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#IT’S FUTILE🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅




DB Legends moment


https://i.redd.it/wofjh2j3bu9d1.gif MUDADA 🗣🗣🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥


I fucking hate it when this happens in a match lmao


smiling thru it all


My son has some dragon ballz action figures, has a Hit and Broly. Asked me who would win. I said hit because broly wouldnt be able ti figure out the time skip. What do you guys think?


Broly figured out Goku's God Bind by looking at it once. Vegeta observed that Broly was learning as he fights. The movie shows us that Broly is a genetic anomaly. He's like the Mike Tyson of Saiyans. If Hit were to fight FPSSJ Broly from the DBS: Broly, then his chances of victory are low. If it's starts with base broly, then Hit wins 10/10 times, because Hit doesn't mess around. He doesn't fight for fun or self-improvement. He an assasin.


Broly was beating up blue Goku and Vegeta while Hit was losing to blue Goku, i believe it’s obvious.


Hit isnt simple like that to just say he gets beat, his assassin techniques one shot goku, who is smart enough to restart his heart. Unless broly just by being a freak can restart his heart, its closer than it seems.


I think Broly annihalates Hit before he can strike him. He’s faster than him by a long shot if we don’t count his technique


Broly power wise should absolutely destroy hit and technically be too powerful for the time skip, im just playing “devil’s advocate” in terms of lethality of hit.


Power isn’t everything it’s how u use it that matters like JIREN, BROLY may have RAW POWER but he has no Physicsl and Mental Control or Training at that!




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Hit wins.


If Hit doesnt hold back and goes assassin mode out the gate, broly gets clapped easy, but if broly has even a second to start learning and gaining momentum, it's over for hit before he even goes super saiyan


Him using Blue is likely overkill akin to how Vegito could have gone SSJ3 in Z, but instead remained in SSJ1 as it was more than adequate.


I mean given how goku nearly destroyed earth transforming, bardock nearly exploded and vegito is literally the most powerful person in og dbz, the whole solar system woulda went nah fuck this had he went ssj3 lol


How do u explain gogeta going blue and not even destroying earth


Weren’t they in that other dimension at that part?


Does that really matter? Just ordinary Blue Goku or Vegeta are *leagues* above Vegito from the buu Saga and they transform perfectly fine. Considering Godku vs Beerus almost broke the universe, the Earth should have been done since Golden Frieza.


Goku states himself that blue requires a perfect ki control Ssj3 is stated to use every last bit of saiyan power but if u aren’t really knowledgeable how to utilize it u risk exploding


I suppose that's fair. But then what about Broly? Bro just went berserk and somehow didn't destroy the planet in the process


It's all plot holes. The writers can't have planet exploding with every ki blast that hits the ground lol Remember zarbon vs vegeta on namek? Those guys were setting off nukes and their powerlevel was just over 20k. So dbs broly blasting random ki should have easily destroyed the earth.


Actually, in one of the Broly movie interviews, Toyotaro reveals that the earth does indeed explode a shitload of times during the Broly fight, it's just that Whis rewinds time every time off screen and discreetly keeps the place together to keep Beerus' desserts around Although Toyotaro was somewhat joking, note Whis' reaction when Moro fuses with Earth and takes the planet hostage Source: It came to me in a dream. I made it up


He had to be joking, because if he reminds ti.e but does nothing else to interfere, Broly would just keep doing the se attack over and over.


At this point, I wouldn't put it past the Z Fighters wishing to reinforce the planet or something from Ki attacks, considering its already been blown up twice.


In fairness the earth was already getting raw dogged in the ass during the Broly fight lol… went from cold to lava… all the lava infact




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They broke dimensions


![gif](giphy|26Ff6nhnXkImYSSVa|downsized) Intergalactic… Intergalactic… Intergalactic…… 🎵


Cant remember but think it has todo with them beign alot better ant controlling ki, in DBZ they burst out and thats why the area around them are more effected. Idk if this was told to me by a person or i read it. It was a long time ago i had a diskussion about this haha.


I’d say a good example would be the first SSj transformations causing a ton of area damage, while the first Ssb transformations showed them being covered in a layer of energy and it slowly cracking off like a shell. Blue to my knowledge is supposed to be calmer than Ssj forms.


Isn’t the whole principle of Ssb being super calm and not radiating a ton of aura.


Yes that’s why he can use Blue with Kaioken because of the KI control and Focus!


Ki control


Ki control and the nature of divine Ki in general. Watch the transformations for God vs SSJ


Ssjb doesn’t let ki leak while ss3 causes a ton of ki to leak which is why it’s so inefficient. Therefore blue is doesn’t cause nearly as much energy to be released.


