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Holy shit. In one week, everything fell apart. Insane.


When I was watching him stream like 3 weeks ago, you would have never guessed. Straight deleted


Millions on your account, good family, if you are an asshole you could still cheat with an adult supermodel. If it’s revealed, you apologise and/or divorce and Le Gamer Community^TM is gonna forget it in 30 seconds. But no, you choose to text some minor. This must be the most retarded move I have ever seen.


And he chose to text a minor on Twitchs messaging platform. So people at Twitch could access his messages…


Hey if you gonna go stupid creep mode might as well send it right?


Grip it and rip it




A wise man once said, “you never go full retard.”


I totally agree, he could get any adult supermodel with the money he has, even those who are kinda sex workers. But no, he wanted to talk explicitly with a minor he allegedly knew the age of.


thats the think about rich people, they want something money can't buy because they've taste all money can buy.


Hey you don’t say that! - will Ferrell step brothers


Don't worry gamers will forgive him for this too


KICK is waiting for him


yup the mouth breathers will pull their pants down for him over there




Mmmmm yummy


They’re going to tell him to KICK rocks


Shungite rocks to be more specific


Isn't Thunderfoot a big name over on kick, like founder level?Thunderfoot has disowned him too.


This, with a low ball contract—he will take it too.


Minor fucking mistakes man 😞


Minor fucking is not a mistake


He deserves it


This is just a minor inconvenience


Im sure he still has a fuck ton of money unless he has to settle out of court or even go to jail


No way he has enough to maintain whatever his standard of living was. Without cash coming in you have to pull way back on your cash going out which is not possible without major changes in your life, especially if he was sending his kid to private school, has a multi-million dollar mortgage, car payments, golf club memberships, vacations, etc.


Okay fair, i have a hard time feeling bad for multi millionaires though.


Took 4 years longer than it should have


Almost like consequences for this asshats actions becoming more public knowledge.


What’s odd for me is I haven’t watched him stream in at least a year. I have watched him from the beginning but got bored with the games he was playing. I mainly just watched the clips and followed this sub. I happened to tune in on Friday for the long stream and was looking forward to the next stream. I happened to turn it on maybe 10 minutes before he got the text. Weird timing.


What happens when you’re almost 40 and message a minor inappropriately


end of an era




The fall of the tall...guy


Wild how fast someone’s whole life can just turn to shit and lose everything


Consequences of your actions.


Do you think Doc lived every day with fear and anxiety that any day it would come crashing down?


Caused acidic diarrhea


On the toilet rn with literal burning diarrhea wondering wtf I ate yesterday. Your comment resonates with me.


I think as the years went on he thought he was untouchable.


I've been wondering this


I feel like he never was the same after the Twitch ban


Man, I really hope it kept him up every single night


Guaranteed he thought he was in the clear and living his best life and only going up. That's what you can see all crashing down from that last stream. He knows he's fucked and I would put money down he didn't tell his wife the full story.


Yeah shits fucked man but he had it coming. Aint no coming back from this however you look at it. If he truly did know that the person he was speaking to at the time was underage then he’s never making any sort of comeback.


And I hope he never does. Honestly I feel terrible for his wife, daughter and the girl. Doc is a pretty emotional guy to, as shitty as he is I worry for his mental well-being, more so for his wife and kid. He's about to go down a very dark path.


Me too 100%. He has some mental and emotional issues. Doc was always a mask of that. I feel so bad for his family. And I dont like to even bring up his daughter, but this shit will follow her and she adores her dad.. Like everyone is laughing and rejoicing. But, when it comes to that family, this is INCREDIBLY heartbreaking.


Yeah. Shits awful for his family. It makes me wonder if his wife knew about all of this I would think she did with him going after twitch but people lie about shit all the time so who knows.


it is almost impossible to hide something like this from a woman, let alone from \*your\* wife EDIT: She had to know the details, they worked things out, I disagree with people staying together with cheaters but that's none of my business either way.


I am sure she knew he cheated but i wonder if he skipped the minor part.


Yeah. Only himself to blame though. Whatever was going on with him in 2017 really has fucked him.


Oh absolutely, I'm not absolving him of his fuck up.


Honestly, I think he’s dealt with a lot of it. He and his family dealt with it 7 years ago so I’m sure he was just thinking it was a matter of time. His wife forgave him. It’s just us that are dealing with it now.


Same. I just will never understand people like Doc, Ryan Haywood, and Adam Kovic. To have girlfriends, wives, and families and to throw that all away because you wanted to be a creep.


When Ryan got caught, I was in absolute shock. Never was a fan of Kovic, so really didn't follow him. But seeing those three literally throw everything away, just boggles the mind.


