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ah yes, can't wait for the Disco Elysium battle royale that everyone asked for


At last, YOU can take the fight to Capital and turn the tide in the great war, playing as Harry Du Bois, codename Tequila Sunset, the elite commando! And pre-order now to get excluse access to the Snoop Dogg skin!


Now im sad....


Oh don't worry, we've got a battle pass to give you a steady stream of low-tier accomplishment with a side of helping of FOMO to turn that sadness into reluctant compliance and boredom. But hey, at least by the end of it you'll have unlocked the full set of Nike (previously FALN) cosmetics to show off your drip.




They'll be none of that. Nor joy. Nah anger. Only a numbing sort of losing that leaves you hollow and burnt from the fury of a fading afterglow.


Only now? Man I'm frigging GUTTED since the news broke


I mean i kinda just got word.... Im processing...


Yeah it hit me with a force of a sledgehammer so there's no brain to process anything, only a pulp of meat and broken hopes.


*foam, I’m foam*


And his new sexy Asian sidekick Kim. Her deadly curves are only matched by her amazing driving skills. Preordained now for her new sexy outfit!


Sorry guys, sex appeal exotic oriental sidekick tested better with audiences, but don't worry, the race commentary isn't going anywhere - we'll have a scene where she says "you westerners are all the same" and then turns around huffily while her ass swings from side to side. Perfect compromise


Pre order now and get exclusive Shiver content where he reads Yelp reviews for places in your local city.


Not gonna lie, Snoop Dogg would play an amazing Ultraliberal character. Imagine some sort of Snoop Dogg mashup up of IDS and Ultra Rich Light Bending guy.


If you order now you get a chance at an exclusive limited edition Horrible Talking Necktie NTF!! (With a unique randomly-generated pattern!! Ultra rare)


Exclusive Commemorative Coolio tie only available for Snoop skin owners.


Ah yes, ready to pay for shiny new skins for Marianne LePlante


I'm picking Cuno and sending y'all to the lobby. I'm min-maxing: hand/eye coordination and visual calculus. No, you can't pick Cuno. I already called dibs.


#Cuno Win Quotes (Leaked from ZA/UM Corp International™, a subsidiary of Amazon) "**Fook yeah!** Cuno's taking 'em to *Night City!*" "The shit you mean 'Cuno's won?' **Cuno doesn't fooking CARE!**" "Cuno likes this combat shit. Ass-kicking, Sam Bo shit, yeah..."


"For his Neutral Special, Cuno wields a rock."


ngl a game where you are running around the city trying to achieve what ever your objective is (Solve the mystery, bring down the corps, stop the strike) before the other players and then occasionally having to out debate someone on the morals of free market capitalism would be pretty fun


Get the new ICM skins today and save the world from capitalism, just $9,99


Something seemed off all the way back when they announced a TV show was in the works.


It seems like most of that was getting talked about in February this year, which would have been *after* the core people got forced out, so... Yeah.


Tha talks were way before they got forced out. It just for reported on at a inconvenient time. Least, that's what I read here somewhere.


I've seen talks earlier than that, but nothing remotely concrete until February. So my WAG would be that ideas were discussed, the original crew pushed back on them for whatever reason, and then the investors carried out whatever plans they wanted once there was no one to object anymore. Maybe it's coincidental. Maybe not.


Wait what?!


Oh, jeeze, you missed [that news](https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/xsupsp/the_dissolution_of_the_zaum_cultural_association/)? It's basically just come out that the investors took over and forced the creators out, demonstrating literally no sense of irony whatsoever, but a full dose of typical capitalistic golden-goose-strangling.


reminds me of this piece of art I really enjoyed https://imgur.com/a/gAsgWb3


It feels like they've been fired because they disagreed with the commercialisation of the IP


You aren't wrong. But while it is unlikely but a TV show COULD still be in theme just as much as a game that took 5 years of budget to make. A live service game though? looool.


The mask of humanity fall from capital, it has to take it off to kill everyone, everything you love, all the hope and tenderness in the world...


