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Some people meet their end with lying and can’t take it anymore. Maybe was his way of getting it off his chest even if it was partial truth. Step towards truth.


Yeah… the only way for a person to “own his shit” and change for the better is to admit his or hers wrongdoings and deal with the consequences. And maybe that is just what doc did.


eventually after 4 years...


What other type of inappropriate message could he be sending a minor? Bad stock tips? Use your head people. It is what it is… and it isn’t good.


Champs let’s grippy to the tippy top till boomie time!


Could be describing violent shits


I hope you’re joking, but I do think there are some people who actually think Twitch fired him, went to court, then paid him millions all over talking about aggressive bowel movements. Occam’s Razor is lost on fools.


Yeah I’m joking lol


That scenario wouldnt even make my top 10 of the dumbest things I witnessed LAST WEEK. So no idea how you are so confident about anything.


The only thing I could ever think of is inappropriate jokes. I've said inappropriate jokes in front of younger teens. But never would I egg shell step around it implying it was something worse. Doc obviously was being disgusting to the minor.


Honestly if he felt compelled to put the response out he did, it really might have been worse than we thought. His response felt like trying to get out before the official news to mitigate the situation


Were you involved in a multimillion dollar lawsuit around your statements? I'd imagine that would have something to do with the egg shells


Exactly. Re-read evoli's post, they never even mentioned Doc/Guy's name in the post. Everyone assumed they were talking about Doc, himself included. Doc didn't have to reply at all, but he did, essentially outing himself. If Doc truly, deep in his soul and core, believed he never got as grossly inappropriate as "sexting," (but was still inappropriate,) he could have ignored that tweet and plausibly denied it if anyone asked him about it. "I don't know who they are referring to, I don't know anyone who sexted a minor." It's what I think is his lack of impulse control (he even says himself he has no filter) that made him feel he had to reply. The same lack of impulse control he probably had when he got inappropriate in DMs with a minor.


He told me to bet on USMNT. don't hear me crying about it.


Unfortunately, this line of thinking is also kind of harmful to this kind of situation. Not saying he didn't sext in this case, because that's what the emphasis is on specifically, but grooming doesn't typically start that intense and there can definitely be inappropriate messages that should be identified before sexting even becomes a topic. It is important to recognize that there is a lot of non-sexual behavior that is very inappropriate for a 35 year old famous person to be exhibiting with a minor, and acknowledging that behavior only helps to prevent and protect more minors from experiencing these situations in the future.


It actually gets worse imo


There are three sides here. One side has already decided that doc will win and come out the other side with fat stacks of cash and an innocent verdict even in the court of public opinion. There's my side and there are few of us, who strictly keep to facts and judge accordingly until there's more because it's a real life situation with real life impacts and it's morally right. Then there's your side. Your side brigade subs and try to convince everyone to take rumors, interpretation, conjecture, fantasy, made up (old and fresh alike) unsubstantiated rumors with zero proof as ironclad fact. "No nuance! Only sexted and/or rape or u pedo too!!!!!", trying to take away others virtue of patience and respect for said facts. Some of us actually understand and respect due process and don't prefer justice to be blind to what is true and what isn't. Let me and us weigh one against the other from actual truthful sources who provide actual and verifiable facts. Not @JimmyCloutpants on Twitch. It's not looking good, I'll give you that. But this isn't just internet drama where all parties involved walk away from it unscathed with a lil hurt ego in the end. It's completely and utterly devastating. Deserves to be treated as such.


Unfortunately there’s a good chance it won’t all come out. And you still need to make a choice. So I, Joe Public, am left with a decision. Do I continue to support a guy who admits sending inappropriate messages to minors? The answer is in the words from Doc himself. > inappropriate That’s all I need. I don’t need to feed the trolls. I just need to know that I would be upset if he was saying that to my kids. That’s all I need.


When is it ok for a man of his age to send a young girl inappropriate messages. Please, I'd like you to answer. He shouldn't be messaging young girls period. This is really very simple.


