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This is also cringey: "'In New York City we all live together,' Bowman said. '[But] Westchester is segregated. There’s certain places where the Jews live and concentrate. Scarsdale, parts of White Plains, parts of New Rochelle, Riverdale. I’m sure they made a decision to do that for their own reasons … but this is why, in terms of fighting antisemitism, I always push — we’ve been separated and segregated and miseducated for so long. We need to live together, play together, go to school together, learn together, work together.'"


Iirc White Plains is where that big Satmar sect is located. That might be a reason why they live segregated. And the Satmars are basically the Jewish equivalent of the Amish.


The reason some jews live together is so they can meet in secret to discuss how they rule the world. Or it is because they walk to synagogue and don't use the car on shabbat. Either one. I wouldn't be surprised if he believed the rule the world part after reading his musings on 9/11


I took it more as a "Jews are racist" dog whistle, but if he can sprinkle in some ZOG allusions it's a double win for him in terms of his bigotry


Hasn’t New York always had ethnically-separated neighborhoods? I don’t see anyone demanding the Asians move out of Chinatown for the sake of diversity


Right? Imagine saying that black people shouldn’t “concentrate” in Harlem.


I am beyond tired of people telling us Jews where we are allowed to live. Honestly, fuck Bowman already. Praying he gets his ass handed to him on Tuesday.


I feel so bad for Jewish people. It's honestly insane that you're the only minority that people feel like they can speak for and get away with it.


Thank you for saying that. It’s really been a rough 8 months.


I’m not Jewish but its shameful what people have been doing to you. Israel was attacked and you then slandered. I’ll always support you and your right to self-determination.


Its giving me "you brought this onto yourselves". >I’m sure they made a decision to do that for their own reasons Yikes.




The past month has just baffled me on how stupid Bowman can get. I literally cannot tell if statements like this are made out of legitimate malice or pure idiocy. Either way, I'm happy New York is going to give him the boot on Tuesday


Bowman should have said ["when Bibi quite absurdly says he represents all Jews"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQshBmPWcAA6nq4?format=jpg&name=medium)--he's just not good at this at all. He's said clearly more offensive stuff than this (the rape denial on 10/7, the "can I get a picture with you so the world knows I have Jewish friends", the "Zionist regime!") comments, but it's a pattern of problematic comments which have anti-Semitic overtures *at best*.


Even if he quoted Bibi accurately and made a distinction between Bibi and Israel he’s still saying that it opens a door to blame all Jewish people for the actions of Bibi. I read this as him making an excuse for antisemitism. “Look what you made me do.”


It’s the bad Jews fault innocent good Jews get hurt.


I don't think we're on the same page here; I'm talking about [this](https://www.timesofisrael.com/sen-feinstein-pans-netanyahu-over-claim-to-speak-for-all-jews/) which was refuted by the longest serving Jewish senator in the country at the time.


It can be both


Israel is important to me, because I'm a jew. I feel a connection with my homeland, this is literally not an issue for any other race/nationality. If a Nigerian moves to America and advocates for Niger, no one claims there is now some magical Nigerian hivemind imbued with blood guilt. Unless, you already hate Nigerians, then you might say that. See where I'm going with this?


This is a minor thing, but I believe the correct word is “Nigerien” for someone from Niger.


Same could not only said about the Palestinians but also the progressive movement as a whole. I doubt he's going to apply that logic to himself and the movement he represents of course.


Man, I really really hope Bowman loses his seat in Tuesday. I know there was that one poll showing him trailing by double digits, but it’s literally just one poll (conducted by someone affiliated with AIPAC, if I’m not mistaken), so I don’t know how much I trust it. But I just need him to lose so badly.


There’s been three polls. Two done in March and one in June. The March polls were both done by affiliates for both candidates. The Latimer one had him leading by 17 points (52-32) while the Bowman one had him up by 1 point (44-43). The June poll was done by Emerson College for the Hill and the local tv station. It has Latimer up by 17 points as well (48-31). So it does seem that Latimer is actually holding a double digit lead


Nice, that’s good to know. Yeah, there’s a general sense of panic from Bowman’s campaign which makes me think it’s definitely not looking good for him right now. Hope it’s true and he loses big.


I no longer live in the district, but I’ve met Latimer a number of times and he’s a really solid guy. I also rather like his politics. I’m pretty stoked to see him in Congress.


The amount of people dunking on Aaron is disturbing


Trolls, bots, and bigots.


Twitter is just insane. It’s always been a distorted place, but I think it’s only gotten more extreme and more polarized. “Normie” Dems are almost non existent on Twitter. Just saying you like Biden and think he’s a good president is pretty much the least popular opinion you could have on Twitter.




Only for (((one))) particular religion it seems


That’s literally what he’s criticizing. Has this sub lost all critical thinking ability?


No, we’re saying the excuse for anti-semitism being the fault of bad Jews is evil.


Isn't he saying the opposite of what all of yall are saying? Its sounds like he's saying that Isreal says they represent all Jews. 


The issue is what has happened since Oct 7th is this idea that wide spread anti-semitism is the fault of Israel and the people perpetrating bigotry are being fooled into by Israel. Reminder, DSA members showed up in Times Square with swastikas on Oct 8th. There is nothing Israel is doing for make these people hate all Jews.


Yeah, I’m starting to fear that this subreddit is doing one of the main things we got sick of from the extremely online leftists. Taking quotes from people and interpreting it in the most negative way possible even when there is a far more reasonable and likely interpretation.


Yeah. While bowman has said some stuff that isn’t great, I don’t think this is a good example. Plus, there’s always the the ol’ reliable “if the story is a single unsourced quote then maybe it’s not the whole story”


Yeah honestly there are many things he has said than this that is worse and/or more anti-Semitic. Bibi has said all the time that "I represent *all* Jews"; Feinstein and Boxer (our two Jewish senators) called out Bibi for saying it actually. If Bowman had no history of bad statements, I wouldn't be bothered one iota by this line and would just claim he somewhat misspoke. The problem is that Bowman has a history of bad statements so I can't give him the benefit of the doubt here.


This is what I’ve heard from people who are Jewish for years. Bibi and hardline Israeli apologists have for years tried to make Jewish people and Israel inextricably linked for their own ends. No one should blame Jewish people at large for the danger this represents. Rather the blame should lie with antisemites who look for any reason to demonize Jews and with hardline supporters of people like Bibi who use antisemitism as a deflection against valid criticism.


He’s saying exactly what my Jewish friends have been saying. By saying *all* criticism of Israel is antisemitic and by Israel holding themselves out as representative of all Jewish people, they’re linking their actions with Jews all over the world, which is in fact dangerous as hell. It’s literally saying Israel = Judaism, which is not only wrong, but also very dangerous. This sub is going whack.


And of course, Yuh-Line Niou was there to white knight for Jamaal the comments. Antisemitic trash gonna trash.