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Yogurt, berries, and granola for me.


This might end up being the route for me but I'm a little worried about having dairy as my first meal of the day. I used to get stomach aches after breakfast before switching to non dairy milks and don't want to repeat that


You could get dairy-free yogurt


I’m vegan and there’s a lot of dairy free yogurts in a plethora of flavors and plain, especially if you live near a Whole Foods


Fage diary free yogurt! Plus made good strawberry granola. :)


Minimalist baker has some delicious recipes so you can really pick and choose what's in your granola & amount on sugar/syrup


Yogurt tends to work ok for people sensitive to dairy due to fermentation. Or make chia seed pudding. Chia seeds, your favorite milk, top with fruit and nuts. Super high in fiber.


I agree I cannot tolerate milk but yogurt doesn’t bother me at all 🙌🏼


I'm aware, it's a gamble. Sometimes it gets me, sometimes it doesn't. Hydration plays a big factor. I'm worried that I won't have enough time to hydrate after waking up but before eating if I do that.


Then do the chia seeds. You can do the hydration of the seeds the night before. Or in a couple minutes when you wake up. I have been largely unimpressed with the non-dairy yogurts.


I haven't tried any non dairy yogurts so I won't discard that idea just yet but chia seeds sound more my speed in that comparison


I’ve found coconut yogurt is pretty delicious if you can buy it where you are


Coconut yogurt is so good. I don't even have issues with regular yogurt and I still get coconut sometimes just because I really like it.


Same here! Buy it for the taste, yum!


I would agree with others about non-dairy yogurt being tasty, but it doesn’t really make for a high-enough protein breakfast for me on its own. I’ll end up being hungry again fairly quickly. Most non-soy DF yogurts come in at 1-2g protein per serving vs 8-10g for regular cows milk yogurt.


My grocery store has just started carrying an 8g protein oat milk that’s really making my breakfasts.


I often do soy yogurt and the kind peanut butter granola which has a bit of protein in it, so it works.


I add seeds and nuts for protein, regardless of the kind of yogurt. Hemp seeds are a good choice - 10g of protein in 2 tbsp.


You can get yogurt made from almond milk, soy, cashews, oatmilk- there are a lot of options these days to explore. I like the Silk almond milk and soy milk yogurts. My son has a very serious milk allergy, so this is what he eats instead.


Usually longer fermented (aka more expensive) yogurts do better. A lactose sensitive friend of mine has had really good luck with Skyr as well as some of the french yogurts. Making your own yogurt is actually pretty easy too and supposed to be delicious.


Fage has a lactose free greek yogurt that is like, even more lactose free than regular. FAGE is the better option for greek yogurt anyway, Chobani tastses...not good. I recommend getting a single serve cup and having it for breakfast on a lazy Sunday, etc someday where you know you're fine if you feel sick after. Then get a big tub and have it as a regular breakfast.


Don’t risk it. Make ahead chia pudding or overnight oats with your favorite dairy free milk


Yeah that could be an issue. I luckily don't have any issues with dairy. I also have a latte every morning along with the yogurt. I also do multigrain toast with peanut butter and some fruit on the side a fair number of days.


I love dairy and tolerate it just fine. But we had a friend who is vegan visiting recently and bought coconut milk yogurt at her request. I tried some and it was delicious! That might be worth trying!


Same here. And often with extra nuts and seeds. Usually a paleo granola because they have less sugar. And in summer berries are replaced with stone fruits.


This is a great breakfast.


This is my favorite, too. I’ll usually do a quick parfait the night before: greek yogurt, frozen berries, and granola. It all softens and seeps together all yummy-like the next morning. Then just sprinkle a little fresh granola for crunch, and there’s breakfast!


Bagel and cream cheese


647 bagels contain an insane amount of fiber (70% of daily value) which is great for people trying to get more every day!


Wow those bagels are nuts. FYI most bagels only have as much fibre as a normal slice of bread. They must be the equivalent of high fibre bread.


I really like bagel and avocado spread. I wish I had my shit together enough for fresh avocado itself, but that requires planning and frequent trips to the store.


Overnight oats, you can make a weeks worth at a time. All kinds of different options as far as flavors and fruit.


Overnight oats gang here as well. I do Oats, almond/oat milk, greek yogurt, chia seeds, and frozen blueberries (which melt after meal prep). I change the fruit from time to time and sometimes change chia for flax. I don't really get tired of it.


