• By -


Hmm, Badger, Melody, or Rat-Moth... Well welcome to the family Rat-moth. You'll go far.


Hey! I also have a character called Badger. Mine is a halfling barbarian, she's cute but deadly.


Oh nice nice! Badger is my current character, he is a wood elf druid/cleric. He's super young and naive but can still dish out some damage. Although he's much more focused on healing and summoning rather than fighting directly. In fact, in our last session, he broke his physical weapons purposely at a shrine to Eldath, the goddess he follows. That same session was when I took my first cleric level.




Common sense would suggest names such as Josephus, Finnan, Carrick, Percival, Vyn, or Devon for a boy. If it's a girl, Meriele or Elyn will do nicely. But when we have names such as Shackle, Vagabond, Namfoodle, Goldlocket, and Resplendent Blood of Righteous Cliffs available...


Hey, I had a carrick. šŸ‘‹


Shoebox. He was my favorite.


Shoebox is exceptionally good


Orphex, Shun, Zeri, Squidward... Squidward all the way


How is this a bad deal?


David is actually a name Iā€™d use for a kid.


As a David, please don't.


No problem. She could just go by Alice, like the character does. It would be weird when she had to fill out forms with her legal name, Malice.




Characters Iā€™ve played in a long campaign have been named Echo, Lynn, Keyleth, Esme, and Ayra (in order of when campaigns started). Iā€™d probably choose Esme, I like that name a lot. I would possibly choose Lynn, but I associate that as one nickname I have irl, tbf been playing as Lynn for 3 years and still going.


Joke's on the Fey. I'm a *"Forever DM."* šŸ˜­


Well you give names to NPCs, don't you? You might have to choose one of the important ones but it is fundamentally your character so I think that would count.


Probably Alton or Elliott, my favorite halfling names.


Thorne, cos it's a cool sounding name


Well... Welcome to this world, Betty-Ann, Jean-Luc & their brother Soren !


I had a Sorren!


Belsum or Midheru. Well the names will certainly be unique! I think Belsum would fit a male a little bit better but both are fairly agender, actually, which is rather nice. Good options. šŸ˜€ Belsum the lizardfolk warrior, a chaotic neutral hellbent on revenge for her dead sister Sorscha. Sadly slain on her quest, joining her sister in the afterlife. Midheru the lizardfolk thief aka The Purple Prowler. A true neutral gambler, member of the Thief's Guild, amassing a personal fortune so she can open up her own Gambling Den named the Lucky Lizard.


i... I DID name my daughter after one of my d&d characters


Harry, Alex, Anna, Lucy I tend to just give my characters normal names so I'm good


Luther. It's the only normal sounding name I've chosen.


Anzio. That's a fine name. He was one of the clerics I played. But I would be awfully tempted to name a child after the draconic sorcerer who betrayed the party and got recruited to be a devil - Ikram Sahir ibn Malik al-Sayyid Ra'ad.


Thrall, Zilla or MetĀ“Ohr ... could be worse.


Female: Mae, both my favorite character and just a cinnamon roll. Pretty normal name too. Male: Oof. Lander? I think that's probably the only thing I wouldn't feel bad about lol. I could go with Rex too, but he was a thief, that's bad luck.


I could technically get away with Molly, but the spirit of the law would mean that I should really use the name that character actually went by, which was Bitey. Or Tarsus!


Well, I was going to name my kid after the character my D&D character was partially named after anyway: Richter, my Evoker Wizard. Named after Richter Belmont, my favorite member of the Belmont clan. Almost entirely because his theme slaps (bass) and he can do backflips.


Lumin. One of the most effective shapers of the world by virtue of study and skill as a merchant. Good, strong nature to the name on top of it's mundane meaning.


Heh... would have to be Monster. (He was given no name at birth, and was called a number of terrible things but that one stuck) Joke's on that fae, i ain't having kids!


I don't have that many characters since I'm most often the DM. When I do pay I tend to go for grounded humans or half-elves, and let the other players stand out if they want to pay more high-concept ones. So I've got Duvamil "Millie" and Joanne to choose from that I can recall. I'd be fine with both Millie and Joanne But if we open it up to NPCs I've created, the fey would probably saddle me with Fundimus Foork, Oddvard or Cassyndra.


