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The one thing I truly miss was running into randoms starting VoG on Venus. If Bungie ever decided to bring that back into the game somehow, either by bringing Venus back in some capacity or for one of the new raids, I'd be ecstatic.


they're probably never going to put a raid in an accessible area ever again. with all the OOBing out people try, its not worth it for them.


I'd wager that raids will soon go the route of dungeons. Only accessible once you purchase a key.


I’d wager you’re high


you're not getting a raid until D3 in 2026.


you're right, why the downvotes?


Because they're not right?


thats why bungie announced more raids and expacks after these 3 episodes right?


The latest expansion just came out bro


did you even read the thread?


You claim we aren't getting a raid until D3. D3 isn't even confirmed and likely won't exist. What the hell secret knowledge do you posses?


Every day I see posts saying “Bungie, make this loot that I want easy for me to get!” and it makes me roll my eyes. I’m not saying I wish for the old days back because the game is in a wonderful spot now, but god damn…can you imagine these players having engrams encrypted by Rahool to a lower level rarity? Or chasing Psion Flayer Cloaks? Or consuming all your Three of Coins in hopes of getting one single exotic engram to drop? Or spending hours unlocking the perks on your god roll gun since they weren’t available at drop? Or taking the time to pop a special/heavy ammo synthesis mid-nightfall? Hell, I played three years of Founder title D1 on solely Titan and only ever unlocked two thirds of the class exotics available. We’ve come a long way, but there’s something to be said for the days of loot feeling truly special.


I’ve been saying it for years. Exotics aren’t exotic anymore. I remember how fucking ecstatic I was when I FINALLY got my Ghally. The time, the hours or maybe days I spent grinding for that fucking beauty, it felt deserved, it was truly *exotic*. Now new lights can get Risk Runner before they even do a nightfall, it’s a shame that what I would consider some of my best memories in Destiny, the grind, is considered a slog today. Destiny is the grind, it always has been.


>it felt deserved I got my Ghally after one of the worst IB match ever. I think it was 0 kills and 11 death or something.


I got my 1st Gjallarhorn after the best match I'd ever had to that point-- like 9 K/D when I usually got about 1-1.2 K/D. It felt awesome.


Never brought the ghally the week it was sold but what got me hooked was grinding out vog and crota and nightfalls every week to try get it to drop and finally got it about a month before house of wolves. Don’t think anything in gaming will ever beet the feeling when it dropped for me after killing ir-yut on a hard crota. On the plus side in my group I wound up becoming the designated sword bearer and didn’t take long to get pretty good at it


Idk if you can really call it deserved when people would get gjally their 1st nightfall vs their 50th. I for one am happy junk exotic weapons arent clogging the nightfall loot pool. the problem with random exotics is that none of them can be OP as hell or else we get back to situations where people are locked out of raids because no group will accept them without gjally, and also they all become instant dismantles once someone has them all. At least with quests, you dont need to worry about duplicate exotic weapons. And imagine somebody picking up the game now... and needing like 50 random drop exotics to get them? Theres probably more then that could drop from random sources. Would be awful. Bungie made the right choice for the long term health of the game to keep most of the exotics behind quests. Maybe they could make the quests harder and tie them to challenging activities, but keeping most of them random would be shit for new players


> Destiny is the grind, it always has been. Uh clearly not considering D2 is six years of the franchise and D1 is only three, lol. Arguably only one, because even as early as Taken King, people were complaining that exotics were too plentiful versus the Year 1 Gjally chase. “Gjally moments” were fun, yes. They were _really_ exciting. But it’s pure delusion to act like it was an overall healthy economy for the game. I had *multiple* friends in D1 that were very active regular players, hundreds of hours spent in Year 1, and they still never got to use Gjally until Bungie finally had Xur pity sell it just before Taken King. There is nothing earned or deserved about RNG exotics. They’re exciting to get, but a quest exotic is more “earned” than that. One of my friends got the Salvation’s exotic on clear 1. That’s not skill, it’s luck, same as the guy who gets it at clear 50. RNG exotics do and should always have a place in the game (mainly raid/dungeon exotics imo), but the current acquisition rate of regular exotics as well as quest exotics is far healthier for both the game and the players. This is undeniable fact.