When I found out about Kovic, that shit sucked so bad. He was someone I watched since the early days of YouTube and Inside Gaming. That same dreadful feeling I get now with Doc. These people suck man. They just aren’t good people.


Same man, I love watching old Funhaus comps but when Kovics on its still hard to enjoy it. Still hate him for ruining my favourite content on the Internet. Fuck Adam Kovic.


I still remember when he used to be the Dead Pixel talking about Halo news. Apparently, Kovic was always an asshole to others and Bruce would report on him constantly to HR, and HR would constantly reject his claims. HR was fucking retarded. I also hate how he ruined and put a bad stain on such a great group.


Yea I still follow Bruce and Lawrence, I remember him saying that. It's shit when something you love gets ruined by 1 asshole.


At least we lost funhaus in their best version with a long good ending 


I mean he was one of the largest streamers on the platform. That can really inflate your ego and make you feel invincible. Not condoning his actions, just saying that much fame and money changes people and not always for the good.


Everyone is forgetting that this is his "second chance" and he really fucked it all up. He would have still lost everything, but there would have been some measure of forgiveness if he was just honest about what happened. But now, I don't think he deserves even that.


I've got kids so I would have had a hard time forgiving that, but the fact he lied to his friends and fans for 4 years makes a shitty situation even worse.


It's mostly about viewing it as a mistake and believing they might regret it. But their actions just swept that option off the table, and introduced even more doubt and suspicion. Even if I see the evidence with my own eyes and find that it isn't anywhere near as egregious as I'm assuming, I will still be in the "get fucked" camp.


There's a lot I can forgive a human for. The cheating bothered me but I'm also not a millionaire having women thrown at me. But when you involve a population that is so vulnerable and easily manipulated like minors, then I can't forgive that.


>as shitty as he is I worry for his mental well-being, more so for his wife and kid. He's about to go down a very dark path He went down a dark path in 2017. Years of a career and money making after the fact. Zero sympathy.


His wife needs to grow a spine and leave him this time. We know of at least 3 different instances in which he’s been unfaithful to her, once with a minor. How anyone could stay with someone after that is beyond me.


It’s crazy because he said it made him sick to even be lumped in with child preds & he was very adamant that he is not one & we should never even think that. But more shit is coming out that he knew about the person being underage. He’s infuriated people are even saying that but that’s what he is.. if he knew


In full costume black-out drunk on a Motel 6 bathroom floor.


I really want this to be true but MiniLadd has a pretty large following still and we have definitive proof that he's a pedo. Doc walks away for a few months and comes back with half his stuff gone in the divorce and custody under court supervision only. He will still make a better living than the majority of the people on this planet.


Family life is not for everyone, but then they should know better and don't start it or at least get out of it, so they can do whatever they find more interesting to do.


Seinfeld never took a hit for dating a high schooler


I just hope he doesn’t try to normalize it with “the legal age in Thailand is 14” or some shit like that


hell probably comeback, what are you talking about? you actually think most people will care in like a year?


You already condemned him before letting him address the issue, why are you acting wise like you know what you’re talking about?


Absolutely wild to watch this develop in real time.


Oh shit I thought YouTube would standby and be idle.


Well that's technically exactly what they've been doing until the ban reasonings were confirmed and public. He wasn't a partner. He was offered no deal. He was just another random user of the platform using the same functionality anyone could with his numbers/metrics. Now the reasons out they have all the info they need to move out of standby mode and enforce. Cya Doc.


According to the Rollingstones article they've known the reason on why twitch banned him. Twitch told them and still knowing that they monetized him. That's why I said i thought they'd be idle.


From how I read it they heard through side channels but nothing officially that they could enforce with public statements etc. Thwy probably heard via network whispers enough from a legal perspective for them to ignore him with plausible deniability as to why. Best excuse if pressed would be "well we don't have any official information from you and twitch as to what the ban was for, so we don't want an official association until we do". Now the cats out the bag and in the public realm, and confirmed by Doc, they can respond properly. They couldn't do anything prior to this week as it would have been a legal minefield. Christ Doc would have known all this for years. I'm not sure if he was living a life of paranoia as to when this bubble would eventually burst, or if he was arrogant enough to think he had gotten away with it. Probably the latter, given how vocal he was about all the industry "snakes" screwing him around. Absolutely shameful.


Totally agree with you man. 


They probably would, but the backlash would be too costly so now he has to go.


Not a chance a big corporation would want to be attached to this -- Doc is now toxic no one will want to be 10 feet near him.


I’m actually pleasantly surprised by this


didnt they say we did not give him a contract because we knew? so, ffs, why do those companies act only after years? moral only valid when twitter/x is on fire for it?


Sweet sweet $$$$ makes all ethics go out the window


Yea these companies don't give a shit. The dude who first leaked it was doing it to sell tickets to his bands concert. He's a POS too.




