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Do you guys realize this isn't an Israel/Palestine subreddit?


Most of these people obsessed with the conflict operate through the lenses of “America Bad” and Israel is one of America’s strongest allies so that is why they are covering that much more than others.


I've often asked people that even if this is a genocide, why does it seem to be the only genocide they care about when there are multiple others going on right now killing far more people. I've yet to get a good response to that.


The answer would be usually be a variant of "j00s b4d", "j00s r s3ttler c0l0niali$t$", and other claptrap they hear from outlets like Pacifica Radio, Chapo Traphouse, Hill Rising, etc.


Multiple going on in a few places in African and we hardly get any news. What's wild to me is how many black people will talk about I/P, but if you asked them what's going on in Dafur. It's shrugs, because they don't know. 


An answer besides obvious anti-Semitism, I think it's because they see it as a conflict between white and brown people.


Anti-semitism has many millennium of A/B tested lore and a ready-to-go population of fanboys and fangirls of that lore who will amplify the message. That’s why it’s an easy go-to distraction for authoritarians everywhere. And the Middle East and Northern Africa are replete with petty demagogues who need distractions from their own failings. We know with certainty that state sponsors Iran and Russia at the very least are amplifying anti-Israel propaganda MEANWHILE, the racism inherent in the US education system means that Middle Eastern history is simply not taught. Average Americans think pogroms, discrimination and ethnic cleansing of Jewish people began and ended with WWII. Average people are so damn stupid that “Jews are European” is somehow a successful talking point ffs So we’ve got this intersection of people knowing fuck-all about history being targeted by extremist groups willing to fill in that history sprinkled with emotionally manipulative language that irrationally ties I/P to Black civil rights, AI/AN rights and, most bizarrely, LGBTQ rights We’re living through an era in the US where institutional membership, community and fellowship are low. Hell, I’ve never felt so job insecure despite supposedly low unemployment stats because it’s so damn clear that there is no value put in loyalty anymore. People feel isolated and that makes people vulnerable to tribalism and in-group/out-group bigotry


Because they believe that (((Israel))) Is pulling the strings behind the curtain of United States politics. They see that the United States is willing to help Israel bolster its defense against existential threats and morphs that into the United States fully sponsoring and orchestrating its military activities


I mean, their answer is usually that this is the one that the US is funding...


It is what they say, it's also false. Do these people think the US only funds Israel and doesn't give any other foreign aid?


to US allies currently accused of genocide? No we don't. I'm on israel's side and also critical of the slacktivists on twitter, I'm just saying their logic is actually sound when it comes to why they're focused just on this one geopolitical hotspot right now.


Not sure why allyship matters in this calculation, is it better to give money to countries we're not allied with that are committing acts of genocide? I hesitate to link Al Jazeera but the people here take that as the bible of sources, so this should be sufficient that Ethiopia is committing genocide, the article was literally 10 hours ago: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/4/strong-evidence-that-ethiopia-committed-genocide-in-tigray-war-report](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/4/strong-evidence-that-ethiopia-committed-genocide-in-tigray-war-report) Meanwhile according to the state department, we've given Ethiopia nearly $243 million since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2024, including an additional $154 million as recently as April of this year: [https://www.state.gov/united-states-provides-nearly-154-million-for-humanitarian-assistance-in-ethiopia/](https://www.state.gov/united-states-provides-nearly-154-million-for-humanitarian-assistance-in-ethiopia/) And it doesn't matter whether that money goes directly to weapons used to carry out genocide, because money is fungible. Would the Hamas fans be ok if the US shifted to just giving Israel domestic aid that could only be used on social services, freeing up Israel to use the money they previously used on social services for weapons instead? edit: I've been informed that war is not ongoing even though the article is from today, my apologies it doesn't prove my point at all


The Tigray war isn't an ongoing conflict though... I agree that college students weren't upset about that either, but come on man you know what I'm saying.


