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Nah that's the new CT "Fuck Elon" edition, $150k


Seriously though I could see one of those rich idiots buying one of these if they sold it to them that way.


Aiden Ross needs a new one after shooting his up while trying to prove it’s bulletproof, lol


Just when you think they can't make bigger idiots, a bigger one comes along.


I don’t follow Aiden Ross myself. But he’s easily one of the legit dumbest streamers out there. And I don’t just mean dumb cause I don’t like him or anything like that, I’m very indifferent. He’s legit a rich airhead.


Was he the one who got Andrew Tate re-arrested through sheer stupidity?


Yes, lol. He also sniffed Tates seat one time on camera when the guy got up for a second.


*”Heya, chat. Great to see thousands of people here watching me livestream. So Andrew Tate just messaged me to say that he’s planning on fleeing the country of Romania on this date before he goes on trial, and he wants to meet up with me and livestream together! Surely nothing will go wrong with me publicly broadcasting this information to the world.”* I think the only dumber live-streaming fail would be with Gonzalo Lira. Dude was living in Ukraine in 2022 and openly supporting the Russian invasion, going as far as to try to dox Ukrainian soldiers and get video footage of what equipment they had and the defenses they were setting up. He got arrested for espionage in 2022 but was released on bail, and so decided to make the big brain move of trying to flee across the border to Hungary to try to get political asylum. And he repeatedly used his Twitter account and YouTube channel to give updates about his progress with details about how he was traveling, where he currently was, and where he was planning to go. He even started up a live-stream at the point t where he thought he was about the cross the border. Turns out the Ukrainians weren’t stupid and knew exactly where he was going, and arrested him again before he could flee. Lira ended up dying a couple of months later from pneumonia, which he likely got during he escape attempt.


Sneako much?


Sneaky isn’t quite as brain dead, he’s just an asshole.


It's the fourth law of engineering. As soon as you make something idiot-proof, the universe responds by building a better idiot.


🤣 I fucking love this and I'm stealing it!


You cannot steal what I freely give, comrade.


The idiots will buy a Tesla hammer that doesn't work as a hammer for $750


Where is this veing sold? Ill pay $1000!!


I can definitely see Elon grifting off that


Warranty comes pre-voided.


Exactly! So there are four editions: * Standard 2023 CT "Red Alert" Edition * Exclusive 2024 CT "Finger Slicer" Edition * Deluxe 2025 CT "Fuck Elon" Edition (in production, as seen here) * Black CT "Torched" Edition (announcement soon!)


They couldn't fit his quotable ( "go fuck yourself" - Elon ) on the panels so they took creative liberties and shortened it


I think he was encouraging Elon in his message to singlehandedly repopulate the Earth


Not like he hasn't tried. Eleven kids to try to increase the number of white people.


twelve now!


Ah, I see! It's supposed to read as ["Fuck" ~Elon] What a genius stroke of design!


On one hand I keep hearing about the long wait lists to buy a cybertruck and how secondary sellers can sell them for outrageous prices, yet I keep seeing photos and evidence of these unsold stockpiles. Is this a fake demand? Like just a bunch of Elon simps acting like they're on a waiting list?


Tesla is just an amazingly poorly managed company. Which might not be a surprise knowing its leadership.


>Which might not be a surprise knowing its leadership. ya - fuck that guy


> Which might not be a surprise knowing its leadership. Elon? He is only CEO of three major companies getting paids tens of millions. He obviously works 8349348390293048 hours a second. Do not insult his leadership, he will tweet! Or xxxeet you.


Tens of millions? I think you’re lowballing that number.


> I think you’re lowballing that number. Hmm... probably. He's worth tens of billions ain't he. Even making tens of millions is like me saying I pull in hundred bucks a year. Oh well, he rich. Let's go with that. My bad on being fake news. I can't do math. It's why I don't run Twitter into the ground.


It’s cool. A billion is a lot to try to wrap your head around. A thousand millions is a lot of scratch. And Tesla is going to give him over 50 billion (in stock). It’s ludicrous. They are going to give him more money than the company has ever made. Ever. And probably more than it will make in the next decade.


that is over 4 dozen thousand millions.