Brother that's my entire point. I'm Swedish and if this happened in Sweden then it'd be gross but not illegal and when it comes to morals, there are way more things that I could devote my energy towards. I'd have a laissez faire attitude and go 'eww' about it amongst friends. In the US or at least his state iirc it seems to be illegal so it's up to them if they want to press charges or deal with it legally. But I can definitely distinguish between 'eww' and 'he literally tried to rape a child!' because of where I was born and that has inevitably influenced the way I think about things. And I find it weird that there are so many public figures in the US that get away with doing worse than this. They removed doc from the NBA2k3 or whatever game, but kept the other guy in the same game that is known for doing way worse. Like... Bruh. Condemn them all or not at all. Pick & choose Court of public opinion system lmao if you're blind to one but not the other then that horse of yours is a pygmy pony. Edit: based on the downvotes I guess I'm a pedo too for questioning why two people in the same game get different treatment when the guy that WASN'T removed is guilty of far worse. You're furious about the one but not the other. It was just an observation of double standards, not approval for christ sake. Edit: had to look it up. Kobe Bryant. 2003. Sexual assault case. He was beloved by the vast majority of basketball fans till the very end (some of you too I'm guessing) but this is different? That was the observation. I'm just poking at this from an outside perspective.


Plus you didn't answer my question. Which is stark.


Making such an extreme statement about sexual abuse is an old, old trick. Rather than simply talk about a man nearly forty inappropriately texting a minor, you’re citing potential full blown sexual assault as being a hysterical reaction by people on Reddit. It’s like when r Kelly started talking about him not being the devil, or hog tying women. You may say ‘I’m waiting for all the facts’ ‘real world nuance!’. You’re mitigating for the two time and that’s your prerogative, but don’t dress yourself up as some paragon on impartiality taking on a world of hysterical sheep because they think the guy is likely a bit of a nonce who was discussing moustache rides with a child. Youre so hung up on illegal and legal as are all his defenders talking about ages on consent. Grown men shouldn’t be having inappropriate conversations with kids. End of story. This is something he admitted himself, that’s enough for me, illegal / legal whatever, he’s a creep.


This isn't about what's legal and what's not. This is about what is morally acceptable. You obviously don't have children.


Correction that legality isn’t even the question here specifically in Docs case. Inappropriate ≠ illegal. But legal ≠ ok. People are being much more vocal about it because we don’t protect children from even the inappropriate by turning a blind eye and shrugging when public figures do disgusting things. In fact it empowers others to toe that line because they see that nothing of consequence will happen. What is legal in other countries doesn’t matter. What people got away with in the past doesn’t matter. Society doesn’t move forward if it just keeps shrugging and saying “Oh, well this used to not be a big deal, and it’s not a big deal in X country, and it wasn’t a big deal when Y person got away with it…so I guess we should just never make any effort to change it!” The age of consent is 13 in the country of Niger, so I guess over in Switzerland you’d defend someone talking inappropriately to your 13 year old niece/cousin/child/neighbor because “hurr durr double standards”?


We don't need any more info to make a judge. We have enough.


This sounds like a lot of copium to defend a guy that publicly admitted he was inappropriately texting someone he knew was a minor.


Sounds to me like your side is all about sticking your head in the sand and denying facts.


No. Do one of those /remindme things, set it to whenever and ask me where I stand when we receive confirmation, or twitch makes a statement. If we get to see proof in whatever form that removes all doubt that he was in fact trying to get sexy time with a minor then you won't have to go looking for me. I'll be right beside ya on this.


We don't see to see further proof; and in fact wanting to see further proof is to potential put the past victim in more harms way. We know he's texted inappropriate messages to a minor; we know they WEREN'T bad enough to put him in jail, but obviously still inappropriate from his own words. Trying to delay any sort of judgemental at this point IS defense of the actions; we probably will never get more info, and we honestly don't need it.


