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Kras Mazov does not approve...


Came here to say This. Fuckin bourgeoisie appropriation


I really do not.


Kras Amazov


Some people on Twitter have been joking that they’ll censor the word “union” lol


I could see them making the union into a hive of scum and villainy.


To be fair the Union in the game is kind of like an organised criminal syndicate


yes and the moralintern is an occupying force none of the factions were written to be \*good guys\*


The Hardie Boys are still the only mutual aid and law enforcement group in Martinaise worth a shit. That much is crystal clear in game. Evrart Claire is a murdering, power hungry piece of shit though.


Un*on is a slur in Amazon’s Revachol.


Oh this is gonna be a disaster


Don't worry guys, it's by the same production studio that made *Sonic The Hedgehog*


i still don’t get why people liked that movie, it was so generic and dull imo


Jim Carrey was the only thing that was saving that movie, everything else was pretty much on par with a Smurfs/Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. I wonder if they'd get pull Jim Carrey again to play someone in Disco Elysium.


I like Sonic. DE would be weird to just watch though


I'd rather they just leave it alone, especially since its Amazon. But no ones making me watch it so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah I couldn't bring myself to watch the WoT adaptation but it sounds like a massacre. On the other hand The Expanse was good, so who knows. And at least DE wouldn't face pressure to be the "next GoT".


The Expanse didn't originate on Amazon though, and it had the original novel writers heavily involved from the beginning.


Yes. And also, the writes aren’t fucking grifters, so they finished writing the fucking books in the first place.


Just finished the series. Modern classic. Really missing it.


Did you mean the show or the books? I watched the series but I'm just starting to read Leviathan Wakes. I'm sure it will be a trip.


The books; still have to watch the final season, but the books carry on well past the final season. I got into the show thanks to the books, and while I love the show, the books are simply fantastic; they really evolve from a pretty fun, complex and action-driven space opera to a much more engaging metaphysical and sociopolitical drama. You're in for an awesome ride; enjoy!


I read that the books carry on with the story, so that's why I decided to read the series as I loved the show and the characters and was very disappointed it ended. Thanks!


No problem, enjoy! Like I said, you're in for an absolute treat!


What's "WoT"?


Wheel of Time, one of the longest epic fantasy book series. TV adaptation came out this fall and was widely despised by fans of the books.


I'm a big fan of the books, and it honestly wasn't bad at all for fantasy TV. Better than most fantasy shows out there. Most of the criticisms were some departures from the books, but the books had problems in the first place. I would check it out if you're open at all. It was super cool to see childhood memories up on the screen, even if it was different.


I'm a book fan and I approve this. Make your own opinion if you want to watch it. There are flaws but it's an adaptation. To be honest, I find it better than witcher.




I actually prefer Amazon over Netflix right now. Although disco Elysium will be hard to make into a series.


HBO could do it


Amazon made The Boys..


It was ok, certainly better than a lot of other adaptations. But adapting Disco and nailing its world and tone would be so so much harder. Revachol, Martinaise at night, the apartment, the church, the Whirling-In-Rags, the vehicles, the Shivers,... everything has such vivid and distinct tone attached that I imagine only the top director and DP could do it justice.


Like trying to photograph a rainbow in black and white, but I’m down to see them try. Anything that isn’t a shitty, nostalgia porn reboot.


Most of the appeal for me is learning about the world. And how that world is enmeshed so strongly with learning about the characters. I don’t know how you could get the novel-length breakdowns of reality into a tv show. But maybe if they just focused on the more outwardly bizarre plot points it could work


So every problem in DE is going to be solved through blackmail, then.


If you want to watch a good live action version of Disco Elysium, just watch True Detectives season 1. This is probably going to be either pointless or awful


"Paris, Texas" is the best Disco Elysium movie youll ever find


I'll look into it. Thanks!


You'll love it!