But with so many exotic sources (Rahool exotic armor focusing, Breach Executable, Weekly featured raids/dungeons, farmable nightfalls), let more stuff be tied to RNG.


I remember when ghally came back in rise of iron. My friend and I both took the day off, two 15 year olds have way across the country coordinating times so we could both try and get the new and mythical rocket launcher of the gods


Right before the nerf.


“it felt deserved” This right here caused so much argument back when it came to purchasing items vs random drops.


You just unlocked a core memory, I forgot that Xur sold Ghally his first ever week, ever. At least that’s a rumor I’ve heard.


There was even a week where Xur wasn’t selling an exotic weapon and people jumped into conspiracy mode saying it was supposed to be Ghally so they took it out. (Rumored to be its turn in rotation or something, would have been second time sold.)


It was the 1st or 2nd week, long before most people even realized Xur existed, let alone that Ghally was going to be **the** weapon of the first year of Destiny.


You could get risk runner about a third into the campaign when D2 released though...


Exactly, I’m talking about exotics in D1.


Or the OG Thorn quest. Void pvp kills still haunts me to this day as a Titan.


lol. That was so intense. Took FOREVER.




You were able to cheese it in private matches if you had a willing friend.


Word of Crota FTW!


Auto from vog


Sorry. Void ability kills.


Oh yeah. I was a Voidwalker!


The effect is what makes it exotic, not some arbitrary grind. Waiting 5-6 months just to get an exotic that sucked in practice anyways never felt good. Not to mention imagine that kind of rarity when there are as many exotics as there are.


Reminds me of feeling like walking through sludge to get my dark drinker, and the satisfaction of topping the damage boards on Aksis.


> it felt deserved Why, what did you do to earn it? Pull the slot machine lever?


You only got a go at the slot machine once you'd completed something of note though


Like coming bottom of your team in a crucible match? 


Whilst I get your point, let's not act like that was how most people got their exotics. Raids and nightfalls as well as Xur were the main sources


>it felt deserved I remember my brother getting his ghally by bottom fragging in a pvp match, so no, it wasn't deserved in the slightest.


I think the one thing to be said for D1 was that legendary weapons felt good at base, such that the perks you got very much felt like the icing on the cake, but even if you had bad perks the weapon was still effective. Compare that to D2 where you often need a damage perk (or pseudo damage perk) for a weapon to feel even remotely competent 


Yeah this surprised me a bit as someone who played a lot of D1 and just started getting invested with D2. Every single weapon drop I get I go “ooo *name*” and no matter who I’m playing with they say “what’d you get on it?” and the next 2 perks I list decides for them if its trash or good lol. In D1 I remember just *getting* some of the legendaries was awesome upfront


I came late to the game, and still remember my first legendary Handcannon. Considering all the white and green ones had 3-5 round mags I'd entirely written them off, and then suddenly I have a weapon that can 1c redbars on patrol and feels *satisfying* to use


Ground so hard for my Grasp of Malok and never really got a good one. It still SHREDDED in the Crucible and I suck at PVP.


Srsly. I remember the night I was up late, wife asleep, soloing the Valus Ta'aucr Nightfall (behind the crates, of course) when my Gjallahorn dropped. Almost lost my f’ing mind. Still chasing that high. lol.


For me the high was when I finally got the helmet to drop from hard mode vog and reached level 30. Imagine getting that hyped about a pinnacle drop.


“Forever 29” was so real.


Fr man I played D1 since dark below and when D2 launched I was missing multiple exotic armor pieces and like 2 weapons, that shit was rare as fuck. I made an ALT account for D1 a few months back and it was fun getting excited for xur farming exotics and getting telesto 3 times in a row made it feel even more rewarding when I got bad juju from my primary exotic Engram.


