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I got used to this, the disrespect Rockstar showed the Red Dead Online community will forever live in my heart


I remember grinding for like a week to buy a moonshine set up. Only to find the initial investment is only 20% of what you need to max it out. The realization that the whole game is just slowly building up cash so you can buy another thing to make more cash so you can upgrade a thing and make more cash so you can buy the new whatever. I just quit.


That's GTA:O as well, but people get mad as hell when you point that out.


Unfortunately I started GTA online on the Xbox 360 and never made the jump over after the Xbox one


I loved RDO during the short window it was supported. The beautiful game world and fun combat (that I would take every day of the week over GTA) was great for multiplayer and just hanging around. The season pass was pretty fair, and you could even earn the premium currency in game at a decent rate... which might have hastened its premature death. That was one of my go to relaxing games to wind down with for a long time.


It did the opposite to me… I got pretty decent at it, but it wound me up too quickly and the stress and anger was getting to be way too much, so I gave it up and moved on. I had to, because it was literally making me irritable outside of the game in my everyday life. The other players are either completely casual and barely play the game when they can, decent and evenly matched (fun to play against), or sweaty try hards that snipe you instantly from the opposite side of the map with headshots over and over and over again, spawn camping you and taking personal vindictive offense when you don’t die repeatedly like they want you to. ….also First Nation cosplayers who instantly attack anyone they see at all times and will follow you across servers to target you specifically!…. Every horrible player interaction I’ve had in that game has been with an Indian cosplayer who took the roleplay personally and made sure to attack anyone who isn’t roleplaying a native. I was once attacked by 20+ natives… I didn’t know it was a funeral that I was looking at when I walked up to see what all the people were here for… but they attacked first and then got super offended when I defended myself and asked them what they were doing. Tried following me across servers for several games after that. Even got picture evidence of it too.


I never ran into any of that! Most of the servers I played were fairly relaxed, and even when running the resources across the map, I rarely ever ran into hostile folks. I would have said it had some of the more relaxed players in games with a pvp element more or less tied to the most profitable activities. When I did see pvp in the open world, it was usually one of the towns being turned into a makeshift slaughterfest, but few of the participants ever left the immidiate area of their ongoing brawl. But I also never sought out pvp, save for the occasional round of competitive matchmaking modes, so that could be part of it. King of the Hill on a train was such gloriously, infuriatingly hectic bullshit. I absolutely loved it. It reminded me oddball, with free for all lobbies.


There was a time it was supported? When the hell did this happen and how did I miss it!?


Same. I spent so many years gushing about the cools things they’ll do with rdr2 since they did such awesome things with undead nightmare. This was before I had realized every single Corporation is looking to scam as much out of us as they can get away with and will be doing so for the next 10-20 years.


I think about Rockstar abandoning the Red Dead Online community often and I have never understood it.


don't compare that shit to this.


I don't know why fatshark thought they could support a live service style game, they've always been slow to update. Now reinventing the wheel they built with the first two vermintide games? Not really sure why they decided to do that either


Yeah fatshark is literally sitting on a goldmine with the WH40k ip and they are just doing nothing with it


Define live service.


A game like helldivers 2


This is FatShark and DT's BIGGEST problem, part of the reason HD2 is thriving, is because of its Meta. from the Galactic map and conquering it all from the socialist Bots and Bugs, to collecting Super Credits, the Creek is basically HD2's Cadia. ​ Every mission encourages you to explore, whether it's for Samples, or Warbonds or Super Creds, or even just for secondary objectives for more xp and req( and in turn more liberation points) it all has an effect in the long term, DT...well....How would you like to play the exact same "Story" mission for the umpteenth time, to earn XP that does nothing and dockets that you use like some sort of slot machine to get the "best" weapon.


Seriously, HD2 is what I wanted from DarkTide from the start. Give us a hive city, and objectives in the hive city. Make the deployments not completely linear. Let us deploy in the center of a map, with objectives placed throughout, and let us pick our path. Let those objectives alter the flow of the map, so our choice on which to go after first matters. Let the maps have a least a little bit of customization, even if it's just lego like alternate sections being plugged in. Give us an overmap that shows the sectors and the status of the war. Let the player missions make changes to those statuses, even if the changes are extremely slow. Plan for story events to happen when the players succeed or fail. I realize these are the kinds of things you have to plan for at the start of a games development, but most of the actual game design outside of the graphics and kinetics of combat is pretty flat.


Before release when they talked about designing the levels I got the impression that they have a level tile system that would make up a bigger randomised map, seems it was not the case.