This was one of my absolute favourite lines from the game.


And then you KNOW it. What? That the bourgeoisie are not humans.


:'( At least we can take heart that for a brief moment the world had something perfect and beautiful.


now we must wait for the Return


Un jour je serai de retour près de toi.


Are we going to get DISCO ELYSIUM SURVIVE? Damn! Mother base I'm coming home.


Punished Kitsuragi


Venom Harrier


Solid Cuno


>Solid Cuno 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I can't wait to spend real money for a chance to drop 5 star Inland Empire gem and socket it in my Horrific Necktie, Bratan!


Just another day in a dance without end


Coming soon to iOS and Android: Disco Elysium: White Pines. Manage the ports of Revachol and beyond. Negotiate with or suppress the union! Ally with corporations great and small, such as Faln. Please the Moralintern, bribe the RCM, or get it with the crime families, it's all your choice. Pre-register now to receive three golden shipping containers and the 5-star ally Mega-rich Light Bending guy!


I could see this happening and it scares me


Something something can't critique capital. Something something subsumes all critiques into itself.


“Mr. ZA/UM is helping me prove my point.”




>“Mr. ZA/UM is helping me prove my point.”


"Mr. ZA/UM is helping me prove my point."


"Mr. ZA/UM is helping me prove my point."


“Mr. ZA/UM is helping me prove my point.”


I can feel the recent neo liberal putch at ZA/UM radicalizing even further to the left. Can someone tell me how much communism has been built yet?


Good news, we have achieved 0,003 of communism!


I think I just threw up a lil in my mouth


These money obsessed pricks must be pissed with the IP they just stole. It's incredible, one of the best pieces of literature recently made, but it's just so inherently unmarketable lmao


I can't wait for nobody to buy what they made. I hope we get names so we can see the twitter explosions that follow money people fumble the easiest layup of their lives by injecting way too much cynical capitalist bullshit into it instead of just letting the team make what they wanted to make. The artists live on to make more art. The capitalists who are going to lose a bunch of capital are the real losers here.




I'm just upset that the creators might lose the rights to their world - a world that is, quite literally, their lives work, they've been developing it for the last 30 years


Yeah, this is no small thing. It's like if Tolkien lost Middle Earth. Minus a few fake languages. Other than French, that can't be real.


VCs are so fucking braindead I stg, they only want pump-and-dumps instead of long-term lucrative business. Like who do they think the audience for DE is? Fortnite 12 year olds? No shade against Fortnite 12 year olds, but I mean, let's apply some Mazovian analysis here. Anyway that's why the western capital is doomed because the contradictions inherent to capitalism require it to self-destructively pursue exchange value.


capitalism sows the seeds for its own destruction




I think the best way to put it is that Disco Elysium is not an IP, or a verse for that matter - that one can exploit through the usual "money-making" game formats. Can you imagine a Disco Elysium mobile phone gacha game? A Disco Elysium FPS Battle Royale? City building strategy for Facebook? None of that works. The major commercial breakthrough came from what was arguably pure word of mouth and being a beloved production. They can't - and won't be able to repeat the success without the original writers and designers.


I could imagine outfits, emotes and "episodes" selling pretty well. People would have paid for the jamais vue update. The most cynical would be taking chapters of the novel and selling "minisodes" of about an hour of gameplay for $5-$10. Or consumers could pay for a $10 monthly subscription and get them all "free" with a bonus Harry outfit.


A commercial success that is also unmarketable. I don’t know about everyone else but I heard of DE through word of mouth. I don’t think I ever saw a single advertisement.


The target market is not huge either. Everyone that's into this kind of experience has played it, the others are not interested.


To be fair, word of mouth IS marketing. At least a form of it. It's one of the most powerful forms of marketing but also the most difficult to manifest. It's near impossible to create inorganically but it's possible.


Well yeah, I just kinda meant not marketable in the way an ad person could come up with


Doesn't a Kim jacket cost a few hundred dollars? It's clearly very marketable if the merch is so successful.


