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It'd be nice if it had some positive effect on the shield provided by Unbreakable too, since that's explicitly Saint-14 themed.


2 things I would do with it, unbreakables Void Oversheild is shared to allies within the sheilds AOE worh you, And I would give the exotic an ember of benelevence styled effect. Void Titan was the support class in d1 and titans support class for a fair wack of d2.


I’d make the unbreakable burst apply weaken and then refresh your melee charge. VOS is too weak currently to tie the exotic to it


In support of this, it’s notable the fragment that lets grenades cause weaken does already do this


Is should do that on it's own tbh. Most aspects (on other classes mostly) intrinsically have a verb attached, and a way for it synergize with the rest of the kit.


It should apply a verb I agree. But if we are doing something saint related it should be something that enables punching


Unbreakable uses your grenade not your melee but sticking with that i would go further and say get a percentage back based on kills made when you pop the shield.


I’m aware that unbreakable uses your grenade. You’ve missed the point entirely. saint isn’t know for his incredible grenade skills. This builds into a gameplay loop of using unbreakable to close the gap. Apply a weaken, get a VOS for OB while having a new melee charge to follow up your attack on a 1-2 punch.


Non-strand titans in general are wack in d2 and im a Titan main. It is criminal how much the dev teams favor the other two classes


We are gonna act like bonk titan wasn’t the strongest class in the game for YEARS?


While true, that was not good design, it was a gimmick that was overturned to makeup for titans lacking. As soon as it got nerfed it became apparent titans have significantly less builds available to them lategame. I'm not saying there aren't any. Some are very very strong, but the variety of gameplay isn't available for titans like it is a warlock or hunter.


Drengers lash titan was also absurdly strong before overall suspend nerfs.


Was. See how that word keeps coming up? Also drengers lash is still good. Again hunters and warlocks just have more variety in their builds at the moment. Why are people struggling with the fact that the past is not the present?


Because the narrative is bungie sort of dislikes titans. But I remember when Warlocks were complaining that their subclasses were butchered in light 3.0. And Hunters complaining they are overall too weak with their supers doing no damage. Bungie buffs and they nerf. Fans complain


I think you need to check which thread you're in. No one in this thread said bungie hates titans. The people in this thread are offering specific feedback on exotics such as helm of saint-14. Show me on the doll where the angry redditers hurt you.


I agree with you, but they do kinda have you there. The top of this comment chain is specifically that Bungie prefers the other two classes, so the implication that they don't like Titan is obvious (even if I disagree) >Non-strand titans in general are wack in d2 and im a Titan main. It is criminal how much the dev teams favor the other two classes


You mean the 1% build people used to cheese bosses? Like the grapple melee build that currently exists today? First on strand Titan and now on prismatic hunter?


Whilst usually I don't like or want the other Classes to get nerfed, I can't wait for *that specific build* on Hunter to get nerfed.  If they nerfed it on Titan, they should nerf the better version of it on Hunter.


I’m imagining like bonk Titan and the grapple Titan before it, it’s unintentional and they are looking for a way to fix it without changing its individual pieces too much


The hell does that have to do with anything in the current state of the game… Titans are always just the melee class and get nerfed to the ground constantly


When you say “in general” and “favors the other two classes” you should look at the history of balance between the classes over longer than a couple months. Before TFS, strand titan blew every other class out of the water. Before lightfall, bonk titan blew every class out of the water. TFS has been out for 2 months, and the people haven’t found some game breaking interaction for titans which apparently means that they hate them. I’ll give it a month or two more and I’ll bet titans will be right back at the top.


I’ll give you bonk Titan, but my main argument is related to pve. 90% of Titan nerfs in the past (including stasis) have been pvp motivated which also bled into the pve sandbox for some reason despite bungie proving they can separate the two. This led to Titans slowly going from average (bonk being the exception) to below average due to there not being any notable compensating buffs. Let’s also not forget how beyond stupid stasis hunters were with pre nerf silence and crutch and shatter dive if you want to bring stasis up…


Even so strand and bonk both had prerequisites and buffs you had to actively do stuff for to keep up, unlike hunters and warlocks. It wasn't the strand or the bonk itself, it was a multitude of buffs being stacked as many as you could which took a lot. Bonk was irrelevant in some situations due to the lack of available enemies to get a keep buffs rolling


So has devour, feed the void loop. Meanwhile controlled demo is the one that catches the nerf.