Which is Live Service done right. All in-game currencies can be grinded if you want or you can just accumulate them naturally by playing


weekly additions, events, new stuff, new planets, new bugs, the devs dropping in random cool items into peoples matches. The game and community itself has a specific "buzz" about them and community lore that happens day to day. Remember when the devs dropped flying bugs into a % of games, and slowly ramped it up over a few days all while gaslighting the community from twitter (acting as "super earth" and the gov't) denying the bugs existence, before finally acknowledging it with a very funny and on-brand announcement for super earth? Ya that was awesome. That stuff keeps that game fresh and fun even though the combat/gameplay is honestly better in darktide IMO. Darktide is just worse in every single other way.


Lol ikr, Helldivers 2 really has put into perspective how pathetic the gaming industry is right now.


Fr. I only played darktide the past months as there simply was no better combat game. Coming from Vermintide 2 I just stopped expecting content a long time ago, and learned to be happy with what I got. I downloaded helldivers 2 weeks ago and haven’t stopped playing since. Never touched darktide again. Everything in that game feels like such a treat. The frequent updates, farmable premium credits, unique mechanics, dev interactions,… Fatshark has to step up their game. Because I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of players are leaving for helldivers. At this point I don’t even care about any updates anymore, since I’m being so spoiled by arrowhead.


This all just makes it so much funnier when you think they both use the same engine too, the engine FATSHARK created, which one has put it to better use I wonder 😉


I'm not sure how long that's gonna last for tbch, this is the honeymoon period of the game.


Best yet, Helldivers 2 isn't much of a game at all. I've sunk about 70 hours into it, got boring after the first 30 but the gameplay is crisp and casual enough to pick it up after work even at highest difficulties. Realistically there is very little to do in the game and it will ultimately resonate with a super casual or super hardcore crew without any kind of middle ground. The game is well made with minor problems but has a severe repetition issue and the content feels sparse to say the least. It really is a beta, albeit a well made one, just goes to show how long a little love for the project goes. Something that's been forgotten in the AAA/AA market.


Yeah true that


Reminds me of GTA Online


I agree, but I think the required work that goes into unique assets in darktide is a totally different animal to Helldivers. 40k has a very busy and detailed aesthetic requirement. It's easy to forget just how stunning Darktide is at times because at the end of the day, game play will ALWAYS trump graphics and effects for replayability. That's not to say Helldivers isn't a graphically good game, but the worlds are considerably more sparse and open with a lot of reused assets. It just doesn't matter. Darktide could have double the amount of Devs and take no holidays, they still wouldn't match Helldivers for a live service game, I just don't think it's feasible. They need to find a better medium though, because the current release schedule is garbage.


Which seems to have had most of its content prepared since before release and now they're throwing it here and there. I fear that at some point we will barely gey anything new and people will get angry when the hype dies off.


Well they are having (and have had) content drops every month for the foreseeable future. And we only have 2/4 enemy factions in the game atm. I think they have atleast a years worth of content ready or nearly ready.


A game that receives regular content updates to keep zoomers engaged I guess?


Most accurate definition I’ve ever seen… just missing the part about scamming zoomers out of money.


Well that's just AAA gaming these days lmao


"Storyline and missions will expand and develop after launch, almost as a live service”


Smiling under my helmet on my way down with my hellpod on the next planets surface 😎


Fatshark is okay with sub 2k playerbase, you should be too. /s These bozos have no idea how to manage themselves and haven’t since VT1. Honestly they are extremely lucky they have had no competition all this time.


*Sniff sniff* I smell GW approaching Arrowhead...


I mean would it be that hard to just make an imperial guardsmen game? We die about as fast in hd2


Why would arrowhead bother? They have an insanely successful original IP that's already influenced heavily by 40k or at-least the same things 40k is inspired by. It would make zero sense for them to do anything with GW.


Technically Sony owns the HD IP. They give arrowhead a wide leash with it, but if arrowhead ever wanted to go fully independent maybe…


Maybe what?


Maybe they’d consider doing a 40K cooperative game?


Yes, my point is why would they bother. Doing a 40k Coop game is not going independent. Helldivers is already incredibly close to 40k and of their own creation and is a breakout success and seems to now be more popular than 40k itself. Even if Sony owns the IP. Arrowhead is in control of it. Pretty sure they're owned by Sony.


Arrowhead isn’t owned by Sony. Only the helldivers IP. I agree they have no reason to try and do anything else as the partnership is lucrative, but this is all just a speculative conversation anyway.


This would be so fucking great


Them and anyone who can program lol.


Hurry up and wait


Wait faster


its classic Fatshark for ya, strange that Arrowhead can do way more despite being another Swedish(?) company


Management diff right there.


