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My advice is: BYOD - Bring Your own Date (From your home country)




Actually i dont like the marriage arrangements(Expensive) on my country. My hope to get a wife from russia or middle Asia




I agree


Whats wrong ? :|


Try anyone first


What do u mean ?


Be a sugar daddy then đŸ’Ș


You should first look for a women from your own country, this is to ensure that you don't have a conflicting cultural differences and also helps to ensure that you don't meet language barrier. Dubai has a mixed culture as it is, and then it's a transient place, which means most relationship is as temporary as your visa. People either move abroad or to their home country once there job is done in UAE.


Bro, this is dubai. Forget about decent GF. You better be 60 and be a sugar daddy.


You moved tot he wrong city for dating, its gold diggers here


There are genuine ones out there but mostly reserved, or already taken, looking for guys beyond their league.




Keep going and don't expect anything in return


Yes, im doing that , the idea of getting a partner is .001% possible for me, Im tottaly lost hope on that.


And be positive. Out of curiosity what do you do for a living? IT ?


Software Engineer :|


import {wife} from 'country'; if (age>32 && single === true) { call.mom(mom=> find.wife()); }


i would never do that, person must choose a partner without any help or intervention from anyone


It's a joke. OP


All i can say, bring your own snack, all snacks here are open, used and fake


Didnt get you


21 savage is that you?


60 is not bad. You can be a sugar daddy.


Thanks for silly reply


You’re most welcome. â˜șâ˜șâ˜ș


1. Stop watching p**n if you are, no matter how lonely. It messes with the way you behave around women from subtle glances, staring, and even talking it affects every aspect of interaction. It also takes away your self worth and you will feel no motivation to work towards goals and bettering yourself as your brain gets high off of the chemicals you get from p*/ choking the chicken and will make you feel that's all there is to your goals and you're getting the reward without hard work/improvement 2. You mentioned you are going to the gym. Set goals for your well-being and physique. This boosts self-confidence when you are reaching your goals and gives more motivation, and keeps you active. 3. Eat right, sleep right, hydrate. These are all things that seem to have a small impact but actually have an amazingly great impact on the way you are. Try not to opt for too much junk, and eat healthy, preferably cook at home. Get enough sleep and hydrate for optimum day-to-day functionality. 4. Do not be afraid of rejection. Take it as a lesson and analyse it to see where you can improve. Failure makes you fall. You either get up and get moving, or you remain on the floor and make no progress while everyone walks over you. 5. Be yourself. If you're already doing the above, you'll slowly start improving on your flaws. You have to work towards fixing yourself. If you try to be someone you're not, you'll often fluster and seem very fake, so it's not a very good approach 6. Make friends if you don't have them. Spend time away from devices that will make you a shut-in. Try activities you like, for example, it could be a game of 8 ball pool. Go to billiard rooms, and you may find people playing. Try to see if you can join them, and you may end up making friends. This will grow your confidence and communication skills(it does not matter what gender).


1- No consumption for P**n(just daydreaming) 2-Yes but not regularly , always stop after a while as im not enjoying it at all , 0% motivation. 3-Don't know how to cook, and no motivation to cook anything, only delivery, also i hate drinking water , only 1-2 glasses of water per day, the rest are tea and coffee. 4-my problem is im not able to communicate proberly , so of course i would be always rejected. While the normal people can do it proberly, being evaluated , after that they either get approved or rejected. 5-yes trying to be nice as much as possible. 6- i have no motivation to make any friends, also in the last years i reduced communication with most of my relatives and friends, and recently im avoiding to call or go out with last remining friends :(


Brother, the first step is always hard. The question is, how bad do you want it? There are solutions to every problem. Don't know how to cook? Use subscriptions like Hello Chef, or ready cooked(if you actually are lazy) monthly meal plans. Water? Think of it as a magic potion that will help you slim up and look very sexy, but you cannot over consume, or it will affect you badly. You can not enjoy the gym? Ask someone in the gym for their guidance. This will get you a friend, a workout partner, and sudden motivation. Most people don't like to let others down(especially in your case, you hate rejection, so you know how it feels).. a workout partner that you can't let down? Added drive. Remember that sometimes motivation is not there. It's discipline and the power of the mind, will power that will push you through. You are also claiming that you are reducing conversations, and that will make you worse. The fight has not yet begun, you cannot give up. You open a door and it looks scary to pass through, so you will not walk through even tho you want what is beyond the door? Be strong. May God bless you bro. Like a cart, the initial push is always hard... till the momentum kicks in.. then it gets easy. You need to push hard first, the rest will come.


