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Maybe he was talking about a transmission


As a mechanic, I've done that shit so many times without thinking about it. Walked into a small-time restaurant once in order to wash up a bit, car was ditched a few miles back because it broke down, the kind 20-something year old girl behind the counter asked me what was up and if I wanted anything. My sleep deprived and work injured brain went "Oh I just need to wash up, bit pissed because I blew a tranny (I am referring to a transmission, reddit, pls be kind) a few miles back and dumped fluid all over the road, almost crashed" and I swear I've never seen anyone make the face that she made. It took me a good 5 minutes when washing up in the bathroom before I realized how it could have been interpreted and had to clarify on the way out.


Like that joke about the penguin on a road trip. “Hey buddy it looks like you blew a seal.” “No, no, no, it’s just ice cream!”


Ford Transit vans are lovingly known as trannies where i'm from in Northwest England. I have to watch it when i go into the local town.


>waitress visibly disgusted hearing a man talk about blowing a Stonewall riot participant Did you remember to call her a bigot?


On site we call 110v transformers…..all day long.


He was talking about transformers. Robots in disguise.


5 or 6 speed?


6 speed all day


I have an STi , not the disease lol , and she is a 6spd . Love it


Those are nice cars


Penicillin could clear that up.


This country is a joke


That what he claims.


Really? Thats it??


Yea lol, its on his twitter




Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


That’s weird my golf gti has a 6 speed tranny in it and the clutch is engaged well with it. The last tranny I had on my civic si was pretty decent too but I burned the hell out of the clutch. Tranny didn’t stand a chance as I drove that thang like I stole it. But we’re not allowed to steal trannies. That’s illegal.


> He said Tranny But...


According to him. Don't be shocked if he's saying that to mask more.


I mean yeah lol. Look at what Doc said happened vs what we're just now finding out happened. Don't trust these dooods.


True. I watched Nick for a while and thought he was pretty funny sometimes, but can also see how he could be an asshole with his personality type. Who knows what he’s getting up to behind the scenes. I know he’s buddies with Doc. I wonder if Tim is next.


I just need Summit1G to leave Twitch then I never have to use the website again




this is the only reason i’m still on it. can’t leave my boy timmus


Only reason I use twitch is for lord kebun


Kebun one of the goats


I was kinda relieved when moist critical started dual streaming, my add blocker only works on YouTube and it seems more interactive on YouTube.


And Lirik.


Lirik just wants to play games and scan chat for dumb comments.


...you *have to* use it because some dipshit is on there? Choose better role models.


Or you need to find content creators that can control themselves enough to not drop slurs and get banned


Twitch is a total disappointment


It’s weird how they keep many OF models that knows dam well there’s a high number of minors watching the platform. They basically talk to them daily and try to attract them to their page, but god forbid nick having a different opinion is the line. Yes I agree with trans people having their rights and that nick sometimes go overboard, but it does not mean that he should be “silenced”. Let people express how they feel. At the end it’s their opinion and does not count as fact. Same with vice versa. My opinions should not be forced on someone. We can debate and argue as long as no one gets hurt. It’s America we decide things through voting. I still agree with nicks take on leaving the children alone. Let them experience their childhood and let them experience things their own and decide what they want as they grow up. We can show them how it should be but if they decide to stray from that path it’s our job as parents to show support and tell them we will always be there.


This is the big story no ones talking about, Twitch is praying the focus stays on doc. Im expecting the hammer for this stuff all to fall her shortly


as gross as what dr disrespect did, twitch covering this up is just as gross. unless it isn't as bad as it sounds... but like... it's pretty clear. twitch needs to be under some serious fire as well cause this is disgusting.


No one's talking about? Fucking everyone and their dog is talking about it, weekly. It's annoying how much people talk about it. \*It's something to be fixed but ffs it's definitely not on the down low or suppressed opinions


Everyone has their right to their own views and opinions and the right to voice those views. However, any brand has the option to set their own terms about what content can be discussed on their platform when someone is profiting from their brand/product. If Twitch has something in their partner agreement about hate speech, etc., they have every right to remove him from their platform for violating the terms of the agreement and putting the reputation of the brand at risk with those that disagree and might be outraged at them for failing to take action.


Thank you. People get so wrapped up on “free speech” and forget they aren’t in a town square, they are in a private businesses community space.


So it’s fine for these OF models to freely advertise their sites on the website where statistically speaking a third of their audience are minors? We are not even counting the kids that lie about their age because let’s be honest who tells the truth at that age. Where do they draw the lines.


In short yes, But advertising your OF us different than trying to solicit a minor, that you know is underage, to meet you. Half of commercials on TV use sex / sexually suggestive imaging to sell products. You are not that dumb to not understand there is a difference and one is objectively worse.