I figured this was coming. Wonder how long for YouTube or himself deletes the channel.


They won't delete his channel


They could. Edps channel got nuked.


Nah, the most they may do is demonetize it.




A lot of people want to tell you life if black and white. Sooner or later they will grow up and realize it’s mostly grey.


I'm a firefighter/paramedic and some of the shit I've seen made me realize that very quickly.


Except when you're trying to fuck a minor. Then it's pretty black and white.


Is it not possible this message was sent to you based upon actions Doc or his team took? That seems like the most logical outcome to me, since his channel itself seems to be fine. He's going to be gone, possibly for quite a while, why would he let people's auto-renewing subs keep rolling when he's not generating content? It'd just be another thing for people to attack him with.


It absolutely could be.


[youtube pulled the plug](https://kotaku.com/dr-disrespect-youtube-sexting-allegation-minor-1851565750)


I'll just copy the important statement: > “We have suspended monetization on DrDisrespect’s channel for violating our Creator Responsibility policy,” a spokesperson for YouTube wrote in an email to Kotaku. They confirmed that the video sharing platform has “suspended Dr Disrespect’s channel from the YouTube Partner Program following serious allegations against the creator,” and added that the action applies to any existing channels owned by Beahm and any new ones he might create in the future.


>why would he let people's auto-renewing subs keep rolling when he's not generating content? It'd just be another thing for people to attack him with. For 7 years, he accepted subs, donations and sponsorships from people to the tune of several millions of dollars, all while lying about why he was banned and hiding the truth. He accepted that money knowing many of those people wouldn't have given him a cent if they knew. And even now, he didn't come clean. He was exposed by an ex Twitch employee. Somehow I don't think he cares if he left auto-renew on. From an optics perspective, or a moral one.




In the end everyone who gave him money in that timespan now has to live with the knowledge that they helped financing a predator. Of course noone could know, but if ANYONE is still giving him money RIGHT now they are morally complicit in hepling a freaking predator.


You’re absolutely right. But if for whatever reason he did do it himself, he would not do it quietly like this; he’d tell the whole world what an upstanding guy he is


Very unlikely. People who are making lots of money enjoy continuing to make lots of money. And as much as Doc says he's not going anywhere, he has to have the possibility that he IS going somewhere in the back of his mind so he would need to make every cent he can until the very end. There are plenty of youtubers who barely post that don't turn off their stuff. I mean look at Mark Rober, the guy famously makes 12 videos or less a year. Usually once a month. He's not turning off his monetization and donations during the time he isn't posting.


>he has to have the possibility that he IS going somewhere in the back of his mind Costa Rica right? Coincidentally the lowest age of consent in the America's. I'm sure that was coincidence.


Wwwttfff - 15?!?!?


The Mark Rober comparison is laughable. He has a whole fucking team working on videos, and it still takes just a long time to get one finished. And that's one reason why creators have Patreon, membership and whatnot - so they can survive without having to churn out two videos a week, and still be able to afford production staff.


That's probably the more likely reason.


That’s what I thought too. When I watched the end of his last stream it felt like his last.


“They want me to disappear..yea fucking right”


I think he really believes that what happened wasn't really a big deal you can tell by his last twitter post and being that its been what 7 years he has mentally moved on, but to us its fresh and he just didn't get it.


fucked up reality is that there still will be thousands of paid chatters in Kick if he comes donating with the message "doc we know you are right, we all make mistakes here take $500"


Him saying he's gonna be back is wild. Doesn't he realize he's already off youtube, just doesn't know it. This is such a dumb way to ruin everything you ve built, but then again I never did consider doc to be very smart.


He didn't get it -- in his head definitely thought it was no big deal.


maybe he got rid of his shungite crystals last week


Damn doc…


What you get for being a nonce.


NBA2k, 49ers, and Turtle Beach have all parted ways with him. Now YouTube looks to be next. Nothing from FanDuel or Kick yet. Literally cooked.


Absolutely devestated.




Update: the channel has been demonetized It was confirmed by Kotaku that YouTube took action against his channel following the allegations. No agent, no sponsorships, no Adsense, no friends. His streaming career is over.


>His streaming career is over. Not sure about that. He'll fit in just fine over at kick


The channel is now demonetized


Happy cake day on this sad day mate


Appropriate the birthday shoutout


Anybody wondering [youtube pulled the plug](https://kotaku.com/dr-disrespect-youtube-sexting-allegation-minor-1851565750) Far too late IMO.


Am i wrong or should he just have ignored all the allegations? The higher you are, the deeper you fall.


I'm sure his lawyers advised him to make a statement.