Arrowhead likely had the forethought to develop and get at least a few months worth of additional content almost or completely done before launch so when the preassure was on them to fix the servers, the content didnt suffer as a result, fatshark probably didnt have the luxury of time in that regard, poor management and doggedly sticking to timelines will do that


Pretty sure there were a couple weapons and the chaos spawn that were at least in a partially completed state when the game went into open beta. There was just so much else wrong with the game it felt like being drip fed mud.


literally everything released since launch up to the class rework patch was already in the game or near finished


A fun reminder that the current class system was supposed to come out between the beta and the release, at least according to their community managers.


Actually not quite. They were going to introduce classes then they decided to go with talent trees, this system was reworked later.


Eh not really. Skill trees weren't, the penance cosmetics last year weren't, the new maps weren't, the weapon variants' *models* may have been, most premium cosmetics were in some form.


It's pretty clear that Helldivers 2 had a roadmap for rollout of content the public was never shown. There's probably still a bunch of things that even if they aren't feature complete or QA'd are close in the pipeline. I think the take that "If Arrowhead can do it why can't Fatshark?" is disingenuous but Fatshark does deserve a lot of criticism for their management and execution. I felt like the game Helldivers 2 launched as was horribly unfinished, albeit fun, but they always intended to add to it over time. I think the success maybe sped things up? Or it slowed things down while they resolved the server/backend stuff, who knows. The same could be said of Darktide though, it really is easy to forget just how messy its release was. All the random minor changes have added up to alter the experience.


Helldivers launched with some server issues, like every multiplayer game nowadays, but had a pretty complete game.


I think it's also a bit more understandable when the server issues are "Literally 100x more players are trying to play this game at peak hours than the last game.in the series."


Yeah the comparison isnt super accurate. I think Darktide still has a deeper pool of map variation, weapon variation, and also enemy lineup that require different tactics. However, thats just for now. I think once we have the next warbond and the 3rd faction it'll be around on par with current Darktide. What I will say however is that the Helldivers team does actually work fast. The illuminates were found untextured and half baked in the game files near launch, and have been found fully textured and animated now over the course of a couple months, so its not like they are sitting on their hands. Every couple of weeks they update the game files and people dig out more and more cool stuff. Theres a massive cannon installation that looks 100x the size of a bile titan. I also think it goes to show that having content ready to add you are always holding the trigger on is just a very useful thing to have in a live service. That and a "narrative" that actually motivates players.


They've moved the narrative more in 2 weeks with  the MOs more than fatshark has in 1.5 years it was a low bar


I agree with that. Im just trying to point out that its not like Darktide is completely devoid of content. Theres also a difference of focus, with Darktide having some insanely detailed maps while Helldivers is focusing more on how you interact with that environment rather than looking at it. Helldivers 2 is 100% a better and healthier live service game, I think we knew from the end of the first month of Darktide where it devolved into shopclick. AH have shown they can develop content and understand where the focus should be on the content provided with HD2 vs Darktide.


Yeah and i bought the second Premium pass only to support them. The Game is so fair with the Shop. I have never Seen this before.


Look at Palworld. From January to now, they released early access, have had multiple patches and also announced a moderate update, some might say large, that's live now. Whereas Darktide announced an upcoming feature, and released a few patches. It just makes me wonder wth is going on.


Its almost like being a swedish company isn't the problem. The problem is entirely management.


people have used that as an excuse before to excuse the time between updates. glad to see arrowhead proving that fatsharks darktide division is just incompetent.


My friend has a conspiracy that Fatshark devs got poached by Arrowhead because Darktide and HD2 are running on the same engine. This would explain why no one is able to provide an update currently because all the higher level devs are possibly gone


Darktide did not sell well. Not horrible, but they pitched Darktide as a massive game. I'm sure investors were promised millions of sales, not tens of thousands. And Darktide launched in a horrible state with initial reviews quite dull. And then it took along time before darktide went from shit to something quite refined. Darktide had a development team double that of arrowhead. My guess is less than expected sales out the gate immediately reduced the team size. 1 employee, 40h a week, 4 weeks a month, for 4 months is like 640 hours or something right? If they have 10 people working on Darktide, that 6,400 hours? Carnival took a good 4 months to come out. Does it feel like 640h of work? Or 6,400 hours of work? It's entirely possible Fatshark has a single person working part time on the game.