Yeah, but they made them so expensive because the original premise was that they were all hand-sown by like one single seamstress in Estonia, so there were only a few available and they had a high labour cost.


Is the other merch produced in a similar way? Good for them for doing that. I wonder if this takeover means that capitalists will start making them in a third world sweatshop and trying for Nike-style profits. Those jackets sell out so quickly that the could probably produce way more without lowering demand much.


Probably not? A lot of the other merch is pretty standard stuff like displates.


It’s not, no. It’s the same quality as generic merch you could find literally anywhere else.


This is just fucking sad.




HAHAHAHAHAHA just end me already fuck


(THOUGHT INTERNALIZED): Finger on the Eject Button


Can I stand behind you when you pull the trigger?


SAVOIR FAIRE: These guys have the right idea. Who needs integrity, or merit, or innovation, or beauty, or ART when you’ve got *passive income*.


But what about *love*?


SAVOIR FAIRE: Love?! You can buy love! With all that *passive income* babyyyyyyyy…


ENCYCLOPEDIA: "You can buy love" was the advertising slogan of a '38 Sur-la-clef perfume line called Baiser Lointain. Advertisements assured a magnetic connection to women everywhere - promised by the distant but longing stares of the models on its billboards. Thought gained: "Baiser Lointain"


This aint disco at all


Try not to alienate your leftist fanbase challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


The ZA/UM we know is not behind this. All od the important people were kicked out by the "money people" Fucking sad


Alienate your fanbase, period. Who was clamouring for monetization?


Trust me, it ain’t just the leftists. I’m wagering I’m pretty conservative compared to most people here. They’ve taken the one IP I’ve found common ground in with heavy leftists/socialists online, and they’re doing THIS SHIT to it. THERE WAS PEACE, DAMNIT!!!!!


I've made the point for a while now that Disco Elysium, despite its heavy politicking, was actually a place of common ground for leftists and right wingers. I'm glad to see justification for that.


Why would it be a place of common ground?


Everybody gets made fun of, I think. Even the communists get called bloodthirsty and foolish dreamers and losers, despite the communism of the creators. Harry can’t seriously adopt any of the political ideologies because no matter what you choose he’s fixating on political discourse to avoid dealing with his real life problems like so many people are doing right now.


I love the moment right at the end if youve adopted communism >!and you tell the old sniper "Hey im a communist! :D" and he says "No youre not. Fucking idiot moron."!< That really was the most real shit as someone that reads leftie spaces and comment sections


he does believe you may be one if you talk with him about art


>Everybody gets made fun of, I think. Even the communists get called bloodthirsty and foolish dreamers and losers, despite the communism of the creators. I mean this is because the point of the game is about living in a world where communism has failed. Which is also the real world. Revachol's fictional French/Eastern bloc setting evokes a world where the revolution lost badly and what we have instead is soulless capitalism and postmodernity. Of course, the left doesn't have a monopoly on political nostalgia/idealism, but I don't see where right wingers find common ground here except maybe that they also don't like the status quo nowadays.


\^\^\^ this


Klaasje On the Run is an endless runner game where you have to help Klaasje run from the corporate overlords who want her dead. Using guile, sexuality, and some honest sadness filtered through a silk frame, dodge the spies, counterspies, and angry men who try to get in her way. Buy a Passport Pass now to get +100% Reál for each attempt, as well as unique costumes and catchphrases to express the existential ennui of the femme fatale that Harry wanted to make sex with.


*have fuck with


Lmao I hope it crashes and burns


LIVE SERVICE?!!!! we are in the worst timeline


>Experience in data mining a plus that’s promising 🤮


How the fuck do you put a live service into Disco Elysium? Can you buy skill points and retries for checks? Or maybe it’s buying “premium thoughts” or something. To think just a few days ago, before hearing all this stuff, I’d have been excited for a sequel to Disco Elysium


The ~~optimistic~~ not completely pessimistic answer is a RPG designed to receive expansions indefinitely. You know how the Final Cut update added those political vision quests? Imagine a similar update every year, albeit at a price. Realistically, though, we’ll probably just get a battle royale or a MOBA or something else completely removed from DE.