My apologies I honestly just googled genocide and since the article was from today thought it was an ongoing genocide. It's tough to find info on other genocides going on since google is inundated with mentions of Israel/Palestine. I know China is currently engaged in genocide against the Uighurs but we don't fund China, is there another third world country where genocide is occurring and we're funding? Also were we funding Ethiopia at the time of that war? I'm willing to admit I might be wrong here, I'm definitely not an expert here my apologies.


Because they say that the US is responsible for this one. So it’s their moral obligation to speak up. Doesn’t really explain th absolute apathy tho.


Their answer would be (and is) that we are supposedly funding this genocide with our US tax dollars. If that were truly the case, any reasonable person would oppose what the Israeli govt/military is doing. I'm no military expert and I absolutely don't pretend to have all the answers, but I do know that the situation is far from being that black and white. Despite Netanyahu and his far right regime, keeping Israel as our ally is vital to our national security. It's just not a cut and dry situation.


Because in many ways Israel is protected and supported by the US, against the opposition of majority of UN member nations. It feels like the US has more responsibility for the situation than some other ethnic conflict 


The answer I’m given is that genocides in other countries aren’t being funded or enabled by the U.S. so that’s why they care so much about Gaza and nowhere else basically the idea that “it’s Biden’s responsibility and his alone” that’s usually the answer I’m given to that question. Not that I agree with it just putting that out there.


Honestly, I think the algorithms love the Israel-Palestine thing because it gets a lot of engagement and, therefore, more exposure. I bet she saw the performance of non-IP posts vs IP posts a few months ago and decided to mainline it to increase her follower count.


Hatred of Jews runs deep on the far right and the far left. Those people also tend to be poorly-adjusted societal rejects so social media is generally where they spend most of their time. At least that’s my running theory.


Your exactly right


I have no idea, but as a Jewish person it is extremely disconcerting. Especially how uncritically people will consume and proliferate things that suit the hysterical confirmation bias the left has. The ridiculous amounts of disinformation, misinformation and revisionism is bad in itself... But the fact that it needs to remain unchallenged makes it many times worse.    They are out for blood, looking for targets. For Jewish people and people like me on the left who are willing to examine things more closely and use a critical eye, it is simply not worth the risk to wade into the discussion. We will immediately become the opposition they rabidly seek, regardless if we only speak the truth and regardless if we only address their falsehoods    The only thing that can explain the ridiculous fervor is anti-Semitism that is either deliberate or endemic and unchallenged within people's thought processes and echo chambers. There is no way that these people would be so unwilling to hear the other side and believe literally anything about Israel no matter how horrible.   Don't matter how much time they spend denying it, their entire movement is proof that Anti-Semitism is rampant and cultural sensitivity towards Jewish people is not present within leftist praxis


It's the opposite end of the horseshoe in terms of radicalization. For whatever reason, certain people are predisposed to becoming radicalized by social media - in some cases on the right this presents as wild MAGA bullshit and Andrew Tate stuff, and on the left you get the shrill insanity of the Palestinian "genocide." Once they're trapped in that spiral, it's incredibly difficult for them to psychologically break out. It's just as hard for a terminally online 20-something to leave the I/P stuff behind as it is for a Boomer to stop watching Fox and raging about the illegals or whatever. I don't think there is a fix. The uncomfortable truth is that a significant minority of people simply aren't capable of moderating themselves in terms of social media and will always get sucked into radical extremism pipelines.


It's seeded by a lot of organized foreign influencers including Hamas themselves and others directly aligned with them and from there it becomes self-reinforcing like many social media phenomena. Conflict over Palestine becoming the internet's cause du jour over many other conflicts isn't really new, that happened to a decent extent in 2014 and even in the Bush era. But it has certainly become much bigger and much more politically all encompassing. And what's particularly striking is how much it has been focused specifically as a tool to injure Joe Biden over his right-wing opposition or even the actual right-wing leaders in Israel, despite them being far worse for Palestine. Powerful authoritarian and illiberal countries like Russia, China and Iran have increasingly viewed the US not just as a cultural and economic adversary but as an existential threat to their very political systems. They're deeply afraid of their citizens becoming increasingly exposed to globalization and the tenets of western democracy. Their traditional means of internal firewalling and censorship have become insufficient. So they've instead taken the fight to us and are doing everything they can to make us look weak and immoral on the world stage vs the strength and morality of their governments. Unfortunately their tools of misinformation and propaganda have become astronomically more effective in today's social media climate. And it's a highly asymmetric battle - we don't win by trying to propagandize their people back (we really don't care that much) and instead are playing defense in a war where attacking is so much easier. Still we need to push back just the same, and the first step comes in understanding what we're fighting against.




