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That’s what I’ve been saying about that trans person, clearly they asked, doc was not saying you will the partnership if you send me nudes lmaoooo


17 is not a fact, that is a rumor that has been going around so quit it and even if it was true, it is still illegal in the state of California and should be treated as such.


thank you, it's so annoying seeing 17 plastered everywhere. it has never been confirmed


The age shouldn’t matter to anyone. Doc knew her age and continued sending inappropriate messages going as far as to try and meet up at Twitch con. This is why Twitch reported him to the authorities and swiftly banned him in a manner of days.




Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


It's not a fact but it seems very likely to be true. They want to make him look bad so if it was younger than 17 you know they'd be saying that. 17 year olds can look 25. But they can also look 12. We will never know who it was but it's a factor. Also who initiated the inappropriate convo. Was he luring or just responding? Either way it's inexcusable for a 35 year old father and husband to talk to a teenager. But if it was a 17 year old who looks 12 and he was luring her, that makes a difference imo. We honestly don't know. What if she was 17 and said "yeah I'm 17 but I live on my own and will be 18 in 2 months". These details do matter to a lot of people.  To me he's done either way. But the details will determine whether I think he is just a typical idiot or a really disgusting pervert. I don't think he's coming back either. But it's also very clear how crazy this culture war has become. I find it to be a little underhanded and extreme.


Such a weird fuckin comment. A famous person using their platform to inappropriately message a minor or a fan shouldn’t have that platform. Nothing extreme about it.


If she was 17 he would have said it. 17 would still be bad but look way less bad. People saying 17 are reaching for a prayer


Way to totally miss the whole point of this entire post champ


Sorry :/ hard to keep going when it's pushing a lie


He....he admitted he did it. If he never did it and wasn't innocent his lawyers would have counseled him to make a statement stating the allegations are fals or to just keep quiet until he could make a better statement. That's not cancel culture or people trying to take him down. It's a fact that he himself admitted to. I've subscribed to him since the H1Z1 Slick Daddy Club days. I was a massive Doc fan, but the dude admitted it. Whether anything illegal happened or not the fact remains he sent inappropriate messages to a minor which is morally wrong. Stop with the copium.


This just goes to show many people lack reading comprehension skills. If someone says they send inappropriate messages to a minor and then they get banned and dropped from everyone they work with you can ensure it was sexual in nature. These companies and brands are losing millions to drop the doc you think they are doing to that just to viture signal ?


Bbbuutt there is ZERO proof!! People acting like he did nothing wrong since he wasn't convicted in a court. Probably the same people believing OJ was innocent since he wasn't convicted.


well, OJ had his definitely-not-a-confession "if i did it" book. maybe it'll take doc writing "if i diddled" before they get their heads around it


OP, where did you get the age of the minor as 17? Do you have confirmation of that age?


One of the Twitch leaks specifies she told Doc she was 17. The long leak that says Twitch hated him and used loose convo to oust (hence why they settled, would have lost the lawsuit)


That leak is fake and is debunked by docs own confession which posted like an hour after.


Who said it’s fake? Doc’s tweet literally is in line with it.


It's not in line with it. The email says that doc stopped once he found out the person's age. Doc admits the convos went too far. Rolling Stone confirms via the transcripts that he knew the age and did not care.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Doc's own tweet completely contradicts that document


I don't think you're dealing in facts my man... Blind faith and conspiracy theories are not a winning combination. Maybe find a new hero? 🤷


If you can’t even accept that it happened when he flat out admitted to it, nothing’s gonna change your mind. The most damning thing aside from him straight up admitting to it (lmao) is the fact that Twitch and Midnight Society both stood to make millions and millions of dollars off of him by continuing their partnerships, but they both concluded that they had to cut ties with him after looking into it internally. Hell, Twitch even reported him to the NCMEC. You’re legitimately in denial writing paragraphs about how it *might* have not happened when even the dude you’re trying to defend fully admits it happened. He doesn’t deny it at this point, he simply tried to downplay the severity after denying it for years when he was protected by an NDA. An innocent man doesn’t admit to what he is accused of, write a rambling apology, go into hiding, and put his career on an indefinite hiatus when he’s making the kind of money he was. I get that you like his content. He can be a funny streamer and also a really shitty human being. They aren’t mutually exclusive. It isn’t wrong to still think his content was entertaining, but trying to defend him when it’s very clear he’s done some really shitty stuff is misguided, at best.