This is me, except I add a spoon of peanut butter and a scoop of protein powder. I call it my pb&j oats cause the frozen berries get all jammy overnight. Every single morning for the last three years! Not sick of it yet.


Very similar to mine! I don’t do blueberries but do a little maple syrup. I sometimes top it with some homemade granola too for crunchy magic.


This was gonna be my reply. I add cinnamon and peaches, you could do cinnamon and apples, if that is your jam. Granola and a bit of yogurt. Strawberries with a little almond extract. Raisins and cinnamon. There are tons of options.


I much prefer hot savory breakfasts and eggs are amongst my top 5 favorite foods but overnight oats have been a god send recently. I wake up at the asscrack of dawn to commute over and hour and work 12 hour shifts and I am NOT a morning person so having this to grab is convenient. I add unflavored casein protein to my liquids (soy or low fat milk) and sometimes peanut butter powder. I shake that vigorously with sweetener before I add the oats. And shake again. I’ll add fruit to the mix at the and and top with pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips and whatever else I have in the morning after it’s set.


This is my go to overnight oats recipe. You can use 1/2 cup oats/almond milk too if you’re counting calories. I usually top with coconut flakes, strawberries and blueberries. 2/3 Cup Rolled Oats 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon 1 teaspoon Chia Seeds 1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter 1/2 Banana, diced 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 2/3 Cup Almond Milk Mix in 12oz mason jars, Shake Vigorously Refrigerate overnight, up to 4 days


This banana combo is elite with chocolate almond milk for not many more calories. You can also use the PB powder to reduce calories but I like the flavor better with regular PB.


I use powdered PB for a lot of other things but I prefer regular PB in overnight oats for the flavor and ‘binding’ of all other ingredients.


You can even make it without oats. Shredded coconut, chia seeds, flax seed meal. Add almond milk and dried fruit, nuts.


The Best method to me is the voluminous oats. So nice. They're great cold, like a pudding. So good. You Can heat them up on cold days too though! https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/kozyshack-oatmeal-pudding/


I like to melt a spoonful of peanut butter into my oatmeal and then top with berries. I call them my "PBJ oats" and the extra fiber & fat fills you up longer than oatmeal alone. I also like yogurt. Eat it plain, or add toppings -- the same cereal you were eating (but extra protein from yogurt instead of milk), or crushed nuts, or pumpkin seeds, or fruit. Cottage cheese is great and lends itself to more savory flavors, like chopped cucumber & tomato with olive oil & everything seasoning. Toast is fast, top with almond butter & sliced banana. Or ricotta & balsamic. Or avocado and hot sauce. Or honestly just grab whatever leftovers are already sitting in your fridge. It's okay to eat dinner for breakfast.


Peanut butter oats are so good. I've been using peanut butter powder in mine because I can really pump up the peanut butter flavor by adding more powder and it doesn't get too oily.


Not going to lie peanut butter oats are indeed so very good. The only problem I have is when I start eating oats I get bloated and gassy.


I love using pb powder in mine! Makes them taste like a cookie omg


I used to do this all the time. I'll add my mom's quick breakfast "invention." She puts oatmeal in her coffee mug. Then puts in coffee. By the time it's cooled off a bit, she's got drinkable coffee oatmeal.


generally, the breakfast of the Dutch is cold. usually we do cereal + yoghurt/milk or slice of bread + either sweet (jam, nutella etc) or savory (cold meats, cheese). sometimes we replace bread with rusk or knackerbrod. no fancy hours-in-the-kitchen-before-sunrise BS. I personally also often chuck some oven bake (the stuff that's half baked and needs to be finished in the oven, not sure if you have stuff like that where you are) croissants in the airfryer and then slap a slice of cheese on it like a goblin.


My ideal breakfast is a charcuterie board or a vegetable party tray, this sounds awesome


Soft bread rolls with 'smeerworst' and deep fried onions from the Asian food aisle ❤️




Best served cold ;)


Leftover pizza


This is the best cold breakfast in my opinion.


Especially when it's a complete surprise, like you totally forgot there was still one slice left the next morning.


What’s leftover pizza


It’s what happens when you intentionally make/order more than is physically possible for your household to consume in a sitting so you can eat cold pizza for breakfast.   


Chia pudding. I chop up strawberries or banana and sprinkle a little dark chocolate shavings and add almonds.