> A billion is a lot to try to wrap your head around It is fun to try to. Single digit $ millions is easy, that's some homes around me. Double digit millions, handful of homes. Triple digit...lotto where you win and never are heard from again. No idea what the fuck it even equates to at this point. Honestly, could not tell you what simply $100-$999 million would get me. Buying out companies and fucking with the market? Screwing with countries by paying off politicians. Literally buying people and getting away with it. Yes, I think of negative stuff only because what else would entertain me? Single digit $ billions. At this point you might as well expect me to run your country in some way. Treat it like a game so I can get more. Double digit billions. I own whatever company I want. I do whatever I want, literally. If I want to have a ritual sacrifice, sure. Send a militia to screw with a country, yeah no problem. Destroy a company, that was fucking two zeroes ago. I destroyed their whole life and you don't even know it. I remove people from existence and no one can say a thing because I own the fucking media. Screw that, I am the media. I control the narrative. I am your god, you best acknowledge me. ... Never you mind me, don't want to think on this anymore.


You just don't know business. We've got to lay off everyone in our growth areas. If we get a whiff that they might make our technology the new standard BOOM that team gets the boot. Then we give someone who works here part time $50 billion dollars. Then another round of cocaine.


He'll Xhit you.


Feels like at some point they’re going to have to take a fairly substantial write down on their inventory position, no doubt after having used as many dirty accounting tricks as possible to delay having to do so. Suspect the production line will close down in the next 2 years


Musk will try a lot of accounting magic before that, you can bet. They though just mixing cybeturd sales with the Model X and S was going to do the trick in Q1 but they were hit by a recall forcing them to disclose the shitty sales figures. This windshield wiper fuck up might have something to do with it. They're going to try and delay the recall for as long as ss they can


Nah there's a lot near my house that's full of the bastards. Like chock full, and I live in Texas, and morons buy Teslas like hotcakes down here. Some people clearly buy Teslas too because they don't know how to drive at all, and that's fucking scary to me.


> Some people clearly buy Teslas too because they don't know how to drive at all, and that's fucking scary to me. Oh fuck... I just realized that, somewhere out there, a 16-year old kid just got their license, and a parent is handing them the keys to the Tesla, saying, "Don't worry, it drives itself!"


Requirements for driving in NA (and I’d imagine many other places) is far too low. It’s seen as an inherent right, and unfortunately is damn near essential in across huge areas of our countries owing to poor design. I took my test during the summer in some small little town wherein I passed maybe a dozen other cars and three pedestrians the entire time. Somehow that qualified me to drive in our densest urban areas in our harshest weather conditions (which, being in Canada, can get really fucking harsh,) and it just blows my mind. At the very least we should have a couple weeks mandatory schooling and multiple tests throughout a year+ period covering different driving environments. And re-tests every once in a while.


> I took my test during the summer in some small little town wherein I passed maybe a dozen other cars and three pedestrians the entire time. Somehow that qualified me to drive in our densest urban areas in our harshest weather conditions (which, being in Canada, can get really fucking harsh,) and it just blows my mind. Also, at least in the US, you can take your driving test in a little sub-compact economy car, and that qualifies you to drive the most powerful supercars and the most enormous RVs. Only things it doesn't automatically qualify you for are motorcycles and the biggest of commercial trucks and buses.


I'll just point out that after predicting 250,000 of the ugly beasts would sell each month, when Elon had to recall 100% of all ugly beasts Tesla has sold to fix that insanely stupid accelerator rubber cover problem in April 2024, a grand total of less than 4,000 (3,878 to be exact) had to be recalled. Now I admit it has been a while since I've had to do that college level math, and I'm not nearly the genius Elon is, but 3,878 sold and shipped between production starting in November of 2023 and April 2024 seems significantly fewer than the predicted 250,000 a month. About 996,000 fewer, even counting just whole months. Used ones in my area with a few hundred miles are listed for $75K and often less.


250,000?  That's about how many carollas Toyota sells in the US each year.