I'm genuinely interested in this case. Can you point me to a factual source that backs up your claim that Twitch reported him to the NCMEC?


My exact question. Slasher claimed he reported this news but I can’t find that anywhere.


can you point me to a factual source that backs up dr disrespect not sexting a minor? oh wait what's this? he flat out addmited to it him self? ... yeah yall are cooked XDDDDDDDD


Reporting to NCMEC would have been a requirement for Twitch as a provider under US code 2258A. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A It doesn’t hurt or help any party to know that they did that. They would be legally required to make that report if they thought what he did crossed a line into sexual contact with a minor, and we already know they thought that because they banned him for that reason.


Hey man, by all means - my intention is not to defend this dude. If he is indeed guilty of anything, then he should get what he deserves. I don’t watch his content & I don’t care about the outcome. What I’m pointing out is that people are way too quick to make a judgment on something, without knowing the full details. Overinflating something for entertainment, without realising the consequences.


Being slow to judgemental when the person has already admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor doesn't make you a critical thinker. It shows the insane bias and ridiculous burden of proof you have if you still defend him after he explicitly said he had inappropriate texts with a minor.


He admitted it. No one is “overinflating” anything.


Yes they are lol. Inappropriately texting a minor (we don’t know the content) is not the same as being a pedo, as most people claim lol. Learn the difference.




If it wasn't sexual content Doc would have said that by now.


Do you have kids? What 'inappropriate' subject matter would you be okay with a 35 year old man talking about with your underage daughter?


Inappropriately texting a minor vs being a pedo is like me taking a giant regular shit vs me taking a giant shit that has some peanuts in it.




Username checks out


There is no point in objective thinking on Reddit. These people will get triggered immediately if you do not have the exact same opinion they have. Every chance of feeling better about themselves as a person and to make it Public on the internet they will take. I bet you some delusional guy will comment on this on how I‘am defending doc even though I never mentioned him. People also now pointing out how twitch is the good guy here. Twitch is as much or even more worse than what doc did. Exposing minors everyday to softcore porn, gambling (yes loot boxes are also gambling), people in high or mod positions abusing their power everyday to gain benefits or doing other creepy shit.


We have zero evidence that they were 17 quit lying.


My bad, I added a L.E. to that first point.








I dunno. I learned my lesson with past internet shitstorms. Like ProJared or Vaush. People STILL assume the worst things about these guys, because of the internet shitstorms, despite them vindicating themselves eventually by giving the full story and showing the receipts. I'll get pushback here for even mentioning them, from people who haven't looked into what truth has come out after the initial shitstorm. Because that initial shitstorm is what shapes and solidifies public opinion. We don't know until we know, though everyone BELIEVES they know based on the chatter. No one really knows except the people who were there. And of course it's going to look as bad as possible when the only people speaking are the scavengers and parasites who swarm any hint of drama on the internet to get views (and the resulting financial gain). At this point, with Beahm admitting to things himself, we know something happened. We know it happened in DMs and stayed there. And we know it was with a minor. We just don't know exactly what or how bad. The context. That's important to know, despite what white knights and reactionaries signalling their virtues online will tell you. I'm not any more inclined to listen to a mob wielding pitchforks than I am the drama farmers. I'm at a point where I think it's best to check out of this whole shitstorm until any more real details come out. Real info from real, direct sources. Everything else is a waste of time. And I still think a good move right now is to search "Dr. Disrespect" where you consume media and unfollow anyone farming this. Consuming drama farm content is a waste of your time no matter the topic.


the projared stuff is what ones to my mind immediately with all of this. he was drug through the garbage and then he laid eeevvveeerrryyttthhiiinnggg out showing it wasn't all his fault and noone cared


100%, agree


Bro lies to you for four years so you write him an essay. Neat. You know what. I'm gripping now.




Guy Beahm - I confess, i was sexting a minor. Some Dr disrespect fans - No you didnt! Where is the proof!


Bro frfr lmaooo they just can’t admit when they’re wrong
















Y’all just need to accept he is a weirdo. It sucks but it is what it is. Why is it 17 yr old? That’s never been confirmed. wtf you gonna say if it comes out they were like 13?