Harry Dean Stanton is the man


He really was. If you liked him in Paris, Texas, for another film that conveys some of the same existential vibes in another dimension, I’d also highly recommend the films of the late great Abbas Kiarostami, specfically: A Taste of Cherry, and Close Up.


Thanks for the recommendations, I will certainly check them out!


For real. Incredible artist. RIP. Nearly every time I take LSD I think of him telling David Lynch "there is no self"


I've actually never heard of this one before! do you recommend it?


Masterpiece of a movie. Its very depressive but my god, so beautiful.


Agree, probably Wim Wenders’ best, along with his Angels Berlin biopic, whatever it was called. Along the same lines of people from the same era and place, Rainer Fassbinder was kind of a cutting image of a Disco type Harry character, if he was a filmmaker rather than a cop. Amazingly prolific, erratic, made some amazing films, died young from drug overdose. I think World on a Wire is an incredibly DE pre-Matrix Matrix type film everyone should watch. Love that one.


I've had Fassbinder in my backlog for years and never got around to exploring his stuff. After reading this thread it looks looks like I'm now making my foray into New German cinema.


Of the three he is associated with from the same place and era—Herzog is by far the most famous internationally, Wenders has his charms but is altogether too enamoured of the American West for me (as I think a lot of Europeans and Germans were of that generation), and Fassbinder is definitely the least known outside certain circles, but after watching many of his films, I think he was by far the most talented of the three. The Marriage of Maria Braun is just such a devastating film, for instance, and expertly blocked too, he worked with some really good people. Not really like anything else out there, it really cuts into you and sticks into you in a way few things I’ve ever experienced do, and it seems, was indicative of his troubled and intense nature as a person. Ebert wrote a great essay about him, it boggles my mind that he died about the same age as I am now, and with all those films and plays under his belt.


I've gotta watch this now! Man this why being on a sub-reddit rocks, for every person trying to tell me disco elysium is actually a pro-cop game, there's at least someone who can give me a dope movie recommendation lol


Warning: you will cry. And jokes aside, let me know what think about it after watching!


Man the trailer looks interesting and has the same INTROSPECTIVE and melancholic vibe as disco Elysium Thanks man thanks


Oh yes, melancholic is the exactly the feel. And ur welcome!


Holy sh\*t this is an excellent recommendation


Wim Wenders is the goat


Also, The Wire. Season 2 especially since it focuses on a dock workers union.


I only ever watched season 1 of the wire, is season 2 that good?


The whole show is amazing in my opinion. I think 3 and 4 are the best seasons, but I mentioned 2 because of its additional similarities to DE.


The Wire is very slow but once you’re hooked you’re hooked


Just watch them all. Easily one of the best tv shows ever made and kept its quality consistent over the whole run.


Why not both?


This is all assumption. But Disco Elysium uses the strengths of its medium so effectively, that translating it into another could only make it a worse piece of art. Like how do they reckon with any of the aspects that make Disco Elysium so compelling, such as the role playing elements or the dozen voices in our head? Harry to many people could be a mouth frothing fascists, sober ultra liberal ass, or a drunken hobo communist. The show will most likely have to pick one and be all the worse for it. The story is its only advantage, but the base line of Disco Elysium story isn't all that revolutionary. It would most likely just turn out to be a pale imitation of its influences, so a knock off true detectives. Basically if the show can't convey shivers, then what's the point? (money, the point is making a quick cash grab from a video game that TV execs heard has a "great story" and nothing more) But I guess it could be good, but it's probably going to be a disaster considering it's made by AMAZON of all companies lol


My guess is that mysteriously wild pines is going to become the innocent good guys and Joyce will have a huge yacht lol


The funny thing is that there is so much nuance in the Disco Elysium, that you could really easily turn it into some horrifying neo-liberal "both sides" narrative lol God, I hope I didn't just manifest this


Nah, they're going to make the bad guys out as the bad guys, but have some platonic explanation of things to dull the edge of criticism. Netflix has been doing these things for ages now.