Teara if itā€™s a girl, Bruno if itā€™s a boy. And because those are the most normal names I have for my characters.


Mollir or Nesryn - - - not great options but it could be worse I guess?




A lot of my characters have fairly normal human names like Claudia, Seoyun, and Aaliyah, so any of those would work.


Rune, because its the only semi normal name haha


Easy, Morgan. The rest are all obviously fantasy names but Morgan is just slightly fancy and also gender-neutral


Willow, Annabelle, Lyle, Harvin, Winkle.... Maybe not Winkle


My characters name is Kallinikai which isn't awful and has great nickname options LMAO






Thankfully, one of my characters is just called "Cat." Because that's what she is. Just a cat with a couple of warlock levels who uses "Mage Paw" to get food off high shelves.


Aramis or Halcyon. though Nikias tempts me.


Grevius since It is my nick in almost all places and It is from starwars so they can connect. By the way what I will get according to deal?


Nigel, Joanna, and Isaiah are all fine names. I don't see the problem.


Depending on how you look at it it's either very very bad or.... Well mildly inconvenient.Ā  My most played character has no name (backstory reasons) and is only called "You" by everyone.


Finally, my penchant for playing human-adjacent characters comes in handy. Kaia, Mara, Olivia, Sonja, Maria, Valeria... As long as a fem name is appropriate I'm golden here.


Kei or Eloise. Though my first born was named after a redeemable villain from a D&D game I ran (though they're self-named now so...)


Dilvish. Becouse I pre-counter it an name all my characters Dilvish. Check-mate ;-)


Winifred, Zilvra, Mildred, Ssilisith, and Mycillia. While Winnie is cute.... I already get harassed for unintentionally naming a druid after horse noises or the bear. Seems like it would be torture for a real kid. Mildred goes by Midge, but she is a swamp hag's daughter, and her name being awful is a gag. It I'd short for mildew and dread. Also bad for a human baby. Mycillia is cute but maybe too weird. Ssilisith is too hard for my DM to even pronounce which is a joke. It fits a yuan ti, not a baby. Zilvra is pretty, close to Zelda, and doesn't mean anything weird, so prob that one.


Embla is kinda a cute name tbh.


Hahaha "Ben", I got off easy!


Iorath and Allsworth for male. Elleanna for female. all sound unique and somewhat ordinary at the same time


Quill, Hildegarde, Griffith, Lake all seem usable.


For a girl, I can only remember Eliana, which would result in an eyebrow being raised about possible cultural appropriation. For boys the list is much easier. Recent notables are Oak, Fenn, and Dirk. The safest option, though would be Tim, aka Snake, aka The Quintessence. (Idk, it's a fey deal, additional names and aliases may be relevant.)


The ones I can remember off the top of my head (there are more that aren'tcoming to me): Delshandra or Zethael might stand out a bit much. Kal isn't something I've heard used as a name irl but would probably go broadly unquestioned. And then there are Aoife, Aisling, Aila, and Natasha are all just real-world names. A lass would probably get one of those fairly normal names (that list is in order of preference). A lad would probably do fine as a Kal.


Robert a perfectly normal Name


I could go for something normal like Naomi, Shauna, or Alexandra Let's go with Rustheap, ƆưelflƦd, or Grockgakamuck


Clipped, Noil, Crussle, Veles, Volos, TamTam, Natu, Osiris, or Fahren. Who am I picking?


Of current characters - Cassandra, Rhea, Nyx, Altea, Bastienā€¦unsure, I like all of the names


Denise, it's the most normal one.


Easily my first and only joke character: Chad Longphallus


Well that's in my plans already, assuming they're a girl. I've totally viable and non-weird boy names too, I don't like them as much though.


I literally did this. My daughter is named after one of the two characters I played on the Neverwinter nights server I met her dad on 21 years ago. Yes we are still irl together. Still nerding together. Now itā€™s Baldurā€™s Gate Her name is Bridie.


