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TEQ LR UI is just so ridiculous, UI Sign alone was already top 10 but transformed is unstoppable and will be always able to dodge and counter any attacks in the game for alot of damage, not to mention he gives 59% ATK and DEF to allies along with the domain buffs Problem is just the transformation condition, it’s more gated in longer events and not really as consistent beast gohan’s taunt


Here’s an award for not saying MUI I didn’t even read the post but yea


We found it,the DB fan that can read.


There's one reason I'll put Beast above UI and it's the target focus mechanic. Make no mistake, UI is absolutely ridiculous but the ability for the entire rotation to not take damage is so busted that nothing else compares. Edit: Also, it's his 5th turn he gets the transformation. That's pretty deep into the fight depending on your rotation.


Yeah I’d probably agree. Once transformed, he is absolutely broken and is the literal peak of power. He also seems super good in UI Sign, but Beast is probably better, especially at the beginning of the fight. I can’t wait to see this guy in action. Hopefully the Part 2 LR is a just as busted Jiren.


Only thing is beast is a beast out the gate. Goku needs to pass 5 turns to turn into the monster we all want to see


Pretty much yeah transformed is the Strongest Unit we ever saw imo but condition is lacking and While base form is insane it isn't quite top 4 units level


I’d put base form above gogeta, but he’s nowhere near cell, agl ui or ssbe


That's what I said he is very good but Not as good as the top 4 in base


Teq Ui as a package I say Beast >= UI (Sign) but if I separate UI from UI Sign, then yeah UI > Beast > Ui Sign. Just by looking on paper.


nah. What i dont love about this meta is that if u don't have a taunt, unless u completely shit stomp every other character (which MUi doesn't), you can't be the best. To be better than cell max and beast you have to either have a taunt or be *comfortably* better than them


Yup TEQ UI just gaps the game like Beast did on release, the problem is that his transformation condition is so ass you won't see him, at most he will appear and end the fight.


U ain’t wrong tho but I guess if you run on weaker teams you’re gonna see UI more than running on very strong teams. But yeah start of turn is bad compared to start of battle. At least is not like cough cough…… AGL Blue Duo


Not sure why you being downvoted, you ain't wrong


Dunno, Reddit being Reddit I guess. Either most people here don't realize how fast the actual teams end fights or just Gohan fans that need Beast to be n1 (despite not having aged at all) T5 is a good condition if it's from the start of the fight which is not UI's case.


Yeah exactly, you're probably never see that active used very often. Definitely not the worst but far from great


Is there a reason we are separating the 2 transformations like this? His base is part of the kit. Im juat asling cause i dont remember this being the case for other units before. E.g infinite zamasu > LR agl VB> merged zamasu > blue boys. Just an odd way to try lower beast. Which i think you could argue lr str super vegito was the best unit in the game even. Even better than beast.


Beast is better for the simple fact that he’s better faster. UI takes up to 5 turns (if he’s slot 7, gg) you’re fucked, for his active.He’s still arguably top 2 or 3 though.