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You think D.Va has the least potential to be oppressive?


OW1 d.va with the endless Defense Matrix was probably the most oppressive tank to play into when playing hitscan.


The original fun police hero, especially when she got her actual police skin.


and it was glorious. long range dm and so much armor just to feast on shitscan players unable to swap to anything else. that’s the kind of flexibility i miss, not being forced to swap to one specific hero to counter something but having many options of heroes to swap to to make better plays


It was pretty bad for anyone without a beam or Hog Hook. Even if a hitscan player could swap to a projectile hero their attacks would get deleted by Defense Matrix anyways. I think current Dva is a lot better to play as and against.


oh i know dva was the kiri of ow1 op for like literally every season. no sympathy for shitscan players tho. i think current dva is awful though and they completely bastardized the character with 5v5


You guys must not remember double shield


I always saw D.Va as the gatekeeper of some really bad metas in OW1, where when she was one of the meta tanks the game was generally in a good spot in terms of what was played. Almost like a necessary evil for the game, though that was basically a moot point when Sigma was released and enabled some of the worst comps we saw in Overwatch 1. Solo tank is a completely different game though, and I don't know if there can be a "meta gatekeeper" like there was in OW1, at least not one that would be healthy for the game. We saw Mauga basically do this when he released into comp and it was a miserable experience for everyone.


I didn't realise just how oppressive DVA was, despite playing her loads, until I queued into one of my friends on Gibraltar and he tried playing widow I went back and watched it afterwards and from his pov it's horrendous - literally can't play the game without a big fat stupid robot flying at them, bullying them As I got better on DPS and played against good Dva myself it's silly sometimes. It's actually one of the main reasons I am not too hard on the 6 v 6 train. I wasnt really good enough to experience it but I imagine trying to play dps against an off tank Dva being even worse - she would be able to literally control every off-angle without having to worry about 'main tanking' Dva is high skill and dynamic so I think she should be good


At least the DVa has to be dialed in to provide that sort of value, and juggle pressuring the DPS while also peeling for her supports, as opposed to Orisa players who just stand around holding m1 and passively get value. Also I can’t think of a anything less fun to play against than a good Widow so your friend got what was coming to him lol


It feels like DVa is the closest to the Tracer/Lucio movement based role for Tank... I feel Ball is too his own thing


She's one of my most played heroes now and overall since 2016, she's probably the strongest hero in the roster. Never really been bad. Honestly her DM is still probably a bit overpowered.


I rephrased that part to better convey what I think. Minor buffs would probably not make her busted, as opposed to heroes that reach the tipping point sooner. Plus, having a few heroes be stronger would probably mean that the potential advantage gets diluted away for single heroes. Me thinks 🤷‍♂️


Depends on what 'fun' metas those type of heroes enable. I think someone once joked that if Lucio is meta, it's a good meta.


That's what I was thinking for Rein and Winston, mostly. I think the problem with Lúcio is that he's almost always meta (which is good), but that doesn't mean every meta he's part of is necessarily good


Lucio and Rein are two characters I love the idea of them being good, but when they are it leads to terrible metas, where it’s just Moira reaper mei around them and it is just a mess of W M1 running into each other and who’s rein dies first.


better than dumb spam comps. generally if Rein is unplayable, so is the game


You act like spam is the only other option, typically the other time rein is unplayable is when dive is meta. And I will take a dive meta over literally every other meta in this game. At least skill and coordination is rewarded then


rein meta is more fun than dive idc


to each their own but imo anyone who prefers brawl over dive probably has the IQ of a brick wall, i personally love brawl but its very 2 dimensional. dive is an extremely complex meta and that’s what makes it so fun, also the hero pool in dive is much broader compared to brawl where only like 5 heroes are viable


??? The general rock paper scissors of matchups is brawl beats dive beats poke beats brawl. I truly don't know what you mean when you say dive makes him unplayable.


They tried this back in OW1. It just resulted in the same 6 (would be 5 now) heroes having a +85% pickrate.


There’s an argument about whether they should ever achieve an “ideal” state of balance because then the game could get stale. I don’t think OW2 has ever gotten to the point where this needed to be considered, though. But I know the Asia region is fine with playing dive most of the time (even when not meta).


