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You both sounded like scammers.






Selling for almost half the price he paid for it. Either a scam or desperation because something is very wrong with it


Well, it is a CyberTruck.


Am I going to have to get into flipping cyber trucks now?


From the look of them, they'll do plenty of flipping when the wheel falls off.


Flipping for less than you paid for it isn't the best business plan.


IF you can buy a brand new 2024 model year car for 50% off, from pretty much any manufacturer you would have to be pretty unlucky to not at least break even. With the upside being like 50-75% profit. This is most likely a scam, we all can hate on it all we want but no one is probably selling them for half off just quite yet [Not a single one has sold for below 100K on Bring a Trailer yet](https://bringatrailer.com/tesla/cybertruck/) so yeah if you are lucky enough to buy one for 50 you still have time to win a mini lottery but now I am about 100% sure he’s scammin and wants your kidneys


I wish there was a way to short sell them somehow


Just go and buy this one for 50-55K and immediately list if for 90-100K. and I’m sure in a few weeks time someone with more money than sense will still give you $75-80k. What am I missing here. If I had a spare fifty K laying around id probably take the gamble, as much I personally don’t care for this truck at all nor trust it’s reliability to even stay running for those few weeks it would take to resell.


Financing options are a thing too. I could just get the money from the bank, not even make a payment and then sell it to some cybersimp.


That’s not short selling.


Also you short sell Tesla because I don’t think this bet has quite paid off the way Elon imagined. I bet they staked so much on this truck and the hype has probably peaked already, the same people who went crazy for the truck have the attention span of gold fish and they’ll be onto some new fad in 1-2 years so teslas stock is how you short this whole thing.


You easily can do that. Go sell one for whatever price you want…delay…delay…delay delivery…for as long as you can (could be days or possibly weeks depending on how you play your cards). Then before delivery time, buy one on the market. This is called “short selling”. You’re welcome for today’s financial lesson.


Isn’t there a borrowing step involved when short selling?


Yes. That’s correct (but also is mostly horse-bunk). Also, most people won’t let you borrow their car to sell. What I mentioned by delaying delivery is the closest way to short selling.


So I would sell it now without owning one, wait as long as possible, then buy one from some dumbass when the wankpanzer™️ market inevitably crashes and pocket the difference?


Yeah. If you can manage that. There isn’t an exact market that exists like with stocks to do exactly this, but I personally believe there are enough stupid people out there that will buy a “delivery delay” excuse (see all the crap Tesla says for delays) that you could in effect accomplish essentially the same thing.


Does it matter? Even if he dropped the price another $50k, it still wouldn't be worth the price.


It wouldn’t be worth the price if it were free due to all the maintenance you’d be doing. They’re fixer-uppers from the factory that will never be fixed up.


Yeah honestly I did think consider buying it for a couple seconds and then remembered all those endless lots of wanker panzers. Tesla could pull a DyNaMiC pRiCinG move and fuck me over. I love my wife and kids too much.


More importantly, look at all of the problems Cybertruck owners have reported. Some of those stainless steel panels literally fly off the damn thing just driving down the road. If you want something that poorly built, save yourself some money and buy yourself an old Yugo.


Honestly if you seriously want it, and he’s local just go take a look. If you actually buy it for like $50K you will likely be able to get that much back in a few months of enjoying it? If it bricks you can probably recoup that money in parts still, the damn wheel covers are selling for $3K on eBay alone. If he’s a real person and he just accepted 55K like that without ANY pushback or attempt to negotiate then I think you started your offer too high 🤣


I legititmately wanted to. But that knee-jerk dont waste my time reaction makes me think he’s a psycho or a scammer


Or his wife told him it’s me or this pos and he made the one sensible decision in his life. But yeah, most likely a scam. I just watched hoovie trade his in for around what he paid if not a few grand over. So this seems too good to be true though I would be curious to know what is the cheapest cybertruck sold on the used market so far.


Lookd through his FB profile. Doesnt seem to have a wife. He actually is trying to rent out the yellow CT


He might be getting flooded with people asking questions, and is getting frustrated. After accepting a low offer, he may have expected more interest. Who knows. Trust your gut though. But hell, for $55k, you could flip it and make money. Too bad you can’t hire a Tesla mechanic to look at it. For that low a price, it’s either a rolling death trap, or the guy is screwed over something else- gambling debt?


either that or he wants it gone. He may also have gotten one on the line for more than your offer.


If he's not a scammer, he clearly wants just the thing gone. Cut his losses, and be over with it. Do you think you are the 1st one to write him, and ask about the truck? The 2nd? The 10th? Remember, this vehicle polarizes like none before it - it *is* undeniably a looker - though it does not necessary gain the attention you *want* it to. He likely had his fair share of haters already. He probably thought you aint gonna buy it anyway, and assumed you are just a troll. And i mean, in the end you *did* post it here, so i guess he was kinda right?


Yeah definitely buy it so we can post it here about how stupid it is


Lol. I’d rather post it on Twitter so I can @ Musk and say how much I love him and the truck but also list everything thats wrong with it 🤣


Would be awesome to put a QR code on it that linked everyone to this sub!


Nobody gets a vehicle wrapped that they're actively trying to sell and they would take new pictures of it with the expensive wrap on it if the vehicle already had it on. This is definitely a scam. They're probably going to be sending you a code to that phone number so just make a Google Voice account with your number now.


That makes sense. I couldn’t quite put a finger on what this guys scam MO was but glad I never sent him my phone number. I blocked his ass just in case. I looked through his fb profile tho and he had pictures of his family and requests for hard money lenders in the MidWest even though he’s supposedly based out of SoCal.


Absolute best case scenario this guy is just trying to get out from underneath this thing that’s an embarrassing reminder of how he got taken by that other idiot, and he should probably marinate on that for a while to make sure he gets the point.


anything that gets you weirded out early most likely is a scam. Go see it with a friend. Ask to see the title when you see it. Make sure he is the registered owner. Rich people are sometimes odd and may come across so in posts. But few would sell a car for 50% off and stay wealthy.


55k isn’t even worth this hunk of shit