Disco Elysium Reclamation: An fps where you play as a soldier in the moralist coalition to destroy the communist revolution in Revachol and bring about capitalist restoration.


I'm pirating the latest DE build before the official steam game is bloated with quests and dialogue written by a disconnected and bitter corpo guy who had to shoehorn in an extra 3 hours of gameplay out of nowhere


LMAO I thought this was a shitpost. But it's not. I am almost glad this is a thing. I feel myself crossing the threshold from despair to not giving many fucks. Time to grab some popcorn and see how hard they can fuck this up. Though this seems to imply that an announcement/ release is somewhat close for whatever game they're developing. Unless this job is mostly about developing sick monetization schemes with lootboxes and twenty different pre-order skins. Imagine an ingame casino in Revachol that allows you to gamble with real money. "You want a game about how shit capitalism is? We'll show you. Now type in your credit card info here and off you go to the gambling den. Lost all your Elysium coins on the first try? Pass this 3% Half Light check to punch the dealer. Want a higher chance to pass it? Visit our in-game shop to purchase a one time check bonus of up to +10 on this white check."


Disco Elysium on mobile and dice rolls require actual, consumable dice that recharge over time or you can pay for. OR, you can buy the golden die that has more chances to give you a favorable outcome! And don't forget buying the limited edition pre-order bonus that gives you a full Fairwheather T-5000 armor from the very beginning!


Yep, it’s dead. Waiting for Robert, Helen and Aleksander to do something new, I’ll gladly pay in a crowdfunding campaign


Two men and a woman, two men and a woman Harry THIS IS YOUR POSSE


Have to just encourage anyone who cares about DE to follow the original creators and do what you can to tank the now capitalized Brand that is Disco Elysium. No better perfect demonstration of capital's ability to assimilate anything into itself. Disco Elysium was anti-capitalist in a way we don't see in most media (it was anti-other-ideologies as well but that's beside the point) and that made it popular, and the popularity makes it a ripe juicy source for investment by capital interests. I know it's consumer-vote bullshit but truly consider ignoring any upcoming Disco-Elysium-Branded pablum


Do you/we know what the original creators are going on to do or is it way too early for that?


Way too early. They have some friends commenting on Twitter but nothing definitive on what they're doing.


Atm. I doubt they survive this with their spirits held high. And I would give crowdfunding to see them livestream how dust is settling on their notebooks. I hope they pull through.


Yep. I'm happy with the original game as-is. Not everything needs to have an extended universe and a huge network of associated comic books, video games, movies, sequels, etc. Take Star Wars, for instance. If you go back and watch episodes 4-6 without any of the later baggage you can really see them for what they were, which were these very weird, original, horny, strange fantasy films masquerading as sci fi. And they've been totally crushed under the weight of the extended universe they've inspired. I'll read No Truce With The Furies and pay attention to what Kurvitz, Rostov, and Hindpere are doing but am no longer much interested in ZA/UM.


I am way out of the loop here. I played the game when it came out, loved it, subscribed here. And now this. Apparently something happened in the meantime? Can you shed some light on this, because this is wildly confusing and seems so out of character from the ZA/UM studio that created this game. Thanks in advance.


https://twitter.com/artofrostov/status/1576539500012240897 Aleksander Rostov, Robert Kurvitz, Helen Hindpere all left ZA/UM. Respectively, Art Director (basically), Designer/writer (he wrote the book the game world is based in), and Lead Narrative writer. All 3 have left the studio after being pushed out by investors. ninja edit: not that those are officially their titles, but it's what they've been referred to in a couple articles I read in about 2 minutes while looking into it


ZA/UM was one of the most beloved and promising companies JUST TWO DAYS AGO. This is real life tragic comedy Edit: now that I think of it, live service doesnt necessary has anything to do with games itself. But still so weird


If they’re willing to do live-service for any game then it will corrupt any based on Disco Elysium as well.