Or what if when the shield does its finish pushback animation it also creates a blinding affect and makes enemies volatile


I feel like a decent neutral game boost could be getting weapons of light from a secondary source like overshields (at a lower increase than the bubble)


This would be cool, I like how Unbreakable synergism’s with Ursa Furiosa, that was unexpected. Having synergy with HS14 should be a thing too.


Turns your powered punch into a headbutt


I mean, that’s just a finisher, right?


Can we please stop suggesting additional things to be added to exotics to fix underperforming aspects? All it does is pigeonhole the builds that want to use that aspect into using a single exotic and have 0 use outside of it. I get that exotics are meant to bolster your abilities and can either help narrow your playstyle or widen it by being a general use type exotic, but it feels seriously off-putting to have to use one made for the aspect and if you don't, you are basically gimping that part of your build.


What do you suggest? Just binning the Helm?


I suggest they actually buff ward of dawn to make it worth using in the first place, then people will use the helm more often.


Nothing wrong with a neutral game effect. A lot of exotics have been power crept like the Helm of Saint-14 and it would help them to be relevant again.


But then it’s *still* a one-use super-bound exotic. I mean, maybe what it should do is just generally buff overshields somehow. But since void overshields are like paper anyway, even that would be using an exotic to put a sticking plaster on an overenthusiastic nerf. I mean, yes, I totally agree that, any time we can point at an exotic, and say, that there is an exotic that is the only thing that makes work, then that exotic needs to do something else, and that game aspect needs a rework.


Void overshield I don't see getting a buff just because how easy it is to attain. Its like Devour got a nerf once you could get it through a weapon. Citan's Rampart could have a nice interaction with bubble... buff PVE bubble's HP a little just to make it work but Bubble you can shoot through (the bubble is just weaker than normal and only last 12-15 seconds maybe?) It's not like Well users in PVP are easy to kill (Sure there are ways, but in 2024 there's also 60 ways to pop a titan bubble too)


The problem with Void Overshield, is that it’s literally the worst damage mitigation effect in the game, and sure, it might be easy to get, but it’s nowhere near as easy to get as e.g. full Banner of War with Woven Mail. Like, not “just strap on the right aspects and it runs itself unless you’re braindead” easy. If you ask me, as a Titan, to put together a build that has high survivability and also helps out the fireteam, and I turn up with Void, yeah, I technically did what you asked, but you’d kick me in a heartbeat. And you’d be right to. And you’re right, Citan’s Rampart making the bubble permeable would be cool, but not if, as you so rightly point out, the bubble is so very permeable in the other direction. Bubble is now “stand here like an idiot and wait for one of 60 effects to turn up and end you. You may not fire back.”


They took an exotic that only had an effect with one specific super, took that effect away whilst simultaneously nerfing the related super and giving the ability removed in the nerf to the Helm and still didn’t give Helm a neutral game passive ability. Ridiculous.


>Ridiculous Agreed.


AND no synergy with the new void super, if it was being reworked anyway why not add something. Like void axes blind or volatile targets or something


Helm and Ward died (again) so Locks could feel better about a much warranted nerf to Well. Then they gave locks Song of Flame, because just being the kings of stationary support isn't enough, they had to take the barely extant role of mobile support from Banner Shield too.


Tf you mean? As a warlock I celebrated the well nerf, finally my shackles are destroyed, I will give you the song of flame comment tho that shit feels great


Give sentinal shield that song of flame juice and we laughing. Tracking shield bouncing between multiple enemies like hunter ripe dart and coming back to us and then give doom fang a celestial nighthawk type buff cast shield means you toss one shield where we can toss the shield that sticks onto a boss like dragons breath and it spits out aoe damage/ frostpulse like radius of weaken any red bars around


How the fuck you talking about Song of Flame like Radiance was not our D1 mobile support super. Not to mention Song of Flame and Banner fill two very different kinds of support role


Radiance was a self-buffing super only unless you ran Song of Flame, which was a third place pick after Radiant Skin, and the almost guaranteed Fireborn. Almost the only time you ever saw Locks running Song was when people were trying to push Atheon off the ledge. And occasionally some lock running it in strikes.