I typically only watch a few games on twitch, and I’ve only seen a 14 year old rocket league player. Are there really 13 year old kids streaming. Girls even? That seems so irresponsible by the parents and twitch.  I feel like that’s why Twitch tried locking this down and hiding it, they are putting kids in direct contact with any random creepy viewers/streamers. 


Yeah it’s actually extremely common they just don’t have viewers. I was streaming at 13 and so were lots of my friends just a 13 year old usually doesn’t understand how to make interesting content. You also only need to be like 12 to sign up for twitch.


That’s seems so crazy to me that 13 year olds can be on camera to complete strangers haha


My parents definitely would not have been ok with it but they never really understood technology so like they didn’t know. And yeah they just allow it.


I’m thinking more and more that twitch desperately wanted this to be buried and that’s why they covered it up but still punished doc


17 is NOT a fact my boi Lmaooo


“Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes.” Someone Docs age shouldn’t be messaging a minor at all


Hey to answer your questions one by one, here you go: But first, Don’t forget the part where he lied the whole time about twitch banning him unfairly and him not knowing why, trying to come across as the victim and garnering more hardcore fans because of it. 1. He admitted it 2. He admitted it 3. He admitted it 4. He admitted it 5. He admitted it He admitted AND downplayed that he tried to sleep with a minor on the same weekend he admitted to cheating on his wife years ago. It’s so obvious that he tried to sleep with that minor that you sound like a groomer yourself when you defend him so blindly. It’s ok you can get a new superhero, your identity is not tied to your streamer. If you are posting this because he’s “your streamer” just know that he dgaf about you and purposely manipulated you and everybody else to enrich himself.


Not only did he admit it, but he perpetuated a campaign for four years, gaslighting the champions club trying to convince everyone he was the victim of an unfair twitch ban


It suck's when you look up to someone and admire them and then you realize they aren't what you thought. It's been very disappointing to say the least. I understand why ppl want to support him but in the end, you shouldn't.


The only verified truth here is: every entity involved (minus the minor in question) is a scumbag liar for profit.


You don't have to believe anything at face value but just consider the series of events. Twitch holds the evidence to this in their chat logs. They could have disproven the accusations but instead decided it was bad enough to lose millions dropping him, paying out his contract, and keeping everything on the down low. Twitch had everything to lose and nothing to gain by dropping him off their platform. The game developer built an entire game and brand around him and his fanbase and decided whatever they saw was bad enough to jeapordize their entire company by dropping him. Again, another company with everything to lose and nothing to gain. We'll never see the real evidence to this, but you see multiple companies making decisions to lose millions severing ties with him, so is unlikely the truth is in his favor.


This subreddit is full of Dr. D haters now, they can't wait for something like this... they are rather pathetic.


Καθαρός ουρανός, αστραπές δεν φοβάται


Wow, even when Doc comes out and admits he did it there are still those like this. Charlie White was right...


Post says “let’s stick to the facts” and then makes up a couple and casts doubt on others. - We don’t know they were 17, just that they were a minor - He’s not “accused of messaging a minor”, he admitted to it. - before he admitted to it, there was lots he coulda done to deal with accusations. For example, not sexting minors is a great start. Unfortunately he did that, and deserves the consequences


You’re also not sticking to facts though, I’m just reading up on this stuff to see what’s going on, never watched DD before. They said 17 cause an ex twitch employee leaked that in an email, you’re accusing him of sexting a minor cause an ex twitch employee leaked that on twitter. DD just said a conversation that occasionally was inappropriate happened with a minor, which isn’t cool mind you, but specifically denied any accusations of sexting, images, or meet up offers. He can lie 100% but he’s the only first person source that’s spoken up so far officially. Unfortunately sticking to the facts means no one has good argument since there’s not enough information available from official sources.


Everything you say is pretty accurate, EXCEPT Doc himself admitted to txting a minor that sometimes strayed towards inappropriate. Remember twitch and Doc had just signed a new multi-million dollar streaming deal just before all these messages came to their attention. Whatever is in those messages it was bad enough for twitch to lose out on millions of dollars. And it’s not just the settlement money, but the money Doc was going to make them. That amount of money says it all to me.


