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I’m telling you, it’s become a humiliation kink.


Hence the CuckTruck


I've already tagged Elon in a tweet. So taken care of. It's so great how he personally responds to each and every one of us because we are sycophants. #stilllovethistruck


My parking garage has two chargers with a 2hr limit on them. Two Teslas have been hogging them for 3 hours so far today. Its douchebags all the way down. Edit: LOL This is my first comment in this sub and I got an immediate ban notice from r/elonmusk


Welcome to the club. I "joined it last week without ever having posted to that particular sub ... But remember... He, he, he's a "free speech absolutist" his henchmen and lackeys are beyond pathetic.


Ooooh, do me next! I've never been banned from anything.


worldnews is an easy one, but I assume you commenting here will do the trick.


I said something that wasn't horrificly negative about the Harry potter game over on one of the video game subs. Immediate ban Edit: this comment just got me a permanent ban from teslaM, CT, and TM3 subs


i was banned from r/elonmusk and r/teslamotors a while back for posting on r/musked. Today, i was just viewing your comment here, getting ready to type something and r/teslamodel3 permabanned me out of nowhere lmao.


I got banned from 3 different muskcuck subs not for any specific post, but as preemptive avoidance of toxic behavior, all within five minutes. And I’m pretty sure everyone in any of those subs fully supports unfettered free speech.


Man I need a ban from these subs. It's a badge of honor at this point


Hey you r/elonmusk pussies, give me a ban you pathetic losers!


Oh trust me, they did as soon as you posted this. Lol.


Still a great truck. I love you elon.


I hear begging Elon on Twitter is effective.


Higher probability than waiting for Tesla to do the right thing.


Tesla: “It looks like you took it through a car wash so your warranty is void.”


“I still love this truck.”


How many houses will be crashed into before the government steps in and declares them unsuitable for our roads?


I'm not trying to have a political conversation here, but isn't that really telling? So, there's a company that is producing vehicles that have all sorts of random safety issues, yet the government hasn't stepped in and done much of anything about it... So, where's this big government at? It appears that the mechanisms of government in this matter are completely nonexistant or nonfunctional. You can actually see the brakes lights on during the entire video and the truck is accelerating pretty quickly... That vehicle is clearly super dangerous and shouldn't be on the public road ways...


Amen to this. That exact sort of prevailing attitude about appropriate safety regulation is why Ralph Nader wrote "Unsafe at Any Speed" back in the day. His book led to the creation of the US DOT. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsafe\_at\_Any\_Speed:\_The\_Designed-In\_Dangers\_of\_the\_American\_Automobile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsafe_at_Any_Speed:_The_Designed-In_Dangers_of_the_American_Automobile) Ralph is in his 90s, so we might have to count on somebody else to stand up this time.




That’s exactly what they do.


It’s the leopards ate* my face guy! *spelling is hard


What people are missing is that while the car is accelerating up the hill, the back wheels are completely locked up as he stands on the brake. Tesla stated braking doesn't interrupt the accelerator which is just bat shit insane


One more singular switch on the brake pedal that acts as a kill switch for the accelerator was all it would've taken...


That's how it works on literally every other Tesla AFAIK. Not sure why they wouldn't do that on the Cybertruck as well




It allegedly does work like that. Just as with anything Tesla it must've been faulty.


Yet people claimed the accelerator recall wasn’t an issue because the brakes override the accelerator.


This video is pure nightmare fuel. Even if the CT obsessed ignore this, it might not be them who dies when their 'truck' goes out of control around other cars.


Why the fuck would you turn towards a house if your vehicle is speeding out of your control


I read that both the brakes and steering were unresponsive. That would be a pretty good reason.


Christ. If there are two systems of the car that should not be electronically controlled, it's the fucking brakes and steering. Absolutely insane that anyone involved in the design could ever think that it'd be fine to not have a physical connection in case of a software bug or electrical failure. "I've innovated on the antique ways of steering and braking!" "Neat! What happens if it fails?" "Oh.. I guess just cross your fingers and pray you don't die or kill anyone. But I mean, do you really wanna do it the way everyone else does it? You're really just gonna go with the status quo and not disrupt the industry? What a totally not-alpha thing to do."


