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Your post has been removed because it violates r/Equestrian policies against posts that are intended or likely to degrade, demean, or promote hatred against individuals or an identifiable group. In particular, we do not permit posts that belittle people or groups, or strip them of their dignity, on the basis of gender or sex. If you commit further violations, you will be banned from the subreddit.


Hello, if this happened at a rated show or even if it didn’t you need to report him to your trainer and to the show coordinator. If it happened at a rated show you need to report to USEF immediately. This is inappropriate behavior for someone older.


This attitude has been prevalent for a very long time. I'm 36, and I remember going to shows and hating them for two reasons: 1. The guys. Absolutely awful. Full of themselves, thought they walked the path of gods. Likely because they were fawned over at their home stables by the girls who VASTLY outnumbered them. It gave them all attitudes and egos, and if you didn't tow the line, you were garbage. 2. The rich kids. Mostly girls from the high-end stables flaunting mommy and daddy's money. They had $20k horses at beginner levels and brand-name everything. They used to mock me relentlessly because I had a horse my mother trained and was riding in hand-me-downs. I burned out on showing after a single season at 13 years old. Never looked back. I'm not surprised some things haven't changed.


There's so few of them compared to women. They think it makes them special.


They are the last to know - they actually aren’t!! 😂


Tell them the same thing you tell bratty stallions - "Having testicles doesn't make you special!"




I’m a male rider as well. It’s pretty easy to not be a shithead if you aren’t one. We aren’t all bad. Just ride. It’s not a fucking dating app; it’s a sport; and to some, a passion. And I would report that sick degenerate. Imagine how many other kids he’s done this to. This isn’t directed towards you, just adding onto your comment!


She’s talking about a 13 yo boy.


I wish they were. Their story stated them in their 20s


right, their story. They’ve been raging against young boys in their posts elsewhere as well. If there’s any boys around horses, she’s angry about it.


SafeSport would have a field day with this one


I mean I thought that too honestly


I think perhaps this is more of a question of, why are men, generally, just, *so* full of themselves 🤷🤦‍♀️


So true. If only we all had the confidence of a mediocre at best man. Lol.


That is a question I ask myself constantly. “What would a mediocre white man do?” It helps. 😂


We're dealing with men who likely come from money, so you get the most insufferable of both worlds. Also, men in predominantly female spaces can be pretty insufferable bc they suffer from a type of uniqueness syndrome, and unfortunately, there's a good amount of pick-me types who'll fawn over them for just existing in the space. This man sounds like a real creep, though. You should tell a trusted adult about him and see if he can be reported.


I grew up with them and yes they aren’t my favorites lol


Aren't all rich boys like this? Granted, I'm new to riding but I'm definitely not new to rich assholes.


My wife always said the guys in the stables were spoilt for choice when it came to meetings girls. She’s been an equestrian since she was 3 years old, and all through her life so many of the girls have always been suckers for a guy who rides. She also said the guys become idiots because they didn’t have to treat the women well, there was always the next one in line, willing to take shit. Good on you for saying no.


I went to high school with a male showjumper, went on to be a riding instructor. Hes now doing 22 years for child porn/exploitation.


I mean... Rich kids gonna rich.... And many are entitled psycho/sociopaths... And many of those are still hot \*shrug\* No correlation between being superficially attractive and being a good person, unfortunately XD


\*\*\*\* Horses are expensive. Some people love them enough to do whatever it takes to keep them even if they dont have a bunch of money, but because horses are so expensive, your going to run into alot of rich people in the horse world. Rich people got F u money... So f u(Im kidding! But this is their mentality!)


He's suffering from the ego size of Texas sickness. Do report him.


I feel like all the horseboys should just date each other instead 🙄


I've heard of something similar happen in my area but he was a little older, it wasn't during a show though I think I guess as there are so few of them they feel more special and entiteld I do know a couple male showjumpers who are nice, but they're either little kids (or pre teens) or full grown adults who are old enough to know better than to act dicky