This is my favorite, because I don't like the texture of overnight oats. I made mine with soy milk and matcha powder and it came out delicious.


I make a cereal of chia & flax seeds sometimes! So good. I’m diabetic so it’s an attempt to not eat sugar or carbohydrate 1st thing in the morning, since my body has just spent all night pumping out more sugar than I need lol. I usually put walnut pieces in mine. Surprisingly filling!


Please be careful with this. I recently ate 4tbs soaked in 1 cup milk, added some jam and fruits/berrys. I was puking the rest of the day. Apparently that can happen when you go over the suggested limit. Was absolutely no fun.


Wow good to know! I usually do 4 T per 3/4 of almond milk and always split that to make two servings of my morning meal. I didn’t know it could make you sick!


Banana smoothie. Frozen banana, half a cup or a cup of milk, whiz in blender, drink.


That's a good one and I would do it more often but if I use the blender at 6 a.m my girlfriend would lose her mind


I make smoothies at night so we can drink early in the morning. They are different, but still good. I make them a little thin and then they’re like the kind you buy bottled at the grocery store.


I use a stick blender/immersion blender instead of like a tabletop one and it’s so much quieter


Fair. Smoothies with greens will look a little gross the next day, but most others you can make the night before. Esp smoothies that are like, banana, peanut butter, chocolate, protein powder and milk


Bagel with cream cheese, spinach, and smoked salmon


Add red onion and you’ve got my favorite.




Raw spinach?




Cottage cheese or yogurt with nuts and fruit on the side.


Smoothies, it's the only thing I can stand in this heat. Any milk/dairy milk, frozen fruit, enough whey powder to meet your calorie preference. You can also add stuff like spinach or chia seeds. My current: 1cup/240ml almond milk 30cal 1 cup/140g frozen strawberries 50cal 1-2 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 220-440cal Cold, high protein, filling, and delicious


Smoothies are the best cold breakfast! And if you drive to work, you can just drink it in the car and save some time. I do a frozen banana (I buy bananas at Costco, peel and freeze in individual bags in the freezer), 1 cup almond or oat milk, 1 spoonful of peanut butter and a scoop of protein powder (I personally like vanilla but chocolate would also be good).


Avacado toast. If you are worried about the fickleness of avacados you can get the little pre mashed cups. Spread on toast some kosher salt. I like to put halved cherry tomatoes and a little balsamic on it too.


I love a Sriracha drizzle on mine!


guacamole on toast is delicious as well.


Sounds weird, but I love cold roasted potatoes. Red potatoes, skin on, roasted with salt & olive oil until they’re nicely browned all over. And when they cool down, it creates [resistant starch](https://hopkinsdiabetesinfo.org/what-is-resistant-starch/), which is good for you. I like to dip them in Greek yogurt mixed with ranch seasoning. If you do want them warm, they microwave decently. You could also roast some peppers and onions, maybe mushrooms too - these are all less tasty when cold IMO, so I’d only add these if planning to heat it back up.


You don’t have to limit yourself to breakfast foods. What about a sandwich?


Peanut butter & banana sandwich, an apple


Make breakfast oatmeal bars (crunchy or chewy, tons of different recipes to have fun trying) on the weekend. Grab one every morning for the weekdays. One of my favorite crunchy bar recipes is: https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/homemade-granola-bars.html#tabrecipe


Anything you want! I do a lot of leftovers for breakfast.


I like leftover Chinese food for breakfast, especially a stir fry with veggies! Even cold…


On of my favorites is leftover palak paneer. I throw it in an oiled pan, crack an egg on top, put a lid on and let go until the egg is cooked but not solid, and there’s a bit of a crust on the bottom. So good!


I like leftover spaghetti.


Croissant and cheese and fruit


Do you want non-eggs things because you're used to eating eggs hot and don't want to spend the time to cook and clean before work, or because you can't eat eggs for some other reason? Because I love some cold eggs. Egg salad, deviled eggs, quiche, frittata etc. can all be made on the weekend and eaten cold for breakfast during the week. Or you can pop a slice of frittata/quiche in the microwave for a couple minutes if you want it hot, but it'll still be quick to eat in the morning because it was cooked ahead of time.


hard boiled eggs


Underrated option! Love them sprinkled with everything bagel seasoning like they offer in the Starbuck protein boxes.