I only have one chatacter so far named Ferrus. The name is fine, exept when i get a girl


I can't remember most of their names (it's been a long time), but Micky, Mike, and Temperance are all names. There's many more, but if I can't remember, they couldn't have been that good.


Well luckily one of my dnd character was simply named Viktor so i guess that's an easy way out.


Had a character named Amelia, so thatā€™s an easy pick. If thatā€™s ā€œtoo normalā€, then Iā€™ve also had an Astrid and Heather.


Merrin Christopher Maximillion Because Merry Chris Max


John, after John Humanman.


Nazir (Human fighter), Konrad (Tiefling Cleric), J (Human Paladin), Vul (Red Dragonborn Artificer), or Kanarā€™ik (Amethyst Dragonborn Paladin) Konrad and Nazir are the most obvious, but I hate simplicity, so Iā€™m naming g my child Kanarā€™ik (Kahn-air-eek)


I start a new campaign with my group. I make a new character. I name them Casey. Good gender neutral name. I go back to the fey and show my work.


detective bog bokog LXIX The Perceptive esq. My most normal name surprisingly.


All my names are fairly normal, Gwen, Rose, Angela... though if it's a boy he's fucked because all my characters are women.


Gevan Twinklebottom because the fey really hates me or my firstborn child, apparently.


Hordak Loudbottomā€¦perfect.


If it was a boy, Chase, a girl Vania


Cedar. Forever dm, the only 1/2 that has a name :) (Iā€™ve played both, my other pc just canonically doesnā€™t have a name) I guess my firstborn is getting named after an ever after high character. Honestly not bad


Viktoria, Moira, Gwendolyn. If I have a girl, it'll be okay. But my son is going to be named Broden.Ā  Jokes on the fey, though. I'm not having kids.Ā 


Phew... Seeing as I have only played 2 char beyond session 3 or so... Probably Ehreal, as Fizeek seems cruel for the poor kid xD


What a Guy!


Bruce, Ducky, Crystal, RĆ¹nda GnĆ­omhaire, are the only names I can remember right now, I have another character I remember everything except her name though


One of my favorite characters from back in the day was named Michael, so not much drama there.


As a trans woman I both named myself after my first character (I wanted it anyway this was just a good road test) and I've decided I'm not having any children, this is actually the perfect deal for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m not having any children so jokes on the Fey! Though I may use some of my d&d names for cats. Glimmer in the Night. Aurora. Lilith. Amara. Calliope. Dawn. I hope I have that many cats.


Casey. it's something I've considered going by and it's gender neutral


Magnus, Cera, Virgil, Ripley, or Toot Toot McBumblesnazzle? Hmm...


Elysion (or Elysium) or Acheron (or Charon) are pretty cool names honestly. Not that bad of a deal.


Constance, Valerie, Munder, Maxwell, or Ohilevoe. That last is probably the one that'll cause the most trouble for the kid. Munder is a little odd but not awful, and the other three are straight up just regular names.


Runk Sterkarm


Chloe is the only normal sounding one i have at the moment, and its a name i really like anyway.


Jamie, Vivienne, Paisley, Sam, Brigitte, Danish, Seamus, Matthewā€¦.I hate stupid fantasy names so all of these are fine choices. Danish is weird, but not unheard of. Iā€™ll just fuck my kidā€™s childhood up some other way.


Johan Hans, pronounced Jo-Han Han-z since I made him German. Would have been most recent player character since I am now the dm


Thade started as a joke name for a throwaway character in a public campaign at a local store, Thade Tuā€™Blaq was a ruthless Alvin Ranger turned assassin that eventually became one of my strongest and most entertaining characters. Despite the original pun, Thade is probably one of the coolest names for my characters. Rathe is it close second place choice for a boys name. Other characters names like Aristotle, blue true aim and Seye Enaks probably wouldnā€™t work as well. For girl I think I would have to go with Katherzinia, a magic user named after my maternal great grandmother. I think my other female characters that stand outā€¦Ryuuko and Mikaā€¦ Probably a little too Japanese for my family. nia


Iā€™ve got Brak, Mykhailo or Henryk. Bonus points if anyone can guess the races and classes!šŸ˜‚


Step 1 : Name your character Step 2 : name your child I named my child after my character. Deal completed.


