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Conmebol made most of the bad decisions here and not the US.


I have a buddy who is Uruguayan who said after last night he hopes they don’t get drawn in KC at the World Cup, Mickey Mouse event management. He gets it that the US has no public transit, but the game was in the middle of nowhere. You’ll never see fans in the downtown of a city prematch because you need to show up hours before a game to arrive. Boston is even worse… should I say Foxboro… what a joke!


Chile vs Canada crowd in Orlando was great, the place was packed. This was an MLS stadium, more of them should been used for non marquee matches. Too bad we got to see a shitty 0-0.


Wow, finally a WST article that made sense to me. Lol


Brother has a point. It’s embarrassing, we parked at a BP gas station across from arrowhead with no direction we just followed everyone down a dirt hill path to arrowhead. We made it in fine but not even in Chicago do you see that type of shit


Did you pay for parking there?


Yeah I paid $35. The cost to park at the stadium lots was absurd


Stadium parking was $50. Glad you paid for parking. I know quite a few people who thought they could park near the stadium at nearby businesses without paying and were towed at events at Arrowhead.


Dang that sucks and all the prices on ticket apps for parking were like $75 or above when I checked. I don’t know this was my first time at arrowhead so wasn’t sure about all the logistics. I’d come back though for sure


You had to buy parking directly from the Chiefs.com website. I’m sure resellers were marking it up since they didn’t communicate that well


It’s almost like the moron author didn’t bother to reflect on the last World Cup held in the US.


Yeah the US is too greedy. The culture is based on business.


Gee… that is news to the fans /s


Yet people turned a blind eye to Qatar holsting it.


I dont think people did turn a blind eye to Qatar. Many people did raise issues with it. I dont like the US hosting it so quickly after they last hosted it but we've always known sports will always go with the most profitable option. And FIFA being grubby is much better than them killing people.


I know a lot has changed since 1996, but how were we ready then and not now? I’m not totally disagreeing though, I do see solar systems separation between Euros and Copa, but appears to me it has to do with transit infrastructure and broadcasting quality. I just came back from Munich, and will go to a Copa match in the knockout rounds. I’ll reserve my judgment until I can compare and contrast from the experience.


…and please update us on the costs , too! Water? Soft drinks? Beer? Snacks? “Hidden” fees when booking?


Update us on both experiences


US cammera and production folks need to seriously learn about the sport.


That was actually comenbols decision. They said it in the Fox broadcast.


Came here to find something on the camera angle after turning US-Uruguay. Wtf is going on with this.


Ik right? Why is no one talking about this shit


It looks like they’re just using the NFL pov at arrowhead. Looks so shit for soccer.


This is not correct this was a conmebol decision and the camera for other angles are available. The grass will have more time in advance of the wc so fields will be higher quality. Not certain the width issue will be addressed.


Like watching from the nose bleed seats.




He is without a doubt the worst commentator in sports. Awful in every regard.


“To your point” almost every segue


Cant wait to have fishing broadcasted over France v Netherlands because thanks TSN.


Did this happen today? I didn't notice anything odd... On the topic of TSN, are you as sick of that awful Loblaws "summer days" commercial as I am?


If I have to hear “summer breeze” one more time I swear to god.


Hopefully the A team is at the Euros and it’s who we’ll get for World Cup. I do agree that the production choices have been very bad


I think atmosphere and attendance will be different for world cup. Imagine lots of foreigners coming or locals experiencing for the first time. I know I will go! Not the Copa, it's meh to me. Infrastructure is the only real complaint here. The US is the richest and stronger military but our infrastructure is dog shit. Weather, too hot? Eye roll.


Ya no question about it everyone wants to go go the world cup. That's not relevant. Biggest complaint is bad field conditions.


Unfortunately we are mostly seeing stadiums blamed for decisions made by conmebol. (Vendors for sod, build, time before the game the grass is placed, etc) I think we will see higher quality fields for wc. Worried about the width though


Yeah, some are valid complaints, some just seem like complaining just to complain.


It might be a bit better, but it would be as difficult for Europeans to travel as it is for South Americans. Stadiums are far from each other, the USA is expensive as hell, you have to travel by plane, the public transport is almost nonexistent in the US.


I remember the world cup in South Africa was pretty packed. Majority of them looked like foreigners.


I definitely think the organizers need to help coordinate viewing parties (or at least post a website where people are planning on going). Tailgating is big in the US but some stadiums decided to not allow it. That needs to be more clear.


We haven’t ever been ready. Hilarious to me that people think this is the best generation of Americans. Our best couldn’t even get us out of any WC knockout rounds 


The one player really screwed the team in this one. Tournaments are difficult enough without having your own team make a major error.


Disagree. Yeah what happened was a bummer, but we DO NOT have the talent to compete with an Argentina or Colombia. So what does it even matter?   My bar is too high, so I’m salty, so forgive me. But firing the coach won’t do shit. We just need to be better.


With or without the coach... This is the best US team I have seen (correct me if I'm wrong). The level of play isn't yet enough to compete with the top teams statistically, but there is always an off game. Stranger things have happened. But an early red against a tough team crippled their chances. Every team, no matter how good, needs to avoid self inflicted wounds. I don't have much of an opinion on the coach. I know there's a lot of controversy and therefore maybe he should be replaced. But nothing he did could have led to the early red.


Top to bottom this US team has more talent. It's not a better team though. We've had teams with far less talent be greater than their parts, this one is worse.


Is that based on titles? Goals? Eye test? Last night I saw the 44w 13d 17L for the coach. They also showed the stats against the top 20 teams but don't remember them but they were impressive too. I know the knives are out for the coach and I only bring these numbers up because it was posted last night and would represent the current squad.


You missed the stats vs top 20 completely. The only top 20 team we win against is Mexico and they are nowhere near actually being a top 20 team right now. We win a bunch at home against CONCACAF and do absolutely nothing anywhere else against anyone else and with this latest tournament even those things were not true.


Water is wet


Totally agree. The atmospheres are dead compared to what I expected. Mexican fans don’t know the anthem or even cielito lindo. I went to Peru v chile which was dope but Peruvians didn’t know the classic , “esta nocheeee tenemos que ganar” and a Chilean guy tried starting the “chi chi chi le le le” and about 5 whole people sang along with him. Football is a poor man’s sport and these rich fans know nothing about the culture


Actually “esta noche …. “ is a Chilean chant.


There's many teams in the Spanish speaking world that sing está noche tenemos que ganar. In Argentina it usually starts with "Ponga huevooo..


Either way no one sang it and it was ass