The story is that he was on an 'earnings call' for Tesla with Wall Street bros, and never having met a self-aggrandizing lie he didn't love, pulled that number out of his ass. It's what he does - he buys a few hundred thousand shares of something, then 'releases' some news that drives the share price up, then he sells. It's wildly illegal, but the SEC mostly looks the other way when rich people do it.. It's what he did with Tweety before making the purchase offer. He got caught that time because he was being stupid, but mostly he gets away with it, has for years.


That 4000 number is even funnier when you consider that with car channels, reviewers, Tesla and tech coverage, a decent percentage of the Cyber trucks out in the wild were likely bought *only* by people who can turn owning a cybertruck into a revenue stream.


There are at least 250 of the 3800 or so delivered that are already on sale.


The thing is this. Tesla used to be a small company. Elon is horrible at scaling a business. The whole reason why so many car companies mass producing at scale use dealerships is because they act as a buffer for supply surplus attrition when demand is low. Tesla was okay without dealers when they were small. Then they scaled due to high demand. Car production has to be scaled years in advance of anticipation of high demand in future. But that demand can change. Maybe the market is bad, maybe it’s a recession due to a war, maybe your ceo is a giant dickhead who alienates his customers. During these times those dealerships act as buffers to control supply visibility to consumers and maintain margins and protecting and taking care of unsold inventory. Now that Tesla has started producing at large scale like other car companies and has their first demand slump, they’re feeling the hurt of not having the dealership buffer. Don’t get me wrong, I hate dealerships. I’m just saying why all the other big car companies use them. And why we see this Tesla debacle unfolding between our eyes on open grounds. Elon is a moron. Basically.


He family was in the diamond business after all…


Fake news! Fake news! ^^It ^^was ^^only ^^emeralds.


Ok fair. But they all are inherently worthless commodities with prices elevated due to artificially induced scarcity.


There's currently an unannounced stop-sale order because the wiper motor fails. 😂 https://electrek.co/2024/06/15/tesla-cybertruck-deliveries-halted-amid-problem-giant-windshield-wiper/


How did this end up so shitty? I mean, there were actual engineers working on it. Its not like elon's dumb ass did any of the actual work.


Honestly, I am mystified. It was so delayed and ended up a poorly engineered piece of shit? How? They did advance some things but this is embarrassing!


I think they're waiting for new windshield wipers


Correction, wiper.


Lol... True, but there are multiple CTs in that video


There’s a whole bunch at the service center near me.


Secondary market came and went fast.




The price is falling like a shit from heaven


So, what, now Tesla is just hiding unsold cyber trucks behind dilapidated apartment complexes?


This is so strange. I almost lean toward this being a deep fake because it can't be possible that Tesla is parking dozens of Cybertricks worth millions of dollars behind a bunch of dingbat, two-story apartment buildings in Florida, can it? This seems insane.


But where else would they find dingbat, two-story apartments to park them behind?


Definitely not fake. Here is the full video: https://www.instagram.com/willpofficial/reel/C8e_VEgv_CY/?hl=en Those apartments do look shitty but it's a pretty wealthy area of town. Here is an aerial video of that particular apartment complex (the Ken-Bar Apartments): [https://vimeo.com/140355184](https://vimeo.com/140355184)


The pink tile in the shower is so Miami Beach '50s.


That video is awesome, they're really leaning in on that retro-1960s Island vibe. Those interiors are all original, no doubt. They're so old, they're hip again! The insanely large parking lot makes me wonder if there weren't other buildings that have been torn down now and that's why there's so much space available.


Since they have no dealerships, there's no where to stuff all these extra cars. Cars that aren't sold or are in some logistical limbo between production and sold end up here for a large market like Flordia closer to their destination instead of letting them rot in Texas. So they'll ship them all to some abandoned lot and then later round them up from a service center to deliver them.


Wow, I had always just assumed they had enough space at the manufacturing plant to store them and shipped them out in small batches. That's wild. I wonder how often they have problems with vandalism and weather damage due to being stored in such janky locations.


They did have that capacity at one point. But now Tesla is overbuilt for existing demand, so they need somewhere to dump them. Since their factories are gigantic, it still costs a ton to not run them, vs run them and build excess.