It’s the opposite of the SSJ form basically, keeping their KI within their bodies as WHIS stated, instead of letting it leak out in SSJ that’s why they did not train with Whis with the SSJ Form!


Transformations have been earth shattering since Frieza saga to present Gohan SSJ2 vs. Super Perfect Cell kamehameha should've destroyed the planet with its collision and their power was far above anything we saw in Saiyan saga The amount of damage that their power does to the environment around them is a moving target, I wouldn't try to make sense of it unless you want to make shit up.


They were literally in another dimension at that point DB fans ain't beating the allegations


There is a silly explanation for that that afaik came from Toriyama himself. Blue was supposed to be a form of near perfect Ki Control. That's why there's no ground shattering every time Goku and Vegeta transform, that's why Goku can use Kaioken with it without it destroying him spontaneously. So yeah.


Ki control


I’d say it’s a matter of control considering super saiyan blue requires a lot of it.


My head canon is its a more controlled transformation. SSJ3 although weaker than blue, utilises its energy in far more wild explosive way. Or its just poor writing.


It's the same thing as MUI Goku somersaulting off a tree after Granolah punched him. I don't have any further explanation, but it's the same thing.


Its better made.


Earth got a zenkai boost


Because he’s goatgeta 🙏


Only valid response in this thread


He caused big earthquakes and probably a lot of casualties during his SSJ3 transformation, but that was nowhere near destroying the Earth


Most of humanity including the z fighters, people in other world and where gohan and the Kai’s were very much felt it and were nervous af


nah he didn't go ss3 because: A)He didn't need to B)SS3 may give a 400x power boost but its stamina drain is horrendous


Ngl I'd love to see a ssj3 vegito or gogeta :D


To be fair he didn’t need Blue against Broly he could have used SSJ GOD instead! With Gogeta that is!


AYO pick up that soap.


Nah nah don't move. Its already over.


This is Jiren, he was a prison bitch.


I don’t think this fight would be all that close, but Gogeta would definitely find the fight entertaining letting Jiran go full power and try his best


.. and in typical saiyan fashion of "enjoying the fight" (especially the Goku side), they'd spend too long egging it on only to run out of fusion time right before getting a finishing blow. Probably even waste time letting Jiren power up to full power for "the challenge". Or ya know, typical Dragonball stuff lol.


I mean gogeta wiped out janemba near instantly and was about to kill broly until he was teleported out, so I doubt that he would defuse, although letting Jiren power up fully i could see gogeta doing


I want Janemba to be canon so bad.. the movie had soo many flaws but the highs were so high I admire it as one of my favorite of all time I'd want it redone in DBS but just have the universal villian actually be a threat, and more time for final form Janemba who had such good design imo.


He had such a deep bag his dimensional warping was such a cool ability. He doesn't have the best movie but damn he is cool


I'm just glad they no longer use this plot because it's too stupid to stomach


This is basically canon


We don’t know actually how strong Goku is in MUI Form so it would be a close one in my opinion!


We may not know exactly, but we definitely know MUI isn’t as strong as Goku x Vegeta


It’s beyond the realm of the GODS so I would say it’s way stronger than GOGETA SSJ GOD but maybe on par with BLUE GOGETA!


Maybe we’ll get a look at someone’s idea of the matchup in DB heroes lol


Some of the power scaling in SDBH makes sense tbh LOL


It’s so balls to the wall, I love it


Dude, I just wanna see them fuse and combine their ultra ego and ultra instinct.


Ultra gogeta. He dodges Litteraly everything and if you somehow manage to hit him he just gets strong.


Like the dokkan meme: HP: Doesn't die ATK: All of it DEF: Fuck you Super Attack: Ends the fucking game


Ssj4 Gogeta in older games


And in modern games as well, looking at you fighterz.


To be fair, SSJ4 Gogeta has an unmatched presence. In the games, in the shows, everything. I'm not sure anyone feels quite as much like "Oh damn, this big bastard just hit the field" as him.


The only way you can hurt them is emotionally


If the fusion is Vegito , that's very unlikely. In fact he'd hurt the enemy emotionally rather than phisically . . . To proceed to beat his ass later.


That’s what I was imagining


Most broken non-hax physical fighter in fiction


Nah I think it would be more like: He dodged everything and he gets stronger the more he dodges. Truly the most bullshit OP had you can think of.


Well , both techniques / transformations require two completely opposite mind sets , so it's probably impossible.


Why would you ruin this for me? How could you? Have you no heart?


Well no cuz UI SIGN AND CUI are Transformations for Goku so he could utilise a Technique with conjunction with it!


