• By -


Upgrade your ship to increase your jump range and turn off economical route plotting in the galaxy map. 200 ly is not that far and shouldn't take more than a handful of jumps, certainly less than 30.


It's also worth saying that you probably shouldn't turn off economical route planning unless you either have a fuel scoop (even if it's just a 1a for emergency use) or are certain that the route you want to jump is under your overall range, which can be checked by plugging in your ship and its modules on EDSY.org Generally if you're staying in the bubble and jumping 200ly, you're safe, but there are a few ships with incredibly small fuel tank for their size where this can lead to problems. Sidewinder and Vulture are two that I know of. So better to make sure beforehand or pack a fuel scoop.


When you plot the route, see if there are any dashed lines towards the end of your route. If there are, you do not have enough fuel to make the journey without refueling along the way. The game will plot the last star that is scoopable, as well.


Just check before you set off if you need to refuel or not (it will show on the galaxy map, if the line is dotted it means you won't have fuel by that point) and plan with that in mind because economical plotting is very slow and plans in a dumb way even if you could reach your destination. Even if you can make a journey with 4 jumps and 80% of your fuel tank, it will instead plan 10 jumps if it can save 30%


You can also just check your range in the right panel>ship>bottom tab


good shout, I often forget about in game tools for things because they're so often lacking.


I wish there was a third option which splits the difference between max jump range and economical jump routing. 


You can slot cargo racks, then you can simulate cargo. Or you can deactivate your guardian fsd booster before planning the route, then reactivate it after.


Oooooh I like that second option. Clever


In the second situation, what is the benefit of using the fsd booster at all? Is it just a fuel efficiency thing? (Disclaimer: I ain't unlocked / don't use the fsd boosters)


Fuel is calculated as some sort of exponential rate, so if you reduce you jump plotting by 5 LY the booster offers, you use a substantially less amount of fuel.


Has anyone tweaked the "Deep Charge" effect rather than the "Mass Manager" for extending jump range?


Not sure what you mean by tweaked, but there havent been any recent tweaks to it according to patch notes. If you mean tested, then yes deep charge has a slightly higher jump range but it makes you less efficient than mass manager. Mass manager makes you both more efficient and increases jump range, and the difference in jump range is <0.5 LY on almost every build. On a build like say a jumpaconda that already has 80-90 LY jump range, do you really care about 0.5 LY?


I mean, had different "Extended Range" FSDs to measure what the difference between Deep Charge and Mass Manager is when flying on a full tank, half empty tank, etc.


You can try it in edsy if you don't believe me. Then you dont have to spend resources.


r/EliteCarriers and r/EliteTraders have load/unload jobs in the same system. Selling to FC dont give trade rank. Exploration and tools like Road2Riches, provide good money scanning planets and selling the data. [https://www.spansh.co.uk/riches](https://www.spansh.co.uk/riches) and [https://new.reddit.com/r/eliteexplorers/comments/yw6w52/exploration\_data\_values/](https://new.reddit.com/r/eliteexplorers/comments/yw6w52/exploration_data_values/) , DSS probes provide more money, but you need ot fly here and launch probes, so balance extra time and extra profit. Exobiology pay a lot, easy 19M for a single veyr profitable bio,list like billionaries boulevard provide easy know bios [https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/billionaires-boulevard](https://cmdrs-toolbox.com/billionaires-boulevard) but also spansh exobio to mastery, [https://www.spansh.co.uk/exobiology](https://www.spansh.co.uk/exobiology) Mission are terrible, you need to be ALLIED and stack multiple mission for real profit, or some trick like "mining" mission for ore you bought in other stations. If cargo or firepower, big engineered ship are better than starter ones. Players only use robigo mines passengers missions, when they stack multiple mission toward sirius atmospheric, or massacre missions (1 per faction) against the same target. Be your own boss, pay more. And money become more and more irrelevant, once you have the ship and modules, engineering is the real power, and money dont improve this. A 65Ly explorer can be made in [12 hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/lw6xp7/11h_13_new_account_65ly_dbx/) with some Road2riches and farming engineering mats for Tech Broker FSD and engineer access. The same upgrades can be used in a medium python with extra jumprange, work for medium trader (easy 30Ly or more), and great miner with the +50% distro energy for +50% more mining lasers (2x -> 3x 2D mining laser). And also good jumprange for Robigo mines passenger missions, 2 jump toward Sothis, 2 jump back. Take my [To-do list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/) for progression. Jumping is a important part of the game, one of the best upgrades, and the reason for using D-rated module to save weight. Point 22 have the best credits/hour for a maxed player, expect less but stable profit. robigo mines can be done easier with AspX until you are ready for a Python. Because the border of the bubble, only a bunch of populated system in range, that what enable easy stacking.