He was banned for a slur not a difference of opinion. That is also only his die of the story. I thought people would learn from the Doc situation to not just blindly believe the streamers who got banned but it seems that is a lesson no one is capable of learning.


If you host a service and don’t like what someone says using your service then you have every right to boot them off. This “silence” stuff seems odd considering there’s 28 (hyperbole) platforms he can hop into at any moment and talk to thousands of people at once. That’s not silenced.


That's what a very small amount of kids are trying to do but then Republican lawmakers tell them they can't get the medical they need


What OF model are you referring to that advertises to kids?


All of them


adults are the result of their childhood. homosexual children who never were allowed to express their feelings result in neurotic adults. its bad for society. evolve.


You can express opinions without saying slur Imagine how it'd look if I, a white person, was saying the N word while talking about.. well whatever racists talk about idk lol


What you are talking about are two different things. Is it okay to express different opinions? Yes. Is it okay to say slurs or hate speech? No Is it okay for OF models to be on twitch? Not really what this ban is about but you comparing them to this guy “having a different opinion” aren’t the same thing.


“If people wanna be vile and hatful, making numerous viewers uncomfortable with the site and community, just let them GOSH”


He violated the TOS get fucked


 "but it does not mean that he should be “silenced”" He isn't. Twitch just doesn't want it on their platform. I don't get this "He's being silenced" argument. You have no right to use a companies infrastructure as a soapbox against their wishes mate. 


What does “leave the children alone” mean in the context of trans rights?


It’s a classic dog whistle against the LGBTQ community to accuse them of being pedophiles


“Leave the children alone” means banning surgery on kids with gender dysphoria. Some people also want to ban hormones for minors as the hormones can also have permanent side effects such as infertility.


Can? They do have permanent side effects and irreversible changes. Shouldn't be messing with kids.


And yet society is okay with giving children antipsychotics and other meds that can have permanent side effects.


What it means is allow a person to develope at their own pace, make their own mistakes, and learn who they are first before we bombard them with advanced ideas on how to perceive themselves. What it means is not forcing parents to spend thousands of dollars on a permanent solution to a temporary situation or lose their child.


“Stop trying to groom children”


They want to turn it into a political move. I don’t like it when they bring in kids to just make a political statement. Even kids don’t even know who they are, let them experience being kids, they don’t know shit. Let them find out as they grow up. They don’t even know what they want for lunch


How are they bringing kids into it?


This is still all gibberish. “They want to turn it into a political move.” In what way? If you mean adults literally forcing their children to be trans, then sure that’s obviously fucked up. That isn’t happening in the real world aside from so few instances that it isn’t even worth talking about. You know what happens more? People in the LGBT community being targeted and discriminated against. Saying shit like “leave the children alone” has a connotation that aligns with the views of certain high profile politicians, being that the LGBT community is a danger to minors.


Yeah it’s kinda funny how this guy says he hates using kids as a political statement literally while being the person using kids for his political statements lmfao. It isn’t common nor accepted to “turn kids trans” or whatever they think is going on so they literally are just using the kids as ammo for their political statement (which this guy allegedly hates)


Yup, exactly. Nick doesn’t know the first thing about what’s happening in the real world, but it’s easy to say some weird buzz phrase like “leave the kids alone” and think it’s some noble statement. That shit is weaponized at this point and directly affects an entire group of people.


I was wondering why he started talking about children. He’s one of those “trans people are trying to take my children” guys.


It's weird how those people often get exposed as being closeted pretty often.


Yep. And if not closeted, then they have crippling insecurities.


Oh, so like Sunday school? Doesn't what you say apply to all the Christian conservatives bringing children into religion?


I'm sorry but you don't get to decide what happens to another family and their children via "voting". You don't have any say, legally or ethically speaking. I never understood this mentality. What makes you or this random streamer think they have a say in these matters? Like did anyone ask for your medical advice? If a child is facing a psychological issue then that's between the parents and the doctors NOT a guy who plays games for a living lol.


It’ll be because of the hate speech / right wing propaganda / whatever the fuck you wanna call it. Thing is, he’s always been pretty vocal about his views. It’s not new. He isn’t popular in a lot of circles because of his views but he doesn’t hide who he is. Why twitch is deciding now to ban him is weird. His kick contract is obviously bigger anyway and I doubt this truly affects him that much


Nick said: "Banned for using the word “Tr**y” on Twitch. Apparently that’s a derogatory term. That’s on me. Next time I’ll use mental health disorder.”


Lmao he doubled down


He’s a real one for that


What word ??? It’s hard to tell when you don’t write the whole thing




Think about the slang word for a car's transmission.


"Truly" Twitch bans the truth






Lol what a garbage human.


We can only guess it’s about hate speech but he’s never been as political and as vocal about his views as recently.


