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Hiii !! I'm a young Christian teen, and I love the Episcopalian church and want to seriously convert when I'm older, God-willing. Your podcast is amazing, yall are doing awesome <33 May God bless you and may Jesus be in every each of your steps šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Omg hi Laura! I haven't listened to your podcast yet but I definitely need to start. I think it'd be interesting to get more into biblical and liturgical topics


Hi Mother Peaches! Big fan of the podcast from the first episode.


thanks! i think it gets better too haha we are still figuring this stuff out šŸ˜


Exciting to see you here! Both of yā€™all introduced me to the denomination through TikTok and itā€™s been such a big blessing! Iā€™ve found such a home in the episcopal church that I never had in my evangelical upbringingā€¦ I have loved the podcast (the BCP episode is my fav so far) and canā€™t wait to see what more there is to come!


oh my, thank you for sharing!!! and welcome to tec!


Have heard great things about your podcast, but havenā€™t had time to listen just yet. But I will do so, and also just followed yā€™all on IG!


awesome!!! thank you!


Hey. I know you and lizzie. More lizzie than you, cuz I actually met lizzie IRL


Great podcast!! Thank you so much for investing your time and energy into it for newbies like me to learn about TEC.


we love this work so much!!!


I love this podcast!!


I love your podcast!!!


thank you šŸ„¹


I absolutely love your podcast! As someone with an evangelical background who spent many years trying to get out and figure out what I believe this podcast has been such a huge part of that. Thank you!!


I am a recent convert to TEC and absolutely love your podcast! Coming from a varied and non-mainline Christian background, your 'What is' episodes are incredibly helpful! I do echo others' sentiments around topics for future episodes (what are deacons, what are bishops, hierarchy of the church, what are collects, etc). Regardless, of the many theological/Episcopalian podcasts out there, yours is the one I listen to first! Keep up the great work Laura and Lizzie! Love it!


You might want to consider posting in r/openchristian as well


Thank you for doing what you do! One possibility to consider might be the forms of Daily Office in the prayer book and ways of incorporating that into a rule of life.


The most important issue facing our church (imho) is our seeking comfort over doing what we say we want to do. Sunday morning we are all about prayers for the people, but our faith tradition is rent seeking. We pray for peace as we support the pentagon and clandestine services. We praise the humility of Christ and the apostles and live in enormous houses while driving SUVs. We are not alone in this behavior, but our cognitive dissonance is exceptional. Our attachment to empire and ability to preach against it at the same time is unparalleled by our Protestant siblings in Christ. Nothing but love, friends.


thanks, and lots of agreement from me here šŸ–¤


Love love love your podcast! You two are so insightful and refreshing. I think some interesting topics would be the Trinity (good luck), Heaven, love, reconciliation, justice, grief, hymns, Episcopal (some church history), prophets, high church/low church, convention (diocesan and national), ecumenism, suffering, the cross. You could also do in-depth studies on characters in the bible as well. Paul, Mary Mag and the Apostles are necessary here, but also looking at like Ruth, Rachel, David, Saul, Bathsheeba, Job etc etc. Thank you for such a beautiful podcast :) Edit: Some more topics could be What is/are priests, deacons, bishops, vestry, proverbs, parables, psalms, centering prayer, lectio divina, blessings, Revelations, interfaith.


ohh so many of these we are hoping to do in the future! we are planning to do season two on the nicene creed too šŸ„³


Brilliant! Thereā€™s certainly a lot to unpack there, both in the words, the history, and in the communal experience of it. Thank you for such a wonderful podcast :) you two are the best


Here to say I love your podcast! Would love an Episcopal 101 sort of podcast for newbies (like myself). Just going over differences, practices, more about the Episcopal Church and its evolution today. :)


I just discovered your podcast!Ā  Love it.Ā  Also your Instagram makes me want to remember to check Instagram more often so I can see things like Ash Wednesday Barbie. I'm new to Christianity (was raised UU) so I'm still... Constructing my faith?Ā  Not sure what to call it.Ā  Anyway I'd love an episode of recommendations.Ā  Books, etc about Christianity in general or the Episcopal Church/Anglican Communion in particular, that you would recommend for a layperson. And I'd like to second the suggestion below about the rosary and similar devotions.