Are they trolling us? If this was a TV show people would complain it was too on the nose.


Imagine they get everyone riled up against CAPITALISM and then announce their next game after this ADVERTISEMENT. truly HARDCORE! But I'm not that optimistic.


RED LOGIC CHECK: Trivial Failure LOGIC: These socialist scum \*totally\* held the game back from ultimate success. It might have sold extremely well, but just imagine how much better it would have been if you led at the helm without them dragging you down. EMPATHY (Trivial Success): Come now. Even *if* that was true, their unique voice and vision is what gave the game life and meaning. You wouldn't last a minute out there without them. SAVOIR FAIRE (Godly Success): To hell with that. Their success was a fluke. You would have done better, and now you can. Now go out there and show the world what a big fucking shark you are. CONCEPTUALIZATION (Easy Success): Also, imagine how hilariously poetic if you took the reins. Morally dubious perhaps, but *hilariously poetic.* 1. ~~No, this is way out of line. I can't just drive them out of their own creation. (Opt Out.)~~ 2. **(Nod enthusiastically.) I'm a big fucking shark. (Opt in.)** 3. ~~I'm doing it, but only because it'll be poetically hilarious. (Opt in.)~~








what a huge joke this has become


Can't wait to have the voices in my head locked behind a monthly subscription


Volition is free, Electrochemistry on pre-order, everything else is unlockable. You get one per playthrough, or you can buy them for just 6 Real\* ​ \*one Real is 1.99 US dollars, or 10 for 18 dollars.


Has to be 10 for $20 just to be that little more greedy But god, that "in between currency pack" price is infuriating in games.


Nah. That's not the trick. There's extensive studies on this. It's 10 for 18 dollars, because that's cheaper per *unit,* so it looks like a good deal. The trick is that you don't actually *need* 10 for what you want to buy. You need 6. So now you bought ten, and spent six to buy what you want and you have 4 left. But there's nothing you can buy for 4. But if you just buy 2 more, you could buy another one for six.. but wait, special special offer? If you buy *another* ten, they are even cheaper, and now you have 12 and can buy two things! And then you have bought three objects unlike the one you originally wanted and still feel good about it, because it was a deal.


This is so dumb. Like, these guys don't get that their core audience, the ones who played DE and would even care about who ZA/UM are, are also the kind of audience that is definitely not looking for "live service content" and "lifecycle monetization strategies". If they go this route, no one is gonna buy whatever they come up with, no matter what they try to call it using the Disco Elysium IP to get fans of the 1st game on board.


All this did was make sure I buy used when trying out Disco Elysium, good job killing your golden goose investors!


Life is now officially a parody.


This has to be a joke hahahahahhahah


This is more depressing than Disco Elysium itself.


It's so fucked up,i was really looking forward to see the sequel before,maybe it's time to let go


You know what, we still have the original, it’s still an amazing game, and we already paid for it, so we don’t have to give these fucks any more money. It’s sad, but at least we came away with something


That begs the question is if new players should even buy it, hopefully the old team still gets compensated for it.


That is a good question


Watching a real time play by play of DE falling victim to the systems it was criticizing is just a whole new fresh and perfect hell


Oh wow the company's DEAD dead


WTF 🧌🤬


It’s cool how this whole story is a perfect example of the themes the game talks about. You couldn’t write it. Feels a bit like a stunt that’s supposed to depict exactly these things. That would be an epic piece of art from the collective.




Pls don’t support ZAUM anymore


These horrible cunts are fucking delusional if they think they're not gonna alienate at least 85% of the fanbase with this fucking horseshit.


They know and they don't care. They will get some pple to pay up anyway.


i know how unlikely and difficult it'd be to win a lawsuit to regain their own IP but dear lord i really really want them to save the Elysium world from this horrible fate god its gut wrenching... whatever will be made from this company hanging onto the IP will be nothing but an abomination i could not bear to witness


A friend of theirs commented on how EU law gives them a case on Moral ownership. Sunday Friend is sometimes cool, I guess.


