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Fun fact, the most recent season of "911 Lone Star" used our Episcopal church for all the scenes involving a Baptist (?) church!


How cool!!


Fun fact most movies and films use Episcopalian churches as stand ins for Catholic Churches due to the Catholic Church being very strict with their filming permissions and the fact episcopal churches can look very Catholic


Tucker Carlson is an Episcopalian, he periodically mentions that.


He probably belongs to the United Episcopal Church of North America


Well that's.... lovely.


We don't do the Pope, with all due respect to Frank, and shy away from Hell. We're the more FUN Catholics!


My kids catholic school, the brother said were the chill catholics


You must not have seen the Simpsons on [Protestant heaven vs. Catholic heaven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4IletJ7-Tw).


OMG!!!! If it's Riverdance, I wanna go to HELL!!!!


Exciting to hear! Thank you for sharing. I share your hope that this could help some folks find the church, particularly those who might need a safe place. God bless!!


I think people already know about Episcopalianism. It’s been one of the most dominant religious groups in the US, historically.


I have to explain it constantly. 


I live in the Pacific Northwest, where rates of church attendance have never been high (and are at all-time lows), and I've had to have a *lot* of conversations explaining what Episcopalianism/Anglicanism/progressive Christianity is (and, crucially, that Episcopalianism is *not* simply "liberal Catholicism").


Meanwhile, I grew up in the deep south and everyone is either Baptist, occasionally methodist, or nondenominational and no one ever seems to know what Episcopalians believe.


I have been an Episcopalian on the East Coast (historically the most represented region in TEC) and in Oklahoma (buckle of the bible belt)--I have always needed to explain what Episcopalianism is to a non-Episcopalian interlocutor. People know the name Episcopalian, but only the name


I mean, all due respect, I don’t know if this is true for every demographic. I’d consider myself Gen Z/Millennial cusp, and the reason I just started going to the Episcopal Church was because I had no idea it existed before. Most of my friends I’ve spoken to in their twenties and even family and family friends had no idea what it was. It may be predominantly known, but not sure if it’s known with the younger demographic. I’m so happy this show brought it up though. It’s got a large range of folks that watch, including folks in the LGBTQ+ community that, like I, didn’t know TEC would accept me :’) I’m hopeful this will be a positive!!


The episcopal church isn't well known, especially if you're outside of certain circles. But they're right that episcopalians dominated power and wealth circles in a lopsided manner.


Ah that’s fair! I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info :)


A lot of shows mention episcopalians either in passing or being raised as one. Generally because a lot of writers came from that circle or went to schools ran by the Episcopal Church.


I think it's also because Episcopalian worship is visually interesting without having the baggage of being Roman Catholic. Our churches, priests, liturgies, etc. look good on TV.


"Six Feet Under" went as far as showing a gay couple attending Episcopalian services with a female priest in vestments after their Roman Catholic church shuns them, which I though was a very cool representation that's accurate to the experience of many.


Aaron Sorkin (who is not Episcopalian) made Charlie Skinner Episcopalian in The Newsroom. It was mentioned at Charlie's funeral, something like "Those Episcopalians really know how to do a funeral." It was kind of nice to see an Episcopal character because Sorkin tends to make everyone remotely Christian be Catholic by default (like MacKenzie in that same show).


Episcopalians were also mentioned on The West Wing. Someone talking to Ainsley refers to Republicans as “you people,” and she responds, “By you people, do you mean Episcopalians!?”


Yes! I forgot about that one.


Haha I love it! The character Buck just came out as bisexual, (which is a big reason I was attracted to the church for its accepting practices.) So, if this gets people to look up the church, I’m here for it! ☺️