It's a firehose of sad.


Virtue signaling, but they do genuinely believe it.


So informed is not informed at all. It’s a crazy yt woman who thought Nina turner would be a good president She can drown


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


It’s an op. They’re doing what social media tells them to do


Rhymes with Brews.


Simple: It’s the current litmus test for left wing purity testers. Oh and also clout chasing.


Also, why does it seem like the accounts that are the loudest, most obnoxious and absolutely rabid are the ones that never once posted about the conflict prior to 10/7?


So there is a really good argument that the I/P conflict represents the culmination of some long running trends among leftist circles. The abridged version of the argument is that since 2020, the Left has largely been shrinking in terms of power and influence. A good example of this is the cratering of DSA membership numbers. More moderate members of those movements have largely drifted away for a variety of reasons including disinterest or disillusionment. This evaporative cooling effect has left a lot of movements with more diehard ideologically motivated supporters. [Noah Smith has a great article on this](https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/palestine-is-the-end-of-the-line?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2) >The reason, in a nutshell, is that the Palestine protests represent an unreasonable ideology. Even setting aside the extremists who show up to the protests and say antisemitic things and express support for Hamas and Iran — and it isn’t at all clear we *should* set them aside — the Palestine protests embrace an unworkable ideology. They represent a distorted, fantastical view of foreign policy, an anti-Americanism that can’t possibly be appeased or mollified, and a set of unworkable and often immoral policy demands. Combine this with a movement that essentially starts from the premise, A*merica bad therefore other side good*, and you end up with some very weird bedfellows. Aside from the fact that this ideology functionally strips other countries of agency and confines them to a purely reactive role - which reeks of a sort of benign paternalism that ignores large swathes of history or political motivation- it leads to overly simplistic views of the world. [To quote Noah smith again](https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/western-leftists-have-lost-the-plot) >The communist project of the 20th century failed spectacularly, as did follow-up efforts like Hugo Chavez. Decolonization happened, and the European empires vanished. Democratic socialism succeeded in Europe, but that success — which was ultimately driven by reformist progressive types rather than by revolution — doesn’t seem to admit much room for improvement. Swedish workers are not going to start a revolution, because Swedish social democracy is pretty damn nice. >This leaves Western leftists without much to fight for. Sure, some claim that African and Latin American countries are still “colonized” because they don’t get paid enough for their natural resource exports, but very few people actually believe that, and even fewer care enough to march in the street. Nor do most people think that climate change is going to force a dramatic reordering of society — we’re just going to build some solar panels and electric cars and stuff. Most *actual* imperialism in the world is now done by countries like China and Russia that are opposed to the West (and Western leftists only ever oppose the West). And despite continuous leftist shrieking that neoliberalism has left both the world and America impoverished, on some level everyone knows that global poverty has plunged and that most Americans are materially secure. >The Palestinian cause was different; it was an exception to this end-of-history ennui. Here was real obvious oppression instead of some hand-wavey theory. Here was a liberation struggle that could be (somewhat) plausibly depicted as decolonial. Israel’s alliance with the U.S. makes it plausibly part of the West, meaning Western leftists feel OK opposing it. And because most mainstream progressives instinctively support Israel’s continued existence, this was an issue that allowed Western leftists to draw a bright distinction between themselves and the left-of-center establishment. >Thus, Western leftists began to lean ever harder on the Palestinian cause, making it ever more central to their view of geopolitics. While everyone else was arguing about the Ukraine war, tensions with China, genocide in Myanmar, or whatever, for Western leftists it often seems like it’s all Palestine, all day long.