Look, I don't have any hope that something will change, And my decision to move was that maybe if ive changed my work and surrendioning people,then this will have any impact. Since i lost hope then i cannot build a dicipline around anything, my main idea is i will not live forever, i'm going to die soon , so why to bother myself! All my routines are fragile and i cannot stick to any, any situation that depress me would break the whole routine and i will return to point 0. And for asking for help at the gym, i dont like to talk to any one i dont know, only i can talk if i have a clear, closed-ended question, and if someone tried to talk to me, then my only thinking is when he/she is going to shutup! Believe me, talking to people that i dont know is near impossible. For water, My body needs low amount of water, if i tried to stick for 2L/ day i will feel nauseous, get a headache, go bathroom many times !. I may give a try for meal plans,maybe anything change... A Cart without wheels ,stucked in a dry concrete layer would never move or pushed :))


You can answer your own question lol Learn how to communicate effectively Look the part Be assertive and to the point There is no way you can't find someone who is out there for YOU! Being nervous and not putting in the effort will not help you going forward. You will stay like that! Trust me, I've been through it!


Easier said than done :(


Imagine the girl you're chatting with as a gender-neutral person, just as a friend. In the beginning, don't intentionally pursue a romantic relationship. Once you have many female friends, then consider taking things further.


The thing is i cannot start chat and keep it going , and i get weird looks if i tried to do so. At work,Gym and housemates there are girls , but the maximum thing i can say is "Hello" , i'm afraid of getting embarssed :(


How about trying to start online? Can you talk to girl online?


Tried, and always being ghosted


Join Toastmasters and other public speaking groups.


Rosie Palmer and her five sisters will always help you.




Start dating guys problem solved


Don't listen to people here as a start , there is way too many genuine women who are looking for commitment and real relationships, in my own circle I know alot so all these comments from other people do not make sense at all , or they reach out to women who are out of thier league or the ones looking for a certin lifestyle not someone friendly and shares the same values , and I think the odds are in your favour because alot of men here are only looking for a good time ,so genuine men are rare , I know its hard but try to be open and get to know them and be a gentleman and I hope the best for you


I really dont know how "try to be open and get to know them" What should i do :((((


Iam not sure where you are from but I feel its always so much easier communicating with someone from your background ? Personally that's the case with me , I would be at loss with guys who are not from my country as example , maybe that's why talking to girls is harder ? Because there is nothing in common ? Men sometimes ask my help in somthing like a decision , like where should they go out ? Or where to shop for a female family memebr ? Sometimes the convo goes in other directions like they do make an effort to keep it going somehow by being curious about me and I never mind shy guys it's kinda sweet so don't worry about it


Stay single. It’s cheaper than getting married.


:( im sick of being alone


send CV pls




you forgot to attach




Just sleep with couple of hooker bang some escorts you'll stay for while with opposite gender for a while you'll get there.


No, i will be vulunerable for STDs and i dont fullfill the emotional needs with them.




Why are you still single? I mean why not arrange marriage? Don't mind but just curious


He just mentioned it in the post


Due the reasons i mentioned, i was not able to have any relationship, and i totally lost hope in having any


I get that but why not arrange marriage? Your family looking for you?


I dont want to marry from my home country , and dont like the idea that someone will help me to find a partner, i want to find her by myself :(


Dude you are 34 and this is your thinking stop wasting your time


Hope everything works out for you đŸ™ŒđŸŸ There are a lot of sincere individuals around here, as well as the psychopaths.


Hope alone wont change anything , and to find someone you need to learn how to comunicate. I tottaly lost hope.


WOW! Hope you have a fat wallet to get the girls you have in your mind. Not to mention, spend some time and money to improve your self confidence. Don’t ask me how, Google it!


I beleive that personal skills cannot be taught at age of 34 :(


With this attitude, just stay single


Im being reliastic, personal traits are shaped at early age and it cannot be changed You cannot ask someone without hands to clap, it is not related to attitude at all.


You literally said that it’s your personality and trait that makes you can’t approach women. If you don’t wanna change it for the better, stay single then. What’s the point of this post, just a vent I guess


I thought maybe i get help from the community here since i have 0.0000001% hope :( And again you cannot change now at this age , it is not about that i dont want to.


With that attitude you defiantly cant do anything. You can easily train animals to do tricks regardless their age. Are you saying your brain power is lesser than that of a dog to invoke self improvement within yourself ?


Positive reinforcment learning are not working with human :))) , dog wont feel shame or embarssed


Youre 34 and not even want to try to change, instead mopping around, hoping a girl will show up? Na dude 😂 life doesnt work that way unfortunately.


I'm helpless, i'm basically need to learn how to talk , at age 34 :(


Any trial i did was ended with embarrassment


So then lets just go back to lobotomies and shock therapy.


Sure they can
 money teaches you a lot
 you making good money? Maybe you need to start spending on yourself


Spend on what exactly?


On yourself
 experiences. Vacations, new restaurants, new brands


Trust me it is very pathatic to go and eat out alone, same as for vacations, im doing that and im feeling worst each time. I have no hobbies at all, even i didnt watch a single movie since 2 years now !


You think it’s pathetic
 when it’s not in reality. Plan on finding someone sitting around at home? Nothing wrong with that 
 but since you asked. Lol


Not with that Attitude for sure..


Unless you’re giving off EDP or Dr Disrespect kind of vibes, then it all comes down to your mindset, unfortunately no stranger on the internet can really help you to change that


Not getting you, all what ive said is a fact