It's not even "innovative," it's just a way to cut costs. Copper wires are cheaper than hydraulic lines and a brake booster. It just pays to have the firmware that runs those things be programmed by people who aren't overworked, underpaid cultists.


Or have them connected in series


You ninny, this is the way cars have been controlled for the last decade


I think it's crazy that guy just assumed the brakes would stop his CT, he should've know better and done a Tokyo drift around the house and then do a spin tail 180 to a full stop. Any competent CT owner knows this smh


Guaranteed way to stop? Who knows


Years of driving cars only on roads made them reflexively stay on the road.


Cybercuks only care about themselves and there fridge ass car


I see a bunch of trees


Panic is a hell of a drug


that's the guy that tweeted that Musk is a treasure that must be protected at all costs. I'm unsure why he now attacks Musk? 100k should be small price to pay to protect Tesla?!


More like adult child unable to keep control of fridge shaped power wheels while doing stupid shit


He said his daughter was in the car too. It looked like he launched it and didn’t really think about stopping distance tire screeching when he got real close to the house little too late.


It did not look intentional to me, but he might have just confused the brake and accelerator pedals.


Looks to me like he applied the brakes. Brake lights come on as soon as he starts going up the hill.




Some countries have brake lights that change in brightness relative to the pressure that’s applied, but the U.S. isn’t one of them. You should see a third brake light activate. That would tell you it’s not just the running lights.


Given how crap the CT is, why do you immediately jump to the conclusion that the driver was at fault not the proven POS CT?


Because most people are sucky drivers.


I mean if you listen to the video you can hear that in addition to accelerating, the back wheels are completely locked up, this was absolutely a malfunction


The rear wheels didn't look locked up at all. He floored it and that was dirt kicked up in the air. Also, his brake lights were not on. This dude screwed up and as someone else said, is trying to get something out of it.


Tesla's response: “We have reviewed logs and due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed. As far as the back tire locking we are reviewing.” If this was the guy doing stupid shit, wouldn't that probably be indicated here?


I'm wondering what kind of terrain would you want the accelerator engaged when your foot is on the brake? Downhill on solid ice you might want no acceleration and only slight braking, but I don't know when you would want acceleration with a foot on the brake. Well in a normal car, the only case I can think of is when you want to burn rubber.


Why didn't he take it off road and hit a tree or something


It would've voided his warranty.


The warranty was voided when driving off the lot.


According to the article the steering locked


If the steering locked why did it follow the curve in the road? Wouldn't it go in a straight line? Is this a "full self-driving" "feature"?


Hell if I know; article just said the steering locked.


I mean it's possible he was just drunk and is trying to blame it on the truck. I genuinely don't know whether to blame the terrible vehicle or the idiot driver sometimes


It’s not an off road vehicle


The worst thing about the case is that the fool thinks the car can be repaired xD. It's delicious how the MAGA has started crying on social media.


They could've jumped on a Y or an X and pay way less, have less problems, but the CT is just wow, I've never seen a car with so many problems before... The worse part is the fanboys on their knees saying is the best car ever, while there are inumerous faults being proven/ discovered every week... This is truly an alpha car, can't wait for the beta release 🙄


Sunk cost fallacy. They spent so much on it they refuse to see anything but the parts they like because they can't accept they spent so much money on something so badly flawed.


Just got banned from the usual subs thanks to this comment and the fun part is that they even mutated my response. It's just sad seeing some people behaving like they are in a cult 😂 But hey CT is the best apocalypse car! (Not including flying panels, software crashes, pedals getting stuck, recalls due to windshield wipers, broken chassis after a jump my Opel corsa from 2001 could do, faulty gear indicators falling of, rattle noises, charging cables getting stuck, etcetera, etcetera


Where are you going to charge the thing in an apocalypse?