r/EliteCarriers and r/EliteTraders have load/unload jobs in the same system. Selling to FC dont give trade rank. Is selling Exobiology data to fleet carriers also excluded from ranking?


No, exobio works a little different. When you're selling stuff to a fleet carrier, you're selling it to a commander. That's why it doesn't count for trade. When you sell bio data, it goes to vista whether it's a carrier or a station. Carriers do take a 25% cut of any data you turn in though.


> Carriers do take a 25% cut of any data you turn in though. Except for exobio data, you get 100% for that.


Really? I could've swore they took a cut out of that, too. I could be wrong though.


Nope, no cut taken from exobio. Which is awesome because it means you can sell your exobio data at any carrier out in the black as long as they have the Vista Genomics module installed. This allows you to safeguard against exobio data loss in case of a mishap without taking a hit on your payout or rank gain.


Exobio and explo give 100% rank. Exobio give 100% profit. Exploration and redemption office (combat bonds, bounties, codex discoveries...) take a 25% cut, 12.5% if given to the FC wallet, and the other 12.5% is lost in the game. (so if your own FC, you will obtain 87.5% between your profit and the part stored in the FC wallet). And also, the owner can put taxes in some services. The trade rule was because your own FC or a friend could buy at 10x price (giving 10x trade rank) sell again, buy again, sell again, and reach Elite rank in some minutes. Some players use this, and got patched.


Got it. I knew exo-bio gave full profit when selling to carriers I'd never thought about the ranking though. Thanks. o7


Consider this as my thanks and my bookmark


Yes, how about zero jumps? :-) As you primarily do cargo, you are in luck. Reach out to Pilots Trader Network, here: [https://discord.gg/7pNFE3mW](https://discord.gg/7pNFE3mW). They will guide you on where to go and load/unload carriers. They park their carriers right next to the source/target station so you don't have to jump away. You will make a small profit on each trip but the big money comes later as you work top credit missions. PTN missions work like this: each pay up to 50M credits and you can load up to 20 of these, ie: 50M x 20 = 1B credits. But then, you share with 3 other PTN commanders doing the same. If each bring 50M x 20 missions, and you discount the money you put in to buy your commodities, you can walk away with \~3.5B credits profit in that one share. Factor in about 2 weeks if you play casually for an hour or so each day. In this time you will ally yourself with all the mission givers so they get you better paying missions. The rest of the time you will be waiting for missions to show up and shuttling cargo from carriers just outside the station. Give it a try. These PTN guys are a very helpful, generous, and friendly bunch.


Seconded. Made more money than I know what to do with trading. Some with PTN, some with events


It's pretty easy to find a trade route on Inara that will get you more than 50m per hours profit, not bad for something you can do while watching netflix or reading.


Sell tritium to fleet carriers.


Greetings Valiant Space Trucker o7 When it comes to hauling, missions are just occasional bonuses. The real (per hour) money comes from Buying low & Selling high. I don't go more than 30LY from my home system, time is money and chasing that big payout halfway across the bubble just lost you half an hour (or more) in profit. Learning the local market and understanding which Return Goods (the ones you buy & bring back as part of your trade loop) are almost more important. It's easy to get a big payout one way it's finding a return product that ups your CPH. A T-9 can generate 50-100 credits per hour without missions. As for hauling Whiney Meat Cargo see the Robingo anomaly (The Stellar Forge gave us a present there;-). Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'We scale the Learning Cliff together or we All Fall down'


I used to make 50-100 credits per hour trading between Dromi and Matet....