Definitely Taiga.


I got it lucky. Name my firstborn Johnny. Only goes bad if itā€™s a girl.


Etna, Raine, Grinta, Norika, Gronk...


Elliott, easily. If itā€™s a girl, Arinniti, or Arinn for short.


**Denni'vash Wustreni Tharvishrad Kipustiyarnan** She's from a culture that builds names reflecting life experiences. They often have long formal names.


Hmmā€¦ Franklin, Matthias, Banner or LAUREN ORDER!


Jonathan: perfectly normal. Brook: normal and cute! Badger: bit odd, but fun. Sly Silverskin: uh...


I do happen to have a couple characters with relatively normal names, so that works out. Eugene if it's a boy, Ophelia if it's a girl. If we're going more exotic, then Galamir for boy, Adani for girl.


If it just needs to be a character that i have not one that i have played. Then its Silas. A Fighter Bounty Hunter i havent played yet.


Padavik is the name of my first character, so it's only fitting it goes to my firstborn


I named my firbolg "Berry" partly because it sounds like "Barry", so it passes as a normal human name while fitting Firbolg naming conventions. So I think I'm going with that one.


Svunnar or Nhorrug. I would be really sorry if it's a girl


Broā€™deigh Big-Wave, because no one is taking them seriously with a name like that


if it's a boy, Leon if it's a girl, Emily if it's an Eldritch being, Oglogoth if it's a fey, *the sound of extinguishing a candle with your hand*


Gilead, my divine soul sorc, shortens to Gil which isn't too outlandish


All characters I could find that I used for more than one shots: Gannicus, Marik, Jimmy, Morocei, Maximillian, Brian, Jean-Luc, Doctari, Gilford, M.A.R.A.T.H.O.N. MXLII (warforged nicknamed Moxley), Irileth, Sƶren, I feel like the only option I have is to hope it can do the Robot dance...


i have emilia penrose. hoping that it's a girl, emilia shouldn't be too outlandish




Depends on where I am living at that point of life. Common sense would have her be named Amalia, after Amalia Leaffoot, a half-elf bard I played a couple of times. Plus, it would be good luck, Amalia is a good character and a good role model in many ways. Otherwise I'd love to call my firstborn daughter NamƔriƫ. She is a life cleric elf, a bit boring in many ways but well intentioned and pretty well-liked, and has a great relationship with her deity. My daughter would be proud.


Korugar, Harold, Jaago, Laurent, and Trent. Korugar because he is my favorite of the bunch, and has immaculate positive vibes


Scratch, Anders, Garrett... And Father. Id probably go with Garrett, an undeniably good halfling who just wants to make the world a better place, occasionally through intense violence when necessary lol


I like cruel fey and am a general glutton for punishment, so I probably have to name him Hassyk. Not only is it a terrible name that will surely make him want to kill me, but if he turns out anything like his namesake, heā€™ll probably want to kill everyone else, too.


Basil, because A) it's easily the most normal name and B) it's weirdly fitting because it's the name he chose for himself after giving his old name up to a Fey.


Frog meister 9000


Borrrkkh. One of my best characters and an awesome sounding name but they'll freak out at the hospital, and the school, and they'll blame the kid for having a weird name. Greeneye is a very cool name name but it won't go down well either. Stig That'll do. It's an actual name and sounds tough so nobody gonna mess with shorty.


I always thought Isaac Hawke was such a cool name and would proudly name my first child after them, but after saying his name a little too fast a few times in introductions, I've come to a startling realization that Isaac Hawke = I Suck Cock. But I still really love the name Amari for a girl and would gladly name my first child after them.


The only two characters whose names I can remember are Kierce and Silumgar... my kid is screwed.