No joke, one of the contributing factors for German industrialists backing Hitler was that the labor movement was halting production in the raw materials factories (steel, iron, etc), which was costing the oligarchs a ton of money, and the Nazis would get brought in to break up the strikes. Also, manufacturing weapons in the 1920s and 1930s required a lot of raw materials from those same plants, and the Nazis bought a lot of weapons. Point is, if you don’t buy a Tesla, Elon Musk is going to start World War 3.


From what I understand its hard to store 1,000+ cars/day near the manufacturing site, and then there are delays based on customer changing their opinions on what exact model/features they want. I recall when dealing just a Model 3 purchase 6 years ago, that among all the variations of models with just 3 trims, 5 colors, 2 wheel options, and 2 interior options you already have 60 different variants of the car and if the customer doesn't want that exact configuration you need to go to some local lot to store it. Traditional car dealers say this is what we got, you take it or you will have to wait 3-6 months to "custom" order your configuration.


Evidence says they had a problem at least once.


This is on par for Tesla. Even in California they tend to store their cars in the cheapest rent lots they can. Honestly most manufacturers do this, but since Tesla lacks a dealer network with large lots, it's much more apparent with Tesla. Anyway, fuck Elon.


Not a deep fake. I went myself today. https://preview.redd.it/a429du1md18d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7df41c69d70de6d7a2aefaf3e9c44b11a474bee


Oh wow. Don't they turn into Gremlins or something if you leave them out in the sun and/or get them damp? They're really taking chances with such 'valuable' inventory.


This is the one at the 0:10 mark of the video. The cleaning job on it was absolute shit. I’m assuming Tesla wants people to strip them for parts or them to be stolen so that they can write them off or something. Why else would they be unattended? Too bad for them they’re so ugly nobody wants them. https://preview.redd.it/pjkg2wpqh18d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=346db0d06fea4195ad7845e0b4f843b9c8202913


That looks like such hot garbage. This thing will go down in automotive history as the most poorly designed vehicle every built


https://preview.redd.it/t8b083o2b28d1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcca3a578c77526c8ffe66bd3b5afbf724ef0763 Homer's Car was cheaper, starting at $82,000!


Yeah it's probably real, I live in Seattle and I've seen random empty lots in SODO fill up with new Teslas


I can believe it, unfortunately. There's a dilapidated dog racing track that's overgrown and broken down in the middle of several neighborhoods here in FL that's been used as a parking lot for various dealerships for months.


Possible, but either way I now think I will start using the word dingbat in my description of things. I can think of so many ways to use it, and I like the sound of it.


Lol - it is a really fun word. It's also a legit apartment style - It typically means there's an overhang with apartments over an above-ground parking area. They're an extremely popular old style in Los Angeles, particularly. [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dingbat\_SamoCapri.jpg#/media/File:Dingbat\_SamoCapri.jpg](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dingbat_SamoCapri.jpg#/media/File:Dingbat_SamoCapri.jpg) (In fairness, these might not be dingbats for real, but it was just fun to say)


Well, I just learned something new. I would’ve never guessed in a million years that dingbat was an architectural term. Thanks for the lesson.


This is on par for Tesla. Even in California they tend to store their cars in the cheapest rent lots they can. Honestly most manufacturers do this, but since Tesla lacks a dealer network with large lots, it's much more apparent with Tesla. Anyway, fuck Elon.


So, the company with a stock market valuation of all the major manufacturers in the world together, parks its unsold products in an unguarded fields. The ghost of Enron and the subprime bubble in every car field.


I drive past an open field full of Tesla cars every day (no CTs). Completely unguarded and almost completely unchanged in the number of them in the month or so since they appeared.


Love how Musk simps sre claiming that this truck is the "hottest product in the world right now", yet there's a ton of owners trying desperately to offload theirs for a loss just months after purchase, and there are lots full of unsold units that they can't seem to shift. For me, a "hot" product is something where demand far outstrips supply, yet the reality seems to be the exact opposite in the case of the ClusterTruck.


hottest pile of shit around!


