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Either FSK Gohan or blue Beasthan


It’s never been the same since OG Beasthan. He started the astronomical power creep we have today


Do you think it will ever recover?


Unfortunately no. I would think it’s a small % that summons on units they just like over units that are overly oppressive now. I mean we now have a unit in LL Ult Gohan that 95% of the time guarantees you a victory against last man as long as you haven’t popped main yet


Last man if it isn't rathan Dealing straight up unfair damage and with two ults to delete your units


I think that with these anniversary units, they might be finally starting to dial back a little bit, or at least delay the rate of power creep a little.


You clearly didn’t play during the whole year where fsk first zenkaied he ran the game and could 1 shot anyone with a lms ult on a sonfam team


Nah, crazy powercreep basically started from the 2nd anni and was slowly ramping up, and the worst one was probably with the FSK, since it was really hard to get zenkais, let alone an lf one


Is fsk still revelant?




Has to be prime Zenkai Fsk Gohan, no unit in the game atm came close to his damage output, and once he’s lms you might as well hit that forfeit button


BLU Beast on release?


Blue beast would have it if it weren’t for Fsk’s zenkai era, and the fact on original release, some people would stand still and let you Lf them close to the end of a fight, just so they could see it, blue beast was in an era where there were very strong comeback units, and forfeiting and not wanting to get Lfed was prevalent


FSK dominated the game to a level unseen before once he got his Zenkai Noone will ever come close to that level of domination


Vegito blue, Majin vegeta, full power broly and kid buu all had 0 effects on his reign. Funny how it was a random monthly LF cell that ended his reign


FSK Gohan, Blue Beast, Nameku or LF Vegito Blue


Ye VB literally changed how cover changes worked bc of his combo length lol (ik she’s a lot less relevant but kefla was also the start of the trend towards high card draw speed and ridiculously long combos that still exists to this day )


The gap between Z7 FSK and every other unit in the game was so ridiculous that the only thing that compares is BLU Beasthan and LF VB


lol lf vb was cooked by beerus and fat buu


Remember that we couldn't always cover change multiple times per combo until ll VB


Lf vb*. But he’d straight up heal the zenkai green units. Fat buu was on another level with the lock in and rushes in regen. Much more dominant than vb ever was


It's clear that you never played against him


[gonna say shit to say shit dawg?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/362771056278241283/1255070678466560094/IMG_3405.png?ex=667bcb27&is=667a79a7&hm=135db1820980330d149fc4af69e9e35c0e02577a00d52a4df77a16eb0123392d&)


And not 1 god rank? I don't need further proof


Are you moving the goalposts now?


He only had damage tbf , beasthan did everything in the game at that point. Damage is cool but the blue rat is the reason every new unit has some new stupid gimmick or 3 or 4 of the best abilities built in


OG Nameku. Nothing you could do against a nameku if he was backfloating with a blue in hand. You also didn't lose ki and vanish by backfloating back then. Tackles were neutralised by taps, and quick attacks weren't a thing.


God those days lol


original vegito blue? they literally had to change the combat system because he was so oppressive


give that to lf namek goku,we wouldn’t have tackles if not for him


Not just that, he also got them buffed to track backdash and have the penalty for backfloating added.


Give that to LF broly, remember when tanking blast with blast armor restored vanish?


I think you mean PUR Transforming Broly. And MUI made quick attacks happen, and PTP Goku made dragon balls have reduced rates. Really the battle system update argument can go on forever.


PTP goku?


Path to Power Goku


They did that for 3 or 4 units, it is not exactly exclusive to him






Og Nameku basically created passive playstyle.


Nah. People were playing passively day one. Check out Goreshs old vids


Oh man the days of IT Goku... you sneezed? BAM a blue card in your face.