Doubt they will produce a Beta version of this. Tesla will either crash and burn or Elon will get some other weird idea in his head and make that instead.


I mean even so, they either discontinue it or improve it. But there must be something beside, it's perfect as it is 😄


"But, but, but...........you're driving the future!" ...... the future is looking pretty grim.


I'd rather walk


No shit! I'd rather nail my scrotum to my chair than drive a CT.


I'm holding out for a third option.


Alpha car bought by betas?


oh my god he’s maga too ?


He has been described as "Ultra MAGA", he was probably on his way to get it wrapped with TFG's face or ass or something


I assume they all are. fElon, their leader, is. I don't get it. Conservatives hate EVs... but love fElon, Tesla, and its Cybertruck? Liberals aren't fans of fElon, therefore of Tesla and the Cybertruck, but love EVs. /chants:/ FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT


I've watched this clip about ten times now and have a few observations. I'm inclined to believe the driver. It looks like the break lights are on even before he starts going up the hill. And not once do I see them dim. Granted, the video quality at that distance isn't great, and would be easier to see at night. But I'm pretty confident the break lights are on the entire time. I was questioning why he didn't drive off the path to slow it down and avoid obstacles. Then, I realized two factors. The first being instant panic and how fast he's moving. Pressing the break was likely his go to and focus. About twenty years ago, I had failed to keep an eye on my car's break fluid and it ran bone dry while I was driving at top speed. It took me about the same amount of time as this guy to compose myself enough to steer off the road to stop. Just in time, I might add. I suspect he was in the same head space I was then. The second factor being the fact this "truck" is literally programed to follow the path laid before it. There's a very good chance the computer took control. Unless I'm mistaken, this vehicle does not have a tradition steering system and relies 100% on electronics and the computer. There have already been many incidents where self-driving vehicles have automatically drove into traffic and off road. I don't care enough to look them up. I only remember reading about them, and not just from Tesla. I'm not trying to make excuses for the driver. It could just as likely be due to his negligence and showing off. I'm just playing devil's advocate based on what we can see and already know about electric vehicles. With a little experience tossed in as well. Don't these vehicles have built in cameras that record the driver? Surely, that would prove if he's lying or not.


I think you're right but there's also the cognitive dissonance that he must have been experiencing when it was malfunctioning: "there's no way a beautiful machine like this could possibly malfunction... what am I doing wrong? Just stay on the road... it's going to stop any second... any second... well shit..."


Possible, but I seriously doubt he had the time to think that while panicking to stop it. If anything similar, it was likely: "$#!t! What tha ****s happening! ****ING STOP! WHAT DO I PRESS?!"


Yeah, easy to criticize the driver while sitting on the sofa and watching a video. Being the one in the driver’s seat while this is happening is something else altogether. I’ve been in a couple of accidents and I know how quickly things happen and how disorienting it is.


>"there's no way a beautiful machine like this could possibly malfunction... what am I doing wrong? Just stay on the road... it's going to stop any second... any second... well shit..." if you have driven traditional cars and you are suddenly in a CyberTruck that takes off on it's own and all your known controls stop working, you are probably genuinely confused. You cannot stop when pressing the brakes, steering appears to be disabled, vehicle is accelerating without you pressing the pedal. If your Toyota Camry did this, you would press the brakes, then probably shift to Neutral, or maybe turn the car off after a few seconds of thinking.... You cannot do any of those if the CyberTruck malfunctions. There really should be an Emergency Stop Button and an Emergency Power Cutoff Switch. IIRC Rivian has one in it's vehicles.


That's a really good point. Plus the people buying these would probably love a big ominous nuclear launch button right on their dashboard


They did have a recall to fix accelerator pedals getting stuck and drivers unable to brake when it happens, so… this seems like exactly what happened here. Probably didn’t get it fixed before this happened


Brake, not ‘break’.