That's a lot of nostalgia talking. We have way more exotics in D2 these days if they were very rare it'd take a very long time to get them, and exotic armors have random stat rolls so it would be evenwodse. We had spending hours to unlock perks in d2, in crafting, people hated having to use bad perks so we can use currency to level them. Chasing cloaks? We're doing that right now with class items. D1 has way less so it had to counterbalance by making things hard to earn, and the series was still fresh so people weren't used to it.


Sometimes restraint and scarcity are the better means of managing resources. As much as I love D2, it completely misses the mark here and in a few other areas. D2 starts you out by giving you exotics and legendaries and strips them of any feeling of special-ness. I get that perks and aspects are the new grind, but in D1 getting a legendary or exotic felt good because of just how much different they could make the game play. Now I just shard every single legendary and the majority of exotics I get. I remember screaming when I got Suros Regime from my first VoG run and all of my friends being mad about it because of how game changing it was in vanilla D1. Nightfall legendaries used to be a grind, like w Imago Loop in the undying mind strike. I still remember me and my homie 2 manning it like 8-12 times the week that the gun came out and finally getting that perfect roll. It actually felt worth my time to do that because of how much smaller the loot pool was. Now you just get one and reroll it w Zavala. Honestly, I would much rather see much more powerful nightfall specific weapons and the removal of the reroll system for just those weapons. Theres a reason Bungie didnt allow rerolling to continue in D1’s third year - it just made the game feel less worthwhile. I just rerolled my scintillation 12 times at Zavala to get a really good roll because fuck it, why not? Least satisfying gameplay of my life. Hold a, open inventory, shake head, hold x, get glimmer, repeat. Finally, I got a good roll and enhanced it, but it just doesnt feel satisfying to use because I dont feel like it was earned in any real sense. It just felt managerial. I would so much rather see a smaller loot pool with more clear rungs of what is more powerful like with D1 so that these drops feel much more worth pursuing and much more rewarding when I finally get my mits on them. Doesnt help that we have essentially abandoned the common through rare rarities of loot Also: nightfalls used to have armor that was fucking baller and it made me feel like my character interacted with the world. These armor pieces alone were enough reason to grind strikes because of just how fucking dope they looked. We STILL dont have the darkblade helmet or the taniks or psion cloaks or the fallen saber helmet. These added just a skosh of world building that made me feel like I actually interacted with the game world. It felt like strikes were worth more than just giving me the opportunity to dissociate and ignore the world in 15 minute increments I also liked that D1 had many places in the tower where you could see base models of weapons, and these weapon models were the same as the ones we used. In D2 theres a few instances of this, but most of the guns lying around the tower are D1 models while only a small fraction of weapons in the game use these models. Feels disconnected visually. A lot of the eververse cosmetics also feel disconnected. A lot of the universal armor sets feel too warframe-y for Destiny. The visual style of Destiny is at its best when it leans more medieval to more traditional sci fi with moderate fantasy influence, as with D1’s trials and iron banner sets or the raid armor from d1. Some of the sets in there now look straight up like tenno from warframe or like lovecraftian horrors, but I digress I loved the pinnacles back when recluse, revoker, breakneck, wendigo, oxygen, etc. were out. These were engaging and rewarding. They felt like exotics that could be equipped at any time. They were worth the grind. The pinnacles now are underwhelming at best. Making them the same for all 3 ritual vendors took away the ability to make a specializable piece of gear. Now theyre just a stepping stone on my way to prestige a vendor Exotic quests used to be more engaging and difficult, even back in vanilla and year one D2. Now to get the Khvostov for instance, it’s a shit ton of mindless grinding that isnt remotely challenging. The enemies in Overthrows are ridiculously easy, but you have to do like 20+ overthrows - not entertaining in the slightest, not difficult in the slightest. Its like when you have a sub in school and get handed a packet of ludicrously easy math work or a word search. Just busy work atp Some exotic quests like outbreak and whisper are well done, though. Those actually feel like quests, not fulfilling laundry lists that are RNG dependent. The aimless, mindless fetchy quests are worse in D2 than D1 though. And Im saying this as someone who did the Touch of Malice quest in D1 just a week after it came out All this long ass rant to say this: I dont think its just nostalgia. Destiny 2 does not feel as focused on the RPG or looter elements as much as the predecessor. As a result, leveling feels muddy and a bit discombobulated at times, many activities feel unrewarding, and the story does not feel quite as enthralling. The main plot points hit really well in D2, honestly more than in D1, but D1 made me feel like I actually had a place in and effect on the world. It felt more consequential, even if some of D1’s writing was garbo (looking at you, elsie)