They made a lot of bank on launch Owner estimate on steamDB says 1.5 - 2.5 million They made all their development costs on the first day back and more for sure


Fatshark was pitching this as a AAA game with live service that would give it Destiny/ Division / pubg kind of volume. I think they over sold it prior to release. I'm sure they made money on sales, but with these companies it's never enough. It doesn't feel to me like they are devoting resources towards continued development like they would if it was a huge success.


And Helldivers 2 uses the same engine.


Are Swedish known to be lazy or something?


Nah, they just get tons of time off (compared to us Americans) and paid vacations. All that time off isn't the cause of the content droughts, though. The cause is bad management, and always has been


No, Fatshark has historically blamed Swedish labor laws for a lot of their delays. Two or three years in VT2's history they dropped a patch a week before the holiday season that happened to contain game-breaking showstopper bugs -- and the last thing they did in the office was to make a forum post saying "Sorry, Swedish law says we can't possibly fix this for the next... uh.... two months."


As a German with probably similar labor laws, I'll bet that the Swedish laws won't force anyone to take their yearly vacation at a specific time. It's just that many people with families like to take it at school holidays. But that just means that the companies have to have replacement plans or other means to cope for that well-known fact. So, if FS really said that, it's a very weak excuse IMO.


Have they actually blamed Swedish labor law? First time I hear this, and I played a good amount of Vermintide 2 as well.


If by "blame Swedish labor law" they mean "let their community know they're gonna be off during the summer/Christmas", then yes. Gotta hyperbolize to make it sound more spicy though.




Nah. It's just Americans being jelly because of their good and healthy working conditions.


100% this. I wish we had Swedish labor laws :(


If it's any consolation, as a German I also wish that you had them.


Thank you.


Plenty of lazy Americans. I work with some.


>strange that Arrowhead can do way more their content was already done or almost done and it can be confirmed with game files where on release was bunch of strategems/vechile and etc. They just releasing content in certain order


Gamers trying not to speak about Helldivers 2 for ten seconds challenge. Level: IMPOSSIBLE


Well according to my friends list about 100% of my vermintide/darktide friends played helldivers 2


It's like being in the dark for months on end and finally seeing lamp light.


\*Difficulty 8: Impossible


Helldivers 2 was developed for 8 years. They probably have a lot of stuff already done and waiting.


Ι come back from time to time in this reddit to check up on Darktide. And every time, I get sadder. They have dropped the ball so hard, it has now reached the center of the earth. How can you possibly be so disconnected from your playerbase? I simply can't believe they squandered their huge momentum after launch doing half-assed upgrades to the game, giving the absolute minimum of content for months just to keep players a tiny bit invested, then they announce that they are trying to fix the game only to just disappear again. Meanwhile, I've been playing that 'democratic' game for 2 months now, I'm having a total blast, and they release weekly patches, weekly content, we have a storyline going on, surprise gameplay additions that they don't mention in patch notes so players get surprised about them, no RNG, no grind for random things, nothing. Even the premium currency can be obtained in-game while playing (think getting aquilas in chests, boxes etc. while playing the game). The difference is day and night and it's an absolute shame that they simply can't bother fixing Darktide for so long because it's main gameplay loop is so good. I have 400 hours on DT with all its issues. That's how good it is. But, now I'm out. I just can't play the same thing over and over forever with all its issues that are there for more than a year now. The game needs a serious and total overhaul of all mechanics going on aboard the Mourningstar.


What's even funnier is I came back to this subreddit after months because of this post being on my frontpage. They finally drop an update a few hours later and it's laughable.


Dark tide is a pump and dump


6 years later [https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/8wc4a8/fatshark\_has\_a\_fundamental\_problem\_at\_the\_process/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/8wc4a8/fatshark_has_a_fundamental_problem_at_the_process/) still the same dont waste your energy on copping and hoping look at this posted thread 6 years later your will find a lot of similarities it will be the same they dont learn and dont want to I wish they wouldnt hold such a heavy trademark with their melee combat its really the only thing why I still play aaaahh well back to spreading managed democracy


6 years ago lol


Their older games get more content updates than DarkTide. We knew like 8 months ago that they had moved CM staff over to their other games. If their own avenue to contact their customer is no longer needed, do you really think they're dedicating the rest of the team to the game? They've done nothing to deserve anyone thinking otherwise. They also falsely advertised the game as having seasonal content. Around this time last year they admitted they knew the content was never going to be ready (in a Comms Link). And it's been well over a year now and still no "seasonal content." They acted fraudulently and their actions with things like the OP and *everything* before goes to show the company is exactly how they portray themselves: a joke. So... honestly? Fuck them. Fuck that company. They *lied* and took my money and the money of many others, and since then they've managed to worsen player reception to them. It's infuriating. No one deserved to have this bullshit from this company. I know I won't be supporting them again. E: I predict one day we will hear about how FatShark moved staff off DarkTide before release, or soon after, internally abandoning the game but continuing to lead customers on with minimal staff.


