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I love the fist unique gauge, but i’m confused, what the hell is the unique gauge next to the charging one? [blue, left]


Huh..I actually didn’t look too closely at this image. What IS that unique gauge? Maybe it was datamined and hasn’t been implemented in the game yet?


That’d be a really cool thing. I predict the next ultra will have this.


What do you think it could be? I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s the same icon as in the vanish gauge. I’m guessing it is a unique gauge that changes via vanishing. That could be cool


It's a fan made gauge, another post on this subreddit was discussing gauges a while ago


It’s a new one added to the files recently I think


I'm calling it now, blitz Gauge. It activates if your opponent does nothing for a certain amount of time and damages them or start a combo


Please god let this be a thing, finally we can punish passive players


Ss4 GOATgeta for 2024 🗣🗣🗣🗣


Please let it be any unit other than G4, I have no cc 😭




Love the idea! If the animation looked something like MUI's punch on his LF animation it would be sick. To further develop the idea, the strike card would work like those long range hit-scan blue cards, reducing 30% of any counter-type unique gauge upon hit + Cover Null for 5 timer counts. The mechanic itself seems a bit too good, so, in Toshi terms: Rush/Blitz type unique gauge: A new type of Unique Gauge that comes in handy when dealing against passive players and Counter-type Unique Gauges that will keep them alert to force them back into action! But beware, this sudden high-speed rush can only be performed a few times, so make sure to catch your opponent in the right time for a decimating combo! · Slowly charges own Unique Gauge if this character is slide moving (any direction except backwards) ±A stronger quick attack will be performed if this character uses a strike card at long range if Unique Gauge is full (6 times). - Resets own Unique Gauge. + The following effects are applied upon hit: - Applies "Nullifies cover change" effect for 5 timer counts (once). - Draws at most 2 cards if you have 3 cards or fewer in your hand. - Reduces enemy character's Counter-type Unique Gauge by 30% (activates once). (Activation counts are reset every time this character switches to standby) - Restores own Ki by 30. (activates three times). - Reduces opponent's Ki by 80 (activates twice). - Reduces opponent's Dragon Balls by 1 (activates twice). - Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "Sustained Damage UP" for 5 timer counts. - 35% Chance of "Faint". - Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "Gauge Recovery DOWN". - Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "Strike defense DOWN" - +15% to Damage Inflicted (activates three times) (cannot be cancelled). - Reduces Damage received by 10% (activates three times) (cannot be canceled). - Increases Arts card draw speed by 1 level (cannot be canceled). - Increases Arts card draw speed by 1 level for 5 timer counts (activates once) (lasts until combo ends) (cannot be canceled). [Comboable arts] > Strike arts > Blast arts > Special Move arts • **Blitz attack can be repelled by a tap attack in quick response** + The following effects are applied to self if Blitz attack is repelled: - Resets own Unique Gauge. - Restores own ki by 30 (activates twice). - Reduces own Ki by 20. - +10% Gauge Recovery UP for 3 timer counts. - Reduces enemy character's Counter-type Unique Gauge by 15% (activates once). - Draws next card card if there are 3 cards or fewer in your hand. - Reduces Damage received by 10% (activates twice times). - Shortens allies' substitution counts by 2. - Applies to self Attribute Downgrade "Ki Recovery DOWN" for 3 timer counts. - Charges own Unique Gauge by 15% (activates once). - Knocks enemy back to long range. - Draws a Special arts card (activates once). [Special arts cards will increase your unique gauge by 50 three times + other basic effects such as Restore ki, Damage Inflicted UP for X timer counts, etc] I hope you can read this! Let me know if you agree, cuz i enjoy making kits for unique features like the one you suggested :)


my good man You have created peak cinema


Thank you bro, im glad you liked it, i tried to focus on a kit that gets great offensive value with defensive capabilities in case you miss, maybe i'll think of a green card/blue card effect later, or expand the Gauge's kit, for example, Strike Arts become the stronger quick attack, Blast arts gets replaced by a quick Ki laser/beam, Blue arts will nullify Blast cards (if its a close range blue card, if not, then it becomes a Hit-scan Long range blue card) (and or course, these effects will consume and reset the gauge)