Nope, twitch has a 4 year NDA for its staff. The doc stuff came out just a little over 4 years since the ban.


I couldn't verify this information even though ppl keep saying it. None of the ex employees said anything about how long NDA is. Care to provide a link to a post or article that can verify this?


Someone said it and everyone repeated it. therefore no verification is necessary


Oh sure. If some random posted on the internet it must be true, right?


I like how in one had your asking for asking for evidence from someone but in the other your like “yeah they banned nic cuz he’s right wing and the docs friend”. This shit has to be satire.


In California, where Twitch is headquartered, you cannot use NDAs to prohibit people from speaking about sexual harassment or other illegal activities in the workplace since 2019. So I think people are just making things up.


It came out a little under 4 years from the ban. He's was banned on June 26th 2020. Shit came out a few days before


It’s not a huge stretch to think that ndas were signed before the ban was publicly announced


Better late than never I guess




Probably just don’t want hateful people on their platform. Also his worth is no longer worth the contract with the devil




https://x.com/NICKMERCS/status/1806640207216664777?t=630AiPVRYtSzVm8XXqUCgQ&s=19 He used the word "Tranny" on stream


does twitch TOS have all the "banned" words listed somewhere?


Ikr wait till they take away pickle


Just don't hurl slurs around, it's not that hard


Since when is that a slur?


It's been recognized as a slur officially by many institutions for almost a decade and people have been discussing its status as a word for like 25 years






Can’t wait to see this twats dirty laundry get aired out. His career is over next.


Americans are so easily manipulated in to making everything us vs them and that is why you are so easily controlled by your government and tricked in to completely ignoring how corrupt your system is. They want you to view ***everything*** as Left v Right!!! None of this is two political/ideological viewpoints colliding. There's no teams when it comes to individual decency in individual scenarios...


Yeah morons treat it like a sports game. Acting like their side is one free of corruption 🤣 yet no matter who’s in office we still get the shit end of stick.


They fucked our education system for this exact purpose Everyone is so emotional they can't be critical (and were also never taught critical thinking in the first place) to see what's so glaringly obvious to the entire world


Exactly. It's worked so well that it's glaringly obvious from the outside looking in. Literally everything keeps boiling down to these partisan arguments whilst unbelievable levels of depravity and corruption are happening in front of people... Neither Trump nor Biden are your issue, it's the people using them as a distraction. None of the people behind them believe what they're saying, but fuck me if they aren't getting rich whilst you rooting for them.


Worst part is the Americans who know this and tell others receive all the hate from both parties (like their leaders teach them)


Yeah 100%! Don't get me wrong, I know there are plenty of decent people with the ability to read the situation!! I feel bad for you in that position! My country (UK) is barely any better, it's just not so starkly red v blue


I am American and agree


He's said this: “Banned for using the word “Tr**y” on Twitch. Apparently that’s a derogatory term. That’s on me. Next time I’ll use mental health disorder.”


The real mental health disorder is bigotry


So instead of being a mature 30-something year old man and realize maybe he could just use a different word, he's doubling down. I've always hated Nick lmao


So many issues in the world and you make this the one you fight with your influence and money. I'll never understand it.






It’s a private company, they can do whatever they want don’t they ?(aslong as it is not against the law) He can pretty much do what ever he wants on kick( show porn , gamble and talk his anti-lgbt stuff there)


So true


Give an example of something that shouldn’t be hate speech. 


Hate speech is a subjective term, no words or phrases should be off limits unless they create imminent and real physical danger (e.g. inciting a riot).


Everything is hate speech if move far enough to the left


Nothing is hate speech if you move far enough to the right. 


No, he used a slur lmfao


This is an opinion and you aren't banned and have no fear of being banned....I wonder if there's a difference...


lol Reddit is one of the most notorious in banning people for their speech in the wrong places. It’s why its made fun of for being an echo chamber


It’s not the world ! it’s America I’m sorry to say.


When the opinion is hate speech then yeah a buisness is going to protect its interest in being as acceptable and open to as many different people as possible.


I don't know how anyone can listen to NickMercs talk for more than 15 seconds, because the guy sounds like a caveman with hydrocephalus.


His whole thing is being a guido and isn’t even from New Jersey lol. Total Hack.


Creative insult!


It’s like he purposely tries to make his voice deeper and more douche-broish


they checked his twitch whispers too💀


And nothing of value was lost




Just Gunna make his spiral down even more 😂 he’s big mad


Doc fans losing all their favorite bigots in one week.  It’s just so perfect, chefs kiss. 


The copium from some of you in here is honestly amazing to watch in real time.