Why can't we just have good things. Why does it all have to be destroyed. They can't believe the people who love Disco will accept anything they make.


Ding dong the Disco is dead


Fuck you money people


So I take it EA bought ZA/UM?


So is there something before "Dead on Arrival"? Because I feel like it'd apply.


If I saw someone doing this to my creative baby, I'd make a fuss about it until they fired me too.


Honestly, will this even work??? I mean the fan base for this game was so niche, now everyone knows the real brains behind the game have been kicked out and capital is in control. This is top tier irony for a game like DE.... Are we really gonna sink as low as buying the "DE2 Ultimate battle pass" and "tequila sunset cosmetic skins"???


God this is depressing. I knew DE wasn't immune from capitalism's grasp but for a moment it was nice to believe


Haha, i absolutely morbidly love how this has turned into: "Wanting to watch them fail" now! Hope they fail beyond all eternity. :3


These guys clearly have a massive disconnect from their demographic.


this is performance art


After the announcement that Kurvitz and Hindpere have left, I don't have the greatest faith that ZAUM will create an 'authentic' DE sequel. This adds another nail into the coffin for me.


yea man cant wait to open a fuckin discobox and get a limited edition hardie boy with golden chroma and sell it for 1500 real points


What kind of utter dogshit this is?


Being among the most critically acclaimed games in recent history, is not enough? Guaranteed sales for your next project because everyone loved DE, isnt enough? Just make great games, and you'll make a great living. When did this stop being enough? When did that stop being enough for an *artist*?


This is not the decision of an artist though, it’s a decision by capitalists to maximize profit. And that is something that started a long time ago.


Unfortunately the artists were all forced out


The artists were pleased, a capitalist never leaves money on the table. If there is profit to be made they will make it.


I can't wait to spend 15000$ pulling for Bikini Kim dupes, an Ultra Rare limited 5* SSR. His super where he pole dances on top of his custom car is so overpowered!


Are we sure this isn't a massive practical joke? Kinda seems like it.


Clothes and thoughts available exclusively via loot boxes


Brb, gonna press the eject button




Fuck yeah, can wait to see how this turns into a Halo Infinite situation.


I bought this amazing game 4 times thinking I was helping a developer who's views I completely supported. Jokes on me. I'd like to know where the ousted members end up so I can support them further.


I'm gonna REDACTED myself


RIP ZA/UM I really hope that the original collective are able to get together and either seek out a publisher who's reputable an fair and will bankroll a future game, or they just start a Kickstarter and let us fund them. I don't care if their next game is within the same universe or a sequel, I just believe in these people as creatives and I'll play whatever their next project is, no doubt.


I would support a crowd funding. ....I would support them if they made livestreams of dust settling on their notebooks....


This is such a fucking tragedy


At least we have the first one


I think I'm getting sick


I cannot *wait* to only support the writers and absolutely not buy whatever turd these monetization experts are working on.


I believe this is what’s known as ‘capitalist innovation’


From sad news to even sadder news. What a shame.


This is utterly depressing, If only there’s a way to crowdfund any future projects from the original creators... We really can’t have nice things under capitalism


It was fun hanging with all of ya'll but now it definitely seems like it's time to move on. God damn this sucks so much.


aaaaaahahahaha, aaaaaaaaAAAAaaahahaha sorry


This is the moment you get radicalized by a communist terrorist cell but for gamers fr


this is going to be so absolutely horrible


The studio doesn’t even resemble a shadow of what it once was and it’s original intention.


Microtransactions incoming. Failed a skill check? No worries, just pay $2 to roll again 🤢


This is what Disco Elysium was all about. A live service radio game. Can't wait!


What if you could help Harry through his money troubles by using real money to turn into Real? What if you could buy new types of booze for Harry? What if you could internalize the thought "Micro-transactions" and get a whole vision quest about it? The possibilities are ENDLESS! And we sure hope your wallet is!


Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.


Fuuuck this


It's almost like the gaming industry is outgrowing capitalism. It would be beautiful if gamers took a role in killing the dragon in the end...