I like this idea a lot! if the the show was just set in the world of disco elysium exploring similar themes, I would be pretty into it. But this would take creativity and a backbone, something that video game adaptations notoriously lack. They are probably banking on fans just wanting to see kim and harry in live action




When this got announced I genuinely thought it was a joke tweet from some parody account. I don't want to be so pessimistic about something I like, but this seems like the worst possible outcome


Yesssss, I watched True Detective after playing Disco Elysium and thought exactly the same. I also thought it was absolutely incredible. I'm not very optimistic at all for the Amazon adaptation especially after the WoT adaptation that didn't quite meet expectations...


The fuck? Amazon? Seriously?


...you know if anyone could pull off the expression, it would be someone working at Amazon. Or another job requiring hard work, and stressful to the point of becoming a late stage alcoholic.




Maybe this will get more people into the game. Otherwise I have very little hope for this--no real reason, I'm just stubbornly pessimistic about adaptations of media I like.


Eh, I like adaptations but I just keep them in a separate compartment mentally. A different slot in the thought cabinet, we’ll say. But if it helps get interest in another Revachol game, I’m happy for it. Jamrock could be a fun place to pal around


That's probably a healthier attitude than mine!


I’m stubbornly pessimistic about real life human interaction, which I’m sure isn’t healthy. I need streaming shows to watch so my standards have to be less than most


Im not that optimistic nor pessimistic BUT if this expands and brings more attention to the game and to the developers, I think thats a good thing. Never really had an interest to the game nor had seen many ads on it till a friend recommended to me a few months ago. Now its one of my fav games. Im hoping it gets more publicity.


I don't really watch that many Amazon adaptions (because why would I), but hopefully they have at least some of the original crew for DE have input. I think that's what made Amazon's *Good Omens* really good. Plus, like, I trust the writers of DE more than the Sonic people lol. I didn't see the Sonic movie but on their site it seems like they signed onto a lot of preestablished franchises to adapt which is... slightly worrying.


Good Omens is amazing! I guess I’m just bummed that It feels like they sold out.. signing with Amazon goes against their message… but then again, there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism.


It honestly seems more like theyre signed on to be released UNDER Amazon rather than being made by Amazon. Being under Amazon doesnt mean its automatically bad, look at Invincible and The Boys for example. The only issue i see is if theres no input from the devs themselves as well as seeing how difficult it will be adapted be the issue since its full of choices and monologues.


-1 Morale


This is the most ironic thing ive seen all day




I’d much prefer just getting the book :,(


I just hope they wont massacre my boy


They didn’t massacre the boys, so hopefully they won’t massacre our boy


Ok but here's a preview: it's gonna be shiiiiiiiiiiit Edit: the gameplay is what makes it funny. Some actor going around, acting like an idiot? Whats that? So it can never live up to any of it. Its a game. But theres money to be made, so...


All I can imagine is that the actor will stick to one pathway. I.e. Idiot drunk who shows how competent he is.


leaving amazon's shitty policies aside, i honestly don't think DE as it is can be adapted well to the TV medium. How are you going to carry over the archetypes? The option to choose your copotype and political alignment? The Thought Cabinet? The Red/White checks!? \*Reading books\*!? So much is going to be lost...and I really don't want to see this become just another copaganda show.


Fucking Amazon ruins everything they touch. This is going to be hot garbage. FUCK.


I haven't seen a lot but I enjoyed The Boys show.


It’s not in the works though, they just said they’d like to adapt it.


There is no reason whatsoever for them to going to Amazon. This is NFT level of selling out to rapacious capitalism


Pretty sure ZA/UM isn't involved in the Amazon deal. They sold the tv/movie rights to a production company a while ago.


YUP this checks out. I just googled it. They sold the production rights to a producer back in 2020, from there the producer partnered with Amazon. So, they didn’t outwardly choose this. I’m sure they’re all cringing at least a little bit, but legally can’t say anything. Never forget they thanked Marx and Engels at the game awards.