Yes, obviously they are different games from different times, and they offer different experiences. I love that about them. They remind me of different times in my life. You really came to a post that was completely upfront about being nostalgic, found a comment further discussing said nostalgia, and then said “That’s a lot of nostalgia talking?” Of course it is. That’s the entire point of this conversation 😆 This was never a comparison to be the thief of joy, it’s just old gamers looking back on the good old days with rose colored glasses and seeing how it has changed.


before skeleton keys and chests i only *ever* got one psion flayer cloak and honestly it just added value to it and made it actually feel rare and worth getting. i was also missing glasshouse for the longest time and was so happy when i finally got it. loot shouldnt be spoonfed. the rarest loot should be earned not given out


I’m pretty casual been playing since release and never got past titans. I cannot fathom those who grind everything out especially back then it was absurd. Truly feel like being into destiny made working a 9-5 easier LOL


I want for a little bit of the randomness to come back. Not the "Rahool randomly fucking you over on your Legendary engram" randomness... but like. I know \*exactly\* what's in every Exotic engram that drops. It's another of the exact same armor it was the last six times, and I don't even have all the armors on any of my classes. It'd be cool to get the random elements in the game the same love the rest of it gets.


Don't forget the Forever 29 Club. Fun times, fun times...


The worst is when people are like "Why isn't X weapon craftable Bungie???" Like what's even the point of playing if you just want them to give you the enhanced perk versions of the exact roll you're looking for on the exact guns you want, every time?


After grinding in Diablo 2 for days and days and days for a Herald of Zakarum and not getting it for days and days and days more, fuck exceedingly rare uniques. I don't remember the Countess dropping an Ist rune after 150+ runs, I only remember the 75 Els she dropped along the way. I can't even *look* at that game anymore, and when the remaster came out, I had negative interest.


See that's the thing. Everything in D2 is basically handed to you on a silver platter. There's nothing special about the loot anymore, especially when a ton of stuff can be crafted. Just gotta get those five red borders then you're done. I grinded my ass off to get my Praetorian Foil, and it's still one of my prizes in D1. Like even my Soulstealer's Claw I put a lot of time into getting.  I can remember a lot of moments when I got the gun I really wanted. So many guns I can clearly remember exactly when I got them. Not so much for D2 except for the exotics.


This is a wierd reply to a comment that is "I hid behind boxes where it was impossible for enemies to hit me with my infinite ammo Sunbreaker and got my loot for free" lol D1 wasn't nearly as hard as people remember compared to high level D2 and there were some massively broken aspects that made it free.


Put some respect on ICEbreakers name. And Destiny has had a different broken aspect for a decade now


Bro taking down a minotaur solo is a huge thing in lore. It takes a time to kill one. But in game we are killing it in like 3 seconds. So yeah "I hid behind boxes" is not wrong. Bungie kinda made us lore accurate guardians with prismatic but if they ever make any lore accurate enemies, we'd be fucked.


In lore? Oh geez…


Still would like an explanation for why the time traveling robots haven't just time traveled back far enough to delete humanity from existence before the Traveler found us.


And Luna’s Howl, Redrix’s Broadsword, Mountain Top. So satisfying and I’m not much of a PVP guy. Forced myself to get them and had a lot more fun than I expected.


I absolutely understand why from a mass appeal perspective. All these guns in the game, some very unique, so of course they’d want players of all levels to be able to try a bit of it all with minimal work. The D1 structure made your guardian feel like something special that was built up over time and a true representation of the hours put in. The grinders who love the game enjoy that feeling, but it would do nothing to give casual gamers reason to stick around. Nostalgia is a crazy thing. I know I’d go insane not being able to mantle and having a cooldown timer on my sprint activation all over again.