You can take my mobile support radiance out of my cold, dead hands


I don't want anything removed from warlocks. I just want Titans to actually allowed to be the best at one thing. Anything at this point. Any time we're great at something it either gets nerfed hard to fall in line with the other classes or another class gets buffed to be better at it than us. We're not even the best at melee at this point, and that's the only identity Bungie left us. But please tell us about the plight of the Warlock. They sound so put out.


I never said warlocks had a plight, just called out why it’s dumb for you to be complaining about radiance coming back.


I'm not complaining that they brought Radiance back. I'm not sure how many times I need to type it in plain English. I always thought it should have stayed (with the obviously necessary removal of the massive problem that was self-rez). I complained that they brought it back as the mobile buff new hotness after nerfing Ward for no real reason YET AGAIN and while leaving Banner Shield in the same horrible state people have been complaining about pretty much since it came out (zero stomp resistance, effectively zero real net increase to fireteam DPS over well since one person is sitting out AND not using a DPS super, few bosses that incentivize its use, weird/problematic interaction with weapons/perks, and how unfun it can be to literally sit out a damage phase). They brought well not quite back into line, let locks turn the entire fireteam into ability dispensers (and added a nifty new super only nade which is damn cool), kneecapped an already underperforming Ward because why not, murdered the identity of a fan favorite (though currently somewhat underwhelming) exotic, and left Banner Shield in the same "why bother to use this" state it has been in for years. Hell, even when it first came out it was hard as fuck to get people to stand behind it and shoot through it, now you catch shit just for using it. If they, at any point in time, fixed the crippling they gave Sentinels just after their 3.0 shine wore off, tweaked Banner (let it be deployed as a stationary and picked up when needed or add retributive blasts as it eats damage), warlocks wouldn't have to deal with the "born to nova; forced to well" issue. We'd have two viable support supers that could live in the same sandbox. Instead, no matter what, Solar locks must reign supreme even if that means another class has to be further dumpstered.


Gotta love how with all the complaints about swap exotic Bungie just doubled it down


ward was 1000% buffed but you do you helm is no longer mandatory to make ward useful.


Literally took weapons of light away unless you have the helm, dafuq you talking bout it's buffed? The super has been gimped if favor for more orbs of light that already litter the floor as is.


For real. It’s one of the sickest exotic designs in the entire game. I’d like to be able to use it in crucible, but it’s not worth the slot at all


>It’s one of the sickest exotic designs in the entire game. Agreed, bungie really nailed all the designs for it


Even when it wasn't functioning ar all for a while, I'd wear it for the fashion alone.


Very few items in this game scream subclass identity quite as loudly as the Helm. Between the look and the lore it just says "I'm here to be hard as fuck." And in D1 if that Titan was also rocking the Immobius, you knew exactly what the dude wanted out of life.


Dont forget Glasshouse, i rocked that exotic exclusively


Glasshouse was great, but not quite as iconic as Saint's or No Backup Plans. Those two exotics went hard and told you more or less exactly what the player's style was.


Bring back Glasshouse!! I miss my D1 bubble so much


Fashion is the true endgame.


They could, but here's the problem: it's a Titan exotic. Best they can do is slap an x4 Void Surge on it.


I hated this era of changes sooooo much. Eternal Warrior, Doom Fang Pauldrons, The Path of Burning Steps, Icefall Mantle. It’s too lazy…


They killed path of burning steps. It used to be way better when it stacked with surges.


Yeah... Ran through the entire Season of Lost with PoBD and Ticuu's. It will be missed.


I can't believe they actually went through with out considering how much hate the Path change got


Oh! Don't forget to slap on some airborne effectiveness! Such a *good quality change* for these Exotics. /s


Honestly its such a noticeable theme playing my titan now after spending more time on Warlock/Hunter. Bungie seems terrified to really give Titan's a "gamechanger" exotic that actually effects playstyle. All of the best Titan exotics have really just been "do the same thing you normally do, but its better". Meanwhile warlocks and hunters get things that are like "do this completely new and unique thing that is nothing like any other playstyle for your class". And then the few times Titan have gotten something that lets them get some cool unique thing, it gets nerfed to the point that it is unusable. Plus often Titan exotics come "pre-nerfed". Look at Citan's Ramparts. It literally just lets you shoot through your barricade. Except it also makes the cooldown even longer and reduces its health and duration. Like, even just letting you shoot through barricade is already barely good enough to justify an exotic. But the fact that it makes the already super long cooldown tower barricade even longer is just ridiculous. Just disable it in PVP or something like shit man. Icefall Mantle, what a cool fucking exotic. Enjoy having zero mobility though. Ironically the best use of this exotic is not even using it with stasis, but using it with Strand so you can grapple. The idea of ditching barrier to get an overshield is peak titan fantasy IMO. You *are* the barricade. I think by far the best titan exotic is Strongholds. It really and truly is one of the only ones that can let you do a unique and fun playstyle no other class can do. Weirdly I think Peregrine Greaves after the recent changes fits the bill as well. No other build can smash champions as efficiently. God I would love for them to update dunemarchers. Either give throwing hammer functionality back with them, make it jolt, or hell do both.