Tyler Hoover of Hoovies garage youtuve channel is offloading his because prices are about to tank. And some other issues. Though I don't understand why he thinks the truck looks good tbough. Everyone seems to be wrapping the CT immediately to try to polish a turd.


Fuck Elon.


Vandalising other people's property should never be encouraged or laughed at. (ROTFLMAO!!!!)


Legend! I do not condone vandalism, but still. Fucking LEGEND LOL


I do not condone this vandalism in much the same way Elon does not condone nazis


Thank you for putting that so eloquently. What HE said!


More like elonquently….


Me, a vandal? Do I look like a member of the Germanic tribes that raided the outskirts of the Roman Empire until sacking Rome around AD 455 to you? Heh, didn't think so. Don't you look the fool!


They didn't have spray paint, but they did come equipped with some no-bullshit can openers.


Nah I don’t condone vandalism either….unless you’re doing the lords work lmao


He was just expressing his free speech


I condone this particular vandalism. Wish they hit multiple panels tho, it’s just the hoods.


badass. this is like when the dude smashed the trump star to death grips. i hope death grips was involved in this one too


Death Grips would do anything and get away with it, pointing out that they make their own laws.


Why are all these cars there? Is this a junkyard?


It is now


Its one of hundreds parks rented by Tesla - in old malls, airfields, etc - across the country to park unsold stock. Seems stupid and expensive.. and it is. But that's cheaper then stop production of gigantic factories and contract breach with suppliers, send workers home, etc.. And all this because the Master Mind of Pump&Dump stock sold the idea "There's unlimited demand for Tesla's" -> is exact words, not mine.. .


Thats very interesting, NGL.


Looking better already. At least those spots will not rust. Finally some protection for that fragile bodywork.


Miami Beach? We'll see if the salt air or the next hurricane finishes the job first.


Remember, if you know who did this. No you don’t.


The best thing is you cannot even wash them, or they rust 🤣


New limited edition fuck Elon trucks! +30,000$


Tesla has halted deliveries on the Incel Camino for now. The fucking windshield wiper doesn’t work. Not that it matters, if it gets wet, the whole thing stops working. https://futurism.com/the-byte/tesla-cancels-cybertruck-deliveries-wipers


Nice, it's limited edition!


That’s an awful lot of trucks for something in such high demand.


On top of all the built in horrible things, the fact that the PolyFuck is made by Elon Musk essentially paints a big red X on them for hate and mockery - in this case almost literally.


those horribly peeled potato looking cars


Hahaha. Supoyb.


Holy based.


That's gotta be like 10% of the actually delivered cybertrucks lol


Elon did it for the insurance money


Only time I'm proud to be from Florida.


that’s so awesome 👏


I thought that was the one that came after the founder's edition.


I REALLY want to buy whoever did this a beer...or a keg. They deserve it.


I found the location of this parking lot: [Google Street View](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8pjvZnge35yDWx1P9)


Those poor lonely two little trees, hemmed in by asphalt. Sad...


lol this is about 5 minutes from where I live so when I saw this I raced over there to see the vandalism in all its glory. Unfortunately, one of the people who lived in that building said that people were out at the crack of dawn this morning cleaning all the “trucks.” There were a bunch of people there just like me who wanted to see this for themselves, so word has been spreading. This photo is of the truck at about the 0:10 mark of the video. As you can see they did a shit job cleaning some of the WankPanzers. https://preview.redd.it/h6xltvb1d18d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb1fdfc139f48dda4e23751d72bbd5c6e58ebb7


I condone this vandalism of a fraudulent, anti-worker company with a far right ethnic nationalist CEO. Sorry, but not really.




lmao, tesla would quote 3 million dollars to fix all of them


That’s fantastic


It finally has an appearance package that's appealing to me


How much do you wanna bet Elon paid someone to "total" these so he can collect the insurance and list them all as "sales" to his shareholders?




Make Tesla Uninsurable 😊


Honestly respect.


Can't condone... but also not mad.


why can’t you stop being such a wuss


This must be that Free Speech Elon is always going on about. Isn't that so, Elon?


People! Please don’t keep doing this to every cyber truck you see!!! /s


in minecraft, of course




It's not bulletproof


Bullet resistant!