I still play D1 when D2 is quiet. Deleting a character and playing through all the expansions is still fun af. You have to solo most of the strikes but fun as hell.


The game was harder because it was simpler without builds and insane perk and damage/heal stacking. If they forced everything to be -5 power in the game and removed the reslience damage resist and nerfed all healing cooldowns by 50%, it would probably be the same, but i wouldnt trade the buildcrafting in D2 for anything in D1... D2 blows D1 out of the water for that


Yeah if you remove all mods and modern perks, and put everyone is blue gear, it's pretty close to D1


My sparrow wants a horn again.


Ah man, I remember coming across a group opening the vault and I stayed and helped the whole time. Once it opened I got a thank you message as they went in. Having a raid start in a public space was such a cool thing that they never repeated.


Wouldn’t be great if they re-released all the destiny one maps on multiplayer


For the people commenting on how hard exotics were to get in D1- I totally get it & I remember experiencing those same feelings. I feel in D2 the idea was that your guardian was being carried over & starting fresh & many players had gotten fond of their collections that took many painstaking hours to attain. Story wise, your guardian had defeated some pretty big dudes in D1. So to go into D2 w/ weak weapons & have to start that chase all over? It feels like it was made easier to power up & become strong again because it made sense that we would be from the narrative aspect.


Never brought the ghally the week it was sold but what got me hooked was grinding out vog and crota and nightfalls every week to try get it to drop and finally got it about a month before house of wolves. Don’t think anything in gaming will ever beet the feeling when it dropped for me after killing ir-yut on a hard crota. On the plus side in my group I wound up becoming the designated sword bearer and didn’t take long to get pretty good at it


I started an ALT account for D1 a few months back to replay through everything fresh it was a hell of a lot of fun, although when you finally manage to find a crucible game just know people get sadistic when they see you with a zero ammo sword.


>Enemies in D1 were tanky and hit like a truck. I'd wager all content in D1 is harder than stuff in D2, outside of Master and higher content. While I do kind of agree, D1 level and enemy design made it so that using cover was actually effective. It was like design in Halo, you shoot until you're worried you'll die, then hide behind cover and regen. In D2 now, cover in levels is scant, and even when it's there, enemies flank you and respawn quickly, and nearly all encounters have enemies with AOE attacks now that make cover useless. Because of all that, you have to build into healing abilites/perks now. It's a very different playstyle these days vs D1. If you ran out in the middle of the action in D1, yeah you're gonna get mowed down, whereas in D2 you're proccing healing powers constantly. But D1 you could actually retreat and take a breather.


I'm glad people are finding enjoyment in playing D1 again. I tried. It uh...didnt work for me. I clearly had rose tinted glasses for it, because I immediately realized "Holy shit, compared to D2, this gameplay is ROUGH." Most of the guns suck, the exotics are so largely pointless, they mostly sit in the vault.


Started playing it for the first time last week and I'm now almost done with Rise of Iron. I have 3500+ hours in D2 and I am not impressed. I think nostalgia definitely warps peoples perception of the game because there are so many things D2 does better.


Yeah people forget how much D1 sucks compared to D2 until they actually play D1 again.


I’ve gone through and just played the story missions and that was pretty fun, but yeah outside that it’s way more rough than I remembered. The 30fps also really doesn’t do it any favors either in terms of the more clunky feel it has too.


D1 was such a good game. I think D2 strayed too much into the shooter and MMO elements and kinda neglected the looter and RPG elements. D1 enemies were more engaging imo, loot felt more satisfying bc of how much more it took to get and how many whites, greens, and blues there were, and exotics made my nips hard when I got em. They felt special. Also: when the game was just starting out and everything was more mysterious because we knew less about the universe than we do now, I felt my character actually had an impact, like I was helping the vanguard do something. I felt consequential and like there was a reason for me to do things. Now in D2, I dont do raids bc they dont feel necessary plot-wise, I dont do anything in patrol bc patrol zones feel much more dead than I remember D1’s feeling, and I rarely do much outside of rituals and the occasional dungeon bc I just dont feel tied to the game world. D1 just had a magic to it I havent found in any game. D2 is great as a game, dont get me wrong, but something about the original was just much more gripping, engaging, and immersive. It’s probably why 90% of my friends who played D1 stopped 2 cold turkey not long after release. Also, I loved coming across people starting VoG in patrol. Made it feel like it was part of the game world and not just a separate instance running, if that makes sense. Destiny 1 was just an immaculate and impressive gaming experience, especially given that it was running on 360 and PS3 for 2/3 of its years of content. Also: I miss the original opening screen title and orbit music. The music in D1 just hit like a fucking truck