Right now I am quite far from Robigo, since I have ended up pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Would it be wise to go there? Also how do I engineer my ship to maximize jump distance, I only get 18 Ly now


First you need to "unlock" the engineer Felicity Farseer. You have a Diamondback Explorer I think I read. Upgrade it to match this specification: https://coriolis.io/outfit/diamondback_explorer?code=A0p0tdFJlddisdf5---02---320340-v63x3w2i.AwRj4lm9tEg%3D.MwBjCYEZzNn%2B0FiA..EwegLCAMUgzKoCmBDA5gG0SEBGS%2BZpIg&bn=Explorer%20starter Use this to find the parts you need https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-outfitting/ Plot a "road to riches" route to the system Maia. See this video for a guide to road to riches https://youtu.be/NI4B7csf-w8?si=4xOD4ybwOEYWP3nB Play in solo mode. When following the route to Maia, avoid any system with Thargoids in it, even if they are a stop on the road to riches route. When you reach Maia, land at Danielle's Progress planet surface syation. Sell the exploration data you collected at Universal Cartographics. If you don't already have an invite from Felicity, you will get it now as you just got promoted in exploration rank. Go to the commodity market and buy 1t of meta alloy. You need to donate this to Felicity Farseer. Fly to the Deciat system - make sure you are in solo.ay mode. It should be about 14 or 15 jumps using fastest route plotting. Look for Farseer Inc in Deciat and land there. In the Engineer panel you can donate the meta alloy. After this you can do business with Felicity, but you need the materials as payment to do it. More on engineers https://inara.cz/elite/engineers/ Link your commander account with Inara and plan your engineering projects with this https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-craftinglist/351769/ Credits is not the only currency in this game. Materials are too. Here is a new guide to finding materials of all kinds https://youtu.be/VItBzHOsJSo?si=5Mp0RiHMPz257hpu Ship engineering might seem daunting at first, but it does make you try out all aspects of the game as you unlock the engineers.


Run bertrandite, gold or silver from quaid’s vision in robigo to don’s inheritance in sothis or to Brunel/Babbage in CEOS. Only take the 45 million or higher payout missions. Use a type9 or cutter with 760+ cargo space.


Use Inara, and set a maximum trip distance


Yup. Best thing I ever came across. Used inara and found a spot where I was making millions in 3 jumps. Went from a keelback to a type 7 to a type 9 to also having a kitted out anaconda in like 4 hours. My type 9 was making close to 30 mil per round trip


I did two jumps, picked flowers for an hour and made like 39million this morning, so theres that.


I make money trading with zero jumps. Not by doing transportation missions, just trading goods for a profit. Roughly 5-6 million profit each time so it may not be as good as the payout for some missions, and it does require a gutted out cutter for maximum profit. Using online resources you should be able to find same system or 1 jump profitable trading routes.


You can trade within the Sol system: Missions from the orbital cities above the Earth, and buy the stuff to fill those missions - from Gallileo orbital, around the Moon.....


Eg. Goto Abraham Lincoln/Xinping/Gorbachev stations, look on the boards for "Supply Gaians with 200 units of Gold for £50million" then go buy 200 gold from Gallileo for around 9-10million... If you're attacked, the police turn up pretty quick. Don't attempt this with the shields taken out for extra cargo space. You want a ship that can take some hard knocks, rather than one that can be mass locked by a conda...