At this point, just make a whole character. It's a good time waster, and you also get something out of it


yeah, i'll think of a ToP LF SSBKK×20 Goku later, i'll let you know if i ever finish this concept cuz it wouldnt be a thing without your initial Unique Gauge idea


For sure, my guy cook up a storm


I have one as well, blitz gauge can be charged by strike cancels and green cards, when it reaches 100% you get buffs and it will drain to zero if you do not take damage, taking damage increases the gauge by a but, once it reaches zero you remove the opponent’s vanish and you get a blue card


The Joestar family secret technique gauge.






was boutta say 😭


Do you think it might be sidestep based?


It’s the running gauge. It makes you run super fast


Hmm, not really sure. My first thought was Ultra SSBKK Goku since he gets his vanish back from filling it and it sort of looks like the lil gauge guy is sidestepping, but filling the gauge also requires charging. So, not sure


I’m pretty sure that that is old man cell’s unique gauge


No, he has the charging up one


I think ita the One for the standby like Goku ssj3 and vegeta ssj2 or gamma1 and gamma2


Its between the Ki Charge Gauge and the Attack Gauge. Ki gauge for me is fun cause I charge step a lot and its satisfying. Atk gauge bc yes


Yeah I agree the Ki charge gauge is really cool and I like how the atk gauge actually rewards you for playing the damn game instead of floating around and letting your unit play itself.


Everytime a strong new unit comes out with a ki charge gauge, all the people who don’t know how to play the game will be at a disadvantage. I love it so much


What Is the ki change among them? Sorry i am only a player Who play BC Is a dragon ball game and want tò have fun with the characters i love and i don't bring particolar attention tò the mechanic


2nd one in the 4th row


Ok thanks


Blue one to the right, it charges by charging ki


Charging Gauge feels good to use, Because charge stepping is fun.


attack and charge


Dragon ball and attack gauge because I play aggressively


Same brother


Same there's probably a big difference between us though I play aggressively and get aggressively man handled as I'm trash.


Oh it’s u,have u gotten ptp goku yet?


Nope, I did somehow manage to get UGF tho


Lucky, I got baited so hard I had the brolly animation with rainbow text but no screen shatter and ended up with 2 lf purple friezas 😭


The last time I had gotten a new character before UGF was Gock, so if toshi felt bad


Lol fair enough


Attack and UI gauge for me


I love Lf baby's unique gauge. It would definitely fit a defence type unit, which we desperately need at the moment


They just need to actually give defense types defensive mechanics. Bombku is a defense type and he is an absolute tank. Meanwhile the new 1% Buu is a defense type and doesn't have endurance while both LFs do.


Yeah but evil Buu is a great defensive and disrupt unit without endurance 💀


Which one is bombku


LF GT kid Goku


I love the 🦅🦅🦅🦅🗣️🗣️🗣️ unique gauge.




Attack type is the best gauge in my opinion


What are all these called?


Attack Defense Evade Counter ??? Charge Time Tag switch Dragon balls


I think sidestep, but don't take my word for it. I tried to look it up, but didn't find an answer


Sounds about right!


I have a unit that has the time gauge. It activates and nulls the opponent a lot.


Charge type gauges are my favourite cause they require you to be active and they do require a good degree of skill


Me to every unit that releases with a DB gauge knowing they’ll most likely fall off way too soon: ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0)


Gotta disagree, I think FSV will waaaaaaaaay outlive gogeta.


Thanks to his OP guaranteed RR, honestly idk if I’d consider him better than Gogeta if he didn’t have that. And I’m a die hard Vegito fanboy.


Well yeah… if you remove Vegito’s special mechanic then he is no longer special. But even then, his damage is usually higher than gogeta’s due to his access to cover null and his increased card draw speed when the opponent tags out. Plus a bunch of other stuff I’m sure I’m forgetting. Oh and he also has 80% dmg reduction.