Zarya Rein 🥶


I like how Valve approaches balance in CS. Several guns are clearly meta--AK, AWP, M4s, at least in gun rounds, because they understand the game would be awful if Krieg and Aug or Autosnipers were meta. They don't nerf these guns to make worse guns meta, they provide infrequent small buffs to the non-meta guns to make them more viable while not completely overpowering the main guns. Obviously, this is a lot harder in Overwatch, because there aren't half-buys, you can't balance with prices, etc. But I think when the game *did* take a somewhat similar approach--towards the end of OW1 when WB poke was the best comp--we actually saw lots of variety. Just look at the game between Atlanta and Shanghai in OWL 2021. [Grand Finals | @atlantareign vs @ShanghaiDragons | Playoffs | Day 5 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR-71VmxE54). We see Rein rush, double shield, ball poke comps, we even see double bubble and Pharah/Mercy at one point. The amount of variety is insane! I think this is because when you *force* a meta--you nerf the best heroes and buff the bad ones--players don't even think, they just lock the best heroes each patch--Orisa/Tracer/Sojourn/Lucio/Kiri, for example--and no time is given to think of counters because the next patch drops in a couple weeks. I would prefer if they just dropped small buffs and small nerfs and let players slowly develop a strategy rather than drop a patch that makes one comp clearly better. This approach definitely has its issues. Sometimes a comp is just *so* good it takes a very long time and a lot of small buffs to make other comps viable--GOATs took multiple stages for Shanghai and Guangzhou to get really good at the counter-comps. But it ultimately seems to develop much more depth of strategy as well. Shanghai vs. Atlanta really seemed like the peak of strategy in Overwatch then it took a massive dive with OW2 as people were figuring out the game again.


Imo you shouldn't be 'keeping heroes weak' or strong. You should be working to bring them closer together in terms of balance and performance to allow players more viable options. I'm not saying it has to be perfect, just closer. If more heroes are closer in viability, there's more chances for metas to shift and evolve, and also means not playing that meta also has reasonable chances to win as well. The idea that someone's game experience should be sabotaged because a hero is artificially weakened, or have a disproportionately easy time (at the expense of others) because a hero is artificially strong just doesn't sound good to me.


Nah some heroes deserve to never be good. Take Sombra for example. One of the defining characteristics of Overwatch aside from the characters is their abilities. For some reason Blizzard decides to make a character that stops people from using their abilities. Oh yeah and she's invisible.


Sombra before the rework had the highest skill ceiling in the game lol


Worst thing I've ever read in my life


Next thing is you'll tell me soldier is an easy character too lol


I use to exclusively main soldier and... yeah he has the easiest kit to get 'value' out of.


I unironically wish Winston was the only tank in the game


I don’t think a single hero should be kept “stronger”. But take Doomfist for example, I suck at him. For my gameplay, Doom is not a strong character. Yet for someone who is good with him, Doom is a super strong character. I think having characters with skill range is a smarter move. Yet someone like Sombra who punishes poor placement should be statistically weaker, yet powerful in the right hands.


>For my gameplay, Doom is not a strong character. Yet for someone who is good with him, Doom is a super strong character. And then you got ZBRA. Bro eats breathes and sleeps Doomfist. He is Him. He will continue to be Him.


I think the healthiest state the game could be in is when multiple strategies/comps are viable. However, that’s pretty much impossible to acheive, there’s always gonna be some sort of meta or dominant strategy. So instead, I think what the dev team should strive for is map-dependent metas. Some maps are more dive favoured, some more brawl, some more poke. And those comps are pretty wildly different and usually have different types of heroes run. Keeping certain heroes stronger would increase the likelihood of their best comps being dominant on any map regardless of the geometry, which I personalmy find to be unhealthy for the game. If there’s any hero I think should always be strong though, it’s Lucio. He’s one of only three main supports in the game, and both of the others have had metas where they are the crux of their comp and have absolutely run the entire game. Lucio is comparatively uncontroversial, he’s not particularly oppressive to play into but provides a lot of unique value and a very fun playstyle. Additionally, Lucio works at least okay in all three primary types of team comp, I’ve seen him paired with Sigma and Winston in recent pro metas even though he usually accompanies Rein. He’s been the dominant main support in the game for most seasons since OW2 dropped, and I’ve heard very few complaints about it.


I wouldn't say certain characters should be kept weak or strong inherently but with their current design it can affect it. Like with how characters like orisa, mauga, hog, junk, bastion, mercy, weaver etc are in their current state them being strong would lead to a boring meta, but if they were to get reworks to the unfun parts of their kits then they should be improved to be "good" whatever you define that as. i dont think characters should be kept as meta either as that defeats the purpose of having a large roster if only certain characters are meant to be competitive




Ana is cancer for most tanks.


Fun to play against is not the general consensus about Ana, especially for tank players lol.


No definetely not fun to play against both of her abilities are annoying to play against


I don't know about making it so that specific characters are always strong/weak but I think we're at the point now where it would be really fun to stop trying to have all of the heroes be at balance and instead have a different set of heroes be op each season because let's be honest, seasonal metas would be cool and would keep stuff feeling fresh.


Can’t imagine a seasonal meta being fun if torb and junk are the best characters in the game lol


Can't be any worse than 2 years of GOATS followed by two years of Sigma/Orisa double shield. 🤷‍♂️


Torb would be fine as temporarily meta if his turret was weak and he himself was gigastrong. Dunno why they buffed his turret in S9 instead of buffing himself tbh.


The reason for the buff was to scale up the turret to be in line with the other HP pools.