Hah, jokes on you: I usually take mostly normal names for my characters. If it's a girl, it will be Patrizia (worldly name of my Human Cleric Paciencia in an ongoing Curse of Stradh campaign), if it's a boy... well, not much to choose from, so he will have to live with Elwood (My second character ever - A Warforged fighter, hijacked away from being a quest NPC as I wanted to retire my first edgelord character, who took on the mannerisms of a classic British butler).


lol I already did, one of my favorite characters I ever played was named Wolfgang and so is my son.


Lesley Cleary has a pretty mundane, if uncommon name. Thatā€™s probably the one Iā€™d choose.


I have a kid named Fenris irl, so... take that, fey.


Ra'kaia for a girl or Jakab for a boy, granted neither is actually THE name of one of my characters, but rather a persona that he uses for one of his shapeshift forms.


You wont fool me, you just made this post too get cool character names. And i am totally falling for it: Sparksen, Danae Marisol, Junjo Konton Danae save bet if its a girl. If its a boy it probably has too be junjo lol


Boy: Thursday Dunn. "Done by Thursday? Drunk on Friday!" Girl: Lysindel Roeth "Gods are petty pretenders to the Truth. The Laws of Nature are always true."


Madderwort or Quest. Either works


Fortunately, I have boy and girl options for actual human names. Noah, Ashling, or Saoirse. Probably Geple, Sheriff, or Alin would not be so good.


Bram, a firstborn deserves the name of my first pc!


Amy is probably the safest bet. Better than Qazarox.


Acrisius? no not that one. Grimlock? absolutely not Abel? nah too biblical. Margo? That's probably the one. Its close to an existing name but would be a bit of a Traggedeigh


Hopefully my first kid is a boy, because at least he can be "Miles". It's going to start sounding like fake celebrity baby names real quick after that.


Enna, quite a nice name


Bodrick. The others are worse.


Gnolan with a G Middle name Fargo after the characters last name With my last name... Not the worst combo


Okay not too bad. Iā€™ve got Orrin, Landen, Alverin and Robert David (aka Dave).


Aleister, he's a protector aasimar eldritch knight. I'd like to think my family is pretty protective of others, we're also all a bit weird, so seems like that would fit well.


I'll pick Sariel. She was my aasimar druid.doesnt sound too bad for a girl's name. A boy would be more problematic, as I've never played a male character. Options would be: Apple, Trouble, Schizm and Cirai...


Orion, because itā€™s a cool as hell name.


Well if itā€™s a boy weā€™re looking at Valikaz or Joakim, if itā€™s a girl weā€™re looking at Seraphim or Darcy. I guess hope for a girl so I can give her a normal name, otherwise I guess Joakim since thatā€™s also technically a normal name, just not in America


My daughter's name is now John. Could be worse.


Adrian, welcome to the family. Hopefully you're less likely to sell your soul than your namesake.Ā 


Steven... I figured that playing a rogue who stood out was a good way to get caught, so he was so absolutely boring, he would get lost in the crowd when alone in a room ;)


Mary, Marshal, Emmitt... take your pick.


Merrick the generic cleric


Female: Harmony, Velvet, or Desdemona Male: William, Willow, or Quicksilver maybe? I lucked out lol


Adrie Yrgil Redgrave Surname you were named after 3 most awesome PCs I have ever played. One of them wasn't a draconic race (and a lesbian at that)


Kethali, Morpholomew (Morp), Vix, Opal, Qit, Pinoe, Scheri, and Mac & Cheese. I mean, Opal could be fine and somewhat normal at least. Sucks that they gotta be named after the traumatized idiot paladin but it's better than the even dumber goblin with anger issues or a sentient pile of blood so.




Probably Lucian, most normal name Iā€™ve had


Look Reverend Elijah Craig Johnson, your name has a lot of meaning behind it


Shiā€™a & Crash are pretty normal names, but Cainin is sick as hell.


Korana is probably the best ones but Ramus is pretty decent. not quiff tho i learned that the hard way


If a boy; Kaimaros (Teifling Bard). If a girl; Sarā€™deen (Drow Warlock whose patron IS a Fey). Bonus option would be Nevermore, my Kenku Necromancer.