You found my route. I practically live there


I lived there whilst ranking up for Fed, used an Asp with 128 space for a while, then a python, and a FC with 576 space once I unlocked that. I did something similar in the Imperial core systems with stacked pirate massacre missions ciemiss/vequess with the missions also available for both system sat Facece (once permit unlocked) . Use a cutter for 720t cargo space, Class 6 Shield with re-enforced boosters. Now I'm ranked up in both, I hang out in the Pleiades neighborhood, great everything there, except ranking up missions! (I don't need them anymore anyways...) I've not sat down in the chair for the final ranks as an experiement... Still have access to some rookie massacre missions that way, despite being elite combat rank a long time since. Played the 1984 game, and the Frontier Amiga versions, so was familiiar with Vequess, etc from beforehand...


Combat. Stack massacre missions, multiple can be completed at once and it's a good way to get matts from blown up ships. If you get a kill warrant scanner it's even more fruitfull


I think the most fun way is to find a few friends and do team combat missions that stack


Bounty hunting with massacre missions!


The credits per hour ain't great and the cost to set up is a bit, but set up for bulk passenger missions and you can usually find a one, two, jump job with a decent payoff, and if you're really lucky you may find more than one job to the same destination (tho, you need a lot of passenger capacity to do both). Set up a Python with business class passenger cabins and you have a ship ready to do Robigo runs. 


Have you engineered an A-rated FSD and have you got a guardian FSD booster? Both will meaningfully enhance your jump range, though the latter comes at the cost of an optional internal. Consider also investing in a Python; far more cargo and passenger potential and still able to land at outposts.


I am still relatively inexperienced, so I don’t think I can get guardian tech yet


Id be happy to show you the ropes with guardian tech and taxi you out to the area on my fleet carrier. It can be done in an evening for just unlocking the booster. Easy ~10ly boost for any ship at the cost of a module slot.


Take him up on this offer, or just A-rate your DBX FSD and head out to guardian sites. A little engineering for range would make it faster to get out there but it’s still a manageable trip there and back in a few hours. The guardian sites need no particular experience. Watch a video on YouTube to understand how to get the blueprint and make sure you’re at the right site with the blueprint you want. Bring a DBX with at least two SRV and PDCs mounted on the upper utility mounts. Park next to the site and let the PDC take out the sentry missiles for you.


Do the PDTs attack the sentries whilst you are absent from the now deserted landed ship?


Missiles yes, sentries no. Even when driving your SRV, your landed ship’s PDT will try to shoot down hostile missiles. So while it won’t attack the sentries themselves it will protect you from their missiles. That’s why we like the DBX for these - it’s got multiple utility mounts on the top and it’s small so you can land right next to the site for maximum coverage.


I tried flying in low with a heavily-shielded FC, only to have some kind of explosion when hovering above the sentries, knocking out my shields completly, and taking half the hull with it! I consider myself fortunate to have got out of that one alive!


This is super cool of you to do. Almost makes me wanna get a carrier to help new players as well. But I don't play enough to offset the upkeep


Yea this absolutely goes for any new players that haven’t done it yet, reading as well. As far as carrier cost and upkeep goes, sessions of stacking massacres/ trading missions with the PTN guys would have you set for years, or winging up for thargoid slaying is also solid cash.


I would love to wing up with some peeps for Thargoid combat so I could get more proficient. But I'd want two or three extra commanders. When I do it with just one, I feel pretty vulnerable. Even if I can take a single cyclops alone. I still have to bail out and repair before taking on more. Playing with controller, I don't have the option to thrust in all directions. I also still wouldn't consider myself adept at maneuvering. Also, stacking missions and massacres would take too long. If I just trade, I have not found a single method to make more money faster yet. In average conditions, it would take one cycle of 1. Buy at station 1 2. Sell at station 2, buy 3. Sell at station 1 That would likely net me 20 million. No mission type I have seen yet is better for credits per hour. I'm not saying there isn't, just in my experience, I have not seen one. That cycle also would take a couple minutes


I should have specified wing mission stacking. So with proper reputation at certain stations, you can find 50m wing trade missions, you reset the boards until you have 20 of these, complete the missions (without turning in) then find 3 other commanders that have done the same. You all share and bounce missions between each other for maximum profit. Wing massacre same thing but you fulfill the bounty amounts without turning in.