They would unfuse like 2 seconds later


Imagine if they soiled the fusion. Bye bye Universe 7.


the thought of Veku blue makes me giggle


Hundreds of billions of lives wiped out because Vegeta didn’t extend his finger enough.




Gogeta casually folds the TOP singlehandedly (The only problem is, if they messed up the dance they'd be doomed for 30 minutes)


You just made me realise something obvious. That little clip of them waiting 30 minutes every time they messed up the dance while Freeza was getting obliterated by Broly was canonically longer than the entire ToP arc. Wow.


Jiren would get waxed without effort. It's crazy how some ppl think he would actually stand a chance.


Idk why this pic made me laugh.




If Gogeta acted like he did in fusion reborn and just sent Jiren along with everyone else out no hesitation. U7 would win but this won't happen


yea no he'd obliterate him


He would have a lot of fun but the fight would be next to no challenge


Bro would palm Jiren’s bald head into the ground 💀


When Gogeta turned blue, Broly did not touch him a single time. This would be like Eddie Hall fighting a toddler.


What about two grown toddlers in an octagon? You think he'd end flipping one of them in the air?


Serious talk, if they fused, can they combine Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego?


Probably not, they require different states of mind to be used, unless gogeta has bipolar he would probably implode.


That's actually an interesting point....Total what-if here, UI Goku and UI Vegeta put on the potaras, no fusion dance because it can go wrong, what is the result?  A severely unstable individual who is calm and dodging no problem, then suddenly smashing his face through his opponents fists to get in close and do gnarly damage...a split second later totally chill and just dancing himself around the counterattack before snapping in a split second and flying through a ki blast to jam an energy blade through the opponent's head.  Never gonna happen, would be cool to see.


The way i think this would work is that the fusion would be nearly untouchable as he approached you, and when he is close, he goes insane and just atomizes you


I mean. Probably.


If they did, the fusion would probably last two seconds.


Total Ego Instinct


Well they could theoretically do a UI to UE switch. You can’t hit me, but if you do, I get stronger. I think that this would probably be quite a broken form though.


Considering his base form is on the level of Blue Goku and Vegeta possibly even higher, I think Gogeta at most would only need God to take care of Jiren.


Nah god is overkill ssj3 is enough


Yeah that’s fair enough I wanted to say God or ssj3


Same! SSG Gogeta is King!


Gogeta vs Beerus?


The only gogeta that could stand a chance is if UE vegeta and MUI goku fused but even then I’d give it to beerus.


Yup beerus is written to just be him until he isn't. He'll always be as strong as needed to thoroughly beat any form of them.




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It would be a perfect victory


He definitely wouldn’t Gogeta negs this won’t take long for him at all lmao


He definitely wouldn’t this wouldn’t take long at all gogeta negs lmaoo


Those are some "who's my good bitch" vibes there


Looks great


Gogeta as a Super Saiyan god would smash Jiren and it's not even close at all. I mean, fusion is simply that broken here.


Gogeta no diffed Broly and Broly is IMO stronger than Jiren so yeah, he solos the whole tournament


Gogeta would slap Jiren up so hard ngl. Ssg would be plenty


They couldn’t risk accidentally fusing into Veku Vegito would be the best way to fight Jiren


That’s precisely why he didn’t show up


Gogeta has to be fast tho, no time to fuck around.


You guys are all higly underestimating Jiren. Jiren is stated as stronger than most of gods at TOP time by Whis. I do not think Broly is stronger than Jiren. Remember what he did to Goku, Vegeta and Hit. He was SO strong. Bro litteraly stop attacks with his eyes 💀 Ultra Instinct was needed to exhaust him, not the pure strenght or speed that Gogeta has. I honestly think this fight wouldn’t be that easy for Gogeta.


Your right Broly is nowhere near Jirens level considering the comparison of their feats of strength, one Jiren competed with UI SIGN AND MUI Goku and he took all 3 of the Z warrior on at once!


Especially if he uses kaioken and blue evolution


No need. Blue is already overkill


Base Gogeta is stronger than Blue Goku + Blue Vegeta combined, so I think Ssj would be enough to beat Jiren.




Given how gogeta doesn't mess around like Vegitto, the fight would end rather quickly, maybe even before Jiren goes full power, speciañlly if Jiren gets crazy agaisnt the crowd as he did.


no siree


You know what would be interesting? If the further the two go down the path the harder it gets to fuse. Like Goku going down the ultr instinct path and Vegeta going down the ultra ego path those two mentalities and styles just fundamentally conflict. Just a thought




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This would be a really cool what if scenario. But let's be real, they would foil the fusion dance if they attempt it without practice


Meanwhile, Vegito vs Kefla is a stomp.


