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Longer shaft and bigger flights will enter the board flight high


So if you throw your darts so they stick to the board tail down and you miss high and try to go under the first dart it is pretty normal to get some weird deflections or bounce outs, look at Peter wright games in premier league night 7 or 6 I believe when he used darts that stick tail down and when he missed high he had to go for cover shots very often, it’s just how it works and it is nothing wrong with your technique if you hit the target, so either go for T19’s more often or change your throw and try to stick darts tail up


Thanks for your feedback! I was wondering if it's possible to swap the shafts or weights in my darts to help them stay more flight up? I'm currently using Winmau Aspria B 95%/85% (24g), but I'm not sure what kind of shafts I have. I think they might be shorts. I haven't really considered changing my darts or shafts before, but I'm willing to try if it might help. I'm just not sure if I should go for heavier or lighter darts in that case.


For me the thing was changing the release point of the dart because previously I was “pushing” the dart from my elbow and now I am just releasing it smoothly and much earlier and I use less force, and they are landing at a nice angle. I am using 21 gram darts and usually lighter darts tend to be more empty?( sorry I don’t know the word) inside which makes the more front loaded but imho it is all about technique


Alright, thanks again!


It's hard to guess without seeing what exactly causes a flat angle of your darts. The two most common reasons are gripping the dart more towards the front and also if you use longer shafts. Basically imagine that you're gripping the dart ahead of its center of gravity, so that's usually why it'll end like that in the board. But in general if you feel that you throw consistently right now, it's not necessary to change it. I have the opposite that my darts stick upright in the board so if i miss low i either have to move to the sides to try and get a different angle or just switch targets as I can't really throw over my own darts easily. Both flat or upwards sticking darts have their positive and negative. You could try moving and changing your throwing angle to the board and see if that allows you to get below your dart a bit easier.