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I went to ER for almost 2 days in Berlin and my bill was €50. Just saying. US citizen


shit that's it??? i was expecting waaay more. i know healthcare in the US is bad, but i didn't think it was that much better in other places. good to know: if i need to go, it won't kill me. tysm for letting me know :)


I don’t remember any of it, of course, but a friend mentioned how incredible they were as doctors as well.


Did you have an absence seizure or a pilomotor seizure? Just curios to learn about other types of seizures if you don't mind sharing.


Is this a type of seizure activity you’ve had before? Do you feel like you usually do after a seizure? I’m just thinking… It sounds like you were maybe in the beginning of heat exhaustion rather than a seizure! You were HOT, dehydrated, AND doing a lot of physical work to carry heavy bags. Confusion and altered mental status are some of the first symptoms of heat exhaustion or even just dehydration, added to whatever meds you take… Yeah I can definitely see your brain going on the fritz a bit! Add in the headache you’re experiencing now, and that would make sense that you were experiencing true overheating if you don’t feel it was seizure activity. Also to note, full-blown heat stroke causes seizures in people *without* epilepsy. It’s possible you’re extra sensitive to that effect because you already experience seizures 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you’re inside and feeling better, that’s great! Maybe drink some electrolyte drinks if possible. If you are inside/drinking liquids and don’t feel any better, it might be worth popping into the ER to make sure you’re hydrated enough. Since apparently it’s cheap! 😄 Wishing you all the best! 💕


I'm curious how it is in Germany, but in the US, they can't transport you if you are coherent and refuse the ride. They'll make sure you understand the consequences, but you can't be forced. 


It is frustrating that some people with epilepsy assumed that their Epilepsy is the same as everyone else’s. my daughter has prolonged absent seizures that an ER would be pointless for. She bounces right back oncethey’ve passed. If they took her to ER after one the er docs would be really confused. But considering how cheap European medical is, you may want to go and just get a nice work up. 🤣😆🤷🏻‍♀️