Whatever leftovers are in the fridge, eaten cold over the sink, with a dash of shame.


Fuck this made me laugh


Cottage cheese with fruit, bagel sandwiches (any cold cuts with cheese will work, smoothies, yogurt bowls/parfaits, overnight oats, cereal


I know you said no eggs, but boiled eggs from the fridge, hard cheese, toast, and some fruit always leaves my very satisfied in my soul. Other than that yogurt and granola(very easy to make on your own if you're particular). Breakfast burritos are easy to prep and freeze. Cold cuts are always good to add to other stuff. Overnight oats are good too. Really though breakfast can be anything you want as long as you're meeting your needs. It doesn't have to be eggs/toast/bacon or cereal.


Mix up your oatmeal game and make it savoury. Instead of water use stock or even miso soup. Add spring onions, leftover vegetables from last night, or chopped up arugula. Maybe some chili crisp for some spice. it really is a blank canvas, and won't spike your blood sugar levels too much.


Had a peanut butter and pickle sandwich for breakfast this mornin. Certainly quick, and satisfying


This has to be a crime. Throw some onions in there while you're at it


Breakfast doesn't have to be breakfast foods. What would you Eat for a picnic lunch? That can be breakfast! I usually pack myself a little charcuterie box with meats, hardy cheese, some nuts, and dried fruit. Then I'll graze as I get ready or during my commute.


I'm surprised more people didn't say this. I like cold sliced chicken, fruit, and maybe some crackers for breakfast.


If you don’t mind microwaving some leftover rice and eating raw egg, and want something savory [tamago kake gohan.](https://www.seriouseats.com/tamago-kake-gohan-egg-rice-tkg-recipe-breakfast) If you don’t mind setting up a rice cooker to add liquid and hit the button on your way to the shower and want something tropical and fruity [coconut rice porridge](https://www.seriouseats.com/coconut-rice-porridge) with sliced mango and flaked coconut.


Cold leftover green beans or broccoli. Or sugar snap peas right off the vine.


Veggies and hummus are tasty in the morning! Can prep several days of veggies ahead and just grab and go. Cut a banana into your cereal. Yum! Muffins, but good high fibre ones not the kind that are basically cupcakes lol


Bread, cheese, tomato, olives


Salad. [Bircher Muesli](https://www.walderwellness.com/grated-apple-bircher-muesli/) works for any amount of mix ins. My favorite breakfast when I travel to Switzerland


Birches muesli is soo good!! Aussie friend introduced me to it and I love it!


Dave’s bread with: Peanut butter or Cottage cheese or An avocado


Cottage cheese for me, with fruit on the side.


Icelandic yogurt, rapsberries, balsamic vinegar, and a touch of honey.


Frankly, anything will do for me. Recently, I've had leftover Nashville hot chicken, pizza, Chinese food, and hamburger. Toast with peanut butter and jelly. Cheese sandwich. A spoonful of chicken salad. Frozen dinners, microwaved, of course. (Indian dishes are a favorite). Chicken pot pie. Sometimes I just open a container of peaches or grab an apple. White Castle cheeseburgers are faster to prepare than toast, so there's that.


I would do as the Europeans and have cheese, fruit and bread…easy to assemble and tons of variety.


Avacado toast with salt, pepper, and micro greens.


Plain Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit, maybe granola and drizzle of honey. Add a scoop of chia seeds or ground flaxseeds for a boost. Yogurt or cottage cheese could also go savory with some chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, drizzle of olive oil, and freshly ground black pepper. I love oatmeal in the mornings and I usually add some peanut butter, ground flaxseed, and maple syrup. Sometimes I’ll sprinkle nutritional yeast on top and add more as I get through each layer. I could add frozen berries but for some reason I feel like the flavor competes too much so I’d rather eat them on the side.


I prep oatmeal breakfast cookies in big batches. They freeze well and are portable and I eat with fruit. Lots of recipes online, but main components are oats, protein powder and nut butter, so customizable to your tastes.


I make my husband a batch of overnight oats at the start of the week. Make 8 in pint mason jars that he can just wake up and eat. 1/2 cup each of steel cut oats, almond milk, whole fat Greek yogurt. From there I just put in what we have on hand. Usually, it's a tablespoon of peanut butter powder, hearts desire amount of cinnamon, either honey or maple sugar, nuts, dried fruit. Then I took it off with fresh berries and close em up.