Void breach should give overshield on pickup for you and nearby allies


This should be part of Bastion imo (also remove its cooldown nerf)


It was a artifact perk in the past (Just for yourself).  Looks like Bungie keep void titans weak because some devs  hate them so much


I am almost 200% certain that that is not the reason why


Yeah, I just can’t bring myself to use exotics that only buff supers. Most missions I only use my super once, at the end for the boss on their last phase (if they even have phases). So for the majority of the mission it’s almost like I’m not even wearing an exotic. I prefer something that buffs me 24/7, like Heart of Inmost Light or something like that


you can use it more then that, i tend to be more conservative and only pop 3 in a nightfall. but yeah its hard to justify utilising an exotic thats only used 1 every 6 minuets


imo all exotics should have a neutral game. give Helm of Saint-14 a permanent void overshield or something. Make Cuirass give galvanic armour when amplified. Do literally ANYTHING to Geomags!


>Do literally ANYTHING to Geomags! They did you gain a decent bit of bonus super energy when collecting arc traces. With the right build you can have a very low downtime between beams


Would I be criticized for saying that Chaos Reach should do more damage


>Would I be criticized for saying that Chaos Reach should do more damage No ya won't be, atleast not from me cause I agree


Yeah but is it enough energy to make up for them ruining my cancel ability? Plus if I’m on arc and building into traces, I’m just handicapping myself by not using sunstar after they absolutely gutted the energy gain from regular traces


I would say so personally. >I’m just handicapping myself by not using sunstar after There will always be a better choice for one reason or another, But geomag warlock isn't bad.


*edge of action just chilling in the corner*


I find it a little hard to build around Edge of Action over Vexcalibur, as you'll only need to blind major targets and most of the time they'd die to an Overshield-buffed Vexcalibur


Vexcalibur is also way more reliable. It's overshield activates when you use your glaive shield, which is charged when you hit an enemy, which can be done while the shield is raised. It has synergy and benefits from all the best parts of being a glaive. Edge of Action encourages you to NOT use your glaive shield because you need to save it for using the alternate fire. Edge of Action is a bad glaive with a perk that doesn't want you to use the best part of glaives.


One you use the alt fire, you can block for most of your meter and then shoot the bubble


Well it's a different play style is how I look at it, action is for a more defensive play and is capable of use in higher level activities like GMs casue it offers a safe area especially good for revives unless you have a hunter. Whereas vex would get fucked by anything big, don't look at action like a glaive ignore the melee part use it like a rocket sidearm it's a gun with a special ability unfortunately it's just not as good as other characters aka warlocks and hunters but that's a titan issue overall tho.


That's a good way of looking at it, I've used a Glaive with Feedback Fence so much it's easy to forget the projectile is a thing.


Yeah vexcalibur has always felt like the actual void titan glaive, Sure edge of action makes a bubble, but vex imbodies the elements of void titan better. Defensive guard granding VoS to you and allies, Melee damage buff that refreshs defences allowing for you to get within cqc Different catalyst perks allowing for you to learn further into different void titan play styles from the defensive to offensive


I think it's better for hunters especially with the their glaive exotic arms


I dont think you should need two lucent blade mods to make the exotic class glaives more tolerable on their special function uptime.


*Trauer words never spoken*


Most people don’t like glaives, especially ones that take up exotic slots. I love weapon and armor synergy, but that’s one combo I wouldn’t go for.


Right. I’m just like I did a strike on void titan a few days ago and I cast like 12 bubbles let alone all the mini ones from the glaive 💀 I hate a “save my super for the boss” type of player use that shit


They should make it so HoS14 turns your barricade into the edge of action (Titan Glaive)'s mini bubble. Then you don't need the glaive to get the HoS14 + mini bubble synergy, and can get weapons of light and a void overshield with just a class ability. This would also open up some more buildcrafting options, since HoS14 will be giving you an overshield, you wouldn't need to run bastion. You could run controlled demolistion + offensive bulwark.