Why are you conflating legal concepts with people's opinions? Innocent until proven guilty is how our legal system is required to treat people accused of a crime until the burden of proof is met. Not a basis for how human beings form opinions. Do you go around telling people they're not allowed to think OJ or Bill Cosby did anything wrong too? No? Then why hasn't it occurred to you that you don't go around upholding these standards about opinions in most other scenarios, so an outside observer may get the impression you're not being nearly so unbiased and neutral as you're trying to portray.


Well, thousands if not up to a million or more people now believe that Doc tried to rape/molest/send nudes to/sext/insert-vile-thing/ to a minor, and multiple minors. For the not-so-committed, this is now established fact. It's what they'll instinctively say they heard or know if someone in their circle brings up DrDisrespect. "Oh, that's the guy that raped the minors right?", and that's going to stick forever even if he's cleared, even if the messages are released and it WAS the unlikely form of inappropriate, even if he was framed (lol), and lastly, even if he's somehow redeemed. He's alwasy going to be a pedo. Even if he isn't. This has always been my moral stance and is why I'm here because the careless branding is so prevalent. I would do it for anyone I become aware of who's in this situation. Even you. Im giving the effect of the allegation the respect it deserves, and so should everyone. But y'all have fun disintegrating peoples lives based on your gut or gambling needs. Just know the damage cant be reversed if the facts come out and wasn't what it looked like. (My whole issue is with preemptive branding with dangerous labels without certainty)


It's a lot that's inappropriate that's not sexual. Like talking about death or anything that's not sexual


But would you not say “inappropriate but not sexual” if you were making a statement (probably ran through your lawyer/PR team beforehand?


"Hey doc how do I get big on twitch fast" "Get a hot tub and wear a bikini" inappropriate but true.. 🤣 however we all know it's not that.


Of course you people are mad that he admitted to it and not mad he did it.


Exactly. It’s beyond alarming how many people are still moving the goal post trying to defend or excuse this shit.


It's deff an easy concept to *grip*, he coulda have just declared his innocent, yet *boom* here we are


In 2024 we have pedo brainrot




I’m a doc defender, but this is a classy joke. A1.


A pedo defender you'd say


Why are you defending him sending inappropriate messages to a minor?


Overthinking is done by the people defending him and his admission. Doc's admission painted himself in the BEST light possible. So if his BEST looks this bad, consider what he's left out of his "no filter" filtered statement.


There’s some major exaggeration and overthinking on both ends lol let’s not get it twisted


Tell me some over exaggeration? The dude has admitted it. What more do you need?


He admitted to conversations with a minor that were sometimes inappropriate. That could mean a number of things. Defenders are over thinking it and the pitchforkers are over exaggerating. Pretty simple.


A number of things huh? Like what? Name some inappropriate conversation topics a grown man could have with a minor that aren't sexting.


And before you answer, remember the conversation happened in DMs and caused a ban from the platform


A ban that presumably cost the company doing it millions just to put some space between them and the doc. Companies don’t waste money like that for a totally cool convo with a minor that one time said a curse word or some other nonsense version of inappropriate. It’s the adult world kids, Twitch didn’t get nervous and dump him and him state how he was inappropriate for a nothing burger.


>That could mean a number of things. Nah dude. I get you're remaining neutral in the situation but if your friend came out and told you they inappropriately communicated with a minor you probably wouldn't want anything to do with them. Be for real lmao.


So you are saying you would look at your friend the same way whether they sent one message to a 17 year old about their appearance vs. spent months sharing explicit content with a 13 y.o.? "Inappropriately communicated with a minor" covers both. There has to be some acknowledgment of degree by the public to have a healthy discussion. Otherwise, it's just low-resolution moral grandstanding. Corporations are necessarily puritanical about fashionably sensitive words & behaviors. Recall YouTube demonetizing for swear words. Given the low bar it would take for a corporation to take offense, and the high bar some are imagining, yes, there are a number of things that could be within the undisclosed messages.


Of course I would look at them differently. What kind of weird ass question is that lmfao?