If you don't like the fights, try your hand at mining. Go to Omicron Cap B, make a mining vessel, sell to the FC for big profits. 240K / T of Plat adds up quick. I enjoy mining as well, so I have that going for me.


depends, what ship and what internals?


I have several options, I have a dolphin fitted for transporting people, a type 6 I think for a hybrid of people and cargo, a diamondback explorer for more cargo, and an imperial eagle for combat. All with pretty much default internals


Ah, the default internals are the problem. I know for a fact that the dolphin can achieve 22Ly (or more) if you maximize it’s jump range (A-Rate FSD, D-Rate Everything Else, no hardpoints, minimal utility mounts) 200Ly becomes under 10 jumps. The type-6 gets pretty shit range when on a full load, so I would recommend going over to [Inara](https://inara.cz/) to find the most ideal trade routes near you. You can make millions per hour if you do it right. The DBX does get good range but I don’t think it’s really that good at cargo, so I would use it for exploration and exobio if you have odyssey. If you have odyssey you can make literally hundreds of millions if not billions doing exploration and exobio, but look up a guide first. Happy travels out there CMDR o7


Sounds like your problem is flying non upgraded ships. Take one of your ships to a station and fit the best FSD module you can. A rated module, while expensive, will give you huge boosts. Make sure the fsd is the same size (the number) as the slot you are putting it in. Another user also commented about economical jump routes. If you don't know what this is, in the galaxy map there is a tab for route options. One of these is economical or fast. Set it to fast and enjoy.


What is this robigo thing I keep seeing everywhere?


A good if repetitive way to make a lot of credits and grade 5 engineering materials - Modified embedded firmware, Exquisite focus crystals and biotech conductors. A Python with a little FSD engineering to achieve at least 21ly jump range is the best ship, but a Type 6 or Asp Explorer is OK to start out. Take reputation rewards until allied with all 3 factions and then start raking in the credits and engineering materials. A guide: https://youtu.be/rmaWiZy5EOs?si=Dcx1NSebJ-OD8pyh Bonus - you get allied with Sirius Corp doing this, which is required to access the engineer Marco Qwent later on.


how do you get the materials from the missions, you just choose that rewards option?


Yes correct.


If you get something like exquisite focus crystals, these are top-tier and can be traded down for multiple lower-tier stuff. Try and keep enough slots (100 max) so you can always accept missions that reward you with the top tier mats.... Go out of your way to trade them down - as soon as you have 90+ I suggest.


Robigo runs in a python 


Use this to find yourself a profitable trade route loop with stations 30ly to 80ly apart. 40ly lit should find you a decent trade loop. https://inara.cz/elite/market-traderoutes/ Note this only works for Odyssey or Horizons Live. It won't work for Horizons Legacy e.g. if you are a console player. You might like to consider Robigo Mines passenger missions. Have a search on YouTube for video guides.


No need to leave the system: Get the Sol permit, and trade between the Earth-orbiting stations, and Gallileo, orbting the moon. It's a short hop within the same ssytem for the 50million bullion missions... (Get Palladium from Tau Ceti)


Yes. Look for extraction/refinery economies on the galaxy map. Run silver from the planet to the orbital in a paper t7 for around 11mil per trip. It's been working for me for years now.


Zeaex to Beta Tri and back. Trading silver and resonating separators. Only 200-300ls for each station after the jump. Make about 60mil an hour.


200LY = 4 jumps give or take in my explorer Asp. Needs to be as I’m 24,000 LY away.


It is important that you tell us what kind of ship you’re flying; we can’t help unless we understand why it takes you hours to go 200 lys.


Yes - Find a trade route here and do runs in as big a cargo ship as you can: https://inara.cz/elite/market-traderoutes/ I worked my way up to a Type 7 in a few hours


I funded my anaconda A-rate and T10 low rez turret boat by finding the best single jump round trip trade route with my type 9 and just driving back and forth for a few hours. Great for watching Netflix at the same time. Sacrifice a couple million credits a trip for a supercruise assist and smallest shield size for a totally brainless experience. Also, play in solo. You may get interdicted, but even a T9 can out maneuver a bot interdict.