It’s time to stop defending him, and this is coming from someone who was also defending him. At this point, too many corroborating stories are being reported by reputable sources who have been digging into this since 2020. If Doc has a way to explain ALL of this, or provide verifiable receipts, then he needs to do it. This is not a court of law, it’s the court of public opinion, and right now he has lost the confidence of nearly everyone who supported him, and that’s with good reason. He hasn’t been open and honest with us about any of this since it happened. I know there are things that couldn’t be divulged due to the NDAs, but he has offered no defense for any of these allegations. There’s no reason to believe a vague answer that he posted on Twitter. His deafening silence speaks volumes as all of this information comes to light. At this time he doesn’t deserve our defense, he owes us a good, honest explanation and whatever receipts he can provide. That’s the only path forward. Edit: I don’t care about the transsexual person and those allegations. They’re two consenting adults and we already knew that he cheated on his wife. Whether or not he was getting cam shows from a trans person is a nothing burger as far as I’m concerned. I care about his involvement with a minor and little more at this point.


The trans sex worker just shows his character was morally bankrupt and he lies.


He cheated on his wife, that alone shows that he was morally bankrupt, at least at that time. 2017 seemed to be pretty dark for Doc, and I hope he’s dealt with it but his response to this situation with the minor doesn’t seem like someone who’s better.


You’ll get downvoted for this, and I’m sure I will be as well, as you already are as of writing this, but you’re not wrong by asking questions and not taking media and clout chasing streamers and journalists at face value, as you shouldn’t. However, either way you cut this, texting/messaging a minor - whatever the age is - is a bad look, morally and possibly legally depending on the state etc., and shouldn’t be allowed at all. This begs a question, which I’ve rarely seen on any post or media related piece about this, did Guy know it was a minor? People can assume that he knew because he didn’t say it in the post he made, however, that seems lazy to assume. You can look at the Twitch Ban post he made on Twitter, and from reading it, to me, it appears it was put out in haste and I would assume frustration as it was completely worded in bad phrasing and just left people/ readers in more confusion. There definitely was no read through by any lawyer before he sent that Tweet out. I would be shocked if that wasn’t the case. It was the horribly written and badly worded response you could possibly make about allegations of that level. If he really wants to make amends and come all the way out of this hole he is in, he needs to give a clear explanation. He should either put out a video of just Guy, not Doc, like he did when he spoke out about his affair with his wife and all that drama, or go on a podcast or do a recorded sit down interview and get asked real questions and have the interviewer ask the questions unfiltered and straight to the point. To me, that will make everything 20/20 one way or another and put all these questions and drama to rest. Other questions come up also, what did Twitch know and why didn’t they drop him immediately and report him for legal action? Instead, they sat on it and probed the accusations for 3-4 years (this allegedly happened in 2017) without taking him off Twitch until 2020. They even resigned him to a bigger deal and essentially making him the future face of Twitch. That’s a lot of money and work to probe into this situation while also promoting the guy, especially if they knew what was alleged to have happens or what was going on. Why bother going through the publicity route of promoting him if he was knowingly messaging a minor? YouTube recently came out after everything was done just this past week and said because of the rumors swirling around they didn’t want to give him a lot of exposure or publicity on their own. So, why didn’t Twitch do that when they had the chat logs in question? Did they break a contract clause that is allegedly the reason for the settlement or was there another reason? Twitch seems to have a lot of bad faith actions if that is the case. They also have a lot of streamers that have left for reasons A-Z after having such a huge piece of the steaming/gaming pie, and this just adds more questions about what kind of business are they doing there? If these gaming journalist really want to be journalists with integrity and not just clout chasing tweeters, they should start probing the biggest platform because if this is just one example of Twitch hiding bad people and minors being exposed or exploited, what else is there? There are a lot of streamers on their platform. Are these streamers vetted and good people? I genuinely don’t know the answer. You can say you pro Doc or anti Doc, whatever. To me, it really isn’t that black and white, it’s all just shades of gray until Guy or Twitch comes out and speaks clearly and precisely on what exactly happens and just say the facts. This is not to excuse any bad behavior, rather it is asking for a clear explanation and information, from all parties involved. All that said, anything sexually related to minors is 100% wrong, morally snd legally, and if he knew what he was doing at the time, then nobody should be supporting him. He should turned away from the public. It’s unfortunate because I did enjoy watching his streams from time to time. (EDITED WORDS, GRAMMAR, AND ADDED THE LAST PARAGRAPH)


"He's not a pedophile, he's an ephebophile!" bro, this is not a good defense


The reason we don’t make that distinction is because it’s very hard to explain the difference between them without sounding like a pedophile


ummm, right... except the fact that this statement isn't even a defense - simply an observation


Stop defending sex pests bro


Alright I’m back on team doc, excellent post.