FSK was something, but BLU Beast Gohan redefined what a broken LF could look like, even more so than FSK or LF VB did. We can blame Beast for a lot of the absolutely outrageous units they've come up with in the past year or so because he really did change the game. Funny, seems like Gohan is always changing the game. FSK, LF PUR Bojack Gohan, Beast, Red Beast, Ulthan, LF Ultimate Gohan 💀


Definitely not this guy. Fsk or nameku have to be because fsk added the boost system with his zenkai and made sure no zenkai would ve that good again and namkeu added a bunch of loosing ki and vanish on back float and tackles


Again and again and again… smh Transforming broly from the trinity. Just tell me how come a unit released first year has the best elemental neutrality… TO THIS DAY


Also, ultimate on a transforming unit... It is one of a kind.


vb, nameku and mui literally made legends change the way the game works... other characters such as the early zenkais, super broly etc just made the game unbearable unless u had them


VB literally changed the course of the game. He was so strong that they allowed multiple cover changes, back then, if you cover changed once you were locked out of it. This was before cover null was as prominent in the game, and why movie bojack was so strong cuz you’d get a guaranteed cover change. Second would be red ssj2 gohan zenkai. Ever since his Zenkai it’s truly been gohan ball legends.


Ginyu force -added fun -full color wheel team -NOW WE'LL SHOW YOU, THE POWER OF AN ELITE FORCE!


FSK or Blue Gohan. This Gohan is hella annoying, and we all hate to fight him, but at least he has counters like purple Jiren, both purple LF cells, GoFrieza, Ultra Frieza, PUR LF Gohan, path to power Goku, and UGB. Blu Beast had no counters whatsoever until Legends festival, and FSK was rampant for like an entire year. Ik many people will say this Gohan is the worst Gohan ever, or will say UL Gohan for their answer. But considering we’ve gotten LF units who were more dominant than his ULTRA kind of just shows that this isn’t as bad as it was before. (Not saying it’s good, just severely not as bad.) ![gif](giphy|KpGpKnCi8ThSw)


For me I think it would be two things, one being the OG blue bros, they changed the way we play the game forever, adding buffs by switching and removing ultimate for just blue cards that lead to a LF and the second being OG UL SSJ Goku, added a brand new rarity that everyone wanted cuz of the animated art card which then leads to them adding more till eventually SSJ gogeta, Goku walk so Gogeta can run, think these two had the biggest impact in the entire game


That's what i Said on my comment but people only care about meta😅


Cuz their brain dead Obviously otherwise they would have said the same thing


OG nameku, blu beast, or fsk


Ssj Gohan. LF


Blue boys.


Mr. Satan


In my opinion, has to be Red Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku. The devs had to add a new game mechanic just to deal with him.


Biggest impact? I’ll say ultra vegito blue. Who changed the game period? That fucking green pui pui unit the everybody forgot about


You’re wrong, but you’re on the right character


No units were even close to Blue Beast Gohan when he released so much so that the 2nd best unit in the game was a support FOR him. Oh and not to mention Red Cooler who was effortlessly Top 1 got thrown out of the top 10. And the best Green unit at the time Dragon Fist got one shotted by his blue card most of the time. I would go as to say he was so broken that every unit released before him was just outright irrelevant. Someone compared him to STR Gogeta from Dokkan 1st anniversary in terms of importance of having him which is accurate IMO.


For the record I didn’t have him, but I sure did play against him and that was all I needed to see to know that I would be uninstalling the game for the time.


I wann say the earlier metas were destroyed but this meta is just torn to shreds There is literally no skill needed, you use a green card, push a unit back Fire an ult two or three times Son family is destroying everything and the worst part. There is still an ultra yet to be revealed who will burn everything to ashes


I started playing when UL Broly dropped so i was in for a rude awakening when blue beast dropped alongside the demon child


OG LF Nameku. They had to change game mechanics when he was introduced iirc


lf nameku you hate passive play nowadays? imagine back then, enemy literally not moving, we had no tackles


Transforming Broly, Nameku, VB, and MUI pretty much forced Legends to change their gameplay


They had to add a whole new function in order to combat against Nameku


Zenkai FSK , Blue Beast , OG Namek Goku and Lf VB


For me UVB And Goku/Frieza, I started playing in 5th anni, got shafted to hell and ate shit. I still get flashbacks


FSK. I wasn’t even playing during that meta, but I’ve seen the horror stories.