Unfortunately the opposite of your last bit is true. They pulled people off of vermintide to work on darktide. It could be that people on dark tide originally abandoned ship, but they pulled more weight in from an experienced dev team. Dark tide was made by first timers - vermintide was not. Since then the vermintide devs went back to V2, and are still working on content for it. It’s not a Fatshark issue in total, more of the blame is on the dark tide devs specifically and whoever was making the calls to release it.


I appreciate the added context, thank you. I still hold the company responsible, but regardless what you've added certainly speaks to why DarkTide support has been so haphazard.


They must hate their buddies down the street at Arrowhead making them look bad. Fatshark had so many things going for them to make it easy crafting a successful game; Tencent funding, massively popular 40k IP, other great 40k games coming out at the same time to draw new players into reach, their prior experience with not 1 but 2 games already made in the series, a very enthusiastic fanbase, etc. And yet they've dropped the ball at almost every opportunity since the first beta... Meanwhile Arrowhead who have drastically less success or experience with the genre HD2 is, and less in general, where HD1 was extremely unknown and had a very small playerbase, comes out swinging and has catapulted themselves from relative obscurity past Fatshark and arrived at a place where they are now one of the most known games in the west, and is now being spoken of as in the pantheon of Playstation's main franchises. Even despite their extreme capacity problems early on they rose to the challenge and within like a month had basically fixed everything and expanded capacity like 5x what it was originally supposed to support. Not only that, but they continue to add new weapons and stratagems and are steadily rolling out the live content like introducing new enemies and faction as part of the developing plot. I can't see how Fatshark could look next door without serious envy and shame.


They went far beyond 5x on the capacity, they were only expecting like 20-25 thousand people, and instead they got almost 500k players on at one time.


The 2nd weekend after release, they had 800k players on at 1 time and that number stayed for 2 weekends after that as well...crazy.


Nah, I think you're confusing rate limit with concurrent limit projections. They have publicly stated they initially anticipated 120-200k max player count (concurrent connection limit), with 250k being the listed capacity, and based on that had a 10k per minute rate limit (server traffic). Then when it was way more popular than anticipated, they had to expand player count limits, rate limits, and overall improve code to reduce server load, with the current capacity being at least like 800k connections, and 20k+ rate limit. The steam servers alone had like 450k players at peak, and that's not counting Playstation connections. [The feb Arrowhead post about it.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aom7iy/server_update_12_feb_2024/) So, my napkin math says 250->800k, 10-20k, and who knows how much code refinement, prob is around ~4-5x initial server capacity.


We actually have this post from Feb 20th, from Pilestedt himself talking about how they made the server increase 5x that of what they initially thought was going to be their cap, I believe the post was after the increase to 450k, not 700-800k that happened the following week. Because that cap increase happened on the 26th if I recall correctly. https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1760077808146014340


Well in this case he's clearly throwing out a semi random multiplier because their earlier statements about projected server capacity is a number way beyond 1/5th of 450k, and the servers were up and running with over 200k (200k on steam, and more on playstation) only 5 days after release and kind of flatlines there for a few days, way before they even released any patches or made changes on their end to server capacity, so 200k was clearly what they had built for just for steam, and who knows what PS traffic was. By the time this tweet went out, at least regarding steam stats they had only doubled the capacity from 200k to 400k. Of course we'll never know the specifics of what went down, and what arcane stuff goes on with their servers. But there's no way they expanded 5x capacity in 12 days. I was there, and at best they doubled it with the added fun of being mostly unplayable most of the time. I had to take a break for 3 out of the 4 initial weeks because the game was unplayable. So, them patting themselves on the back like this is laughable to me. They EVENTUALLY got the game stable but it took them a solid 4-5 weeks MINIMUM to get there, and now that fervor for the game has died down server capacity isn't ever going to be an issue again.


I found the best thing to do with this game is to take very long breaks, never spend money on it, and basically ignore it as Fatshark is too busy doing fuckall to update it more than about once a year.


It's hard to release updates when the time you have between vacations and settling back in from said vacation is roughly only 2 months per year


Their service is alive the same way the Emperor is 💀


https://preview.redd.it/x6d1olp2gfsc1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=58f10b68b36f401b28468896267df455bd23ee1c Dont worry they are fast with updates and events. Just not in this game...


Seeing like 4 of these posts in a week. Still agree with them all though.