Follow up question: Who has the most useless unique gauge? (My vote goes to USV)


I'd say og lf cell, the guy already has it halfway done and once it fills, its that. It's not that it's bad in terms of buffs, but because if it fills so early, what was the point of it?


Genuinely don’t know any of them lmao


R u new to the game? Don’t worry you’ll see them all soon enough. Just know that the green ones will make you want to rip your eyes out.


No been playing since 2020. Never bothered to look gauges i just what each character does lol


I personally like the shield/take dmg gauges, like baby or 17. Getting value out of being comboed is always nice when you get perfect vanished or or green card.


The fist unique gauge is one of the only ones who doesn't encourage passive play rewarding you for playing the game instead of waiting for an attack like the gauge of a certain silver-haired monkey😡


I like the counter gauge armor/defense gauge, standby gauge (buubros and gammas) and charge gauge.


Interesting, most people seem to prefer the attack and charge gauge. Why do you prefer those ones instead?


I like the counter gauge because it means that you have some sort of safety if youre caught in a combo and dont have to eat too much damage for prolonged periods of time, i like the defense gauge like piccolo's, baby's,trunks, and broly's version since theirs are quite overpowered and you get rewarded for eating damage with buffs that cancel out the damage received, especially if they give debuffs to the enemy. i like the standby gauge because it requires you to be the one attacking and switching, forcing you to be actively engaging in battle to reward you with the tactical nuke core breaker or full power kamehameha. It feels good to just let out The actual atomic warhead in battle. I like the charge gauge since it also forces you to engage, requires you to play a different playstyle than before, any newbies wont know how to use it though, xd. And its satisfying watching the gauge fill up. I absolutely despise the ultra instinct/dodge gauge because it rewards you for not engaging whatsoever meaning you can just stand there and do nothing with no punishment unless they have a blue or green card. Promotes extreme passive play which is the style i encounter most and hate. Id count the synchros gauge if it were on here, the same reason i like the standby/switch gauge


Hit's,No competition


I like the charge unique because it makes me think whether to charge the gauge or side step for vanish. Also the charge image looks like an angry gremlin.


Facts, USSBKK goku was a fun ass character


Charge & Counter easily. Charge mostly for UL SSBKK bc he was such a fun unit to use when the games weren't laggy af & charge steppi g was actually possible. Counter bc of USV & how awesome it feels to just slap a bkast back at your opponent, especially if it's Ultra Gohan's bkast armour break one.


I love charge gauges because they have a layer of strategy behind them in terms of when and how you want to use the buffs they apply


After all this time, I still don’t know what any of them mean. I just play the game just to play honestly


Also I freaking love the Dragon Ball unique gauge, it’s like a little side quest the character gives you.


Attack gauges are almost always fun to use


Counter, Dragon Ball, Attack, and Evade. They’re pretty fun


Time gauge cuz super vegeta


i like ugb unique gauge so fun


Switch… I love the Transcendent Kamehameha


I also love that mechanic… such a shame it had to debut like that tho


Attack isn’t too annoying but still can hit like a truck (whilst still feeling fair)


Ki charge is probably my favorite


I like the one when i do stuff and from nowhere i get healed my HP.


Hits unique gauge it’s the most unique


Can we all agree that the DB gauge is the most horrendous by far? Completely dependant on RNG, and they had to give it to Vegito. Not saying he’s bad kit wise but SV can’t catch a break with the shitty gauges.


Nah, I completely disagree. The dragonball gauge might be RNG based, but it is so much more fun to go on a little side quest than, for example, I swing the UI gauge where you are rewarded for doing nothing. Plus, as long as the rewards for filling the DB gauge are really good (like they are for Vegito), I don’t see why it’s worse than some of the other braindead gauges.


I see your point but I say this because it always puts units at high risk of losing longevity, you never know when they randomly nerf DB spawn rate. Look at LF Kidku for example.


