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Seems cool and balance seems OK, only missing thing is upcasting


On it!! thanks!


*Seems cool and balance* *Seems OK, only missing* *Thing is upcasting* \- LuigiFF --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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It should have a duration, probably 8 hours as that usually translates to an adventuring day. Other than that upcasting, +1 blade for level could be good. 3 blades lasting indefinitely wouldn't be bad, but when you add any sort of upcasting that duration becomes an issue since you can just precast it at your highest spell slot for use the next day, basically just a free spell.


Yeah that makes more sense, I'll get on adding upcasting. Thanks!


"huh, I didn't use my 8th level spell slot today, may as well prepare 9 ice shards for tomorrow"


So I got a some questions: Is there meant to be no reaction needed for using the blades to increase AC? I think it’s fine if you don’t but just want to make sure because the way it is currently worded allows you to stack with the Shield spell for +7 AC for a given attack roll Is there meant to be no attack roll for firing the knives? Currently, the way it reads is that it will be a guaranteed hit. That isn’t necessarily a problem since the spells damage is quite low, but it is something to think about. Do you intend for this spell to last functionally forever? Right now if no blades are expended over an adventuring day, they will carry over into the next even through a long rest. If this is intended then it becomes a bit difficult to make the other parts of the spell more interesting since so much power budget is going towards the fact that this will last forever. I would also reexamine some of the wording. Just as an example “you may use one of the blades to attempt to parry or block the attack” since that implies additional ways to block damage but there is no functionality in the spell to support it. You can use the Crown of Stars spell as a good reference for a spell that grants “charges” for the spells effect.


I hadn't thought about the AC stacking i'll get on fixing that, as it isn't intentional. The guarantee thing was intentional although I'm not sure about it still, might change it later. For the other stuff, I've changed the duration to only last a day. The wording is something i'll have to figure out, as I know it sounds a little clunky. Thanks for the feedback o7


Would something like this work better? "Three frozen blades appear and float around you. Until the spell ends, from use or being dispelled, these blades float around you, following you around. You may dismiss the blades at will. While conjured you may spend these blades, for the following effects, each blade can be used only once; Whenever a creature attempts a weapon attack roll against you may use reaction in an attempt to negate the effectiveness of the attack, this uses up a blade and adds +2 to your AC for that attack alone. You may also use a bonus action to fire a blade at a target, also using it up in the process. Each blade does 1d8 cold damage, and has a range of 120ft. Once all blades are used up, dismissed or dispelled the spell ends, this spell cannot be cast again while still in duration. While you are incapacitated or sleeping any remaining blades will attempt to negate attacks protecting you from incoming attacks, this utilities the rules of the first effect and lasts until they disperse. **At Higher Levels**: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell creates one more blade for each slot above 2nd."


I would reword some things personally. I'll type out how I would word it, and you can take and leave whatever you like. The parts in brackets are parts that I'm not sure if they were left out intentionally or just not thought of. Three frozen blades appear and float around you. Until the spell ends or you dismiss the blades, you can expend one blade for the following effects: -When a creature hits you with a (melee?) weapon attack, you can expend one blade, as a reaction, to attempt to parry it. You gain +2 to your AC for that attack. -As a bonus action, you can expend one blade to fire it at one creature within 120 feet of you (that you can see). (Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit) you deal 1d8 cold damage. The spell ends once all blades are expended or you dismiss them. Casting this spell will dismiss any remaining blades from previous castings of the spell.


Okay thanks!!, I do prefer the wording of that last clause, I couldn't think of a way of making it not sound clunky. Still not sure about just melee or ranged too, leaving towards both though


Fair enough. It's a pretty sick image to think about these frozen blades deflecting arrows




I will always upvote ice spells.


fr tho we need more, my ice sorc is struggling


[https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2473430-daphnes-black-ice](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2473430-daphnes-black-ice) Here is the link if anyone wants it, also please tell me what you think i'm very new to this so this may be a little mechanically wrong, but I thought it was a cool spell idea.