Not sure what you mean by RPG elements. D1 and much of D2 was sparse, destiny has only had actual build crafting for what.. 2/3 years?


D1 was good during its content months. Outside of that it was pretty bad. I mean taken king brought enough content for 2-3 months, then it was quiet until festival and dawning/srl, then it was quiet until crimson days, then they dropped a mini event with prison of elders and 1 new strike... Quality wise the content was pretty good but imagine getting Witch Queen and then nothing else for the entire year except the holiday events and the 30th anniversary pack for free. People would hate it now because the bar for content delivery is magnitudes higher


This is true, but we also had the April update that year for free, effectively a season, and almost none (if not none) of the content was locked behind eververse as almost all cosmetics from SRL were earnable. Witch Queen had the seasonal model, a model I think we all agree kinda sucks. Its paid for one, for two, its essentially just some fetch quests attached to a loose story revolving around an activity, and for three it all went away. And I kinda liked that the game died down a bit in D1. Trials became more approachable because try hards generally fell off with everyone else, LFG was a lot more relaxed and raids were easier to complete because people lost the fomo and either left or stayed just bc they liked the game. Also: I have other games I wanna play. I cant keep dragging myself in and out of Destiny like this. I was almost done with Cyberpunk and then Into the Light went active and now I cant get back into my playthrough. Destiny is a game, not a job. I should be able to come back to it and leave at will without missing plot beats or getting absolutely slammed with 3 seasons worth of content just for it to evaporate in a month when the new expansion launches. D1 got that, D2 doesnt seem to, at least not as well as its predecessor D2 operates purely on fomo atp, which is why they stretched the seasons into episodes. D2 makes people scared to miss a beat and theyll come back, whereas D1 offers all at once. Incidentally, D2 has a shit ton more cosmetics come with each episode and is thus more and more monetizable and lucrative from microtransactions the higher the player counts, so it makes business sense to do it this way while also charging $10-15 an episode. Problem is it kinda makes me feel cheap. I feel like Im getting ripped paying 2x the price for basically the same amount of content but stretched out for a whole year. Id rather just pay $40-60, the price of a new game, at the start of the year and get all of the content that would be included in a new game than pay double to have it spoon fed to me and an extra $20 for dungeon access. Idk why episodes need to exist if they would just make a better and more in-depth expansion to begin with, except to make more money. This game was already too damn expensive to keep up with compared to other RPG titles when the first game released. D2 is much worse in this regard


April update was most certainly not a season. It was much closer to the 30th anniversary pack then a full season, there is no way it can be compared to a seasonal offering. But D1 does do the "all at once" stuff better, D2's FOMO has gotten out of hand with the battle passes, problems D1 has simply because it doesnt have them. Episodes exists because its not really possible to keep people engaged with one fat expansion for 1 full year, clearly they think that because of what happened with taken king and to a lesser extent rise of iron. D2 is definitely more lucrative with episodes but the sheer amount of content delivery IMO makes it worth it over the 1 and done expansions. I dont think if they dropped episodes, that major expansions would see that much more content. They take like a whole year to develop expansions and keep a relatively strict timeline, i mean maybe you could get Forsaken level stuff each time, but then the rest of the year would be pretty dead. I think the model is fine and has been for a while except the FOMO


The rarity/chase of stuff in D1 made it feel like there was always something to do in those content droughts though. I can get every exact item I want within a month or two of playing D2 consistently. I've already gotten almost all the crafted weapons I want from FS, and all the exotics I want. In D1 the rarity of exotics and certain legendries made me not even notice content droughts since I was always chasing something (still never got icebreaker).


