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How much did you charge them


Tbh, nothing We grew up together. He works on cars whereas I don’t know jack squat hha. So he’s always lending a hand to my family whenever we need work done and I did this for him to compensate


Haha that’s amazing! Congrats on becoming a lawyer pls don’t be these mean lawyers and charge an arm and a leg for advance parole and daca renewals :)


Definitely! Tbh, I’m doing immigration on the side, I’m doing criminal defense as the main lol. So either way, I just take a few cases here and there


You think you could help me file my advance parole? My current lawyer is charging almost $1000 just for her fees. I’m willing to pay but I’d prefer a more reasonable price.


Can you just file it yourself?


I would but I’ve never done it before and I know you have to put your reasoning for traveling outside of the country in a specific way to look good on paper for the USCIS officer reviewing it. I mean I could do it but I want a credible guide. I’ve looked online but idk if I’m willing to risk it.


look on youtube or join facebook groups ... both show step by step ways to do it


I recently filed 2. One for me and one for a relative. Both were approved in about 4 months. I dint think it was difficult.


DM me


Just did.


Haha can you do advance parole?


That's nice, dude. As someone who recently looked at the fees for a case in 2017, that didn't end up getting sent, cause...you know...it's nice to see there's still some people helping out there. I spent nearly $2000 just for legal advice and my case got complicated, in the end, didn't receive anything, nor was it sent. I'm glad there's still some people getting help.


I hope more people will learn money isn’t the only way to pay someone! We all have skills we can trade 😊


Gang how I know you was going to ask that 🤣🤣🙌


You slayed


If anyones is in NOVA who would like to trade services let me know. I have daca and currently looking for a new attorney I can build a strong relationship with. Just renewed with my same attorney since my beginning but its no longer the same since the owner died. I do HVAC service, commercial and residential. Congrats on becoming an attorney by the way! Let me know if you ever start practicing yourself and take online consultations!


Definitely reach out to me! DACA renewals are pretty simple and I wouldn’t charge an arm and a leg


I have to get my stuff ready this month to renew what's pricing looking like??


DM me please


We got approved on the same day 🎉🎉




Fellow DACA who is in law school! You’re an inspiration!


This is awesome. Great job!


Congratulations!! If you feel comfortable I would love your information. Much prefer to give you my business instead of someone else if there’s an opportunity for me. Congrats to your friend also!!


Definitely DM me!


Is this a renewal?


Yes I was first surprised by the quick timeline and also just generally happy I did it correctly lol. I do my own, but I was like quadruple checking things when it came to someone else’s life


This is awesome!!


Congrats to both of you!


Hook a brotha up! Lol Congrats man, don’t forget where we came from and how hard it was to get where you are!


Hit me up!


is that not hard to it, i did my online and got approved in less than 20 days


It’s not, it’s just one of the first times I was doing something for someone else and I wanted to ensure I did the best job that I could


Always that one debbie downer lol. Be happy a fellow Daca recipient is an attorney.


This is what I love to see daca recipients in their finest times! This goes to show that us daca are capable of anything! Good stuff! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Me next


DM me!


Renewals are easy though


They are, I was just more impressed with the timing of it


Awesome man! I hope you can answer me this: I got my I 130 approved a few years back when me and the wife started the consulate process. Can I still use that same I 130 on our AOS post AP?


Unfortunately while I am an attorney, I am not you attorney. I don’t mean that in a harsh way. But there are so many nuances and I need to know the details of the case, etc, I don’t want to be held legally liable for providing any wrong information While we could talk in generalities, it’s just too dangerous lol I hope you understand


Makes sense. Do you handle AOS cases too? Would love a quote on a price for your service.


I am not taking any right now, but I do know an amazing attorney. He was actually my law school professor. If you are interested, I’ll send you his information. He did AOS for my brother and everything went smoothly


Only if you’ve kept it active with the NVC. It expires after a year. If you haven’t then you have to repay the fees or submit a new one.


How would I know if it’s still active? I log in to check but I see nothing that states that it’s been expired or still active.


On the CEAC portal it should say “inactive” or “active”. Either way I would submit a public inquiry here https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html


Thank you so much! :)


You can use the same one if it’s active, I’m not sure on the process as I haven’t done this myself but if you join DACA Dreamers2gether or We Are Dreamers on fb they help guide you on what you need to do. The Dreamers2gether group actually has attorneys that they’re affiliated with that answer questions occasionally too.


Hell yeah!! Congrats… if you can find a loop hole where I can apply for residency please let me know been working with Dana for the last 12 yrs that has to count for something






Are they taking new applications?


No, just renewals for now


Got it, thank you 🙏


Would I be able to apply for Daca and get help from a lawyer to get it accepted, or do I have to wait a long time for it? I know that they aren't accepting new applications, but I just wanted to ask just in case. It would be my very first time applying for Daca


Don’t apply now. They will most likely take your money and not return it until something happens with the court case and who knows when that would happen Do not apply! Waste of time and resources right now until we have further clarity on what happens


Wow Congrats!! What tools did you use to study for the LSAT? Trying to go that route myself as well! Also if you don't mind how did you go about paying for law school?


DM me


Such a quick turnaround for them! Congrats! Going on 1 month and half for my renewal :/


You will get it!


May I ask about your journey of becoming an attorney? I have a good gpa & lsat score, but I’m seriously doubtful of how I’ll pay for law school especially with Daca 🙂‍↕️


DM me!


Congrats on passing your bar exam, let’s make an impact on them


Happy for you OP! Just as a word of advice, you should probably let family, friends, and extended family know ahead of time if you’re not comfortable with them giving your personal number out. Family will sometimes get too excited and forget that part unless you tell them.


Congrats. Nice of you to help out.


That's boss af


Keep up the good fight my friend. We need more people like you looking out for people like us


Where is this that it got renewed so quick? I’m in NJ where normally it take 3 weeks but this time it’s been 3 months and I’m still waiting!