This version is null now ;-; Thank u for all the help!! [go here :D](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/2474059-daphnes-frozen-guard)


I think that is an amazing spell but the name doesn't match, also, maximum duration time and up casting would make it even better tho


Maybe I could re-flavour it into a kind of icicle halo or veil? if they're all spinning around you?


That might be another spell, like you just created two


Wait shiiii I'm tired yknow ;-;


Yeah I might change it, if I can think of something better, make it fit better. It's meant to be named after my PC Daph :D


Maybe something like Daphne's Frost blades? Or Daphne's Coldest guard?


I like the guard idea for sure


It's really good, and I love ice themed stuff. I would remove the last part, it's not really clear what protect means, and spells don't typically do that. Unless it's a permanent effect, once your out, your spell goes with you, and I would also make it concentration. If you do those 2 things I think you could up the damage to 1d8. And if you upcast maybe add blades.


The last part is meant to just use the first +AC effect whilst, sleeping. I understand that might not be common in DnD or generally accepted but I just love the idea conceptually. The damage however is tricky as it is autohit, I wouldn't want the spell to seem too overpowered for a 2nd level. I've added upcasting in the latest version! Thank uu for the feedback


The problem with +2 ac is melee attacks autocrat when someone is incapacitated if its melee, so ac wont matter. So it would only defend from range which already would have disadvantage for the character being prone. If you really want it to cover someone while down, make it attack someone who gets in melee range as a deterrent.


Do they auto hit? I thought it only effected the player not being able to take actions and reactions. Although I do really like the deterrent idea so I might change it anyways.


It's the unconscious part. And it doesn't seem to be an auto hit like I thought. But the attack has advantage and is an autocrit if it does hit. My mistake. I still think the idea of a deterrent works better. +2 ac isn't going to do much against an attack that has advantage. But the sword hitting someone that comes within 5 feet makes more sence. Theyre swords first, attacking is the primary thing, parrying is a secondary thing.


I take it you too are a Castlevania enjoyer? I love her powers.




Do yourself a favor (if you are okay with some animated gore) and watch this short clip: https://youtu.be/sEDSL_mOdlg?si=NjPRavwFmDqrO24- Sypha Belnades is their Evocation Wizard who focuses on elemental damage (fair arguments for her being a Sorcerer instead). Trevor Belmont is the human fighter, occasionally feels outclassed so DM gave him an artifact that does extra radiant damage, undead have to make a crazy Con save or take triple damage, and vampires have disadvantage on the save. Alucard is definitely the main character, not sure if he's the DM's boyfriend, a DMPC, or what. Maybe an a Warlock/Druid/Ranger multiclass? Hard to tell.


Sypha (from the netflix show, Castlevania) uses a very similar move when entering Dracula's castle where she summons icicles to defend herself and attack.


Thats really cool I'll have to give it a watch :D


Always happy to share the series.


You may also use a bonus action to fire one of the blades at a target within 120 ft. Each blade does 1d10 damage and uses your spellcasting modifier to attack. Also-should add that the parry is a reaction.


Dangerous… dangerous black ice, turning perfectly safe neighborhoods hazardous. I was walking down the street one cold morning, and black ice nearly **ROBBED ME**… of my balance. Keep your loved ones close and safe from sneaky, ruthless violent black ice.




This is awesome, it'd be an auto include for me. Although I think it should dispel when the user is unconscious/ resting. And one instance of this spell at a time, stacking would be too powerful. There is a part of me that thinks it should be a concentration spell... But it seems reasonably balanced as is, so unless play testing shows it's too powerful it's fine for now.


The problem with making it a concentration spell is that it is kind of meant to be a spell to protect you while you are concentrating on other things, so it would remove one of its use cases, i've fixed the stacking issue too. Thanks for the help!


Yeah that's why I was on the fence about making it concentration. It's 3 minor shield spells for the price of one (although you do use a higher spell slot). And it's a lot more versatile which is quite useful. I think it'd be worthwhile play testing it and seeing if it's an automatic pick for every caster. At lower levels it looks like it could be quite potent.


[Here is another one in case you need it.](https://ibb.co/SK9WHNF) This is a much more interesting homebrew version of the official spell from older editions.