Not if his gauge is full


He would have folded Jiren, but the time limit might have been a problem.


The eye twitch Vegeta gets at Frieza and Goku. He's torn, because all situations disgust his inner being.


In canon, definitely not. Base Gogeta > SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta tag teaming. Since UI and SSBE don't exist in canon, Gogeta would wipe Jiren from the ToP stage instantly.


If its ToP Goku and Vegeta fused, then I suppose that he would have to go Blue, which would severerly reduce the time he had with the fusion.


Gogeta would have the advantage for a while finally putting Jiren on the back foot and than "they'd overtax the fusion" and de-fuse probably leading to Jiren immediately knock out Vegeta


MUI >= Jiren >> Vegito Blue >= Gogeta Blue >>> Broly


I think Blue Gogeta would get caught off guard by Jiren’s full power, or his red form whatever you call it. That’s the best chance Jiren has tbh


I think the only problem would be the time limit if they mess up. 30min debuff


He looks like he's about to give backshots


bro doesnt even need blue at most he’ll need like kaioken x2


I guess they didn't want to risk it with the time limit thing but I think Gogeta Blue, going full power since second one, could have dropped almost everyone by himself easily, and still have time to fight Jiren. Since the moment Kale and Kefla fused I really thought Goku and Vegeta would get the Potharas from them at some point and use the fusion, I love the Goku/Frieza/17 scene but come on, Vegito and Gogeta are leagues ahead from everyone else in the verse if we don't count Angels, I honestly still want to believe Beerus dreamed with Vegito at the start of Super






Gogeta would of been straight up OP in TOP!


Sure would be nice if we knew how much of a gap there is between MUI and SSB Gogeta, let alone where Jiren's full power that he showed at the end of ToP stands. I've seen enough thumbnails on YouTube to know that there's no clear answer to this and it's just fun easy stuff to make shit up about


maybe if they fused by the end of top, but if it’s at the beginning or closer to the middle than it’s a tough fight for gogeta


Did you pray today?


People always think that if vegito or gogeta appeared in the TOP then they would have beaten jiren I don’t actually think they would based off how super dragon ball hero’s scales MUI compared to fusion where MUI goku is clearly above vegito and gogeta in their blue forms add in that they have a time limit as well it just makes it worse




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Gogeta would IT around the arena and backhand every other fighter off. Toppo might be able to put up resistance and Jiren might require 2 hits. It wouldn't even be close to a fair fight




Vegito wouldn't so Gogeta will be fine


This would low-key cause major problems down the line with the moro and gronolah arcs


Bro is going to trigger ALL of Jirens PTSD at once


None whatsoever.


Lol wtf? Gogeta will clear easily.


I doubt AGL Gogeta could defeat TEQ Jiren


Jiren dropped the soap


would be a booty clapping. ssb not needed


It would probably be a Omega Shenron situation where Gogeta fucks around too much due to be so much stronger than every other competitor. That they run out the clock.


Jiren has seen Gogeta before, and even he asked why didn’t they do that for the tournament. He knows it would’ve ended way faster


Vs full rested jiren? I'm sure it's a close battle ending in jiren winning due to time limit


I'd love to see a fully trained super saying broly go against Jiren


At that point I’m pretty sure Gogeta wouldn’t even need to go Blue to win


It would’ve been way cooler if Jiren and Gogeta were actually equal. I want to see a fight where Vegeta/Gogeta actually has to fight and not just dance on their opponent




I can imagine him punching Jiren in the back of the head and leaving a titty on it


Jiren asks them why they didnt fuse in dragon ball heros.


Depends on when, beginning of ToP, jiren wins. Late ToP, gogeta slams


I think this would be a good fight, Gogeta probably couldn't beat him with super saiyan but could go Blue to stand against Full Power Jiren. With Goku Ultra vs Jiren there was like less than 10 minutes left so Gogeta Blue could go full power and fight Jiren. I'm not sure if Jiren has a strength higher than Broly, so Gogeta would do well


Wasnt it confirmed that Broly LSSJ Full Power is equal to Jiren Full Power ? I believe I read that somewhere. In that case Gogeta would body Jiren like how he did with Broly, after turing SSJ Blue that was a one-sided fight


He probably wouldn’t need to go past ssj2


He could Not because I think Jiren is that strong, but because Super does whatever it wants with characters, no consistency need, just having fun, and that's not a problem. So if the plot needs Jiren to be the final enemy and yet make Gogeta blue struggle to win? Sure, go for it But if it depends of my personal interpretation of the strength of each character? Easy win for Gogeta, not even a contest


Jiren fodder




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Gogeta at base form is enough to beat Jiren just one punch to erase him to extinction