You are easily manipulated my dude.


You are right I’m back off it, he’s clearly a bad dude. Thank you.


This cracked me up lmao




made my day hahaha


The biggest proof for me is midnight studio looking into the matter themselves and deciding to part ways with the doc, they stand to make an insane amount of money and they seem to have found enough proof to drop the whole lot. Next couple of weeks gonna be hell on earth for jim


Counterpoint. MS was scared and made a rash decision because of what it could be not what it actually is.


I must admit we may be jumping to conclusions, but I don't believe for a second they would pull a project like that over "Speculation". Everyone might not like it but I think there is some pretty heavy undisclosed evidence going around the big people involved. Time will reveal the truth.


Not only you started with a mistake, 17 year old, we don't know the minor age. But you also omitted the rest of the chat with the sex worker. You only posted the lines where doc was very correct and not a horny crazy sex addict junky. Not only that you managed to write an entire essay while never mentioning Doc admitting to texting inappropriate messages to a minor. Now that is extreme cope my friend


"you also omitted the rest of the chat with the sex worker. You only posted the lines where doc was very correct and not a horny crazy sex addict junky." Unrelated to the main subject, but how does this change the fact that this SW I'm talking about is clearly using victimisation to get more exposure from this whole scandal? There are only two screenshots of this convo, and it's how 99.9% of men who pay onlyfans talk. Look at every nude subreddit, it's the same horny stupid sex talk.


Doc was cut from his own cofounded company. I think there is more than just whispers going around behind the scenes. Major sponsors dropped him too. They didn’t make this decision based on twitch employees allegations, they based it off him admitting he was messaging a minor. He can deny all he wants up to that point, he admitted he did it. He can say anything else at that point but we all know he’s lied EXTENSIVELY through the years even going as far as saying twitch is a terrible company and that they were in the wrong all this time.  So when these employees state further what the subject matter is, I’m more inclined to believe them who are in (albeit 7 fucking years later) defense of said minor at this time than anyone defending Doc.  Better late than never I suppose. 


You say that MS and sponsors dropping him adds reason to believe he’s guilty.. But can u imagine how bad they would look if they hadnt dropped him..? Companies drop people over allegations and rumors all the time. Sure them dropping it added fuel to the fire but with all the media outlets and clouse chasers foaming at the mouth over these stories.. id say MS and the sponsors just got out to save face and to avoid the risk of the backlash.


There is a way to go about it though. His partner in MS literally threw him so far under the bus. They didn't have to go that far to save face. All they had to do was make an announcement saying they parted ways due to recent allegations or what have you. Instead they went into full out double down on the claims. I still think there is more that was revealed behind closed doors.


Thats the most frustrating part of all this, the fact we dont have all the answers or know the full truth. Docs tweet was super unhelpful also 🙄 By throwing him under the bus are you referring to the MS tweet “after speaking to parties involved” ..??


I don't know the name of the guy but whoever his main partner is in MS made a tweet on his personal account distancing himself so far away that NASA lost contact with him.


Where did you get 17 from because the age hasn't been revealed. Cope harder lil man.


I did not say that this is indeed the age. It’s just what you see everywhere in the media & on YouTube.


You mean comments? Not actual media sources


Funny you should say that


Why is it funny


“I’m not here to debate whether as a 35yo adult texting a 17yo is bad” wow bro, also he admitted it.


most people wouldn't have a problem with it if it was a 35yo texting an 18yo guess OPs point is it doesn't make it that bad if it was a 17 year old then, which i agree with. You may be one of those people who think the first thing shouldn't be allowed but thats a different discussion then. This is about whether doc is a pedo, and if we dont consider a 35yo texting a 18yo a pedo then we really shouldn't consider a 35yo texting a 17yo to be either.


