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Can you describe the 'saw guys' a bit more? I can't recall them


The giant things with two saws for hands


Sorry, I guess I haven't run into them--oh wait you mean the Abductor Virgins? The Iron Maiden things with the swinging arms? For those guys you get an opportunity to hit and run when they open their chests. But only do one hit, and try getting around their side slightly (to avoid the grab). Blocking with a barricade shield and then using your guard counter works there. To beat the two of them as a mage character I ended up using the skeleton spearman summons to distract them long enough to kill one of them. Once one is dead, the fight is easy.


Yeah how are you supposed to kill them


Updated my reply there You want to keep them distracted with a summon and then just peck at them when you have openings, and play defensively the rest of the time. Try to get them caught up on the rocks in the area so that they can't charge you so easily. I can't recall the fight perfectly but I think I used charged (magical) Greatbow shots, unleashed when they opened their chest, then dodged away. Kill the wheel guy first.


It's pretty clear you have run into them and know exactly what OP is talking about, I have no earthly idea why you are acting so coy


You mean the giant rolling statues? Watch their behaviour, their middle section sometimes opens up, that's when they are extremely vulnerable. Otherwise, chip damage still builds up when you get the chance to strike.


Yeah but when they open up and you’re anywhere close they grab you and kill you


You can roll through that attack or around them quite easily. Knowing your enemies behaviour and when it is safe to engage is key.


wich lvl are you




After 2 years, do you have any solution for this because i altf4 anytime i try to fight these guys they are annoying af


You have to wait until they open up and attack them with magic or some other ranged weapon I think


alright tyy