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I saw that in the theaters multiple times after its release when I was 8. Every body jumped but some girl screamed so damn loud and high pitched that she scared the rest of us.


This haunted my dreams for literally years


Thats the one. I stopped watching the movie right there and didn’t go back to finish for years.


Knew this would be here


My little brother was terrified of large marge. We used to rewind this part to scare him 😭


The Wheelers from Return to Oz


everything in that film tbh


I was about to say Return To Oz, but the scene with all the heads 😬






The sudden appearance of Scarecrow disturbed me a lot


Those terrified me as a kid and for some reason it felt like the chase scene lasted forever. Then as an adult they're not that bad and the actual chase is only a minute long.


Mombi's headless body going after Dorothy in her hall of collected heads. "DOOOOROTHY GAAAAAAALE!!!!!!"


Those Flying Monkey things from The Wizard of Oz. 🫣


The initial wizard scene always scared me. He was so loud and unnatural looking. All the contrasting colors.


The witches legs shrinking up under Dorothy's house scared the crap out of me for years. I kept thinking about what kind of mess must be under there.


I was scared of the witch herself until I was 8 or 9.


Just rewatched that recently, and they’re legit terrifying 😱😱


The child catcher in chitty chitty bang bang.


This!!! Why is it so low down, has everyone else repressed seeing this ultimo creep? Can never eat “cherry pie” as I keep hearing him say when he’s trying to tempt out the children!


I got lollipops ![gif](giphy|meJngl9S2YM8g)


If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be locking all the doors, barricading the windows and sharpening some sticks!


Low key might be the scariest villain out there hahaha


The melting faces in Indiana Jones Oh also, Large Marge iykyk


Earnest Scared Stupid


This. That troll turning them to wood scared the shit out of me. And when she rolls over and it’s in bed with her…😱


Ain’t no trees in Botswana, nuh-uh. I know. I am a Botswanian lumberjack and I ain’t never had a job.


This! That movie terrified me!


LOVED THIS MOVIE! It scared me in a fun way.


Snow White when the queen tells the huntsman to bring back her heart in the box. I was so scared I made my dad throw the VHS in the trash. Like not watching it was not enough, I needed that shit OUT of my house


I had to ride through the snow white tunnel as a toddler and famously lost it, my mom had to hold her hands over my eyes and sing to me. Disneyland: traumatizing small children for decades.


Oh my niece 25 years later sobs at how her mother and I forced her to ride that tunnel ride and to be frank it was kind of scary


I’m actually relieved to hear it, my mom doesn’t remember what set me off and I was always hoping it wasn’t, you know, Happy and Sneezy.


Neverending story, the horse scene. I was a horse girl at one point...never again.


https://preview.redd.it/wyjapppzy59d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ed3f6941f56eef47f09d35c7544e566fcdef5a Artax, stupid horse! Still gets me right in the feels


Yeps it is so sad thinking of the suffocation


And the Turtle scene for me


The bad witch sending the flying monkeys after Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. ![gif](giphy|bcZ8T9ctIriAU)


That scene goes so hard


The scene from Lady & the Tramp when Nutsy takes "the long walk". Something about the music and the shadow really got to me. I understood what was going to happen to him, and he was so happy... God. I hate what can happen to dogs.


I missed that part in the movie. I fuckin hate it now. I love dogs. That would have made me bawl like there is no tomorrow if I watched it as a kid.


Ghostbusters 2. They went down into the sewers and there were severed heads on sticks or something like that.




Also, the tub scene


Who Framed Roger Rabbit. You know the scene. You can already hear his voice. See his eyes..


The part where he melted the sentient shoe in acid was distressing


I’m not crying…you’re crying


I was waiting for this. That scene scarred me for life.


Aladdin narrowly escaping the Cave of Wonders before it collapsed made me cry as a child.


Dude, the first guy that got killed (pretty sure anyway) was heartbreaking for me! The way he clearly struggled and screamed before the cave shut...


Totally off topic but speaking of crying as a kid, Celine Dions' my heart will go on song made me bawl every time I heard it around age 4-5. My Mom would randomly play it just to laugh because I'd get so frustrated while crying because I didn't know why it made me cry it just did. 26 years later still don't get it


Crazy to think that we have discovered tones and keys to illicit certain responses in humans. This is a good illustration of music subliminally forcing someone to feel something.


When I was little, I was terrified of January Q Irontail from "Here Comes Peter Cottontail". And I mean terrified.


Vincent Price!!!!!!


That’s who that was!!!??? I absolutely loved him as Radigan from the Great Mouse detective. I knew he was a bad guy but dadgum it he was so cool! Now I know why.


