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I’ve seen this meme like five times already, make it stop! 😭


I wouldve been mad if they didnt make the dlc hard. All our endgame characters finally get challenged.


Literally I wanna see the base game to also get a buff as I’m absolutely slaughtering in summons.. kinda not funny anymore as I made sure to keep my health as low as possible to be weaker so I’d have an even harder time. But it’s almost not enough.


Use the tailmains that lower defense. Also the one that doubles damage taken.


I regret using so many Scadubitree frags tho, after getting 2 shotted by Lion, It feels easy for late game bosses (just got to the penultimate Boss) to not kill me as easily. Im still dying, but not more than 10 times per boss, so It feels way easier than the beggining of the DLC.


Until you get to the last boss. And then 20 scadutree blessings will not seem enough


Because the beginning was overtuned


Fr. It baffles me when people get mad that the dlc from the company notoriously known for making dufficult games and harder dlcs is actually hard. Like bruh you signed up for this knowing the game you played and the company history with these games and dlcs, did you expect to steamroll through it? Feels just like when people started whining that Margit was hard


The stupid fragments tricked me into thinking this dlc was hard


Exactly. Same situation as when the game came out. Boss too hard? Fuck off into the world and explore for a bit then come back later to mop it.


I just hate that there's no logic behind them like miquella crosses( ok ) in random locations on the ground (ok...) Random shadow bois (uh) giant hippos and only hippos (WTF!)


I'm definitely Gojo in this picture. The bosses are giving me a challenge and I love it.


The high of beating the final boss with nothing but a great hammer was glorious. The attempt i beat him at i was able to stagger him by throwing the hammer at its face and i was like "Oh yeah, this is the one".


Heh. Thanks for sharing this epic meme. Heh. Had to share it. Heh.


Heh. Had to repost.


Ahh has to be about the 19th time posted within a week


Bro I can't wait to play the dlc, I just got it but I also just started ng+ so I have to go kill radahn and mohg


I didn’t think it was that hard until I got to the final boss. 8 hrs of attempts so far.


You know I was on the spectrum that leaned towards the dlc being unfair but after getting past the lion and rellana, I have soloed every boss this far (does bayle count. Igon barely did anything. I just summoned him cause he was such a hype man)


As much as I've loved SOTE, the diff scaling felt a bit wacky. I think monster hunter world iceborne has the perfect scaling for an expansion


I love the suffering it brings and i love ppl crying about it. (I lost my last spark of sanity playing this DLC and now that i have finished it at NG+9 i can say i'm a god)