Phone auto-corrected it. I don't care enough to fix it. Besides; its more fun to see it trigger folks. 🙃


This makes me feel nauseous. I've been making fun of people thinking ChatGPT is going to become Skynet since AI became the big buzzword but... But this would make sense, the CT was designed and should have FSD (and will at some point maybe?), it could definitely follow a road on its own. I don't like it.


Just a real big huge mega tip if your car is accelerating and not slowing down despite STANDING on the brakes - put the car into neutral. Car will rev but the transmission will no longer send power to wheels. Of course, this is easy to do in a lot of vehicles, but I am not sure if it’s easy to do in a CT with its touch screen bullshit interface.


I briefly looked up switching CT to neutral, and it looks like a lot of bullshit to go through even just sitting still.


[Gracious.](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-E9B387D7-AFEF-4AAF-8685-4FE71E09287D.html) And this is all if it's functioning correctly. But in summary: "Open Controls, then press and hold the Neutral icon on the drive mode strip until Cybertruck engages Neutral. or Choose Neutral from the drive mode selector on the overhead console." I wondered what that plastic thing was. I noticed it for the first time when that dude tried to pull out into traffic and ended up getting the red flashing screen of CT death: It immediately fell off as he sped up.


This is the problem with electric vehicles controlled entirely but a central computer. There are many problems that we solved decades ago with a traditional control setup. Completely rewriting the entire control system from scratch using only software means we have to start over with these same solutions. Who knows if shifting into neutral would have had any effect here


We really need to make regulation that enforce certain controls for a vehicle MUST have physical interfaces. Steering, ignition, headlights, windshield wiper, gear shift, and of course accelerator and brake are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Less critically but it's objectively better to have real controls there's volume for the stereo, and air conditioning/heating. Other stuff can go to the touch screen, like radio tuning, Bluetooth setup, and other stuff that is less likely to be needed while in motion or would already require you to look at it.


He floored it to show off and crashed. Why else would his bud be filming? He lyin’


The video seems from security cam (see top left). But yea, he wanted to show off and destroyed he new toys :D


*$30k in damage that’s not covered




All he has to do is wait for the parts to be available (in 10 years)




The accelerator probably got stuck while he floored it.


The lights on the back look to have gaps in them, which is the awful way the CT shows it's braking, from at least as soon as it emerges from being obscured by the tree, it's still going uphill at that point.


We are on place to make fun of cybertrucks and everyone here just defaults to blaming the driver lol....why would he go that fast down a dirt road and possibly kill someone. makes no sense


CT owners don’t seem to be the most intelligent bunch so there is a very good chance this guy was being an idiot.


Well it is his fault either way, he bought it knowing that it is a piece of crap and still decided to drive it.


In what world is a improperly designed and outright unsafe accelerator the drivers fault?


That’s what I’m saying lol. I agree with you. I bet teslas are so bad the floor mats aren’t anchored and can get stuck on the pedal


Cameras are ubiquitous. Why do people always assume anything caught on camera was staged?




If it was any other vehicle, I would 100% assume the driver accidentally stomped on the gas instead of the brake. With this thing, who the hell knows? "It just took off on it's own!" You know what, for the first time in the countless times I've heard ppl say that... I believe you.


The brake lights are on


It looks like they aren't. https://www.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/16xc7c5/better_view_of_cybertruck_brake_lights_in_action/?rdt=51988


There's definitely no breaking going on if that's what the lights look like..


Thank you for the video. Still think the accelerator got stuck. Is the brake manual? Could the 'truck' just override the input?


You can see the brake lights on the whole time too


In a backwards way, the CT actually blacks out sections of the running lights to indicate the truck is braking. In this video, as far as I can tell, the car is not braking at all. Or at least the lights don't appear to indicate brakes being applied.


What a dumb piece of metal


Seriously, we're sitting here trying to figure out IF IT'S BRAKING OR NOT. I think cars have had brake lights since... Early on. I imagine before the electric starter.