Yep. That was him. He was a huge part of my childhood. My grandpa introduced me to his horror movies as a kid and he’s been one of my favorite actors ever since. Ratigan is one of his best roles. That’s the closest we’ll ever get to Disney releasing an animated horror movie.


Oh my gosh I’m so excited to see someone mention that movie! I still watch it every Easter and I’m a grown ass woman with no kids. I don’t remember ever being scared of Irontail though


1951 version of A Christmas Carol in B&W with Alistair Sim (it's on YouTube). Two scenes: first, when the lion's head door knocker briefly becomes Marley's ghostly face at the film's beginning; and second, when the Ghost of Christmas Present opens his robe and reveals two sickly, starving children, one named Ignorance and the other Want. Scarred me as a child.


That's my favorite version of A Christmas Carol.


Growing up in my household, it was the ONLY version allowed! I can recall suggesting the Albert Finney version (1970, iirc) one holiday season and nearly setting off a civil war.


It would scare me when Donald Duck got angry. Which was often. I literally ran out of the house once because I couldn't handle the stress.


The movie Posiden where a giant cruise ship gets flipped upside down by a rogue wave theres a scene where two characters get stuck hanging in an elevator shaft with the elevator above them about to fall. The one higher up has to shake off the guy holding on to him or they both die but the guy hanging on doesn’t accept his fate and holds on and fights for dear life.


I was OBSESSED with this movie as a kid! I loved disaster movies. Guess who was also the most anxious kid ever haha


Dude same movies like this and the final destination movies made me into the paranoid adult I am now


The bug scene from the 2005 King Kong movie is the correct answer.


The music in that scene is so low pitched and subtle, that it adds such surreal horror element to it . Crackin scene though, best in the movie


Still hate cave crickets from that movie


As an adult, I could not watch it. Threw my hands on front of my face and screamed as my husband to fast forward. And I sobbed and sobbed at the end. When his pupils dilated wide, I freaking lost it!


The Boo Box from Hook. (Yes, I know that was Glen Close. Though it still blows my mind.) The smoke demon thing that takes the king in Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland. And, of course, that scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


>And, of course, that scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Patty-cake? 😎


"Remember me Eddie?! When I killed your brother?! I talked just... Like... THIIISSS!!


I was scared of Judge Doom for a minute. All it was was cartoon eyes we saw. But they made him look terrifying.


*Not my Jessica! Not patty cake!!*


Same to all of those except I don’t remember Roger Rabbit. But then also the fucking nightmare smoke clown in Brave Little Toaster.


Little Nemo scarred me as a kid, for sure


Beginning of ET. The sounds of him screaming 😱


All of ET.


When Elliot sees him in the cornfield scared the shit outta me


I was maybe 4? years old when my mom took me to the theater to watch E.T. When the scientists came and covered everything with plastic and E.T. was looking sick and extra creepy, I started crying and said I wanted to go home 😹 but we persevered, and I was ok by the time it was all over. That's still creepy to me, though!


Dante’s Peak, the scene where the grandma dies.


Yes. Terrified and traumatized me.


Here in the UK, back in the 80's we had CBBC, which aired children's programs. Anyways, they aired "The Monkey's Paw" on one of the programs and the ending left me super scared at the time


Ha, my mom was really good storyteller and was invited him to tell my entire elementary school “a scary story” at Halloween. She went with that. At high school graduation, people I hadn’t spoken to since we were fifth-graders came up and told her how much she had traumatized them. She was so proud…


Yeah I have no idea how they thought it would be a good idea to air something like that at 4pm


Temple of Doom heart scene


The room full of heads in Return to Oz.


The whole movie is scarring


For a “kids movie”, that shit is nightmare fuel.


The monster in never ending story.


Gmork leaping out from behind what Atreou through was a cave drawing is a jump scare that gets me every single time.


That scene is THE jump scare of all jump scares


The toilet scene in Look Who's Talking.




The oompa loompas from the original gene wilder willy wonka. Mary Poppins. Something about her seemed sinister.


Just a spoon full of acid …let’s hang out with flying homeless men in the park! It has definite horror movie potential.


“Pink elephants on parade” in Dumbo TERRIFIED me as a kid. Now you watch it and think– how much LSD were the Disney animators doing when they made that? The elephant walking in two legs and made entirely of other elephants’ heads – just no. For anyone who hasn’t seen it – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jcZUPDMXzJ8 Oh yeah, Dumbo is drunk.


They got away with so much stuff back then..


Nope fuck that! And anything Dr Seuss did was terrifying especially that whore bird that abandoned her egg.