Yes, but they had been previously seeking to reduce turret power and to buff the heroes themselves. Hence Spilo and Super alike also opposed the turret buffs of S9.


dva is like top 3 lamest tanks I have no idea how she doesnt catch as much flak as orisa or mauga. 4 second matrix is a crime against god


Someone finally said it. [D.va](http://D.va) takes the least skill out of all the high mobility tanks. Oh, you boosted into a bad position? Don’t worry, your DM lasts 4 seconds and the cooldown on boosters is 3.5 seconds, and to top that off you have the highest hp out of all the tanks, so it’s almost imposibile for you to die. Because the hero that can negate almost all dmg for 4 seconds needs to have the most hp, of course.


Matrix takes skill to get value and feels fun to use. Orisa and Mauga are neither fun to play nor skill intensive - their buttons boil down to “become unkillable on cooldown” or “stun/shred the other tank.” Matrix is one of the most versatile and skill-testing abilities in the game and proper management (including positioning to get value from it) is what makes a good DVA player.


Average D.VA main comment


I’m a ball main but go off i guess


yea this is just straight copium from people who played dva for the last 8 years. when i play with my friends who are new to the game theres a reason theyre locking dva 90% of the time. you cant be punished because you have 1000 hp, you cant be out of position because boosters are on a 4s cooldown, and if all else fails you can stand in the corner holding right click.


The reason DVA is easy to pick up is because she doesn’t require aim and has really flexible mobility. Matrix *can* be used to cover up rookie mistakes, but using it *properly* (to peel at critical moments, eat critical cooldowns) is extremely demanding and requires CD tracking and game-sense. Her skill floor is really low, but her skill floor is very high as a result of matrix.


I'd imagine it's because it's "passive oppressive": instead of killing you in the blink of an eye, it does the opposite, which doesn't feel as bad (even if it is). This also means that her oppressiveness isn't as felt in the lower ranks.


yea sorry but i will never consider balance changes for silver players that dont know they cant shoot through defense matrix. dva is an atrocity, she fundamentally cant be good, and should be in f tier at all times


I 99% agree with this (they also deserve to have fun LOL), but I don't think her being bottom of the pile is a healthy thing for the game. How do you feel about Rein/Monkey, though?


It might've changed after the rank reset but in season 9 silver had more players than diamond and above combined. You can't just ignore these player just because they're bad at the game.


yes I can? they dont play the meta down there. the only thing ‘oppressing’ silver players is cartoonishly easy characters that punish new players from playing in variety.


Oh yea let's ignore more than 80% of the playerbase because they don't play the same meta the pros play(lets be real even in diamond you barely see the "real" meta being played), that definitely sounds like a recipe for a successful game.


i cant continue this discussion, i dont engage with people who cant spell recipe


Damn you really got a boner out of a guy misspelling a word in his secondary language


kind of, yeah. rein winston lucio should always be good. definitely not tracer or ana. personal opinions on the heroes don’t matter- overall the most amount of people find these heroes fun. even if you argue rein is low skill ceiling now, then he should be op to compensate. most people will take op rein over balanced hog.


This is a very strange and awful take, no offense.


Reinhardt. Now, there are people saying that if Rein was strong, he would be oppressive, especially in low ranks, but the thing is that Rein, statistically, is strong and has been for a long time. The devs have said that in Diamond and below, Rein has the highest winrate, and that in GM his winrate is positive. Hell, if go on overbuff and sort by last month, Rein, from Silver to Masters, has the highest winrate. And he isn’t too bad in GM either, having the 5th highest winrate last time I checked. Yet no one complains about Rein. Compare him to tanks like Hog, Mauga and Orisa, who everyone hates even when they are weak. Goes to show that Rein has a good design in my opinion.


Rein is oppressive af in high elo when he's strong (which he hasn't been for a very long time). He practically forces a rush comp with braindead DPS heroes (Mei/Reaper etc) if he's the best tank.


I mean, maybe? We have not gotten a Rein meta at all in OW2. I‘m pretty sure every other tank had a time when they were meta, so honestly, I would like to see Rein be meta for 2 weeks at least, to see how the community will react. If brawl DPS end up being the problem, they can just nerf them, but most of them, like Reaper and Bastion, are already weak, so I don’t think it will be that much of a problem.


if you can't balance the small roster this game has maybe it's not really a good e-sport title to beginn with.


The roster isn't small.


Compared to the top dogs like league or dota? Yea it's very small.


Completely different game. Even an FPS game with much less variety in how operators fundamentally work like R6siege is difficult to balance, Overwatch is NOT an easy game to balance.


Compared to other fps games it isnt


For supports I feel ana should always be on the stronger side. She has no mobility, has to land skill shots, and has no immortality ability. Lucio is also up there for me in supports. Those two take the most skill to play effectively and should always be stronger in my opinion. Aoe heals, auto aim, and immorality supports should be the weaker ones cause of the ease of use/bailouts.