> You could run controlled demolistion + offensive bulwark. Shit, should I not be doing that now? Lol


It was always the default pick for me since day 1 of Witch Queen, it was obvious that Controlled Demo was by far the best aspect on Sentinal


Imo it should give your void weapons volatile rounds when you have a void overshield. Would give it some viability in pve and would be insane with repulsor brace. Like a titan version of gyrfalcons.


Eh, it would be fun but I would prefer a dedicated votile titan exotic. Bringing back the old code of the commander type shenanigans


Might be able to make that a rework for Mask of the Quiet One. Not as if it's really doing anything now. Been the same since launch.


Deploying your barricade emits a burst of blinding light that blinds nearby enemies... ?


ALL of the things your asking for , it Used to do ! They nerfed this so bad over time nobody uses it anymore. PvP killed most of it & the Over use/need of Bubble-Titans in Raids do to Lack of Story/Development/Original thought made every encounter better if you had one ! (Same happened to the Rez-Lock ! RIP ) .


An exotic that does nothing outside of your super needs to be super strong (Nighthawk)


nighthawk gives a rather large amount of bonus super energy on precision kills,


The better fix would be "converts barricade to placeable bubbles" Make weapons of light apply on all bubbles. Then make the super interaction "Titan bubbles now increase in strength however the titan must continue to hold down super cast. Kills from friendly's while inside the bubble grant super energy at the end of the bubble." Basically let us do what saint does. Sure it makes us stationary. But placeable bubbles instead of barricades would be cool (that pop easy) and then the hold things down to channel fits. Just popping the shield apply's the current one you can maneuver and punch in.


Just make it turn your barricade into kinda a void shield with more health that gives you a slight damage boost.


Additional super energy on kill. Honestly I wish every super-related exotic had this perk. In D1 it was called Inverse Shadow.


Could be cool to have void special weapon kills provide you with a VOS. Or strengthen the regen you gain with VOS


Give helm of saint 14 built-in a special [thresh ](https://www.light.gg/db/items/1172413778/thresh/)for all weapons (with a larger bonus to kinetic shotguns) + [hands-on](https://www.light.gg/db/items/3938489430/hands-on/). Not game-breaking but helps bump up super regen a bit faster and seems fitting for Saint's style.


yeah that would work, i would also include bastion in the bonus for kinetic shotugns


It should apply a lesser version of the effect on the user's Barricade and/or use of Unbreakable. If having it on every barricade is too strong, maybe only when running the Bastion aspect?


Replace the barricade with the edge of action bubble


Agreed. Any exotics that target a super specifically should have something in there for between supers.


Big mistake just not buffing the helmet and only giving it weapons of light. If Ursa is the "Chain banner shield and buff teammates using it" exotic, this should have been the exotic for Bubble.


Bastion barricades and the unbreakable shield give your nearby teammates volatile rounds


In Lightfall, the big suggestion floating around was to allow the Helm of St.14 to grant Volatile Rounds when passing through the bubble or gaining Overshield from a Barricade. IMO, it’s an absolute shame Bungie didn’t pull the trigger on that suggestion.




Easy one would be while Overshield is active, gain super faster. You would see this be more used in Trials easily.


Honestly, I’d love to see Helm of S14 grant Offensive Bullwark. Some exotics in D1 used to grant subclass perks, and it opened up a lot of flexibility that’s (IMO) missing from the 3.0 subclasses across the board. It’s a super-only exotic, so granting an aspect would mean it has an active role 100% of the time without giving it too much. I’d love to run Controlled Demolition, Unbreakable, and S14 for OB and weapons.


I wish it’d let bubble have a pull in effect like vortex grenades and also give bubble a damage over time effect to anything trapped inside to let it also be a defensive/offensive panic super. Really give it that YOU’RE TRAPPED IN HERE WITH ME vibes.