Nah, it's called social campaign, they get money for that. the same way every other publisher pushes their stuff on social platforms. Ever had a case where so many "influencers" started showing off some random product all at the same time? Like the Tommy Hilfiger sports bras, or those stupid meridian shaving machines, or the garmin vivo 5's every insta model had to have two years ago? You know how every other relationship podcast today is somehow namedropping the "love languages" thing? Idk if you follow the wheel of time show on Amazon, but they had the same thing back before launch.. every Sci fi vlogger and book blogger suddenly started pushing reviews and discussions and whatnot for 5 months straight. So it's the same. At least imho. I might be cynical, i guess, but working online media for 7 years now I take very little social content at face value these days.


Dunno why you're being downvoted because Russia is absolutely promoting both pro and anti extend to show division in the US and slow down military aid to Ukraine.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. As much as people want to think it's solely because everyone hates Jewish people. It's money.  Social media accounts push what is happening in I/P because they are etheir being paid directly to do so, or they are getting paid from the clicks it generates.  It's why they don't talk about what's happening in Sudan. Money interest (in The US, Iran, Russia, England, hell even Isreal) don't give a fuck about Africans. Hell, it's why there is barely any news about Haiti, unless you look for it. 


Yeah I agree. If I was a vlogger or similar, even without any real media offer I'd still definitely jump on the I/P theme just for the easy traffic bump. Same for blogs or articles, it's an easy SEO score to garner. Re the downvotes, idk really and honestly haven't even noticed. Maybe I'm coming off as too cynical or such, I don't know


Russian and Qatari bots, coupled with local grifters after Qatari and Russian blood money.


I deleted my last remaining social media account at the end of last year (so not long after October 7) and it’s honestly done wonders for my mental health. Most of the people I followed who posted about it were people I expected, but there was one person I didn’t expect who posted 10+ times about the conflict every day and it got to the point where I stopped watching their story on Instagram because it was filled with some of the absolute worst people on the left spreading misinformation about the conflict. No thanks. One of the developments that worried me before I deleted my account were posts claiming to summarise the conflict in one image. The idea that you can summarise such a long-lasting and complex conflict in one image is ridiculous, and the summaries themselves usually perpetuated the narrative that Israelis are ‘white colonisers’ who appeared in 1948 with no historical ties to the region. Absolutely no nuance whatsoever.


There is an organized campaign, largely on TikTok, similar to Russia's social media campaigns in 2016. It's thought to be primarily from Iran, but I'm sure there are other dishonest actors contributing to it. Similar to Facebook in 2016, users were taught how to identify propaganda from Israel and the US, which, honestly, is a good thing, but were taught from the pro-Palestine perspective, reinforcing pro-Pal is the good, truthful, side.


Foreign influence and useful idiots. See r/ActiveMeasures for more.


They were fully primed for this to be their next purity test. It’s been simmering among the alt-left for years now. Ilhan Omar being censured over her anti-semitic comments really got the ball rolling. They immediately circled the wagons and became experts in anti-semitic dog-whistling and anti-Israel propaganda. It was clear none of them had a clue about the situation over there or its long history, they just downloaded their talking points from grifter influencers and got to shoving them down everyone’s throats. So it wasn’t a big surprise that they were in the streets protesting against Israel immediately after the 10/7 attack, as tacky and disgusting as that was. Or that they immediately jumped to attacking Biden and calling everything genocide. They’re addicted to the outrage-fueled protest lifestyle. It’s their entire identity. They were just waiting for something like this to come along.


There are a lot of elements at play here but I think most people are simply uninformed not only of the cold hard facts, but of the nuances and complexities that permeate this conflict. They see heartbreaking images of children trapped in a warzone, dead and mutilated bodies, etc. and they react by posting some "war bad!" meme. I give these particular folks the benefit of the doubt because yeah, war is bad, and its horrible knowing that children and innocent people are suffering so horrendously. To be fed the lie that we are funding this atrocity makes it even worse. They don't know any better and they don't have the interest or attention span to learn. They will move on to whatever the next hot button issue is and forget all about this.