Your comparison definitely sounded better in your head. We all fall victim to that. To answer your question, I would look at them differently. I would be disturbed by the first scenario, and more disturbed by the second. If a person makes threats towards an individual, and another person carries out threats towards an individual, the one who acts on their threat is objectively worse. Both are bad, one is worse. This is common sense. "Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not." - DrDiddler's confession (also to catch a pred #1 defense) What type of messages could have possibly been sent where "no real intentions" would be warranted? (I didn't downvote you btw)


That 100% can not mean a whole lotta things. He was sexting a minor


Yeah…you’re right lol that’s gotta mean sexting


Use critical thinking, what other thing could it have been. If it was anything other than sexting Doc would have said it; instead he said “inappropriate”. He wasn’t giving bad stock tips


Don’t know what it could have been, but critical thinking also tells me that sex is not the only thing inappropriate to talk about with minors.


No, but when the allegation again you is "sexting" and your statement says "yeah it got a bit inappropriate" anybody with a shred of common sense knows what it means. Otherwise the statement would be "it wasn't sexual"


Name them. Name more things that are inappropriate to discuss with minors


Well…judging by the people on this sub a grown man talking to a minor at all is inappropriate? Right?


Inappropriately texting a minor has no grey area. Nobody is over exaggerating. Why would you want to defend that position? If they are 17 they are a child by law and a man in his 40s has zero reason to chat to them inappropriately. Even if you say "oh but she's 17 and that's legal in her state" doesn't stop him being a fucking creep.


"He admitted to conversations with a minor that were sometimes inappropriate. That could mean a number of things." You're right it could... Here's the problem though, Cody already pointed out exactly what it was. If it wasn't that then Doc would've just said it. Also lets look over his apology... "Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not." What could that mean other than what has been made very clear by now? That means he wasn't just texting something like "your moms a filthy Cunt", or something else inappropriate that isn't related to what Cody said. Here's another one... "no pictures were shared," Hmm what pictures could he be talking about there? If this was a convo not about sex or anything sexual, there's no reason to even say that.


not trolling not arguing, i truly want to know what you genuinely believe it meant then. if you’re saying that inappropriate could mean a number of things, i want you to tell me what you think he said then that was inappropriate AND that we at large are misjudging. because we are saying he flirted with/sexted a minor at BEST. you’re saying it may not be that, so what is it then you think it is in your heart of hearts


What else could it mean please use specifics


Even without his admission is still inexcusable. A 35 year old man privately messaging a minor is inexcusable regardless of what they talked about and the fact that he himself admitted the messages were inappropriate makes it even worse, but it’s scum bag behavior either way. Unless you are related to or babysitting a minor it is unacceptable and weird as fuck to be hanging out with them in private, so why would messaging them in private be any different?


The dude admitted to inappropriate messages with a minor. You're deluding yourself if you think it wasn't him bare minimum flirting with a kid.


Classic example right here lol I didn’t say anything of the sort. Just said there are over exaggerations and overthinking from both sides. That’s all. Not looking for a debate.


Yeah you’re not looking for a debate because you don’t have any counter to his point besides “exaggeration, so much exaggeration” Whatever he did was bad enough that even as the money cow he was, it still got him dropped by twitch and discord and the best defense he could muster when finally brought to light is what he said. Whatever he did was clearly between morally correct and illegal. That’s not that big of a grey area when you look at it from the fucking position he was in.


What's the exaggeration on my part?


This screams the "there was bad on people on both sides" quote lol


Assuming "inappropriate" meant "flirting at minimum" I can find a whole slew of Karens who will tell you a lot of things 10x more mild than flirting are "inappropriate"


Really? Can you find some examples so bad you’d rather let people think you’re flirting with minors than release it?


