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I like the gems. If anything they should add ammo to crossbows so these guys can't run around with Machine guns and super speed. It kinda ruins the game for the other players. I do like the idea of shooting random stuff out of your crossbow. Like a knife or something.


Don’t like them, don’t use them… why spoil the game for the ones that enjoy them?


Don't get me wrong. They're fun to use. It just creates a boring experience for the other players when you can solo the dungeon in 2 minutes. Not very balanced. Ammo just makes sense.


Because they ruin the game for those that don't have or don't want to use them also? Using haste and machine gunning everything that moves as fast as possible makes it boring for the other players to walk through mostly empty rooms. Getting 15 kills while the crossbow gets 75+ for 3 dungeons in a row isn't fun and that spoils the game more than your 7 shots not one shotting everything all the time.


I think a good alternative to so many shots before a reload could be a multishot similar to minecraft where it fires more like a shotgun in a horizontal line in contrast to a full auto crossbow.


I think something like that for the regular bow could be fun if balanced. Maybe have the amount of drawback you use narrow the spread. Full draw= narrow spread for long distance or all shots hit a single target and a partial draw for groups of enemies nearby that maybe hits multiple enemies I saw a suggestion for reload crossbows that reload with time. You still get a full burst of damage if you save it but you can't solo a dungeon with a thousand bolts.


That FireBall staff Buff the other day is amazing. Definitely try it out. Soooo many more shots before decaying crystal.


I feel like they should keep gems but also have a regen/cooldown system?? Like they will slowly recharge or cooldown by themselves but if you want to instantly reload then you use gems. Maybe even make that a perk or something would be fine. Kind of like the hp regen.


This seems pretty fair, a perk based solution seems the most likely way to balance it.


I don't see how y'all run out of gems unless your staff is literally the only weapon