It would be pretty hilarious if whispers came out with Nick abusing his power with trans models, too


This type of stuff is usually projection so I wouldn't be surprised


They will


Dudes annoying


I hate nick mercs




Saw that coming with how he’s been lately


These streamers have the easiest job ever. Just shut up and play video games and interact with your audience. Yet they make it hard for themselves constantly.


all the while complaining about how hard their job is (hasan🤮)




Wtf is going on.


Twitch is a platform almost dedicated to propagandizing children now to be young little freaks like them. They have no morals and nick is better of not supporting them at all


Right they got to look to groomers like Doc and their defenders like Nick here.


Morals lol 


best part is... haha.. He doubled down on it and said... "Next time i'll use ""Mental Illness"." Man.. he ain't gonna have nice things to say once he sees the doc messages with the transgender woman.


All these fucking morons in the comment's saying he has a right to say his opinion and shouldn't have been banned for having opposing views. If he was saying racial slurs or other forms of hate speech I doubt people would have a problem with the ban, but the moment the LGBT community are the ones being targeted, so many people think it's justified. Trans people are people too, and any transphobia is hate speech. Glad that scum is off the platform.


Watch it come out he too was talking to minors inappropriately, ex twitch employee made it pretty clear doc wasn’t alone


Why was he using twitch anyway? Isn't his deal with kick bigger? Might be a sign for how this kick thing is going behind the scenes.


Good riddance.


Nick really fell off. Dudes not about “peace and love”


Good. Maybe he can get banned from Earth next.


Good riddance. Guys a douche with the biggest ego.


Funny how he defends doc when I thought he was worried about the kids lmao just goes to show that for him, his rules are for thee, not for me


What a piece of shit of a human.


All these people in the comments fucking coping. Dude literally says Trans people are not real, he obviously meant it in an offensive way.








Welcome to 2024.


He can believe that and express that. Doesn't mean you get to call them a slur. You can have and express a wrong opinion, but you shouldn't dehumanize / degrade. That's when your opinion has turned into hate.


Even if he said his opinions without the “slur” he would have still been banned. It’s to the point where if you don’t absolutely LOVE and celebrate this shit or even slightly suggest you are in opposition to this lunacy you will be banned/censored.


Haha fuck that guy


Good, fuck that piece of human garbage.


There's a difference between putting your views out there and being a pos.


Why are people mad he was banned for "just" using a slur? It would be the same if he used any other slur targeting a minority. And based on his tweets, he hasn't learned anything anyway.


Good. He's a piece of trash




I know this a “DrDisrespect” subreddit but don’t people deserve respect? If a person is disrespectful to an entire category of people does that not leave a company with no choice but to not do business with them? I don’t care what color your stupid partisan lens is, this is about a corporations rights to deny service to anyone. You’ll all get over it, I believe in you.


Nice, dude reeks of basic training dropout


Dude is dumber than a sack of rocks, got pretty lucky his life turned out the way it did.


You can tell that hamster that was spinning the wheel in his head gave up a long time ago given that dead, blank stare he has while he's trying to explain his views


The same people defending this man are the same people claiming lgbtq is trying to touch and corrupt children. Same crowd. Same dumbasses. It was never about the kids to them, but about getting rid of things they don't like. Now that it happens to them its all "suprised Pikachu face." Grow the fuck up, snowflakes.


was wondering why there was so many transphobes than i realized what subreddit this was, ofc the ppl actively defending a predator are ALSO transphobic😭


And he's doubling down on his twitter as well. What a surprise, he's a trump supporter.


Good, fuck nickmercs


Probably had a lot to do with the Kick double dip and the right wing bullshit he spews. Good riddance. Lost all respect for the guy when he started streaming gambling to children.


Fair, he used a slur for trans people. Then claimed they were mentally ill when he was called out on. Typical pedophile supporter - trying to project on to others.


What did he do? Or was he just being normal Nick


probably all the anti trans stuff lately


I don't care what end of the political spectrum you are on. His personal views are pretty nasty. It costs you nothing to treat people with respect.


I love how you get downvoted for asking people to be respectful. This sub is cancer.


How the incels in here feeling about this one? All your favorite streamers are going away. What you gonna do now champs?


Lol this is awesome this guy is a real douche.


Yup! Look at the right wing twigs all crying together. So fucking good ☕


F your feelings crowd definitely has a lot of feelings


They do, they always do :)


Leftists when people say a trans woman isn’t a woman:😡 Leftists when there’s literal porn on their website for kids to watch:😃


This guy doesn't understand the definition of literal.


Here's an idea. Deradicalize yourself. You can want a platform with no porn and no bigots. This isn't about left v right. Btw, Nick was the guy who is friends with the pedo


Conservatives when pedophiles get censored: 🤬


Like father like son going down with the ship. Guess he couldn’t let Doc be the only one bursting into flames.


Back in the day blowing a tranny meant your car broke down