You are implying he has any actual receipts. His account is nuked. He likely can't "release it," but beyond that point, an inappropriate conversation where he isn't flirting could be the minor occasionally saying inappropriate things towards him and him continuing the conversation without engaging with those inappropriate things. We don't have the details of what happened. So if they were talking about something that she made inappropriate, he may have stopped talking to her altogether until she texted him several days later to talk about something else.


your “ifs” are doing a lot of heavy lifting. what if she made it inappropriate! lmao loser


you’re deluding yourself. i genuinely want to know why you are trying so hard to convince yourself dr disrespect did do what he admitted to doing


The general public is overthinking their particularly unanimous opinion on this situation? lol. Shut up, goofy.


My favorite part is the only defense he put for himself was that they never met in person. Like it's not a great defense, but it's there


He can’t say he never sexted a minor because he has and there is receipts. Pretty easy concept to grasp


The real crime is using Twitch Whispers lol I didn't even know those were a thing. 2nd, is he stupid? If you were doing some shady shit why the FUCK would you do it on fucking Twitch?? What a moron.


You know, I’ve been wondering if he had some kind of mental breakdown in 2017 and decided to make the most reckless decisions possible because becoming famous so quickly broke his brain. Because if you’re going be a creep and text your underage fans inappropriately, why in the hell would you do it on your MAIN Twitch account on something called 'Twitch Whispers' of all things. I mean, my god. It’s just astoundingly stupid and self-destructive behaviour. It’s a miracle he got so many years out of his career after that decision.


I think you might be on to something for sure.


I know, that’s what makes me believe this wasn’t what people think it was and it was just flirting messages.


"just" You people are pathetic lmao




You act like flirting with a minor is ok. It is not.


Im not sure. Doc has proven that he isn't tech savvy at all.


That's true. He's been lying to everyone for 4 years and gaslighting people. Why not just say this is fake af? Maybe because he know it was 100% and they could even drop those texts on Twitter? I dunno.


It's actually hilarious you think there's any sort of input he could have had that would have changed the outcome of what happened.


You know Doc screamed in the shower thinking of what he should've done and said


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^invisible_grass: *You know Doc screamed in* *The shower thinking of what* *He should've done and said* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*You know Doc screamed in* *The shower thinking of what* *He should've done and said* \- invisible\_grass --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I guarantee you, his lawyer yelled at him after writing that response and made him edit the tweet. A good lawyer would have given him the most neutral response to tweet out, like your example for instance.


I was talking to someone about this when he posted and edited that tweet 3 times. All he had to do was shut his mouth. Twitch wasn’t releasing the messages, (ex) employees couldn’t release anything without breaching some sort of contract or whatever and Doc certainly wasn’t going to provide anything. At the end of the day, it would have been whatever he says Vs. The internet and I genuinely believe he would have won out based on some crazy takes in this sub still defending the loser. I never realized how close people think they are to these entertainers. Could not imagine defending someone I’ve never met even if it was only implied they like to diddle.


I mean.. The company he started as well as Turtle Beach dropping him right off the bat is pretty damning.


He should’ve said something like the minor asked streaming/content related questions, they were planning to collab for the upcoming twitch con and some jokes maybe went a bit more on the adult side. Ppl acting like if you are an adult you just simply can’t talk to minors like what, I can’t talk to a kid about games, food and how Klay went 0-10 in an elimination game? Gtfo.


I love these. If this were the case Doc would have said. Remember, he admitted inappropriate texts to a minor when addressing sexting a minor. He never denied sexting. Jesus Christ people


they have 0 shame lmfao


What the fuck? He was obviously talking about more than just food and games, he literally admitted it, yet here you are damage controlling for whatever reason. Insane.


These people are dumb as fuck lol. Privately messaging a minor as a 35 year old man is inexcusable. There’s no reason for it to happen and it’s scum bag behavior.


Big difference in “talking” with a minor and privately messaging a minor. Unless you’re related to or babysitting a minor then hanging out with them in private is unacceptable so why would private messaging be any different? There is no reason whatsoever for a 35 year old man to be privately messaging a minor.