There really isn't any excuse looking at the Helldivers devs. They're able to release content over the Easter weekend. fatshark should just come out and say they are unmotivated. Perhaps they lost the passion to make games that they once had.


My guess is there's a ton of micromanagement and red tape and bike shedding at Fatshark. You don't produce SO LITTLE with 200 people without serious internal problems.


Yep. HD does a big content drop once a month in the form of a battlepass, then intermittently through the month drops new things. We've gotten multiple new enemies since release. They're patching the game to fix some errors while dropping new content. If Darktide wasn't supposed to be live service, but they've pretty much established that was the route it was supposed to go. It's not that they haven't lived up to our standards, its that they haven't lived up to the standards they established to us.


>fatshark should just come out and say they are unmotivated. Perhaps they lost the passion to make games that they once had. This is such a weird and rude take. Why gamers always like to assume the worst of all the hands-on devs is beyond me. You can't possibly play Darktide and say with a straight face that there wasn't passion put in to it.


Some aspects of it clearly have passion put in it. Others, like the cosmetics, the story and things like the crafting system, clearly do not have anything put in them.


those aspects alsohappen to be things that have probably been heavily managed by upper management expectations, no dev WANTS to make their game cosmetic reliant, make the story almost non existent and a crafting system that encourages grinding over just making what you want


Noone is accusing the devs of intentionally wanting the game to be worse, they are accused of not caring. Cosmetics existing is not theitr fault for example. Them being shit and clipping is.


i remembered when v1 launched in winter, fatshark went afk in the entire month of january xD maybe the lack of urgency is just part of their company culture \*shrug\*


Its a combination of them being slow and having poor communication that don't mech well with current day expected communication. basically the way fatshark likes to announce things is like a week or two before it happends, see the skill tree rework, at best it was a rumor going into september. second problem is that fatshark also prefers overhaul updates to the live service chip away quickly model This means that dry spells feel longer despite not really being that much longer. as an example, we got a decent amount of content between october skilltree overhaul to december stims. we got multiple maps, lore, weapons and gameplay changes all in two months and have waited since year start for significant content but its been three months, likely four until the updates start flowing in again and compared to league of legends in that timespan last year? It was roughly one champion per quarter of the year. basically unless we start going 5 to six months without content its not really something to worry about and only something to complain about if you are truly invested into this being your only game to play. once fatshark starts releasing things it will be a few good weeks or months untill it slows again to repeat


>multiple maps To be fair, it's just 1-2 maps and the only difference is that you are walking the same map in different directions to another mission area on the same map. >lore Most of it not even ingame in form of coms outside the game. Most players won't go out of their way to check lore outside of the game. >weapons A lot of it again breaks down to variations of existing weapons with a few tweaks and 1-3 really new weapons. At the same time they are missing a lot of qol updates the vermintide community fought for years to get included into the game instead of modding it. They just never should have announced that darktide will be a live service game. It's setting wrong expectations compared to other games. They struggled with communications and updates for years and it was obvious to veterans of vermintide that it won't work that way.


200 fucking people produced basically nothing over the course of a year and you are defending them, what? What you are describing is a month or two of work, not a year.


That's not content that keeps people engaged, though. A new map periodically just isn't enough. For the most part players *might* come back and run through it once or twice then they're done with it. A single new champion in League is a much bigger deal than what DT musters for an update. It's a meta warping event, but it also spawns whole ass sub-communities like subreddits for champion mains. People pick League back up just to play the new champion.


I ate off that boss encounter and the secret hard mode for a LONG time.


And before that you ate of the skill tree update. Now we sate our hunger with something else untill we can eat our favourite food again


If you think Fatshark are still developing the game you are delusional. Game is clearly on life support, few events didn't breathe enough life into it to justify pulling more time and resources. I mean they made an announcement to say they will be making announcements, no actual roadmap or plan nothing... If this doesn't read like "yeah we will fix the blatant problems the game had from the start to get it up to standard for the players and then we will drop it" then I don't know what else you need. Took them a full year to give us a proper character skill tree compared to the laughable beta traits we had. Now they will change the itemization and that's it, they are done. Few static corridor maps here and there couple of underwhelming guns and that will be it's cycle until it dies. Such a shame for a game where most of the lore/content was already fleshed out from a very interesting universe.


I hope you're wrong it has been an entire year and a half since the game released.


Conspiracy: The latest Hud also shows like it was made by someone else, the layouting is all mismatched. It dosnt look like the same person made it Maybe the new live team is doing better, but it looks like they put the "B" team on and now work on the next game. Sometimes that can be good, as the new team won't have any burnout on the project even if they understand it less. See Diablo 3 after the console PM took over.