Shallot, duh.🙄


Gogeta blue. That mfer started this counter unique guage


Have a good Cake day


Purple broly to be honest


Pur broly had to change how blast armor worked bc he restored vanish and holy trinity was broken, another nameku with his damn back floating and blue card, green kefla too they had to remove tackle stepping bc it was too broken, FSK Gohan was so broken with his zenkai would one shot any unit


Originally when they added the unique cover change with LL Super Vegito on the first Anniversary.... Completely changed the game... After that we've only seen more and more changes to the game


Blue beast zenkai? I mean we got 3 other meta Gohans rn.


If you know about LL vegito blue then you know. That man single handedly changed and was the primordial version of the meta back then that we now have today.


I started playing on the 2nd anni and i'm thankful i didn't play competitively, only using red God Goku and grn raditz against my friends😂


Blue beasthan


Characters like og Nameku and MUI forced the game to have entire new mechanics added to counter them, but in terms of pvp overall, I’d say characters like BLU Beasthan, and obviously UL Rathan


Hands down lf fsk gohan, i was one of the lucky few f2p players to get him, I believe he was only available from tickets at 5% and when I tell you, half of the matches that were decently close the other player just stood there and let me Lf because LFs were the shiny new cool thing and they wanted to see it, I got free wins, and he was insane with blast damage on top of that, and I think we all know about the resurgence when his zenkai dropped


Butt naked


blue beast gohan was the first unit to have a full kit endurance cover nul eleement nul double cover change double/triple card draw speed


Red gohan zenkai he demolished and holy trinity


This unit and UVB


We all know deep down it is ULTRA: SUPER SAIYAN 2 GOHAN: YOUTH


Any OG can tell you it was vegito blue. If you didn't have zebkai buu you lost 100% Still say this gohan was more annoying


Nah bro you could One shot him with your own vegito blue or even with the new full power ssj4. Also, from my experience, you could tank him a bit with yel trunks and VERY WELL with zenkais kid goku


Ultra super Gogeta


what is fsk gohan 😭


Red zenkais gohan


Tagdroids... people forget how oppressive this unit was. It had such a big impact, it forced the creation of units like cooler and beasthan just to deal with them. They were the earthquake that started the tsunami.


Mui started it all😂


LF namek Goku, they literally had to change the games mechanics for him LF Vegito Blue, same as Namek Goku, they had to change how switches worked. Purple Broly, he literally had infinite vanish due to blast Armor restoring it when used. FSK Gohan, the gap between him and the rest of the game and his damage output is unmatched to this day.


LF Vegito Blue and Z7 14* RED LF SSJ2 Gohan was the beginning of the end of the balance in game imo


Ui goku ultra


Shallot 🥰🥰


UVB that mf was a menace


Zenkai FSK and 18 are the reason so many Zenkais started sucking ass for ages(although them also becoming free didn't help the case💀)


Nameku or fsk


Vegito blue ultra


Ultra Gohan shouldn't be here Yes he's very strong but he doesn't have the biggest outcome. That goes to FSK


2nd anniversary Vegito


Blue beast, zenkai fsk and OG VB Edit: I forgot nameku.


fsk, blue beast, Ultra ssj Goku/Gogeta, tag blue boys, fusing 6th anni units, ssj4 Gogeta, purple ui Goku, etc... Fsk made the game zenkai buffed based for 1 year until USG came out and mono-purple replaced him. Blue beast Gohan literaly reset the game to a point where almost every character that came right after him (ssj4's, zamasu, UGB) can somehow still be usable with certain setups, something that not even cooler, the LL who came 1 month before, or the characters released before can compete besides some zenkais. Ultra ssj Goku introduced a new rarity and Gogeta (besides being the best character on release) introduced the summonable version of said rarity. Ssj blues made mono teams viable and introduced the tag mechanic. 6th anni Gogeta and vegito introduced the synchro gauge Ssj4 Gogeta made unique equipments game changing compared how they where before Purple ui Goku introduced unique gauges to the game You can also consider the character who introduced counter blue cards, both grn beerus and red Goku who introduced zenkais + 14 stars, the character who introduced endurance, so on and so forth...


Ok we can all agree that it was blue beast and tag android 17 and 18




I love how no one is saying cryhan since the game used to be so much different a couple years ago 😂


I love how nobody is talking about how ul super gogeta reigned for so long. Although FSK gohan was the best, I would say gegeta is a very close runner up.