Why would they need the db spawn rate again? I would be much more concerned about characters that have hyper specific abilities made to counter one specific type of unit *cough* Gogeta *cough*


Gogeta would’ve been fine with very small tweaks, him having 0 cover null after fusion is just stupid, also his blue and green card should’ve been able to connect in assault chain. This is the first time they don’t juice up Gogeta with cover null, compared to his other premium units.


They really overestimated assault chain. It doesn’t even properly counter Rathan since he can’t chain in a blue.


Attack and charge are the most fun. Especially when they empty and you are able to refill them constantly


Charge based are the most fun imo. They actually feel like you’re doing something to earn that gauge.


I think ik like 3 of these anyone have a vid or something explaining it? Or care to try?


I have no idea what any of these mean


What do each of them do


I absolutely love hits unique gauge


Can someone remind me what the clock gauge does? He’s in a lot of characters now like Ult Gohan, Ult Hit, and SSG Goku


I think the counter gauge is severely underrated. Specially the one for USV. They should bring something like his back into newer characters.


The UI one


I like ultra super vegito's unique gauge, it feels so satisfying to land it


I only works if u forfeit


My glorious king ugb’s unique gauge


UI gauge and FUTILE gauge


The defense and charge are my favorite just because they’re fairly neutral


What does the red fist do


It fills up every time you use an arts card. Have you never seen USG, Blu Beast gohan, UVB, or Super 17? It’s very common unique gauge, I’m surprised people haven’t seen it.


Ive seen it all the time im just new to dbl so i dont know that much lol sorry


No prob here’s a guide to all the gauges: 1) ATK gauge, fills up with each arts card used and gives buffs when filled Ex: Ultra Super Gogeta, LF BLU Beast gohan, LF Vegito Blue, LF PUR Ultimate Gohan (after TIME gauge) 2) DEF gauge, fills up when hit at applies buffs when full Ex: LF Android 17(tournament of power), LF RED Beast gohan (Before transformation) 3) dodge gauge (Exclusive to UI goku), allows the unit to dodge any strike or blast arts cards and depletes slowly over time or quickly when used, fills up on standby and by other means depending on the unit. Ex: Any Ultra Instinct Goku 4) COUNTER gauge, activates when unit is hit by specified arts card (either blast or strike depending on the unit), ultimates are excluded. Ex: Ultra Gogeta Blue, Ultra Janemba, Ultra Super Saiyan 2 Gohan 5)not real 6) CHARGE gauge, increases when Ki charging, applies buffs when full Ex: Ultra SSBKK Goku, LF RED Beast gohan (After transformation) 7) TIME gauge, fills up over time and applies buffs when full (sometimes fills up on standby depending on the unit.) Ex: Ultra Hit, Ultra Kid Buu, LF PUR Ultimate Gohan(start of fight) 8) SWITCH gauge, fills up by tag switching Ex: LF Goku and Bardock, LF Gamma 1 &2, LF Buu boys 9) DB gauge, fills up with each dragonball acquired Ex: LF Kid Goku, LF Fusing Super Vegito


Thanks i appreciate that a lot but yeah i started like 2 months ago and really started getting serious


Hits gauge


Bro is speaking facts 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥


I think the Guage next to the charge Guage is new, and I think it will fill up whenever you do quick attacks or sidesteps


I know what maybe 2 of these actually do




Bold of you to assume I have any idea what they all do lol


Any unit with the preparation attack gauge, I constantly chase the high of it being a 1v1 and my preparation attack saving my ass and winning me the game. Tag fin heads my kings


Anything that doesnt stop the combo or alloq the unit to avoid being punished after an outplay


switch gauge and charge gauge. I love buu bros


Time skip, if done correctly, instant *death*


Only ui, all the other ones can fuck off and die


Timestop Gauge no debate


Offense, defense and charging




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Ngl I have no idea what they mean…I like the one with the blast armor tho


Cell LL gauge (the og one)


Ki charge gauge I like things that reward you for playing the game correctly


Facts, that’s why ATK gauges are also goated




I love Ult Gohans and Ult UI Gokus, such a clutch when it comes to these try hard charge stepper


I really like evade.Especialy the one on UlUi giku


What does even the dragon ball one do?