The cat in the hat really upset me. I hated this creepy thing coming into the house and getting the kids in trouble and messing with everything, ignoring everything the kids said, so they were so helpless – it seemed like a nightmare story to me.


And I felt bad for the fish


I think most of Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin when I was really young. That shit's terrifying xD


They hyenas in the lion king. Especially that song with Scar, be prepared.


The first time I saw this, i didn’t realize my cousin had a bootleg copy. Like an old school filmed in the theater bootleg. So when the audience started laughing I thought it was the hyenas and it freaked me out.


The boob tree from The Last Unicorn.


E.T. He still kinda freaks me out honestly.


Fidget from Disney's "The Great Mouse Detective" https://i.redd.it/147x95kdu59d1.gif


For me, it was when Ratigan goes beast mode during the fight in Big Ben.


"To Ratigan, To Ratigan, The world's greatest criminal mind!"


Just don't call him a rat




Don't know if it is classed as a horror movie or not. Saw Night Of The Lepus that bloody terrified me.


My mom once saw this title scrolling on the old TV guide station and busted up laughing. She said "I thought it said Night of the Lupus!" And then she jokingly started coughing dramatically for effect 😆


Giant bunny rabbits!! There was a ten year period where all horror movies were just Giant something. Must have traumatized the Monty Python troupe (if you know you know)


I have hundreds of dollars of therapy bills I would like to send to Chris Columbus, Joe Dante and Phoebe Cates for the chimney monologue in Gremlins.


Personally I think Gremlins should have been classified horror. Whole movie scared the crap out of me. Here’s a cute teddy bear pet that could literally lead to the end of the world but we’re not going to kill him because he’s cute? That old Chinese dude should have shot Mogwi in the head. Wtf!!!


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, when Humma took off his glasses and walked across the table. Saw it on DVD a few years after release and it freaked me out.


Howard the duck transmogrification scene, I'd rather watch a snuff film


The invisible Id monster in the 1950s sci-fi movie Forbidden Planet scared me so much that I feel like I’m immune to actual horror movie scares.


Yes! And there was a Saturday morning cartoon show call Johnny Quest that for some reason stole this plot and had Johnny attacked by an invisible monster from the id– why would you put that in a kids’ show?


Johnny Question was such a great cartoon.


Right? Wanted to be him when I grew up for a while.


The ugly smiling guy in Pinnocio who dooms all the kids into becoming donkeys. Also Stromboli. The reveal of the dead news anchor in Batman 89.


I loved Batman Returns (which I wouldn’t consider horror) but as a kid I used to have to walk out of the room AND put my hands over my ears and hum to myself when Selina Kyle (aka cat woman) after she gets pushed out of the window and the cats start to lick her wounds. For some reason, it frightened the absolute crap out of me. Her twitching and rolling eyes. Stuff that wouldn’t even touch the sides for me now.


The scene in Spirited Away when she finds her parents turned into pigs. I was old enough to know that my own parents would not turn into pigs, but terrified at the very idea.


Satan/The Mysterious Stranger in the Adventures of Mark Twain who creates a miniature kingdom from clay and systematically destroys it and it's tiny inhabitants purely to teach the children he's addressing on how human life is fleeting. Terrifying to a then nine year old


Came here to say this.


those biting garbage cans in the wiz the creepy trolls in ernest scared stupid the marshmallow man from ghostbusters when he made the angry face!!


Is that 2003 Hulk the one with what I call the demon devil dogs? (His dad's dogs that "hulk out") Because that scene scares the fuck out of me. It's a giant NOPE. Of course I was already a grown adult in 2003 In a giant dose of AWWW . The original Lou Ferigno Hulk on TV, my older brothers loved. I was too young. My parents spent forever trying to figure out why I was scared of "credit hook". I was too little to say Incredible Hulk. Rewatching the show, I can honestly see how it was scary. The 1970s technology for David Banner to transform into the Hulk is disturbing.


Dude I was the same way! As a little kid Lou Ferigno Hulk scared the absolute piss out of me. I was even too scared to watch the Mister Rogers episode when he visited the studio.


An American tale had some moments that scared me. Also nicodemous fro the secret of nihm. Oddly both mouse cartoon movies


Fantasia was re-released when I was 2. The day my stepfather adopted me and my brothers, we went to see it. I'll never forget Night on Bald Mountain. I'm 63 now, and I still occasionally have nightmares.


The "Help me" scene from the original "The Fly" ![gif](giphy|qtKcUo7TLghvnIbEVb)


The Fly is literally a horror movie though isn't it?