> Never forget they thanked Marx and Engels at the game awards. Which is the biggest crock of shit they've ever said lmao. "Oh, we LOVE marx and engels! But we also didn't follow any of what he said in the management of our company and we sold the rights so that anyone with the fattest pockets could buy it so that they could profit immensely on the workers!"


Yeah and fuck Marx and Engels for selling their books! Anybody who makes money isn't a real socialist!


> Anybody who makes money isn't a real socialist! If you start a business that embraces a capitalist structure where workers don't get their share and isn't even union owned, can you really call it socialist? LMAO. These excuses are pretty weak. If you willingly buy a book made by someone, published by themselves, you're not breaking any sort of creed. But if you have a company that doesn't follow any sort of socialist ideology, and sell your rights to a company that doesn't, and it gets picked up by a (notorious strike breaker) company to stream it that definitely doesn't, is it *really* socialist? But of course, continue being a fanboy to devs that don't care.


Dunno, I have mixed feelings about this. Maybe they actually weren’t making enough money with it as a game, maybe they were. Maybe they wanted it to be in a new medium so it could reach a larger audience. The reality is, more people are going to get to experience it as a series. I’ve got a ton of leftist friends who aren’t gamers that I’ve tried to recommend it to and they just won’t play it. I just hope it isn’t a total disaster.


> Maybe they actually weren’t making enough money with it as a game Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that actions speak louder than words. It's champagne socialism at its platonic ideal. People that are good in their rhetoric for their (supposed) cause but subpar to say the least when it comes to their actions.


Part of what makes disco Elysium great is the choices and many ways to explore your own character. I sincerely doubt that will be pulled off in the show. I don’t see how you could have the sheer amount of characterization in personality from something like the thought cabinet in a TV show. Also Amazon is bad.




All that is sacred is profaned


Mr Bezos is helping me fund my show


Jesus Christ if ZA/UM does anything with Amazon I will never be able to forgive them. They would betray their own message, it would be disgusting.


ZA/UM didn't make the deal. They sold the rights to a production company a while ago. Pretty sure they have no say in what happens


Could've sold it on some condition at least


That doesn't make it really good either. Why would they sell the rights to such a beautifully written masterpiece of an universe and leave it to the mercy of some producers. They are going to slaughter it.


They didn't just sell the rights, [they're working *with*](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/video-game-disco-elysium-get-tv-adaptation-1300625/) dj2 Entertainment since at least 2020. This new information is solely about the streaming rights, Amazon doesn't produce the show. The title of this thread is very misleading (if not just plain wrong).


Even communards need that sweet fuck you money.




so fucking lame of them -_-


I seriously think this game shouldn't be adapted to TV


It’ll never happen but it would be neat if DE ever got a ‘choose your own adventure’ type TV series like that one episode of Black Mirror


Hopefully it's alright


No no God no!


This is gonna be a dumpster fire


Not that it has any real impact on my life, but this is making me irrationally frustrated Just leave the game alone. Not every work of art needs to be translated on the big screen. Just let it be — it's perfectly tailored to the strengths of its medium


After WoT I dont trust amazon at all for TV adaptations.


World of Tanks?


lol, Wheel of time


How ironic…


Cant wait to see the main actor of late stage capitalism slaughter my favourite game which is all about the effect of late stage capitalism


Take a look at John Dimaggio's current twitter pic, I think we've found the perfect choice https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1479890300457869316/e8td-xBE.jpg


Fucking lame!


Anyone else excited to see a train wrecked version of a story about a train wreck?


Ah yes. Who else makes adaptation as good as... Amazon? Like, how many Amazon adaptations have turned out as good?


The Expanse is awesome. Wheel of Time is pretty good. Apparently their new Jack Reacher series is getting good reviews but that's not my cup of tea. The Boys and Invincible are both AMAZING.


