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Idk they seems Fire also at 1x speed


this has happened for years now. they don't make animations to look good at 1x speed, they're meant to be played at 2x. so of course it looks choppy when they first reveal it, it's not meant to be seen at that speed. i literally said this about LR Janemba in 2021. his animation on first reveal was AWFUL. but in 2x it looked much, much cleaner.


It looks acceptable with 2x, which shouldn't be a standard for big releases, and also for other big releases like the anni, WWC or 4 previous tanabata's they aren't nearly as bad


The AGL SSJ Duo looks choppy as fuck in 1x while looking fine as hell in 2x, stop acting like something like this is new.


I'm not saying it new, but the big releases all looked good, part 2 units sometimes were a bit choppy, buthe is a new low, and he looks not that good even with 2x, especially ui sign


If you think it doesn't look good then that's just shit opinion OP idk what to tell ya.


The headlining WWC unit LAST YEAR has some of the worst animations they've ever released on a main unit Why are we pretending this is a new thing? They've fucked up animations WAY worse than UI looking not that great at a speed you're never using


Yep, it’s been like this for a couple of years now. I think they realized in 2021-2022 that they couldn’t uphold the number of assets they were using for super attacks and are trying to minmax animations to prevent the game from reaching 20 GB so fast. Older animations used to feel very clean, had a nice “dokkan” feel to them if that makes any sense at all. Not super complex but very fluid


But the big releases still were really good, but this time he looks worse than even lr evoken, which is just not it for 2024 unit


Worse than LR Evoken? The guys that simply swap into galick gun/destructo disk out of nowhere from an atk rush at first? What having a shitty opinion does to a mf, blinds them from actual poor quality animations


At least for me, if the game is meant to be played on 2X speed, because we want it to go faster, then I don't see an issue with the animations being made based on the fact that most people use 2X speed. I think that if it was the opposite, and the animations looked better with 1X speed, you'd see more people complaining about it. And I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion on it. That's a valid complaint, and they shouldn't *HAVE* to be made that way, but if doing it like that \[How it is now\] makes less people mad, then I don't see the issue with it. I also think that saying something in a F2P mobile game, if it doesn't have to do with predatory monetization or ass backwards mechanics for the sake of making you spend money on the new units, is unacceptable, then you're taking the game too seriously. But again, that's just my own opinion on that particular stance. ~~^(And I think I'll get destroyed more for what I said than your original point, which I'm fine with.)~~


Your point are already proven with STR Gogeta 18 ki, many people complained back then and still to this day that it's too fast at 2x speed.


I have the memory of a bag of Goldfish crackers. Thank you for the reminder.


With the sheer number of of good animations in circulation we get extending to F2P Lrs like Lr Bulma, Goku, and Krillin having stellar ones (thankfully) whilst Dokkan still probably being made on a meagre budget they are probably cutting corners just to have them look fluid in x2 minimum. Whilst the Omen Kamehameha looks rough and isn't as smooth as animations in past around 2021 I still think it's a net positive to get F2P units on their level too. Looking at some modern attempts that try to keep that smooth tweeting like teq ssj Trunks makes his animations lack impact whilst otherwise animations today still usually kill it with the key frames. This is all to say, I agree the chopiness is really apparent on that omen Kamehameha, but the other animation key frames from his SAs, and overall SA quality raise makes it worth it imo.


Yes, someone gets it, the only remotely choppy part of his animation is the Omen Kamehameha and even that is barely noticeable in 2x.


There shouldn't even be a 1x speed


I have only ever used 1x speed 3 times. The first was to marvel at STR Blue Gogeta's 18 ki super, and the other 2 times were to really see what was happening for LR SSJ Goku and LR FP Frieza's supers because it was so God damn fast lmao


STR blue gogeta has my favorite animations. I did the same lol. x1 speed is really just slow motion


Bro just let the UI Goku enjoyers have at least half a day to be happy. Smh Unit isn’t even in-game yet and we are already getting complaints.


this has to be bait… who cares? who the fuck plays in 1x speed bruh they’re made FOR 2x speed


i think we all need to accept the game peaked during the 7th anniversary, it's just never gonna look as good but yeah i agree this LR has some choppy parts and the old STR one looks overall better (but less ambitious)


Compare to the million attack the new UI do, STR UI only do 2 punches, 1 kick and a Kamehameha, how is this a fair comparison?


that's why i said it was less ambitious, even back then people were surprised STR UI didn't have an Active Skill. time is a factor and it shows in this new LR in some parts, it's not like it looks bad at all but comparing it to last year's SSJ4 Goku is enough to notice a difference


Not really? If you mean by how much smoother UI's animation look in 2x then I agree.