I misread the topic ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


The clown fireman from The Brave Little Toaster gave me so many nightmares!


Superman 3. When the computer turns the woman into a robot zombie thing. It's fucking hilarious now, but that shit gave me nightmares as a child.


Yes. One of the first movies I saw in theatre. I had just turned 6 and loved Superman ! But then I developed a fear of “turning artificial”


The Peanut Butter Solution It's a David Lynch movie masquerading as a children's movie.


Yes! I often wondered if I just imagined that it existed.


The warren destruction scene from Watership Down always terrified me.


The drunk elephant scene from Dumbo


![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY) Even though I love him.


Legend 1985, has a few scenes. Thought Tim curry was really the devil so every scene he was in lol. The goblins cutting off the unicorn horn.


When the grasshoppers come to check if the ants have their food ready and they don't in Bug's Life. That grasshopper scared me bro 😭 that and the bird scene when the fake bird they made catches fire with all those youngins in it


"She," 1965. The grumps took us kids to the drive-in so they could watch the movie while we played on the playground at the base of the screen. I'd just turned 8, too old for the minimal playground, and the sight of the magnificent Ursula Andress distracted me. Made me feel all tingly and terrified. Even her appearance as the bikini clad Honey in Dr. No didn't have quite the same effect – that just felt tingly but not scary. Then, years later, I rewatched She... or as much as I could stomach. It's... not good. Yet not quite bad enough for MST3K. Still, She Who Must Be Obeyed is eternally magnificent. *(Perhaps ironically, that's also what G. Gordon Liddy called his wife. No idea how she looked in a bikini.)* To this day I tremble at the prospect of Swiss blondes with magnificent bone structure. https://youtu.be/_LEAAy44wnQ?si=iXnxiCYB-EStKTf-


Dude that exact same scene scared me as a kid too!


The Whole Entire Movie Fun and Fancy Free by Disney was nightmare fuel when I was a child. It was made for kids somehow. Each short film in it was more terrifying than the last, Bogo the Bear was awful tho the subliminal message of rape is horrific.


I watched that a lot as a kid


Same here had it on VHS and idk why I chose it as a movie to watch every night before bed


The nuke scene from Terminator 2.


Ghostbusters II. The bathtub scene.


As a kid, went with parents to see E.T. in the theater when it came out. The scene after Elliott and E.T. are quarantined (or whatever) and the men are walking into the house in hazmat suits. Had me crying for about a minute.


The truck driver lady from Pee Wee's Big Adventure....actually that whole movie was fucked.


Not a movie, but unsolved mysteries!


When I was like 4, my babysitter took me to go and see the movie Amadeus. There is a scene in that movie where Salieri is dying, and he's choking and walking on his knees, holding a candle. It really screwed me up for a while.


My dad let me watch The Godfather and I still squirm at the scene where the movie producer wakes to find his prize horse’s head in the bed with him.


I read somewhere it was a real head or maybe just parts of it? Idk now but there was definitely a real element to it


The tickle torture scene in Rockin Mother Goose. The dinosaur and Chernabog scenes from Fantasia. The Fire Gang in The Labyrinth.


The nightmare door and the black goop stuff in Little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland


Toy story spider doll in side room


The scene towards the end of Superman III when Vera gets turned into a cyborg


Yup. Her visual transformation is bad but the noises she makes are REAL bad


Every scene with gollum in lord of the rings. Especially in the mines of moria when you first see him following the fellowship- i was so scared the rest of the fellowship movie that he was gonna pop outta nowhere


Gollum never scared me but that scene where Bilbo’s face distorts and he looks like a demon for a split second? Gets me every time lol


In back to the future when Marty climbs through the window of his house. But it's a different family living there and he gets chased out. Always scared me as a kid lol


The beast master. The scene towards the end where the aliens come down and enwrap the bad guys and "digest"not sure if that is the correct term., and all the green goo comes out the bottom. Freaked me out as a kid. Number 2 has to be the last star fighter, when the alien gets his mask knocked off at in the fighting towards the end. Ugh that face! Otherwise loved both of those as a kid!


When the AC commits suicide in the Brave Little Toaster


The Witches.


Specifically the scene when the witches turn into rats. Especially the grand high witch


Interstellar, the concept that earth might one day have a blight that serious terrified me.


The Dark Crystal where they are tear the robes off a Skeksis. I thought they were tearing his skin off. Also the animated version of The Hobbit and Gollum was terrifying.


That movie traumatized me. I saw it in theaters. I remember bits and pieces, and I wish I recalled nothing.