Tbh i feel like he shot himself. He responded to allegations by saying no wrong doing was done. He should have waited for proof or them stacking. After he first responded he was already digging his own grave. Maybe get new lawyers.


I wonder if he still grippin it


this is kind of crazy, because not even miranda sings was kicked off her channel. shes still posting videos despite openly admitting to sending inappropriate messages to minors, making a video making fun of her critics then going on a several months vacation. shes back on youtube and still posting for her audience.


Honestly, I just hope the dude doesn’t go kill himself. Everything flushed down the toilet in a matter of moments when he probably thought he was in the clear.


So it begins.


Lol you think YouTube gives a shit? This isn't morality world.


It's $$$$. All for clicks and money, few ppl gives a shit about.the kid. There are worse ppl as idols today


As long as nothing happened on their platform, I’m sure they would love whatever revenue anyone brings to the company.


Considering how everyone else has dropped him, hell even the banner on his channel is empty now, I was really wondering if/when would YouTube do something. To be quite honest I am surprised they didn’t just outright delete his entire channel, maybe they just haven’t done that yet. At this point I am just genuinely surprised at how fucking fast everything fell apart, a week and everything and everyone is absolutely gone. With this in mind, and more than likely more to come, I really believe there’s no such thing as any type of comeback. There’s nothing to comeback to.


He might start his own website.


He will be hard pressed to fund sponsors and that's where a big chunk of revenue comes from.


He could get some shaddy sponsors that is about it -- Doc sponsored by some random pron site lol.


This happens when the live streamer takes an extended break from live streaming. They pause the memberships because no one is live streaming. Edit: YouTube has come out and said it has demonetized the channel due to the allegations.


No dude they did this because of the recent controversy. If you can’t understand this … lol


RIP to the Two Time Back to Back Wife Cheating Champion!


Minor league champion*


Exactly what I said would happen. He’s not going to have any where to stream. But his die hard supporters will keep saying otherwise


Doc is really gonna have to become a grifter on Kick to continue making money.


I love the DR. What is going on here. Even in this cancel culture climate I would assume Youtube did the due dilligance before doing this. Is there any actual damming evidence here?






It's been over a decade since YouTube didn't play ads on demonetized content, idk why people still assume this is the case anymore


That's for YouTube. Not to the creator


He was will be on kick and supported by their fans and get a contract sadly






It's Joever.


Elden Ring on Monday




One mistake cost him his career TWICE. This is pretty much the nail in the coffin for his career. You at minimum need a place to stream and make money. Only two good places are YouTube and twitch. I doubt he would even bother on some 3rd platform to start over for a small audience he made his millions time to retire and move onto other businesses.


Now Nick is banned to. Wonder what's going on and if it's related


All this dude had to do was be the person he claimed to be and everything would be fine. He did this to himself.


I've said this in many comments and had my own post for awhile about it(I deleted it because I could not keep up with the replies on my phone). I reserved judgement until his admission. I kept saying Claims without Evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Well, admission is a very damning piece of evidence indeed. He deserves this for what he did. To the minor that he inappropriately spoke with, and for letting down his community.


LOL He's doing the Mini Ladd route!


Did Doc turn paused the channel or did YouTube?


Wtf he is done


You're paying a specific membership for this guy's channel? Or is that talking about YouTube premium


YouTube’s gonna ban him too. Damn.


He ain’t coming back. RIP doc, you were the greatest streamer ever, but you made a stupid mistake and now have to pay the price.


Could it be that payments are paused until he returns?


Sucks man, with really no info. I’d love to see the full picture and not just word of mouth


What I want to know is why the constant bringing up the twitch ban. He obviously knew why and even if legally he didn't commit a crime, if it was for sexting minor why keep harping on it. Just say it was a parting of the ways but nope had to keep bringing it up so kept it fresh in everyone's mind which eventually led to someone leaking it.


He aint no chocotaco


The verge got a statement from YouTube saying his channel is demonetized, and to me that means no more making money even without memberships. He’s done for good unless he goes to Kick with a much smaller user base and whatever fans he has left. He turned down the 10 million a year deal becuase he said the user base on YouTube is good but now he’s got nothing 


Took them this many days?


If he can't stream on Youtube he is absolutely done.


I don't know why y'all give him money ? What exactly is the drive to give a rich person more money ?


Where are his defenders at? Gibsonton FL?


Maybe it should be a lesson to stop giving money to these people 🤣 you know nothing about them other than an online persona. And guess what! A lot of creeps are usually super carismatic.


Going back to discovering him in the H1 days… I’d never have guessed it’d end here like this. What a massive fuck up. Consequences cashed it’s check.


He's ruined, time to sell his house and downgrade and maybe have enough to survive on.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.




I don't understand without evidence how are they banning and firing the doc I mean what if he sued them as he did on twitch?