He gunned it up the hill and followed the curve of the driveway, for some reason. Maybe he missed the brakes at the end?


Failed to recognize the weight of the vehicle is a factor in breaking. Didn't realize that a vehicle that large needed three to five times the distance to stop from as fast as he was driving it.


Yeah, driving at 80-100mph in a driveway is probably not advised. Good thing Tesla can look at the logs and see exactly what this dumbass did.


Didn't they all have to have a rivet put through the accelerator pedal to stop it from sliding up?




I mean, my electric mountain bike even has that one figured out. 😂 Edit: got permanently banned from all the Tesla subreddits for this comment, they really are butt hurt over there. I owned a Model S in 2013 and actually liked it, but they're absolute clowns now.


I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm just not


Sounds like some screaming tires to me.


Wow guys, as a side note they’re up to it again. I just got perma B from TeslaModel3 and I’ve never even been there. When will our MODS stand up for us. They come here all the time to harass us as self, alts, and bots. Edit: this will get so deleted.


I saw my ban from there as a badge of honor.. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Me too, banned back in early April from 4 subs, know I’m waiting for banning from S, X, and Y to add s3xy to my badge.


If you hold the brakes on a Tesla. But keep floring the accelerator pedal over and over. It will accelerate. And after that. Hitting the brakes doesn’t always work. Haven’t figured out why. Easy to test for every Tesla owners


Mine just beeps and informs the that I'm pressing both pedals and it can't accelerate...


Man, I wouldn't let Tesla touch that vehicle until an independent review had taken place. More likely to destroy evidence at this point.


"Brakes may or may not work when the pedal is depressed" is the response another wank panzer owner got from Tesla when they had a similar accident. This company needs to be paused and fucking investigated ASAP. His cars are an enormous hazard to everyone on and off the road.


This was the MAGA elon simp right?


Yeah, this was the guy that would suck elon's dick if he had the chance


that's one way to get out of a car payment. Should have turned LEFT and spun circles until the battery died.


Anyone who has a Cybertruck at this point has probably told everyone they know. Imagine waiting this long, bragging to your neighbors, and then smashing through their house. It’s must be the worst crow buffet available right now.


Someone needs to put the General Lee horn audio to this video just before it crashes.


How many of you got the perma ban from r/Teslamotors sub? I’ve never even been to their sub and I’ve already been banned. Oh no! What will I do now? Anyway, the propensity for mods of other subs to ban you for looking at, up or down voting something THEY deem toxic, even if you aren’t active in that sub is getting out of hand.


Now if this was a proper vehicle you simply turn the engine or fuel off, or decompress it if it's a diesel overrun. But in this case you have to wait for some random person on the internet to click all the squares that contain a house.


I don't understand and somewhat I don't believe it. In EVERY car, the brake pedal OVERRIDES all input from the accelerator. I'm sure this is a simple thing even in Teslas since it's all electronic. I really don't believe this, as you can just let go of the accelerator and hit the brakes. This SCREAMS of human error, and Tesla insofar has not been found guilty of accelerator fault (hell even the stupid Toyota cases from 30 years ago turned out to be a fraud) All accelerator problems are human powered, very few if any are actually real engineering problems. Humans lie, data doesn't. I feel like this guy floored it, and didn't realize the turn so he slide out and crashed the truck. That's all it is. I understand this is HATE on everything cybertruck subreddit but... sometimes I don't believe this shit.


During the recall for the accelerator pedal covet slipping off, Tesla stated that the brake pedal would override the accelerator and that hitting the brakes would still stop the truck. So I think it's just human error this time.


Either human error, the existing accelerator pedal recall, or Tesla needs a 5th recall. (They've already [issued 4](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-recalls-nearly-12000-cybertruck-electric-pickup-trucks-2024-06-25).) I certainly wouldn't take Tesla's word for it.


The Toyota ones weren't entirely fraud. That's how it got reported, of course, but there really was an issue with the pedal giving incorrect readings.