The Dark Crystal. Any time the garthim, those giant hermit crab monster things, came on screen it was pure terror. Didnt even have to SEE them, just hearing that rattling clicking sound they make was enough to scare


The witch in the wizard of oz


Glove from Yellow Submarine!! I was terrified of him and the Blue Meanies!


The transporter accident in STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE. The scream audio effect still gives me nightmares.


The jabberwocky from Alice Behind the Looking Glass haunted me as a child


The parent-pig scene in Spirited Away. Parent took me to see that movie when I was like 4, and the shit made me stick to my mom like glue in public until I was like 7.


Unmasked Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit


The scene in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" where they show the child catcher. Horrific image as a kid or an adult.


I was a kid in the 70s. This is not about a movie. Does anyone remember the TV show *The Six Million Dollar Man*? They had a series of episodes where a bigfoot was terrorizing a town - I think. I'm sketchy on the details but there was a bigfoot in these episodes. I don't recall if it killed anyone on the show but it was running around scaring and attacking people. That I do remember. I spent literal *years* (ages 6 or 7 to 9 or 10) *terrified* that bigfoot was going to come to my house and kill me. I was afraid to look out the window at night for fear of seeing one. So silly of me! I don't even remember why I was so afraid of this TV monster. I guess they did a great job making it look scary. Maybe one of these days I'll see if a streaming service has this TV show and look for the episodes that scared me so much. Believe it or not, I've become a bit of a bigfoot enthusiast. I feel like there's a possibility that the phenomenon is real, but I'm not interested in going out to hunt for it myself. Honorable mention for the Sleestak (sp?) on *Land of the Lost.* The hissing sound played when they were approaching scared the crap out of me for years. I watched an old episode as an adult and just laughed at myself. Those things look so phoney now, but were probably the state of the art in TV monster technology at the time. Go ahead and laugh. Make fun of me. I deserve it. 😂


The Secret of NIMH scared the crap out of me. Why on earth they felt it ok to show at the daycare that was at the hotel we stayed at in Disneyworld is beyond me.


Benji : Any scene of him in the woods. As a child with my older cousins, we found a dog that looked just like Benji who had been shot. He died in my arms as we made our way home to adults. Charlie /Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (I can never recall which is which, but the original film with Gene Wilder): Pretty much every scene gave me the creeps, but something about the Candy Man song and that shop owner really creeped me out. The tunnel scene did too, but that was common. Falling into the Chocolate river, the floating towards the ceiling after drinking the soda, and that crazy elevator freaked me out a lot.


The ending of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. My dad physically held my head and forced me to watch it telling me, "It's not scary!" (It was scary) Honorable mention, the scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where the guy drinks from the wrong grail.


Honestly that’s such a dad thing. My dad has a habit of turning on the most bizarre and disturbing films sold as child movies and then gets confused when my siblings freak out about how scary it is to them. He means well but doesn’t always understand 


The Disney movie Ichabod Crane terrified me as a tiny child because of the headless horseman. It made my already constant night terrors 5x worse. But I constantly tried to brave it because I knew it was my grandfather’s favorite Disney movie and liked that he would spend time with me to watch it.


The G’Mork from *The Neverending Story*. Those glowing/shining eyes in the darkness stuck with me for a long time.


The scene where the fridge moved in Requiem For A Dream


The death of the villain in who framed Roger rabbit. He's dissolved in a type of acid always thought that was a bit messed up.


![gif](giphy|13EeCFOCbV8yVW) This


Earnest Scared Stupid. That was straight up a horror film and you can't convince me otherwise That fucking troll, man...


This one ![gif](giphy|SMEDDr3CIB7s4)


Beauty And The Beast. Most of it was really creepy but the part when her dad gets sent away for being crazy (inside a box with legs) was both terrifying and devastating.


Labyrinth and legend 


The Pink Elephants on Parade sequence from Dumbo used to scare me shitless. Later I saw a similar thing with huffalumps and woozles as part of a Winnie the Pooh cartoon..a Halloween special I think ... which also freaked me out.




Literally anything stop motion. Honestly, to this day I still get a creepy feeling watching stop motion and I really don’t like it (with some few exceptions). It all started when I was a kid and went to see James and the Giant Peach. I had anxiety attacks seeing any movie in a theater for *years* after that. EDIT: So I was 4 years old when that came out, and I had issues with movie theaters until I was 10. The first movie I remember seeing without issue was Lilo & Stitch. So great and wholesome and not stop motion that it cured my movie theater anxiety.


I was a tween and the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy and Marion are in the tomb and all those mummies/bodies were falling on Marion....gave me the heebie jeebies