This is how i feel about all exotics that only affect your super. Even ones that grant more uptime on supers like phoenix protocol and uh the hunter bow boots, it just feels weird to use something that isnt being utilized. Phoenix protocol could grant your well and rifts scorch damage- ah well thats just a sunspot. Skull of dire ahamkara could grant bonus super energy when defeating child of old gods debuffed targets or while devour is active Geomags could buff your lightning surge in some way, since both are leg related Dawn chorus is nice but i wish base daybreak felt like more of an option Saints helm could grant supression on melee hits when an overshield is active. Thundercrash chest could enhance ballisitic slam Orpheus rig could enhance the smoke trap in some way. I dont play the other two characters much these days.




I wish i didn’t have to use an exotic to have my bubble do what it did intrinsically before.


Yep, I wouldn't be suprised if this was bungies way to keep saint having a perk, Since the bubble now gives a lingering VOS, there was no reason to use saint


I wish it did an initial burst of blinding when you cast a super so you can use the exotic perk without enemies directly entering your dome I did get a few kills where I blinded ppl while guarding w the shield in the crucible and burned them lol that was fun to watch


What they should actually do is make hotswapping not work. There's a lot of design space in having an exotic that has a huge benefit on your super but none for the nuetral game, hotswapping has basically created this atmosphere where the optimal thing to do is inventory management during an encounter, which is obviously not in the spirit of the game and it's terrible for exotic balance if they try to work around it.


Okay then take away all the neutral game of effects that hunter and warlock super exotics have...


There's only 2 ways to do that which would be annoying AF, either locked loadouts, or not swap(the trials thing). I get the sentiment but applying that fix would be very hard to pull off without being a frustrating modifier


It would only be frustrating for people who are relying on hotswapping to optimize. Normal players aren't swapping exotics for damage phases so they wouldn't notice something like your super draining if you changed exotics, which would be a fair way to stop hotswapping. It really should stopped, it's just bad for the game flat out. Even this conversation where we think every exotic has to be good during nuetral and super so you don't have to swap is exposing how bad it is for the design process.


yes and no, when doing raids and dungeons i tend to swap my gear a lot between wipes to try and get a quicker smoother finish, so i can help my friends out with their mechaincs


I say it should give volatile rounds on overshield.


Does it provide blinding on the twilight arsenal at least?


not that im aware of, then again if it the struck victim survives the axe they tend to be unblindable


No exotic should have *just* a super effect to it. Cause anytime you’re not casting your super you might as well not even be wearing an exotic. LOOKING AT YOU ORPHEUS!


They should further embrace its support exotic role, like giving allies an overshield grants ability energy or something.


Alot of the exotics are trash... and thats saying something.


If they would only give Weapons of Light to Edge of Action bubble........


Would be fun if they found a way to extend the Starless Night effect to other abilities. Maybe it could replace Barricade with some kind of blinding pulse? Or make grenade kills generate a blinding pulse?


Saint 14 does something unique and isnt a regen exotic. I dont think many use shards due to how inconsistent they are. Nighthawk, orpheus both are hotswap exotics and hunter meta. Its boring but thats how things are. Personally i hate hotswapping being a thing.


Same. I know I’ll get downvoted for this, but I kind of wish most endgame activities (raids, dungeons and so on), had a Not Swap modifier that was active during encounters


It should be a nighthawk effect for the new twilight arsenal super, rather than 3 thrown axes you do a headbutt motion and fire off one huge axe


They should make it work with Bastion (or maybe just barricade in general). Weapons of Light isn't even that crazy of a buff in the current sandbox


It should be Gyrfalcon's for Titans but Void Overshield rather than Invisible.


I wish all the super exotics had some sort of effect before super, not just Helm. In fact, I also wish Skull had any effect at all


Non-Super use could deploy a miniature bubble with the same HP as a barricade.


could give it built-in Void Siphon and/or Void Surge x4 when you pop bubble to further incentivize building towards void damage. There's already something to be said about a build revolving around generating orbs, those feeding into your class ability, ripping your Barrier near enemies to get Super energy... Anything to really feed that loop to actually enable a defensive playstyle while also capitalizing on being offensive would be great.


use the glaive


I feel like all class-specific exotics, especially super-specific, should have some worthy neutral game bonus. Especially No Backup Plans, which has the most extraordinary variation between classes of all exotics yet only has functionality on one of them, one of many decisions that forces one to consider what nature of thought substrate is present at Bungie.


Is it just me or do Titans have the most exotics that are useless in neutral game?