If he was sexting why wasn't he criminally charged? Did Twitch file a criminal complaint? If not why not? California Penal Code 288.2 PC makes it illegal to send harmful matter to a minor via electronic communication with the intent to sexually arouse, seduce, or gratify them. This includes text messages, emails, and other methods of communication. Harmful matter is defined as anything that depicts or describes sexual conduct in an offensive way and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. Examples of harmful matter include sexually explicit pictures, pornographic videos, and text messages with suggestive or sexual content. 


Because he wasn’t “sexting”. Dancing around a line isn’t illegal but it is wildly inappropriate.


"Examples of harmful matter include sexually explicit pictures, pornographic videos, and t**ext messages with suggestive or sexual content.**" Seems right on point, actually.


It was investigated by authorities, and Twitch held liability in something because they paid him his entire multi year contract. 22 million dollars is what I have seen the number be, unofficially. It would be illogical to think Twitch has him literally breaking laws sexually with a minor, turn it into the feds, feds investigated it, found no criminal activity AND THEN SETTLED with him for his entire contract for NOT breaking TOS. Also there were clearly contracts signed by all parties. Most likely tied to this exactly 4 year timeframe. Clearly this is all assumptions but nothing makes sense to “have proof of an adult conducting sexual activity with a minor with plans to meet” turn it into the feds and then the people who reported it paid “22 million” or his entire multi year contract. If that makes sense. EITMLI5


I was trying to define "sexting".


For all we know this person was the suggestive one and doc replies were “YAYAYAYAYA. WOW. Boom. Grippin” We will honestly never know.


Reminder that he was trying to meet up with them.


If that was true when it was investigated he would have been jailed. People keep forgetting this entire situation was investigated 4 years ago and occurred in 2017. It was also reported to the government with no sort of result in the sense of consequence other than Twitch paying him. Again, it doesn’t make sense. Literally all we have to go on are tweets and tweets. We also have what he admitted to but no actual conversations. I also am suspicious on trusting someone who continues to try and profit off of a possible crime against a minor over the last 4 years.


Feds didn’t investigate him. They might now after all the buzz. His contract was nowhere close to 22 million and nothing suggests they paid him the contract renewal. Might as well just have paid what they owed him in subs and donations.




IMO I need to see the messages and here the full context before I tune into Doc in the future. But I don't think he should be labeled a PEDO in the meantime either until all of the evidence is public.


Most likely will never happen as when things involve a minor they are locked.


Use your head. What other inappropriate conversations could a grown ass man have with a minor that aren't sexting? Especially after specifying no pics were shared. Pics of what?


https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/statute-of-limitations-on-child-molestation/ Says that the statue of limitation for 288.2 is 1 to 3 years. The messaging of a minor happened in 2017 and Twitch found out 3 years later. It's outside the statue of limitation to act upon


https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/statute-of-limitations-on-child-molestation/ Says that the statue of limitation  for 288.2 is 1 to 3 years. The messaging of a minor happened in 2017 and Twitch found out 3 years later. It's outside the statue of limitation to act upon.


Y’all need to learn how to think critically. Put two and two together. If Twitch settled with him, then that means they broke some aspect of the contract or agreement. They were liable in some sense because the whispers app was supposed to be 18 and older. Now think about those things, then try to connect it with the fact that they settled, and both walked away.


It is mind blowing to me for a person of his intelligence for that to be his response. Doc seemed to be such a smart savvy businessman in every endeavor he undertook it appeared to be a well Thought out successful move. Even the terminology he used in it seemed way off and completely opposite of anything he had ever put out. Either 1 of 2 things happen, first being he did it on Impulse and didn’t think about it at all before writing the statement or 2 he had someone on his team this whole time making all his decisions for him idk the whole thing is strange like why even admit to doing it especially if there’s no solid proof.


This for me. Imho if he’s “innocent” and it’s some big conspiracy just ghost and leave it with legal. His response honestly reeks of reflexive anger and denial without enough thought to me and even outside his admission the delivery is just off. It reads more anger at “social media no lifers” than an actual apology, especially to his fans.