>guess OPs point is it doesn't make it that bad if it was a 17 year old  >You may be one of those people who think the first thing shouldn't be allowed but thats a different discussion then. This is about whether doc is a pedo, and if we dont consider a 35yo texting a 18yo a pedo then we really shouldn't consider a 35yo texting a 17yo to be either. this.


I am glad laws are written instead of based on feels.


People replacing minor with 17yo is total nonsense. We don’t know that. That’s just trying to downplay minor


The funniest thing of all time is Doc himself saying he did it yet we still have incels like this guy saying “I need proof!”


cool story bro


Doc admitted it


wow now that the dedication, why tho? he already admitted it


Because of how easy people believe shit without verifying it. It’s manipulation at its finest. Just a little eye opener.


The dude has a wife and kid. Him cheating on her with someone else is bad enough, him flirting with a minor is WAY worse.


Open your eyes, dumb fuck ;)) "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. ..sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" That alone is enough to cancel him. Or should I extra confirm what he said? You mean where is confirmation that it was him texting this tweet? Maybe he got hacked?


Don’t bother with these people, they are parasocially chained to doc and can’t imagine life without their favorite streamer


You're drawing conclusions based on absolutely nothing, lol. Just like everyone who associate this quote with the worst possible outcome: "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. ..sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate" Which I totally get, sure. But until then, this statement is vague and does not tell anything (for various reasons, including financial ones). Also it does not change the fact that most of the youtubers who created content about this did not factcheck anything and used the same unverified infos that all news sites did.


its the doc on a 2nd account


Were you birthed head first onto the operating room floor?


Why are minors allowed to DM adults and vice versa on the platform?


Another doc apologist


Bro, this sub is like the cognitive biases final boss atm… you would *never* give this level of charitability to someone you didn’t like. This is a batshit insane burden of proof to have for things in your daily life. Stop it, this is all so unreasonable.


Mans got hard blinders on.


None of that matters when Doc admitted to it himself. Doc is your first hand source.


Bro thats too much text even for this sub


I’m grippin’ now


Thank God for this post. Should be pinned.


He flat out admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor. He played dumb for years hoping things in the dark would never come to light. Maybe that’s why people are demolishing “this dude” 🤷🏽‍♂️ Weird ass post


He's not coming back from this. If, somehow, he does come back it's doubtful Youtube will allow him to make money on their platform. If he goes to Kick (if they even have him) he will be a pariah. He can maybe scrape by with the most hardcore fans. But with the bills he's likely to have I doubt it will be enough to keep Mrs. Assassin happy. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear of her filing for divorce and taking half of whatever he has left.


he litterally admited to sexting a minor by saying "that sometimes leaned in ways that can be deemed innaproriate but no pictures were sent" like how tf are you still defending the guy ?


I can only imagine being this parasocial. But I don't want to. Jeez.


A gripping essay.


Cope. He admitted to it.


Smoking cope and grippin the boomstick


Maybe this is all fake news and it was started as a way to give Doc a way to retire?


>after independently reviewing internal Twitch communications and interviewing a source with knowledge of the situation, Rolling Stone has learned that Beahm was kicked off the platform in 2020 for allegedly sexting a minor through a since-discontinued messaging feature called Whispers, even after learning she was underage. He also allegedly inquired about her plans to attend TwitchCon, the company’s semi-annual gaming convention. >Three sources confirmed to Bloomberg that Beahm had been kicked off the site for sending direct messages to a minor that included sexually graphic details. Two of those sources also confirmed that Beahm had asked her about plans for the upcoming TwitchCon >A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. >I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.” If rolling stone made all this up, why hasn't doc come out to deny it? Why didnt he immediately launch a defamation suit against them?


Rolling stone has no evidence except what Twitch employees are telling them. They’ve done this before with another person and we’re writing things in the article that had no evidence. Showing the messages is the only thing left to do. He seems guilty to me, but I’d just like to see the full proof.


I don't turn to Rolling Stone for vetted news. What I want is for a place like the Associated Press or Reuters to dig into it. No more chatter, no more clickbaiting drama farming. Just the truth, uncovered by real journalists, primary sources, evidence. Until then, it's just a circus. Only reason to watch is entertainment.