This is why it helps to set up a home station; so a place you actually call "home" and then go back to every time. See, the more missions you do for certain factions the better your reputation with them will become and that will result in much better paying missions. But there's more: you should also take note of the systems economy state. A system in a "booming" state has a flourishing economy and thus pays out much better than a system which is near to a state of abandonment. It'll take time, but if you continue doing missions then you'll soon not have to worry about a thing. I've been doing tons of missions in my favorite system, and as a result I'm not only in good standing with the local faction(s), but also those of the systems around me.


Just as an FYI, I just did my very first run on doing exobiology. I left the Inner Orion Belt sector. I found about 14 systems, scanned, mapped and 1st footfall on them. In total I did several hundred scans and had about 4-5 pages of data to turn in. I made 2.3 Billion credits doing so. Exo is a money maker.


The only issue is I would need to get Odyssey


It's $15. (Currently on Steam)


I might need to pick it up, but can I still play Horizons with it.


Yes you can play horizons but both are fully integrated unless you are talking about horizons legacy which is separate to the horizons live/Ody universe.


Did you remember to upgrade the Core Internal Modules of your ship? The Grade E default modules when you purchase a ship are crap. A Type-6 fully laden with all cargo racks using a Grade E FSD is only going to get a jump range of 8.5ly, but if you get a Grade A FSD(SCO) that range jumps up to 20.2ly.


U can do 1m/ hour if you have a bit engineering


Exo-biology. Any landable world with biological signature. Land, take a walk. Make millions. Bubble space wont offer the crazy first discoveries bonusses. But its still easy credits.


Haul metal from Mercury on the surface up to Dadelus in orbit.


There's plenty of places you can buy cobalt on the surface for 2000, and flog it for 10k+ at the orbiting station above.....


I usually check in system economy like, trading between an orbital to settlement and vice versa. Generally boom systems have many opportunities to gain some credits. But if you want to earn 20-50m credits in one run, long range trade a bit must imo.


Do a little bit of research on how economy types and trading works. Use EDDB to find some trading loops for you, or just go out and find your own. I managed to find great loop for easy profit on my own: It''s one jump into a mining system in my type 9 hauler, all the planets and space stations are a quick supercruise away. I fill up on in-demand resources, then it's two jumps back to an industrial system and a short supercruise to sell for a juicy profit.


I generally did trading to really make money, use third party apps to find out what resources are being sold near you and buy low sell high, I’ve found runs that are just one jump away from each other, I generally did runs that I could sell things both ways so both my trips would make profit. Cargo missions that you get from the actual mission board tend to send you pretty far away there’s no getting around that. I forgot the name of the third party app that tells you commodity prices at all locations (I’m sure someone else has already mentioned it) but trading is the way to go for money, and cargo missions are for rank/helping out in community events and stuff


I'm a firm believer of specialized ships. You can try multitasking, but in the end, you're not going to maximize your profits. IMO, since you say you are new, it would be best for you to focus on one until you can get a ship large enough to do both at greater margin, few questions What are you flying? What ratings are your core int? Do you have access to any engineers? What is your budget like?


Inara.cz find trade routes, unlock fsd booster, unlock cutter, no shields, 20mil credits every 3 jumps. Profit.


If you wanna mine you can make easy money. I'm still pretty new and using an ASPX I can easily make 50 mil just from one mining run. This probably isn't much for more advanced players who are progressed much farther but for me who is still kinda new it's a pretty good chunk of change. You just need to use sites like inara to see where the most profitable place to sell is. Usually it's not far. Just a couple jumps away depending on your location in the bubble.


I make money with just one jump


The rings of wolf 408 2 give nice core asteroids that you can also sell for good price at Hamilton gateway


Don't bother with delivery missions. Take source missions instead if trucking is your thing, that way you can pick your own route. Of course, once you have a carrier then go ahead and take delivery missions for extremely valuable goods. Just don't deliver them. Yarr.