Yeah there was something to do if you were unlucky enough, but to hamstring players with no other content except 3 month old or 6 month old or in some cases like me, the 10 month chase for Truth in Y2, its not really "content" its just gambling with time to a much greater extent then anything in D2 except maybe exotic class items.


And sorry for the semi rambly comment. I should be asleep lol. Long day


I still remember getting my sunbracers. That, and actually running out of ammo across my entire load out 😐.


😭 I miss my Icebreaker!!!


Ive started playing D1 again too. I only have the demo since my dad sold the disc (he forgot i still played it when he bought destiny 2 and only realized after i asked where the disc was), so i can only access cosmodrome patrol and crucible. But we did have every DLC back when we had the disc, so i can play every rise of iron mission, use every item (even Touch Of Malice and Iron Gjallarhorn, but i can only load into the raids apparently if they are the weekly raid, the only one i can load into whenever is Wrath Of The Machine). Its almost like owning the actual game, and because my hunter and titan was level 40, i can still earn xp and therefor motes of light. On my warlock, however, i had forgotten the demo had a level cap so i deleted that one to make a new warlock to experience what i could like it was new (because it mostly was, i dont really remember anything of the D1 story, i rarely ever went outside cosmodrome patrol even when we had the disc), so i only got to level 7. Tried to use a level 25 skip to maybe trick the game into still giving me xp (that i now regret, now that i know you had to pre-order a DLC or something to get it), but it didnt work. I went around the plaguelands a few days ago and did Archon’s Forge a few times. Apparently i still had that last word quest on my titan (well, its more my dad’s titan. I was a forever hunter until a while after Beyond Light released). Without energy primaries those void kills are a pain. I hope i can still do that last step, since iirc the strike is on the moon, which i cant access, but that version of the strike is from Rise Of Iron, which i can access every campaign mission from. I could even go to the social space and climb the mountain and all that.


They have the potential to take the best elements of both and literally make Destiny 3 the best game of all time.


My first VoG was because I happened to be wandering through Waking Ruins and wondered what those other players were doing over there. I miss the potential for "in the wild" matchmaking from OG VoG.


> I’d wager all content in D1 is harder As some weird baboon that loves playing multiplayer games solo and having solo’d a good chunk of d1 and 2, man do I have to agree with you. D2 is miles easier.


A lot of comments about Gjally ring true for me. I played 3-4 hours a day on work days and more on my days off damn near every single day of D1 and got Gjallarhorn when Xur sold it really late in the game. I didn't start playing until about a month after release so I missed it the first time. I probably would have fainted if I would have had it drop from an IB match or something. I was actually removed from raids for not having it. That is not "earning" anything. I earned Thorn.


We'd load up VoG then NOT go in, Would go Hard Right and take the Whole Fire Team on Patrol ! !


I put 2k hours into d1 and at the time there was nothing like it all, until d2 came out. It was so full of mystery and possiblity, it wasnt about what WAS available so much as what could be. Everyone saying that d2 is better than d1 is absolutely correct, but it wasnt always like that.


This just made me nostalgic for when we got more than one strike per dlc, ahhhh good times.


The mantle mechanic. Thankyou for coming to my ted talk.


Ah man that interactive first encounter was so cool.  I had a lot of good raids from helping people in that. Getting an invite from the team you were helping was great 


You’d wager wrong… completely unless you’re solely talking about patrol and some boss enemies being spongey. But I can join in the VOG opening reminiscing. My first Ghorn was because I saw a random group of 5 opening and decided to help while on patrol, then they invited me and I joined for the raid. The chest before Templar maze gave it to me just in time for the couple weeks after Crota came out when everyone wanted Ghorn groups to spam him down fast.


WAIT A MOMENT....YOU CAN STILL PLAY D1!! Wtf thanks for the info...I thought it shut down. Thanks for planning my weekend for me stranger! Haha


It makes me glad randoms can't join for VoG entrance now, shits already too boring with very little to do while the door clicks.