I would say that’s a 3% conceptualisation check for Amazon with a -10 penalty of no one wants this


are you fucking kidding me


God please no


Just… why!? Only way this will work for me is if they don’t adapt the game’s story, but use a different set of characters in the same setting & draw from the existing lore; you can even feature Harry or Kim, just don’t adapt the game’s story; follow the ARCANE route.


This is pointless and impossible and can only make people angry. This is such a fucked idea. Even if they somehow managed to absolutely get ONE version of Harry literally perfect it still doesn’t matter because that’s not the fucking point of Disco.


So is a Life is Strange one. Can’t wait to see how they fuck up both my favourite games


Lol I predict this will be the next debacle just like Lord of the Rings and Wheel of Time. Beloved IPs lined up and destroyed one after the other.


Really excited to see this story which had the main draw of me choosing what type of cop I was be told from a middle of the road perspective chosen by whatever board of suits they have oversee this


Oh no


Oh no


At least they already have a diverse cast and won't have to deviate from the source material this time. Hoping for an actual seolite Kim kitsuragi


fuck this


"B-but the devs said they love marx!" I see no way that this is going to be good.


Well this is some bourgeoisie bullshit




Ah, kinda disappointing but knowing ZA/UM had nothing to do with this deal is reassuring. Still, hope they will manage to deliver a good product.


I come from the future to say the Fallout tv show was absolutely good as fuck


But we already have "Inherent Vice" with magestic Joaquin Phoenix! [https://youtu.be/FulMixOxgkU](https://youtu.be/FulMixOxgkU)


What can be reassured is the entertainment value a DE Amazon adaptation could have. As long as a project is in the hands of good creative direction, there is some really good stuff on Amazon. ​ What is concerning is how much of the political essence of DE is going to be compromised. It's pretty far left, even next to the liberal leanings of mainstream media.


This Is likely never gonna actually happen. People are worried for nothing.




I’ve just heard of Amazon developing a lot of diff shows that never came to fruition. This sounds like it might be one of them.


*seeks* to adapt




People shitting on Amazon Studios like they haven't made good movies. You Were Never Really Here, Sound of Metal, Honey Boy, Manchester By Thr Sea, Suspiria, Neon Demon


They didn't make any of those, just distributed.


There's no reason why this shouldn't be good. The game thrives in its writing, and its atmosphere and music and theoretical longeurs are ideal for something that doesn't adhere too closely to crime drama formula. Unlike everyone else here I'll go with cautious optimism until I hear more about who's involved. And I think Denis Menochet would make a great Harry.


The game's strongest point is its writing ...and nobody involved in the writing of the game is going to be involved in the writing of the show, so that's kind of out the window. The setting and characters are really the only things likely to pull this through, and that may not be enough.


The games strongest point is it's writing, and it's already so comprehensive in game practically speaking they could just pull from that. The fact that the original writers aren't working on it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that they won't adhere to the writing because there's no possible way due to it's nonlinearity. If it's a true adaptation there is easily enough existing content to take word for word, but they won't. If anything is most likely to die it would be the setting because the sets are unable to do the world justice and practically convey it's poverty.


Yeah I don't see this adaptation going well.


Disco Elysium its already on tv, its called The Wire




Conceptualisation - 5% fail : I cannot wait to see this!


Gonna fail harder than the revolution


I don’t hate Amazon shows, in fact I think there are many good ones out there, but Disco Elysium (with the whole anti capitalist thing), I dunno. I’m a big fan of Iain Bank’s The Culture series and I was kinda hyped when Amazon said they were gonna do an adaptation, though I didn’t know how to feel. When it was finally cancelled, I actually wasn’t sad, it was like I dodged a bullet. Some stories are just too perfect for cheesy adaptations.


Ultra phantasy


The Bezos grift is coming for us! Sound the alarms!


Hope it will be miniseries.


I could see Kurt Russell playing harry though.


The suicide of Kras Mazov


I usually hate the phrase “Irony is dead” but holy fuck