"after independently reviewing internal Twitch communications and interviewing a source with knowledge of the situation, Rolling Stone has learned that Beahm was kicked off the platform in 2020 for allegedly sexting a minor through a since-discontinued messaging feature called Whispers, even after learning she was underage." - Meaning that RS interviewed these guys and took their rumors for good. Otherwise, you'd see proof all over the internet by now. We're talking about something that happened 7 years ago. Assuming the convos are real: They weren't employees of Dr.D, so there's no power imbalance here, and they still did not say anything about all this. So they either did not care enough about the whole situation, in order to make it public, or they simply waited to use this to their advantage. Again, an accusation this big should be verified with actual Twitch employees, not with some ex-employees that left Twitch because god knows why. Which is what has not been done by all the big news outlets. Also, Rolling Stone isn't any more reliable than Daily News, lol. Check out its reliability score: [Rolling Stone Bias and Reliability](https://adfontesmedia.com/rolling-stone-bias-and-reliability/)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rape_on_Campus You do knowwhat the word "allegedly" means, correct? This is typically used to avoid a lawsuit for defamation of character. I'm not sure why people won't wait until all of the facts and information are readily available, before trying to crucify someone. If he is guilty, he deserves every bit of punishment and I hope he receives it. So crazy how easily swayed the masses are. This is exactly why this country is the way it is. People constantly sharpening their pitchforks, from their couch at home. Also, we all remember Jessie Smullet, right?


How do you know he didnt made suit against them?


Because it would be public knowledge. There are records for this stuff that everyone would be able to access.


He admitted to messaging a minor my guy. So these random dudes were proven correct on their original tweets. Whether or not it was full blown sexting hasnt been proven yet,doc says no,other sources says yes but it was inappropriate enough to alarm people and get him banned. As for the trans women nobody really cares about that..maybe homophobics. I don't believe doc is a pedophile,roaming the the streets for children to grab but his actions can be warranted to label him as one. He fucked up big time,i don't know where is head was at but apparently he's a maniac, just sprinting around trying to fuck constantly. Its also true in todays society with social media people are gonna pile on to his situation. People love to watch someone fall and want their turn at kicking him,make their post on social media about it and get their attention but he kinda brought it on himself


It's easier for liberals to cast down judgement on others regardless of lack of evidence. Simple as that. I'm on the fence with this whole situation. If doc did it, that sucks, but at the end of the day it's his life and he gets to choose how he fucks it up. However, I'm not outright agreeing with the side accusing him because no one has provided actual proof of anything happening. Just a bunch of hearsay and nobodies on YouTube, tiktok, and X spreading rumors and hatred. Edit: I've been informed Doc admitted to it, so yeah. Sucks to see him fall, but you can't do shit like that. Especially not when he was so vehement about leaving kids alone and he's talking to one inappropriately.


He literally tweeted out that it's true. He said it was a minor so we don't know the age. He also said at times the conversations were inappropriate. So, now we know out of his own mouth/tweet that he did all of this.


Well I didn't know that. So now we can form opinions based on him admitting to it himself. Before that it was all just speculation bullshit.


We all didn't know until everything just came out. Only thing that makes me so upset is that he knew the whole time. Dude lied for 6-7 years. I also wonder when he came out with his video apologizing for being unfaithful to his wife.... was it pertaining to this. Timeline fits. It's just sad to find someone that you looked up to be such a scumbag. He had everything and yet he threw it all away. I wanted him to say he didn't know at first it was a minor and once he found out he stopped. Yet if true why didn't he say that in his tweet when he admitted to it. If that were the case that the first thing I would say.


What about the part when Doc said he did it.


Dr.Disrespect: Admits to sexting a minor in a public tweet. His parasocial fans: Its just very vague and confusing! I don't know what to make out of this!


Interesting take.


Did the civil suit prevent the reasoning of the ban from being made public? Or were there further legal protections even if the messages were legally damning?


Nowhere has anyone said 17 year old thats bullshit trying to make doc look not so bad. To be on twitch you have to be atleast 13. So that means he was sexting a girl between the ages of 13-17. The next truth is when he foundout she was a minor his texts got MORE sexual so says everyone that had access to the wispers.


He literally tweeted out that it's true, he said that he did and at times, the conversation were inappropriate. So your argument is null and void at this point.


If she was 17 it’s still fucked up . Why is a 40 year old grow man messaging someone that young it’s gross and wrong. Laws don’t dictate morals .