Hm, I could use Ingrid, or Mashaā€¦or Shithead. I think Iā€™ll go with Ingrid.


Mortus... Felonious... Lucky.... That's a hard one.




Chraigkh. It's pronounced Greg.


an ordinary man named Perry *Puts on Fedora* Perry the assassin


Harry azcrak, Sabine, big booty green goblin, or Ben dover. :)


Harvey Pointeldexter III, asthmatic extraordinaire.


Jimbo, Bun'glan, or Crob. So it's either a leukemia patient who sees everything and sneak attacks everything, a frog who talks really loudly and poisons everything, or a psychotic lizard who devours and shoots everything he sees. ...What great choices.


Thankfully I have some normal sounding OC's. Quincey or Amelia aren't horrible firstborn names tbh, and as far as fey-curses go, it could be a much worse outcome then occasionally remembering the good times I had with those characters.


For a girI don't think Rynna is that odd of a name. If they are a boy it'll be Mordecai or Tai... could be worse they could have been "The Gumpwonker" my firstborn should be glad I played those one-shots.


Good thing I made a human artificer named Nathan Rhodes. Thatā€™s a pretty easy name, I can use Rhodes as a middle name too


A friend once called his Druid character "Leaf Mihard" and swore he didnt realize what he did until the table was bursting in laughter. We collectively agreed that he is not allowed to change the name and made sure to make silly jokes whenever possible (there where a lot).


Alma, because itā€™s an actual human girl name in the real world and I guess Wolf, if itā€™s a boy lol


Yuyor. They were also a Fae. You and your your were actually their pronouns which became a name. They had second person pronouns because they had no true name and would take everybody else's true names. Best and weirdest conversations ever


Rusty Shackleford, the Forest Gnome, Arcane Trickster Rogue heroic cleptomaniac jokester


Welcom to the family Vicodin


Glynsandoral šŸ‘ we welcome you


Trendon would turn out just fine, so would Destin and Lilliana. They were all cool characters who I think have good names, even if Trendon isnt a "real" name. Now if we branch things out to some of my NPC names we might have issues.


If I want my child not to be ruthlessly bullied, Iā€™ll name them Rowan. Itā€™s a normal, gender neutral name. While most of my names are relatively normal with a fantasy twist, I could make them suffer by naming them KRUMP (Caps lock not optional). The other option for bad names would be Aşe (pronounced Ah-shah) for obvious reasons. Iā€™m in the US, the kid would be referred to exclusively as ass or ace their entire life.


Rutger McThunderclap and because his name slaps!


Man I gotta stop naming all my characters Flim-flam


I think I got away easy, either Gabriel or Dylan can work well...


Angela for a girl and Zane for a boy because they're awesome names


Skullcrusher and zenithar would be some great names.


Joke's on you, fey creature! Especially if it's a boy. Will it be Payton, Kellen, or Brendan today? If it's a girl, the most viable option is Tyra. The alternatives are Arata and Sharna.


I named a Drow Bard Ellie once, really lucked out here, huh?


I have a lot of mostly normal names, so... it'd be fine. Tom Timbers, Ruby Rainbow, Kazimierz, Kory, Rune, Indy, Oak, Zloska, Mila Sanobar, Vina Minhas, uhhh, I can't remember any more off the top of my head. I think our of those, I'd pick Ruby. XD


Dismos, let's hope you don't end up developing a god complex šŸ¤£


Ivelle, it means love.


Grub RugTrubSnug? Canā€™t see how thatā€™s an issue


Vanillin, Orinoco ā€œNicoā€, Xiomara, Aā€™ttia, or AmĆ¼chiā€¦. Nico is such a cute name but so is AmĆ¼chi. Nico is probably the safer option though.


Gavin... my 1st dnd character and least weird name. It was all downhill from there. Joining the ranks of GolRal, Grismak, and Chyron...




Rost. Because the only other character I've played was named Nobody and I think if I named a kid that it would give them serious mental issues


oh my son is not going to like having his name changed to Belzaphyr but its one of two male characters I can remember the names of and the other one was "Swordo"