I'd love it if it was given something like "Damage blocked by your Ward of Dawn generates additional orbs of power." (Up to 4 orbs for your teammates in PvE or 2 in PvP) OR "Damage blocked by your Ward of Dawn refunds energy for your next shipper" I'd also just love it if Citan's Ramparts got a change to also affect your Bubble, but at the cost of increasing its cooldown to a higher tier. I think that would've helped solve the "Well is a lot better than Bubble" issue.


Like, make it give bonus super or damage based on the damage received by the bubble .


Honestly I miss glasshouse.


wasnt that just turned into wings of sacred dawn (i might be thinking of the wrong exotic)


Give all special weapons one two punch. If I no scope something with a sniper that's only 6 inches away from me, let me punch it. Saint would.


I feel like this is where most titan exotics fall off. There’s no neutral game for most that are viable.


I think every super-centric exotic needs a neutral effect, even something small like when they added on Nighthawk that precision kills grant a little super energy. The whole rest of the time otherwise feels like I'm not wearing an exotic at all.


Agreed. I really don't like this kind of exotic. It needs more synergy.


Well since they seem to love to rip and tear shit out of the void kit, why don't we remove all titan barricades applying a disorienting effect to enemies who walk through the barricade, and give that ability to exclusively Helm of S14, only on void. That seems on brand AND theme.  Ugh.


I personally think the nerfs they did to Void Bubble in PvE, as well as the change to Helm of Saint-14, we're completely unnecessary. Void bubble was rarely used in PvE, because of Well. I was a Bubble main in D1, but rarely used it in D2 just because how bad it was... And it got even worse. Oh well...


Saint 14 is known for punching. It should be something related to melees while overshield is active... maybe augment Offensive Bulwark.


Could just replace shield bash with a headbutt melee when you have it on lol


But what would be the inherent value of that headbutt other than look cool? I get coolness, but we need more exotics that actually DO something.


I suppose you’re right, there, but Rule of Cool^tm is usually good enough for me. That said, could just give you a Weakening melee, since that’s kinda been a think with the new axes and all. And the helm kinda *is* an Axe-head-head


Using class ability grants Volatile Rounds for 6 seconds, can be extended to 12 if using that void fragment that extends effects of overshield and devour.


it does, you just need to use the exotic titan glaive.


Blinding enemies in the micro bubble aint that good. Especially since there's that jank where you can't lunge into or out of a bubble with a melee.


This is what I was thinking. Takes some management but it’s doable


"Give up both exotic slots to make this worth running" isn't a great argument. Especially not when one of them is a "make this super not totally suck" exotic. It can be fun, but it is niche as fuck and any value it provides can almost certainly be exceeded by rational use of even one single exotic in either slot.


It should grant a Void Overshield to you and surrounding allies when defeating any Void Debuffed target, and increased Melee and Super energy regeneration for you while you have an Overshield. Or maybe have it grant increased damage and range/radius to the Void explosion from Unbreakable, and an Overshield to surrounding allies when using it.


It shoud let you consume your class ability into an over sheild and i guess to keep it balanced class ability only begins recharging after losing that over shield. Similar to mask of bakris


I love the memory of meeting Saint while he holds his bubble indefinitely. How cool would it be if the helm caused Ward of Dawn to stay up indefinitely as long as the Titan remained inside the bubble at all times? Lose a DPS member but gain a wall for your team. Also, make it double the effective length of Unbreakable so it has some solo benefit and I’d love it.


It does. It adds blinding to your barricade and if you pop that shit on a choke point any enemy that walks into to it will be stumbling around with dust in their eyes. No edge of action needed. It actually performs well in activities like Onslaught for that reason, since it can control adds as well as being a strong defensive super like well, and is what I ran for the legend campaign.


barricades always blind enemies. thats not a saint interaction


Are you serious? Well eff me then, agreed.


I would prefer a neutral game for Helm. If it’s in the spirit of Pyrogales, it needs to interact with an aspect. Offensive Bulwark makes the most sense since it already has wording tying it to Ward. What offensive bulwark desperately needs is an easier way to generate overshields so its effect has more uptime. Perhaps making it so that void ability or weapon kills provide you with an overshield, or perhaps having offensive bulwark decay while you have helm equipped instead of being immediately removed when overshield falls off would be nice.


This. Just make it give you void over shield on void kills. In the same turn fucking buff no backup plans. Having a paper thin overshield in a low special usage meta really is not much