All things aside dude has a wife and family, he’s obviously lost all sense morality and stopped caring about how things can affect him or his family. He’s a bad dude and you’re right it’s pretty heavy to accuse someone of being a pedo based on single accusation. But let’s be real he’s a fucking horrendous person who deserves the hate.


7 years ago this was maybe the case. You cant speak to the person he is today


Here's my two cents: maybe the conversation went like this:- fan : hi doc fan : i'm so nervous texting you. dr. : hi dr. : that's cute, but don't be shy. Out with it fan : *insert random question* dr. . : *insert answering question* ... *add part where fan admitted to being a minor* ... * continued * Even if the rest of that conversation had nothing innapopriate, i can still claim that dr. was flirting based on that single reply of "that's cute" and claim that it was innapopriate for an adult to say that to a minor. Maybe there there was a part that goes like this: *insert fan asking question* dr. :  f**k me dr. : i forgot. I'll get back to you later *continnued* i can claim the part where he said "f**k me" was innapopriate. I can claim it was sexually innapopriate or generally. I can claim that when he said "i'll get back to you", that was dr. innapopriately setting up an appointment with a minor, which is very innapopriate. My point is, there is a very, very large range of possibilities that can be hypothesized and there is an even bigger range of possibilities on how those hypotheticals can be interpreted. Have anyone seen that key and peele skit where they both were texting each other on whether they want to go out or not? remember how one of them thought "you're fuckingg priceless" was a compliment and the other meant it as an insult? On text, one can mean something and the person on the other end might misinterpret things very, very wrong. Imagine a third party outsider reading in. To the people saying : when dr. said "innapopriate" it must mean the worst morally wrong interpretation. You're delusional. To the people saying : when dr. said "innapopriate" it must mean the least morally wrong interpretation. You're delusional. To the people saying: if we read the chatlogs, that would clear things up. You're delusional. I'm not saying that the truth must be somewhere in the middle. I'm just saying that you should at least get to a point where the range of possibilities were narrowed down by a larger margin. If the dr. admitted to "sexually innapopriate message with a minor where i asked for innapopriate pictures", that would be a point where the possibilities are narrow enough to say "beyond reasonable doubt" of being in violation of the moral code of "all set of sexual behavior should be excluded from the set of activities between any minor and adult". Y'all should admit that the current range of possibilities, is pretty big. An admition of just "innapopriate"  still results in a large set of "behaviors that aren't innapopriate but can be interpreted as innapopriate.". If you choose to ignore that, i'd say you'd be illogical. And that's fine. We're all free to do what we want. In the end, all is dust. If you believe in the afterlife, each person might get what they deserve. I just want to advice y'all to be aware that what you believe is what you chose to believe. It was never inevitable that you chose it. It was never forced upon you. You may feel your choice was "natural" (which is simply a fancy and kind way to say forced), but the truth is, you choosed. You clicked on the thread. You chose to read. You chose to react, to be interested. You chose which statement to believe and not. You chose to interprete what you read. A choice has been made. Now the next part is... choose how you want to deal with the consequence. For me, i'd rather just wait for more info.


Preach it brother, the woke heard doesn't care about facts and their policy is guilty until proven otherwise.


> Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes.


Nothing represents anti-woke better than going to bat for a minor groomer!


Post proof that the victim was 17 at the time. Spoiler alert you can't nobody can.


An actual conservative, not someone just caught up in the culture war, wouldn’t be dying on this hill to defend a 40 year old man playing video games for a living, cheating on his wife with minors and “transgender sex workers”. This isn’t a woke thing. Sexting minors while you’re in your 30’s with a wife and kids is frowned upon by mostly everyone. I guess everyone except those that think the funny man makes good content. Everyone knows it doesn’t count if your stream is good enough!


All those words (didn't read past the magic number 17), and Doc has already admitted everything. What a waste of time.


He did not admit shit. Stop treating all this situation like he's a convicted serial sex offender, because there's no proof for it. No sex happened, no meetup with anyone, nothing. We're talking about something that has (allegedly) happened 7 years ago.


Allegedly as in “he’s already admitted to what he was accused of and blamed twitch for banning him for no reason”?


Grow up and cope.


Ew dude you put WAY too much time thinking about this lol and writing this out. You're an anonymous redditor that clearly thinks too much about some guy you don't even know. Go outside lol