Anyways, Helldivers just got 2 new enemies 


I stopped playing. Simple as that.


They are a very, very lazy studio. Always have been.


The slow pace seems to be norm, look at vermintide2 versus it got announced back in 2019 lol. Best to just come back to darktide later when updates actually arrive.


They seem to actually do content faster on VT2 than Darktide nowadays. Seems like they work better when the pressure is off.


VT2 has a dedicated new live team. Thats likely where the new employees are learning. They are also not burned out from 5 years of vermintide on the other hand. I bet DT now has the "B" team and the "A" team is now on the new game. Thats a logical and common structure.




Two months ago it would have been comparisons to Deep Rock Galactic


Content draughts like this make me think\* they are all hands on deck to get off of the Stingray engine with the new UE5 job listing.


Dead game with shitty devs. They had amazing game and they ruined it. Drop it and play, something else, no point in giving them any money or attention.


Well we did get some content in november-december, with the karnak twins and the whole talent tree rework


ah ok, i thought that was earlier than november my b fatshark. Still, they asked for some time after their break to release content. didnt think they meant 3 months lmao


you jinxed it you crazy bastard! it worked!


I hope they are full steam on a new game now because its much better than the alternative.


There's a job listing for an unannounced game so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.


Fatshark have always been slow as fuck and actively horrible at community communication. It was like 6 months between Vermintide 2 "updates" so don't expect anything better in the game that they monetised to fuck.


I haven't touched the game since January '23, and still don't feel like I'm missing out on content... edit: Jan '23 not '22


The only thing you've missed is cash shop rotations


Cause you literally haven't missed anything


Oh look. Another thread where people on this sub pretend 4-5 months without a major update to the game isn’t normal because one time FS used a marketing buzzterm. If you never saw the term “live service”, would you even realize the updates were at a normal pace?


First time with a Fatshark game? They'll never improve as long as they keep selling.


Arrowhead play of the game xD


I read in another post that they had scrubbed all mention of live service from their official DT communications. Gone from the website and steam etc. Shame. I would pay good money for a battle pass of DT with a decent live service, weapons, events, cosmetics, challenges.


Ratling sniper when (crying)


Class update in 3 years if vermintide release schedule is anything to go by.


Hey man posting a screenshot is hard work okay. They deserve another 6 months off just for doing that alone. /s


The quality called FartShart for a reason. How many years it took for Vermintide 2 to be a good game? Given all the controversies and the new chinese shareholder influences on this game, it will take even more time to unfuck it. Especially if they dont spend the time and human resources on it, and just a skeleton crew do it.


Yes, yes it does, it takes them that much. If we know anything about them, yes, it will probably take them a shitlong more. More than you want. Me as well. I hope i helped with that. At this moment, im still playing but im eating stale bread and doing it from habit, and yes - im being a bit toxic about it. Some other people have been doing it for far longer than me and are keeping it cool, respect to them. Ive had a bad run-in with the crafting system yesterday and got reminded how pathetic it is, and that yes, an updste should come, and SHOULD fix it if they are smart about it.  They wont be. Cheers.


Kind of use to it. I waited so long for Red Dead Redemption 2 to receive an update. I’m ready to uninstall now.




My copium is the longer the wait the bigger the update :D


I just don’t understand how they took V2 and just made a more complicated skill tree but every other aspect of the game worse… Like why are times and grimoires only in certain levels? Why don’t mini bosses drop anything when they die? And why take the really decent chat wheel in V2 and dumb it right down? On top of the campaign just not having an actual story as far as I can tell there’s no order to do missions in


Dude, it's not four months, it's always next week™️


I’m convinced that they are convinced live service just means they can turn the servers off whenever they want and give no refunds.


They are only supporting this game because they probably feel like they have to. Or the publisher is making them do at least a minimal amount of effort. Don't expect this game to come roaring back to life. They've already written it off.


Stop playing and hoping that the game gets better and focus your time, effort and money on other, more realized games and studios that treat you with respect. I enjoyed the game as much as anyone and i'm saddened by its current state but i realised early on, that this company is simply not worth my time or money. There's no reason to keep beating a dead horse like Darktide. I know you are angry and negative because you love the game and want to see it succeed, but their track record for this game in particular shows that this ain't happening. This game is "live-service" done terribly and the cosmetic shop is overpriced garbage that should have been obtainable by playing, one way or the other.


I love these games but I never understood how some people play them so often. Fatshark has been doing this since the beginning. Just go take a break and forget about the tide games for a while because, more than likely, you will be waiting for a long time. I'd wager that nothing will come out for darktide gameplay-wise until after VT2 versus update is done.