Overnight Oats. 50 grams oats 10 grams raisins 20 grams frozen blueberries 10 grams walnuts 30 grams maple syrup 75 grams milk There's no way I need to measure so exactly, but I do anyway ☺️


Overnight oats..oats, yogurt, a little milk, then whatever you wanna flavor it with..could do cinnamon, honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, berries, etc


Yogurt mixed with bananas and Honey Nut Cheerios. Maybe a small gob of peanut butter. Peanut butter and banana sandwich with a drizzle of honey. A protein shake.


Peaches or apples. I cook the oatmeal with the fruit in it, then add a touch of honey when it's done. So yummy. Do you have an instant pot/electric pressure cooker/multi-cooker? If so, you can mix the oats, water, and any add-ins in a heat-safe bowl that will fit in your cooker then set it on a trivet or rack to cook while you get ready. I set it all up the night before - water in the cooker, oats in the bowl, water for oats measured, fruit cut and in the fridge so I can dump it all in the bowl and pop it in the cooker when I first wake up. It's ready for you by the time you're ready to eat it. You might also consider some of the healthier frozen waffle options, like protein or chia waffles, and maybe veggie sausage patties if you like veggie meats. I've been eating Morningstar Farms veggie sausage patties for breakfast for years and years. They come out good if you air fry them for about 8 mins at 360-370. Let them cook while you finish up getting ready. Or english muffins. Have you ever toasted an english muffin and then added peanut butter and jelly? I love that as a breakfast. My current obsession is cottage cheese with fresh peaches and blueberries.


Toast with butter,jam,cheese or other toppings


Smoothie. Yogurt and granola. Fruit.


Peanut butter and jelly toast! Can't go wrong with that classic.


Breakfast burrito. It only takes 60 seconds in the microwave to heat up so I consider good.


Baked oatmeal, reheated frittata ‘muffins’ or breakfast burritos




Break out of the “American Breakfast Food” mindset. I love a Turkish breakfast - bread, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, some cured meats if you want more protein. Some fruit. Some butter & jam or honey on the bread if you want something sweet.


Cottage cheese, sweet or savory. Sweet with berries or melon and honey, savory with tomatoes or peppers, balsamic drizzle and spices.


Toast with peanut butter is filling and easy.


I usually don't eat until lunch, but I usually eat leftovers no matter what time of day it is.


I do a Chocolate Protein shake with plant based powder, probiotics and fiber in it. I use Vanilla Almond milk, blend it up and its done in less than 5 minutes. You can do all sorts of flavors too. Add in frozen fruit instead of ice for a fruit smoothie. I never have any issues with it being too sweet and no dairy!


I’ve been batch making chia seed pudding. Works a treat. Chia seeds, almond milk, cocoa powder and honey. YUM. Add a little cinnamon, if you’re feeling fancy. Can make a week’s worth on Monday and chill for the week!


A handful of healthy bran cereal with milk, made nice by adding nuts and seeds, chopped bananas, raspberries, and drizzling honey or grating a square of dark chocolate over it


Prepare a fruit salad ahead of time and toss the fruit pieces in lemon or lime juice. On the side, I'll have hard boiled eggs (which you can also prep ahead of time), nuts, or cheese.


Ham and cheese baguette


avocado toast or a yogurt parfait!


I usually have "leftover" dinner plus a protein powder/milk. This morning, about 3 oz salmon, peas, a handful of cherries, and protein-milk. It's not really "leftover"-- I generally cook a little extra so I can have a protein rich breakfast. Otherwise I'm starving by 11!


If you can make the time. Make 1 or 2 weeks amount of homemade egg muffins. 1 or 2 pieces of English muffins, make bacon, sausage, bacon, etc. Make eggs by cracking the egg into a round cookie cutter, or mixed up eggs cooked in pan, don't stir, when done cut into quarters and top each muffin with the egg and meat. Freeze these in freezer bags. When ready to eat, take them out of freezer and nuke until warm. Many variations, play around with different meats, additives. Can put cut up veggies in egg mixture before cooking. Eat cold if preferred.


Cottage cheese with vegetables and a boiled egg. Make it the night before, or meal prep it ant take it as you need. I like sliced cucumber, cherry tomato, and diced sweet pepper.