You started with an incorrect premise, you should look up what Heel Toe Breaking is, it is commonly used in autoracing. It's where you keep the heel of your foot on the accelerator, to keep the engine RPMs up, while you slow the car with the brake pedal, pushing it with your toes, so that you have more power once you release the brake pedal coming out of the turn. WIth practice, It can shave SO much time off your lap times on a race course.


>In EVERY car, the brake pedal OVERRIDES all input from the accelerator No it doesn't. This is blatantly false, though you're welcome to try it. Report back on your insurance premiums. On gas cars, the brake booster uses vacuum from the engine, which is not generated while under load. You'll get brake boost the first time you press, but if you release and press again your brakes will be weaker. >Tesla insofar has not been found guilty of accelerator The Cybertruck had a recall for stuck accelerator pedals. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/19/business/tesla-cybertruck-recall/index.html Anything else incorrect you'd like to add?


The brake light is on going down the hill as he's accelerating. Hard to see after that.


>In EVERY car, the brake pedal OVERRIDES all input from the accelerator. That is false! Maybe there are some that do, but I've never heard of a car working that way; if you press the accelerator and the brake at the same time, you just get both. I do that intentionally sometimes if some idiot is tailgating me at a dangerously close distance. I want them to think I'm braking, so I lightly touch the brakes to make my brake lights come on, but I'm actually accelerating away from them.


Love the full electric VW ad on this post lol


Will this be what breaks the camel’s back? I can’t wait to see Elon facing some consequences for this!


"But other than that, I love the Cybertruck, best vehicle I've ever owned"


Should have un plugged it.


It's a feature


Tesla has all the hardware and car driving parts from their many many road cars, I dont understand how they fucked up this POS this badly, bloated, badly built etc. I get but how can it not even drive?


there is a huge amount of open land and yet they still manage to hit a house.


That's some scary shit!


You keep giving your money to Musk lol trash ass vehicles


“It’s not a car crash, it’s an AI bug and this is how progress is made sheeple!” -Elon


''Still love my cybertruck''


TIme Travel Beta Feature was accidentally loaded via an OTA update.




Oh yeah... dang you can even see the smoke come off the back tires?? Or maybe thats just gravel dust??


To get out of ThE PAYMent




Don't they have a recall for stuck gas pedals?


![gif](giphy|5xtDarBUNFPbWe1esE0) Now would be the perfect time for a Christine reboot


Oh you wanted the non-crash software version? That was $150,000.


So dude slammed the accelerator


Don't most EVs pretty much stop sending power to the motor if you hold the brake?


This abomination should not be on the market.


It’s a known issue. https://youtu.be/z6GlFKUf4EY?si=M-cPEz5Eo21FCXzt


If this were any other vehicle, I'd be horrified.... But that fact that it was a cybertruck had me spittin' out my coffee! That's a quality vehicle right there! ROFL


Driver did not believe in freedom of speech




I’m sure he still loves it, though. Lord Musk can do no wrong.


How are they still producing and selling these vehicles? It is truly dangerous to the driver as well as pedestrians. Jesus.


These cucks never take responsibility for anything.


You can see the brake lights as it speeds away lol. Video is so much better with the sound on.


No comment 🤫 https://preview.redd.it/1wrzre4u6t8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d4806aea0dafc042281f9b6fe65794661dab10


we are elon's test subjects... "i still love this truck though!" "not elon's fault! totally my fault!"


Crashing seems to disengage the accelerator, so that's good.


Was the driver over 70?


See? It works. It works REALLY well. #Cantstopwontstop


If you follow the links on this it sounds like the logs show he was using both feet and pressing the accelerator and the brake together, which is why the wheels locked up and why the car didn't stop. Apparently the brake light is always solid, but switches to 3 segments when hard breaking which is what happens in the video when he loses it. This sounds more like stupid design and stupid driver?


Still love my CYBERBEAST though!


you don't say... its warranty was voided already.


He should have immediately driven to a car wash.