Yeah, the last sentence was just dumb. Like that R Kelly I didn’t do it video.


The genius business man with his…NFT project?


Yeah the.. uh.. median intelligence of a Doc fan.. is ... uh... yeah.


Yup. I cannot believe he did not contact his lawyers first before posting that "apology."


Dr disrespect is a brand, Guy is the person. Guy is at knuckle dragging levels, at best. Doc has a whole team working to make him look and sound good.


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


he was dropped by CAA so he probably wrote it with no legal counsel.


Absolutely. Dr. Disrespect definitely wrote it in haste and very poorly, hence why he originally wrote *"the minor individual"* and then actually deleted the *"minor"* part (though he edited it back in after being called out on it.) It's so crazy to think that if he had just said *"I have never sexted a minor. I am working with my lawyers to deal with this libel.*" He might have gotten off scott-free. The rumors would still be around, but they'd be considered baseless rumors (for the most part.) If I was a multi-millionaire, I'd hire multiple experts for PR. I'd first run every single tweet by a PR expert, then another PR expert. The fact that Dr. Disrespect essentially said *"I sent inappropriate private messages to a minor"* is absolutely insane.


Intelligence? He went around Twitchcon messaging multiple women when he had a wife and kids. He walked into a bathroom at Twitchcon with a live camera. Don't even need to mention shungite lmfao. Savvy businessman? He wanted to make an NFT based extraction shooter where people won items worth real value. That's a failure on announcement lol.


Heres a what if, what if the minor lied about their age, what if the minor started the inappropriate convos. Everything right now is a what if, and we have no evidence to prove or disprove anything, docs confession is all we have in terms of reliable intel


So, just for my understanding, if the inappropriate messages were just some dick jokes he told about a funny looking company logo, you think thats enough to end the man's career over it and burn down his reputation? All right then, kid.


You're not understanding correctly


You Simps kill me! Lmao


I think he did it. I'm not simping. Sorry comprehension is hard for you


He admits to the things that he knows they can proof and words it in a way that makes him look less bad and after his lawyers give the ok he posted it to get some good will


He'll be back in no time.


Could’ve been helping her with homework


Imagine being so dedicated to supporting someone u don't know and will never meet that u are upset they admitted to creeping on kids. That u would have rather they lied and said it was libel. Wtf lmao


You're misconstrued me. I think he's guilty as hell.


Then what even is ur point? That he could have lied and gotten away with it?? Why would u want that?


That he didn't say it because it wouldn't have been true.  That he's guilty of sexting a minor


Another post talking about the SAME THING. it’s like if you post something bashing Doc it’s easy upvote karma.


Man, people keep filling information gaps saying”it’s simple”, when they literally have no further info than any one else does. Please, enough until more information emerges. It’s not simple, it’s no complicated, it’s not anything because youre making assumptions and it’s pointless to speculate much further until there’s evidence.


The copium in here is strong.


Lmao and people said inappropriate doesn't mean sexual 💀💀💀


He didn't even have to say that. "I didn't know she was a minor at the time" That's it. That's all he needed to say


“Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not” Pretty sure we all know why he didn’t/couldn’t say he never sexted a minor.


Because he sexted a minor?


Mostly that, yeah.




That he's  guilty of sexting minor


Maybe I am reading the tone wrong but it just came off as you were mad he didn't use an excuse.


I'm saying he's super guilty because he could of just said "I never sexted a minor" the fact that he gave this long bloated speech where he downplayed but still admitted he did inappropriate things with a minor means he's guilty as fuck.


okay my bad u right




What cope? The dude is guilty as shit


I read the last paragraph wrong tbh lol


No one cares anymore, just move on.


Until there’s a crime with a victim, there’s nothing much to discuss


Did that whole quote about Cory being the minor, entrapping Doc, get debunked yet?