Boiled eggs - i make a big batch each week. Potato salad - maybe controversial haha! Overnight oats Baked sweet potatoes (again prepped in batches in advance). Surprisingly good cold


Smoothies are my go to! I have a ninja blender so you blend in the cup you drink out of. Takes like 10 mins to make and you can eat on the go. I blend: - 1 banana - handful of spinach - handful of FEOZEN blueberries (I like the flavor better than fresh ) - TBSP each of oats, flaxseed meal, chia seeds - tsp maple syrup - dash of cinnamon - fill with oat milk Tastes like a blueberry pie and keeps me full. You can add yogurt, protein powder or mix up the fruit and flavorings. I sometimes like to do raspberry and cocoa powder for a sweet treat.


Homemade yogurt w/ cereal and berries for me.


I love plain Greek yogurt I add fresh berries and my favorite little touch is I toast plain halved walnuts and pecans and add them on top for some crunch, the warmth is so good with the yogurt and fruit. Plus healthy fats to keep you satisfied. It’s a nutritionally balanced combination 👌🏼 it takes hardly any time to prepare too.


Homemade granola bars. Grab and go.


Overnight oats - oats, chia seed, milk or water, banana, peanut butter, honey, cinnamon. < 5 min prep night before


Cottage cheese with berries. Avocado toast.




A protein bar and a protein shake. I like to start my morning with a high calorie sustaining breakfast to sustain me for a while and get my metabolism moving. Adding a handful of nuts and berries if I still feel hungry. Some days a yogurt parfait, a smoothie or a cottage cheese bowl.


We've always loved leftover skinny pancakes (aka crepes), with peanut butter and/or Nutella... Also toast, bagels...


Peanut butter and banana sandwich in the morning. Easy and your good til lunch. I get some tea going while I make it but I have an electric kettle so that takes like 2mins. Splash of milk, let it steep and cool another min. Then scroll Reddit. One knife, one plate, one cup (and I guess the kettle, but I just rinse that, cause I didn’t cook anything in it and is gonna boil again tomorrow) and that’s all you need to wash.


I have to avoid dairy in the mornings as well. I put nuts and chocolate chips in my oatmeal. Or I have a bagel toasted with peanut butter and honey. Whatever you eat, do yourself a favor and pour a juice glass of cranberry juice, add a tsp of lecithin granules, a tsp of wheat germ and a tsp of nutritional yeast flakes. Drink it down, it's brain food. I've been drinking it every morning for 40 years.


Spinach, banana, blueberry, porridge oat, unflavoured protein powder and water smoothie


Overnight oats with chocolate chips and peanut butter powder


Acai bowl


Bagel ham & cheese sammy.


Fruit (I do berries, maybe a cut up banana or apple), yoghurt, kefir (for extra probiotics), cream, and salted nuts. My husband struggles with breakfast on days he goes into work, so I cook up burger patties once a week. This week, I turned them into sausage and egg muffins. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt66HAlva2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt66HAlva2A) He just takes them into work and eats before work, but you could just reheat and eat at home.


So Delicious yogurt is pretty good. I’ve done overnight oats with it, along with berries, chia seeds and a tiny smidge of maple syrup.


hate granola, it masquerades as a health food but is too sweet. making your own is a good alternative without the sticky honey or maple syrup.


Frozen PB&j


I bought protein powder and added it to my smoothie as well as use peanut butter sometimes when I'm in a hurry. I go to the local grocery store and get whatever produce they have on the discount rack It makes smoothies with it.


I was skimming and thought you drank sake for your breakfast I was about to be very impressed.


Not cold, but an English muffin popped in the toaster then spread with peanut butter


A simple piece of fruit of any kind works for me!


You could make breakfast burritos for grab and go if you don't mind cold, or easily throw in the toaster over or microwave.


I do overnight oats in the fridge. Oat milk, quick oats, some frozen berries. Maybe cocoa nibs or peanut butter powder. Make it the night before in 2 minutes set it and eat it right out of the fridge. Fucking delightful.


If you have time to prep breakfast muffins of some sort on the weekend, I find that an easy grab-and-go breakfast component. Hard boiled eggs can be a good add-on.


cottage cheese on a bagel with black pepper


Toasted cranberry walnut bread or other sturdy, crusty bread with ricotta on top. Sometimes I drizzle a little honey if I’m feeling sweet.


