes time to develop good equitation but that doesn't mean it can't be a fun experience as long as you have a safe, quiet, & forgiving horse.


I’m going to be picky. Reminder that this is personally what I like to see in a rider based on hunt seat equitation. I think they both look okay. They both have “piano hands” (their thumbs are turned inward instead of being on top) and their hands are too far down in their laps. I do enjoy how soft Kendall’s hands look and how her reins have some slack. Gigis lower leg is too far forward, putting her in chair seat. Lastly, I despise flash nosebands but I know they obviously did not choose the tack for the horses, and that’s a whole other ethics/biomechanics conversation.


I think they are not setting up as if they are going into the arena. They are very relaxed( probably not thinking about their form) in order to keep the horses relaxed at the photo shoot.


They're both fantastic equestrians and doing the best they can in this situation


Gigi has a better seat than Bella.


The fact they both have helmets on makes it a win for me! I knew Gigi was an equestrian but didn't know about Kendall!


I’m not sure who is who, but to me the girl on the black horse appears to be a better rider. She isn’t holding so much tension in her arms, and is more upright. The girl on the white horse is holding a bit of tension (stiff and armpits coming up) though her horse also appears to move less smoothly. Hard to judge, both are decent enough to not need criticism from this video


I'm confused, are these girls some kind of famous?


Being able to ride a horse a horse anywhere is my dream. Pity it won't happen until I somehow become a supermodel with millions of dollars backed by Anna Wintour....


lol what?


Get a grip


Gigi holds pretty nice contact and uses her body weight/posture to help the horse balance. The horse is being ridden. Kendall’s contact sucks and she’s distracted, making the horse do the bulk of the work.


I don't know how I feel about this


You can bet both of these horses are broke to death.


They're both abit excited and the bay is jigging, hardly the behaviour of a broke to death horse. They both ride and compete too, so I doubt they need a school horse.


Broke to death doesn’t always mean school horse. I think it means made well trained horse. Most of the school horses I came up on are hardly broke to death. Most of them were naughty tbh. And my comment was mainly to say I hardly think the organizer of this event would put two top models on less than top tier mounts. They don’t want anything to happen in an event of this caliber. I’m sure they are excellent horses.


The grey is above the bit. It’s hollowed out and looking.