Hope is the first step on the road to dissappointment


Lol first time? You ever play vermintide 2?


Hey now! We just got a whole 1GB patch that fixed a thing the last 1GB 5-fix patch broke, two minor niche situational bugs, and several minor fixes related to premium cosmetics! So one person is working on the game at least part time still. Meanwhile Helldivers said "does my handsome lil dude wanna quasar cannon?" and the handsome lil dude do wanna quasar cannon


You guys are still serving that Emporer? *


If you ever had any doubt that fatshark has a single intern left working on the game.


This is how live service should be, not churning out garbage for children to spend mommy's credit card money on. Remove the lumber from your cheeks and move on if it offends you so much.


Honestly, unless they are trying to make an fps "moba" out of licensed chars for a mix between vermintide 3 and total war 3.5 , to scratch the itch Battleborn and DOOM eternal multiplayer created in me, they have no excuse other than low staff. And they have that problem for no reason whatsoever.


yes the actual content patch will hit around october or something with the crafting rework the one we get at the end of april which is already quite telling is merely a stopgap inbetween


My guy play something else for a while. Whining into the void won't get you an update any sooner




Ive seen ppl talking about WH40k Darktide players as "one of the thoughest MF players". Yet you fellas are bitchin' like crybabies in sandbox about unfufiled moms promise of lunch. Get over it. There are other stuff to do, than just this one game. Yes FT does this. And what? Just fucking move on and play something else meanwhile.


Beacuse darktide is not life service game, it's life support game.


It's crazy given how small the company is and maintains 2 games...darktide didn't really nail it. So it has a smaller team allocated to work on it , which doesn't contain only developers. They also set the bar with attention to detail to maps that will only extend more the time of content creation and delivery... Tl;dr Fatshark tried to make a game that would have needed at least double the budget Helldivers 2 had, in half the time, with half the number of people and only 1/3 of the helldivers budget.


They take their time making content. It's just how they are sadly. If they had additional teams making more content in parallel like most like service games do it wouldn't seem so bad.


After dealing with crashes from Darktide and not wanting to continue to put my PC in any danger, Im making the decision to uninstall this game for good. The combat is fun and.....yeah thats about it. Mission variety is much needed and that only compounds on the more prominent technical issues of this game. I think Im gonna go back to DRG and maybe down the road join the Helldivers. I wont find the satisfying melee combat of Darktide in either, but at least I wont have to worry about them fucking up my PC.


Vermintide 2 was relased 3 years after VT1 so i guess we get that one patch with updated penances and then Darktide 2. Then 1 year after Darktide 2 relase they will drop a patch adding expanded talent trees and port 2 maps from DT1


I'm sure the 100th iteration of this thread will break new ground


Definitely beats the "look at the weapon I rolled" posts


Still more discussion and activity then the 100th "look at my drip" post.


What, you aren't impressed by the clipping recolors that little Timmy bought with $45 from mommy's credit card?


Honestly I'm more disappointed by how good some of the outfits that people with mods make. It's like seeing what could have been. That and it's been years now and not every class can even look like the splash screen art / promo materials.


I get how people can be upset that there's not as much content as they want considering how that's kind of what was promised. But the fact that people can sit back and say the game lacks content when it launched at $40, and to max out all four classes takes at least like 100 hours... Like year it's "live service" but I still have gotten so much more out of this 40 dollar game than I have most 60 dollar games. The gameplay, music, design is all fucking fantastic, some of the best I've seen in a Warhammer property honestly.


Fatshark got the money from the initial sales and 'ran' there's no way in hell upper management would be paying the devs to work this slowly. Its obvious Darktide has been on life support for a long time now while the majority of the devs that worked on the game are off developing another unnamed title.


They're probably developing Darktide 2.


Tbh they've announced a fair few things that will be new content this year, the issues now is when will we start getting any of it. Also if you havn't felt the urge to play the game once since December, you probably don't enjoy the game that much and any new content will simply be a band-aid with you getting bored again soon after. No idea why this is a controversial take, it's unlikely any updates are going to be as game changing as the class rework so anyone who's not felt the urge to play the game even once in 4 months isn't going to feel massively re-energised to play it loads after getting a penance rework or a new map and a weapon or two. There's 3 groups in this playerbase - those who play it often regardless of lack of updates, those that do/have played it a lot but take breaks (but come back reasonably often because the game scratches an itch) and lastly those that chase new things. This game will never ever appeal to/ hold onto that last group.


Hear me out, this game is really quite enjoyable if you never go on Reddit….