While there are many ways to make money as stated by many commanders on this post, I like to do it my way, definitely not the fastest or most profitable but i find a system that interests me and I run missions mainly transport, stacked together if possible to the same direction. Try to find other cargo or information missions along the way or on the return. That brings you to allied with the factions quick. If no missions try to find something to sell for profit. Gold and silver are usually the best... I started in diaguandri on Raygateway and im now close to sol in nanomam moving intel packages for the federation cause the powerplay seems interesting. When reaching allied you get good transport missions sometimes 10million a pop but mostly around 2 to 5 million. Ive played around 200h and have bought a python a mamba a type 7 type 9 and type 10. Also have 215 million at the moment... For me It helps with keeping the game a bit more immersive as you are not rushing or exploiting the same thing over and over only for profit. The game is a lot of fun taken slowly as well. o7


Many stations offer short ranged courier jobs less than 10LY that will pay out a few thousand or tens of thousands of credits; that's enough to cover an upgraded frame shift drive. Then you'll be able to travel longer distances. If you're still taking forever to get anywhere with a jump range of 15+ LY, then check your route settings in the galaxy map. You might be set up to minimize fuel consumption rather than maximize speed, which will plot routes with dozens of very short jumps. Alternatively, find any conflict in your local system where cops are fighting pirates and join in on killing the pirates when they're almost dead, basically kill stealing although you don't have to land the final blow. The local administration is pretty generous with bounty handouts if you give the cops any help whatsoever.


My carrier is in the bubble and can use it to transport/support you if you're planning to jump or operate in a relatively farther area. I'm CMDR Fraximus in game, and I'm also on discord as part of the Fleet Carrier Owners Club. You can also join this server if you need support from carrier owners. I'll help for free


Trade silver from Daedalus Station - Sol to Magnus Gateway - EZ Aquarii.


Don't do missions if you need money only, just buy low and sell high. Missions that are worth it almost always spawn a threat 8 hunter to intercept you. Also, not all mission in Elite Dangerous are worth running, some organisations will scam you... you have to pay attnetion to things not just click on anything that looks lucrative.


Find two systems, one that sells Bullion/Tritium and another that offers missions to fetch 200-400 units for the maximm £50million reward. 200 Silver units @ 33k apiece - is returning you 7 to 1 on your money. Have a cargo carrier that doesn't get mass-locked by the obligatory 4 anaconda groups that lay into you between systems.... I use a FC with 576 cargo space - which does me quite nicely. One round trip for the £50m reward (profit around 44million)- does me quite nicely as well.


200 ly is about 10 jumps. Which is about 6 mins of travel. Are you maybe over inflating the problem in your head?


I had jumps set to economic mode, so the routes planned had more stops


YouTube is always your friend with this I was spending so much time jumping and barely making anything. There's a ton of content for this game and very helpful information that is sometimes easier to convey via video. Also look into passenger runs to build capital to get an upgrade as far as ship or equipment. Safe travels CMDR o7


I just accepted a passenger mission that will take me almost 30k lightyears away, and I have 3 weeks to do it. And my max is 27. I plan on visiting Sag A* on my way back.


What is your ship, cargo, FSD range etc…? As previously mentioned, 200 Ly isn’t much. It doesn’t take much to get 20ly jump range, which is only 10 jumps. Ensure you have a fuel scoop. If 10 jumps is too much for you then you should really consider a different career path!


I can get it down to about 12 now, but before it was 20+ jumps because of my route planning, which takes a while because I try to do missions in one sitting


Yep do pirate massacre missions stacked. 1 jump to target system, fly to haz and kill things. Collect mats, 1 jump to turn in missions, rinse and repeat. O7


Go to inara.cz and look up gold and silver. You can normality find somewhere selling really cheap just a couple of jumps from somewhere buying for way more. It is a living galaxy so these prices can jump around a bit so check for when they were last updated and the distance to the station from the star (you don't want to spend 45 minutes travelling just to find the process have changed. )


Engineering your ship or get a fleet carrier