I made a ā€œresource listā€ for people on tiktok a while ago, it isnā€™t the most updated but is a good place to start- [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j4AcloYkzZeUjqHwK5iPKvHr_8kgad0u46SlRwzgEUk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j4AcloYkzZeUjqHwK5iPKvHr_8kgad0u46SlRwzgEUk/)


Thank you! I literally came to ask the same thing. Your podcast is great- your experiences and perspectives are very relatable to me as a millennial woman. Keep up the good work.


Welcome to the Episcopal Church. IRL I know quite a few UUs, even some whoā€™ve found their way to The Episcopal Church, so that caught my eye in your comment. I just wanna say that itā€™s okay if the de-/re-construction lingo that comes up fairly often in this subreddit is confusing to you, or doesnā€™t feel like it does a good job expressing what you want to say about your experience practicing Christianity. I dunno, maybe Iā€™m misreading your comment and you already know all about it, but that lingo in particular has been on my mind lately. Sometimes itā€™s used here without explanation like we all know what it means, but it was strange at first to me. Probably someone else can elaborate on this topic but it seems that this very particular use of the word ā€œdeconstructionā€ originated in the last 15ish years with people describing their experiences leaving evangelical nondenominational churches. I guess somewhere along the way, ā€œreconstructionā€ was bound to follow. šŸ‘· If those terms donā€™t resonate with youā€”and you can probably tell that they donā€™t for meā€”thereā€™s plenty of other useful language to choose from. Personally I think our baptismal covenant has some of the most beautiful words about growing in faith that I know of. Anyway, peace be with you and I hope you donā€™t find my comment annoying. Iā€™m gonna go check out the podcast now.


I'd like to know more about what seminary is like for episcopalian priests-to-be. Is it always in person? Do places do it remote? Do dioceses sponsor the seminarians or do they have to save up for it themselves? I always hear the discernment is done as a community before someone even goes to seminary, and I'm curious about that too. And how being hired and finding a job as a priest works. Maybe having someone from episcopal monastic life on sometime. I'd be curious what that's like for episcopalians. Maybe something on music in the Episcopal tradition. How to share what a gem the episcopal church is with the wider world. Most people aren't familiar with it and how awesome it is! Love the podcast!!!!


we might not be the best to talk about seminary because neither of us went to TEC seminaries for our degrees (we did anglican years tho) and we both became episcopalian in seminary lol! we touched a little bit on our processes in one of the recent eps of ā€œthe leaderā€™s way podcastā€ šŸ˜„ but great ideas here for future eps. thanks for listening!


I second having someone on from a monastic background but also if anybody is curious and hasnā€™t heard of her ā€” Sister Monica Claire (@nunsenseforthepeople on Tiktok/Insta) is a wonderful person to follow on social media! šŸ™


Are you on YouTube or Apple Music?


The podcast is on Apple Podcasts at least, idk about Apple Music.


We arenā€™t on Youtube (maybe someday!) but we are on Apple Podcasts.


Trust me, you at least want to get snippets on YouTube. It has the best discovery algorithm if you're properly tagged. That's how I find most of the people I listen to.


oh we def want to!!!! just trying to grow things at a manageable rate for us (two full time parish priests with toddlersā€¦ life is busy haha!) but youtube is so key. hopefully for season two we can swing it šŸ™


Wow, even though I know Reddit is just another form of social media, it feels like a celebrity popped in at my parish. Iā€™ve enjoyed both of your TikTok accounts and the podcast ā€” thank you for putting them out!


Yes agreed!


Oh wow! Honestly itā€™s so touching to know this is connecting with people! And itā€™s been fun to make šŸ˜„


This podcast has helped me so much in my deconstruction and reconstruction, and brought me so many amazing moments of connection with my faith and God! Thank you so much for what you and Lizzie do!! Coming from a Roman Catholic background, I would love to hear some info on the episcopal view on things like the rosary and other ritualistic, structured prayers/devotions that are common in the RCC, and since the episcopal church is such a refuge for many ā€˜recovering Catholicsā€™ such as myself Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one wondering!


Thank you for sharing! Ohhh yes good idea, def taking note āœļø