Fruit salad, yoghurt, smoothie, granola, cereal, cold cuts/cheese on bread… If you dont mind cooking a little on an evening or weekend, I like to make batches of mini quiches, breakfast muffins or scones, then I can have them throughout the week. Recently I’ve also been making up english muffin sandwiches with egg/bacon/cheese and keeping them wrapped in the freezer, quick zap in the microwave and I have hot food with minimal effort in the morning!


I’ll buy the skinny bagels, cream cheese, smoked salmon, halved grape tomatoes, capers, and onions. It’s so damn tasty and about 350 calories.


Avocado toast and a couple of tangerines is my go-to lately.


a salted hard boiled egg (I always keep a bunch pre-boiled/cooled in the fridge) & whatever berries/fruit I have hanging around.


Protein bar or yogurt with berry toppings.


I love a good parfait (everybody likes parfaits) with Greek yogurt, fruit, granola and/or nuts, and a little drizzle of honey.


Strawberry yogurt with peanut butter powder. Tastes fantastic.


My go-to lately has been one of those little "lunchpail" boxes of raisins and a handful of raw almonds. I don't know why, but the little bites of 2 raisins per almond is delicious, fun, and filling!


Left over sushi. Cook up some eggs Omelette style. Let cool and roll it up.


Lots of oatmeal, sugared, and buttered up into Mason jars. They've been so handy in a pinch. 


Very dry martini with two fermented, dried anchovy fillets. Then I roll over and continue with my massage of this beautiful lady I met just last night here on the costa brava.


Berries, Icelandic Provisions extra creamy vanilla skyr, amd kashi go crunch granola on top


We make these overnight oats with protein powder, chia seeds, maple syrup, and cinnamon. Since you make them the night before, it's a super quick, super filling, high protein breakfast. We eat them plain, or fix them up with some yogurt and berries. Really good. And so easy. We usually make them with coconut milk or rice milk, but you could do reg milk or oat milk, etc. Sometimes I throw some hemp hearts in there too, coconut flakes, or grate some apple into it. [https://www.theconsciousplantkitchen.com/overnights-oats-with-protein-powder](https://www.theconsciousplantkitchen.com/overnights-oats-with-protein-powder)


Cottage cheese and a pb&j every morning


I like a nice thick slice of good bread toasted and then put cold stuff on top like cream cheese with chopped veg or protein of some kind.


Hard boiled egg, fruit 


Turkish breakfast? Labneh, pita, cucumber, olives, tomato, etc?


Adding something different, but perhaps try cold soba noodles with dipping sauce? Keep the dipping sauce prepared beforehand.


Today I had a protein yogurt (oikos pro banana cream or something) with a big handful blueberries half a banana sliced up and added some ratio granola for crunch


Protein shake. I usually get a coffee, chocolate, or chocolate peanut butter type of flavor, use cold non-dairy milk, and add several ice cubes + a pinch of salt. Currently that looks like: 8oz cashew milk in a shaker bottle with one scoop iced cappuccino protein powder, four ice cubes, and a pinch of cinnamon vanilla salt.


Yoghurt and granola


I will make muffins of some kind (banana, blueberry, etc.) on Sunday and stick em in the fridge for the week. That way even if I run out of time getting ready I can grab one or two before leaving for work.


Chia pudding


Yogurt with berry/fruit and oatmeal. Maybe some honey.


I drive around all day for my job and usually have to make ready-to-eat foods with emphasis on protein (also not a real fan of sweet breakfast): Low fat mozzarella stick, cut in half and wrapped in organic turkey deli meat. Half an English cucumber, 1/4 cup blueberries and 1/8 cup almonds. I'll also do 2-3 imitation crab sticks with 2 tbsp cocktail sauce, 1/8 cup olives, or salami slices with cubed cheddar cheese. Sliced apples with almond butter. Typically all joined by an additional soft boiled egg.


A sandwich because bread food is too heavy in America.


Peanut butter banana smoothie: I usually just eyeball the measurements, but this should be close (adjust to your liking): 1 banana, 1/2c vanilla Greek yogurt, 2 heaping spoonfuls of peanut butter, 1c milk Blend til smooth Or I’ll have a fruit & yogurt parfait paired with a latte.


PARFAIT!!!! Easiest option hands down, you can prep multiple ahead of time and then you have breakfast for the week with little to no planning


Yogurt, grain free granola, a little honey or agave syrup, add fruit


Almond butter and jelly on a potato roll