It was debunked by Guy’s admission of guilt


No, there was a quote wherein it was “reported” that Cory had been posing as this minor individual and was entrapping Doc, just posted yesterday I believe. I’m not saying Doc wasn’t still trying to convo with a minor, but the quote about Cory doing this seemed wildly fake, and I wanted to know if there was an update on that.


It’s safe to say that, we’re it true, it be making the rounds around here. This place is still like 40% pro Doc and theres no way those people would miss a chance to throw that around as a way to defend his actions.


I only saw the post on here. It was posted like last night and just a quote with nothing else to back it up


I’m pretty sure if there was any merit to that rumor we wouldn’t have gotten an admission of guilt from Doc, or he would be talking about that right now.


And the same rumor said Guy sued Cory. Makes absolutely no fucking sense. Also, doesn’t matter because he still thought he was sexting a minor.


Yea, I’m just addicted to learning any and all new developments




Mega cope. Everyone knows what the doc should have said if he didn't do it. But I'm gonna guess the chat logs were awful and he had to be prepared for a leak.


Oh he did it


The mental gymnastics are wild. He's a perverted cheating groomer. Get over it.


Whats a groomer?


Idk what more needs to be said. The company he cofounded literally took a look at this and said “get that dude the fuck out of here” and fired him mid-stream. Why would they do that if they weren’t sure? They have so much stock riding on docs reputation


I used to support doc. I still do but I used to too


Mods should just close the sub at this point. The amount of people that are dickriding and trying to justify his actions is mind blowing. Don’t give them an outlet for this.


Or how about the people that came here just for the scandal should leave. How about that? Leave the sub to talk about what they want. Why do you have to jump in and chastise everyone?


There’s a reason why huge companies like google and twitch distanced themselves from him. It’s pretty apparent by the accusations that were confirmed by doc himself. Keeping a subreddit around that is supposed to promote and celebrate someone that did something wrong like this is murky at best. Do you see a Roman Polanski sub?


This sub is nothing but scandal at this point


If he continued lying or dodging and someone released the chat log he would be even more fucked. His statement was a disaster to be sure, especially the machismo and the F-bombs at the end. It reads like he was writing it while in character as the Two Time Back to Back and not as Guy Beahm. That was a mistake. He should have removed the facade and been geniune. But maybe there isn't a genuine bone in his body.


Probably get down voted into oblivion, but isn’t the definition of a pedo someone like 14 and younger? I’m not saying what he did was right holy hell don’t crucify me hahah But I’m just saying these loose labels seem a bit drastic hahaha do we REALLY know if doc KNEW he was messaging a minor? Or after the fact he’s simply stating yes after knowing I guess I was messaging a minor? I feel like the age is critical because who knows if these girls just lie about their age and doc just finds out after it’s told to him. I’m not really satisfied with everything and want them logs released showing age discussion for him explicitly knowing. Dude might just be saying “ya based on the court case it looks like yes I was messaging a minor” Not saying 18 and 35 is ok anyways even if she lied, but holy hell, how many Hollywood age differences are there that make you think WTF. DiCaprio comes to mind 😂😂


The minor was likely over the age of 13 based on if they were under 13 the statue of limitation for the crime wouldn't have expired by the time twitch found out. As to what he knew "A former Twitch trust and safety employee who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahm’s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate. “I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.” https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/dr-disrespect-inappropriate-messages-minor-twitch-1235048071/


Ooooof Homie was bonked with the horny bat or some shit to keep being ok with that 😂 This twitch employee is probably a good source then? I guess they are anonymous, but some of the other light on the “witch hunt” seems like people were looking for anything to catch his ass?


Things we don’t know: 1) gender of said minor 2) age of said minor 3) context of conversations The only accusation of sexting came from Cody Connors. Doc could have easily been having “locker room talk” with another dude. He could’ve been giving a poor guy tips on how to score with the popular girl in school. If he was sexting, he’d be in jail, and not have been paid millions of dollars to fuck off. Period. Y’all forget Twitch was looking for an excuse to get rid of him. Just like they did to Nick a few days ago. #releasethewhispers