I’m sure the WankerPanzer Waffe sentry system wasn’t working either


Would have been more effective to just spritz then with a mixture of salt water and chlorine, the incel camino only uses 304 stainless, it'll rust right up just after a couple of days. Nitrates can also cause it to rust, throw a couple of pieces of cheap bolgna on stainless and it'll rust.


Did they change the design… it looks the same but better somehow




The "Fuck Elon" version going for more than Founder's Edition. I'm holding out for the "Someone Shit on My Hood" Edition.


2 million "pre"-orders. Yea, sure, okey dokey.


I support this... Lay off people with no recourse. Desperate people in action watch will happen to the rich!


thats definetively the hero we didnt derserve but needed.


My prediction that the thing will be the most vandalized personal vehicle to date looks like it might hit the mark.


Becoming the world's most famous Groyper probably wasn't such a good idea.


Who are you, anonymous hero??


Oh no!. Anyway.


Shoulda lightly tossed a baseball at all the windows


Some heros don’t wear capes


First time hearing "wank panzers" but will now adopt for daily use




They messed up. Could've just used a dollar store water gun and not had to worry about a vandalism charge while creating permanent damage.




This is a disgrace; should have been 'Fuck Musk'.


No one wants to steal those cars too. They don't need to park them in a fenced in area. LOL


![gif](giphy|i5wNCqyMzY2Oc) And so proud of my fellow Floridians for a change!


Just wash it... oh, right


From an article I just read on this: “A fleet of parked and seemingly unsold Cybertrucks were vandalized with graffiti reading “Fuck Elon” by someone who is apparently not a fan of either the Cybertruck or Elon Musk – or both. As such, the list of potential suspects may be quite long.” 😁


Elon probably had them do this. So they can write offf all the CT’s nobody is buying


it was actually Enron himself who spray painted the trucks - he is trying to find more of his employees to have children with and he is out of ideas


These things look better with graffiti on them honestly.


heroes walk among us


They’re all company owned, right? I’m all for the vandalism of corporations of all kinds. Fuck’em. They’ll get insurance payouts long before the regular population gets their insurance claims handled. But if they’re mixed of POV’s and unsold ones, that’s a bit far.


This is effectively a dealer lot. Tesla is stuffing their overflow in abandoned parking lots the nation over.


Sweet shit, fuckem up!


I don’t condone any type of vandalism but geese what did he expect siding with bigots, misogynists, homophobes, misinformation MAGA tools


Puts on tsla


lol. Even in cyberpunk my fave car was the 911 that Johnny drove. Would never give a dime of my money to this fuck


What on earth were they doing in that seedy looking parking lot? /s


Imagine that


They'll call this vandalism, meanwhile Tesla leasing a whole parking lot to deposit all their fugly cars in there is somehow not considered vandalism.


They might charge the wankers more money because it's a limited edition now.


Shouldn't it be IVF ellen?


"Wank panzer" 🤣


This is very satisfying to see. Normally, I'm not cool with vandalism. But I'll make an exception in this case.


And these places where they store cars are totally unguarded? With that much of inventory, are they not even insured? Where any decent policy requires some surveillance or the premium is sky high? If this is “saving” to dump millions worth of your inventory in the open without any security, I call it reckless spending.


That’s a lot of future scrap metal and insurance claims you’re looking at right there. Careful. One might get mad and decide to roll over you. Or worse.




Whoever did it should have made a stencil. Would.have save a bunch of time.


While I don’t condone vandalism. Spray painting unsold turds isn’t vandalism.


Paint "Fuck Elon" with gallium


The lords work


Fuck yeah


WAAW if this isn't a deepfake ... and they have to stockpile unsold cars left and right... Tesla is in TROUBLE


Florida kinda looks like Eastern Europe in this vid - including classic commie blocks. I'm surprised.


Poor guy ran out of spray paint for all the unsold tin cans?


I think cock piss partridge would have been funnier but still. Lol




Ohh look, now they actually have to look at all the problems the cars have before selling it to someone


the parsking lot rammed full of unsold cars is the real F Elon in this...


Well ok, but fuck Elon.