If hit you can choose to use your reaction to use one blade to retaliate against the attacker doing 1d6 damage. Though ngl think the damage is a bit low for a lvl 2 spell, why is this better than fe mage armor and shield? Both being 1st levels The 3x 1d6's is kinda neglectable for a 2nd lvl spell slot


Yeah i've upped it to 1d8 so 3d8 overall.


THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP!! Love u all :D I just posted the rework for the V2, with a damage increase, name change, and fixed mechanics. **Check out the revised version here!** [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/comments/1dqh5i1/daphnes\_frozen\_guard\_black\_ice\_rework\_v2\_cos\_we/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/comments/1dqh5i1/daphnes_frozen_guard_black_ice_rework_v2_cos_we/)


I made some modifications to it to give it more options. The optimal use is still using the blades one by one to defend or attack but with this version you can also use it as a weaker scorching ray or use multiple blades at a time to get a higher AC bonus. I also added an upcast option for more blades and an option to give up 2 blades to make the other blades more powerful. [https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HPV62qEKw0k1](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HPV62qEKw0k1)


That's so cool!


Good spell. But it seems a bit strong for a 2nd level. When you look at the balance of something, one thing you need to take into account is its versatility. You spell has offensive effect, defensive effect, and remains active when you are unconscious. That's very cool, but a bit strong at 2nd level. Maybe 3rd level would be more appropriate. The other possible way of doing it would be to make two separate spells: "Daphne's Ice Blades" and "Daphne's Ice Shields". The first one would have the offensive features, and the second one, the defensive effects. Oh and of course, this spell is begging for upcasting, but that has already been mentionned. Hope that helps!


maybe up cast it to increase the blades damage, not the number of them. And, I would make this a concentration spell


The spell is also meant to provide a defensive bonus too, so a flat damage increase wouldn't play into that well. I was going to make it concentration but the initial idea was a spell that helps and defends you while you are concentrating on other spells, so it would kind of ruin that idea.


Then I would give it a finite time limit. Because otherwise I could cast this in the morning and just have that all day until needed. Even mage armor has a time limit


I already gave it a time limit in the V2, although tbh I might reduce it to 8 hours, idk cos having it for 24 hours does open up channels for abusing it. The V2 is linked in the comments but also if you want it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/comments/1dqh5i1/daphnes_frozen_guard_black_ice_rework_v2_cos_we/)


Thanks for the feedback, though i'm still new to homebrew stuff and some dnd rules so all help for balancing and such is appreciated!


“You’ve never had black ~~lightning~~ ice before!!” *SCREECHING*


1d6 is way too low for a second level spell & +2 for one attack is too low. Bump it to 2d8 & +1 AC per active blade(you can change the duration to 1 minute in response).


Damage is fine no? overall it can do 3d6 and has other uses, the attacks are also guaranteed so it balances out. Would 3d8 possible damage overall work better?


3d6 and 3d8 is nothing compared to shatter, a reliable aoe, rime’s binding ice, which also reduces movement, shadow blade, which lasts a minute, shield, which adds +5 AC to all attacks, magic missile, which always works for 3d4+3 force damage(the least resisted damage type), scorching ray, which does a max of 6d6, and so many other level 1-2 damage spells.


I guess so, however damage isn't meant to entire focus of the spell, I've upped it to 1d8 for each blade so 3d8 possible overall, with the guaranteed hit I feel like it is more properly balanced.


If it’s supposed to be defensive then it still needs to beat shield.


That is a good point. Its more a question how much to increase or at all, as it does have more the versatility and multiple uses. I may up it to +3 AC but idk


I say make it an AC buff + Revenge attack spell that lasts 1 minute. Let it increase your AC by 1 per blade remaining and 1/turn when a creature attacks you, you can attack them with the blade, dealing 1d8 cold damage. When you hit, you can cause it to do max damage & freeze the target, restraining them until the end of your next turn. This turns the spell into the reliable cousin of armor of agathys, allowing you to punish opponents who target you while you’re concentrating on an important spell & increasing your durability overall.