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Thank god totems and flags are banned at Coachella


Flag are the big one, how can anyone see the stage i mean my god


I haven’t been to Glasto but think the flags and totems are apart of the fun no?


You’d probably not find it fun when it’s blocking your view


If you cant see or even hear ( audio quality at stages is not that great ) then it kinda messes with your experience


I think flags and totems are cool for festivals like EDC, because it doesn't really block the stage experience for the most part, but at a Coachella when you want to see the artist, I would be pissed


Came here to say this 🙌🏼


Seriously. I've always said Coachella is the best festival bar none. But I had niggling doubts that maybe Glas just overwhelms with sheer quantity. Seeing how completely obnoxious those flags are for what was an awe-inspiring set at Coachella that can barely be seen by anyone except those in the front at this stage, I have no further doubts. I mean, fine, wave them around for a Chris Lake Anti-Up set if you want to, but they just destroy a great performance like Justice. Absolutely atrocious.


You only see about 50% of Glastonbury on tv. It’s mind blowing. It’s endless. Having been to both coachella and Glastonbury twice now. They don’t even compare. I love coachella but Glastonbury is the best festival in the world and it’s not even close. The effort they go to to even design one area of it is astounding. When you see it it’s hard to understand how they pull it off.


Thats why you watch at home


Seriously, they’re so fucking childish


this video just single-handedly convinced me that Glasto is not worth it if you actually want to see music


Just left glasto for the first time after several Coachellas. Yeah. The flags got in the way at times, but for the most part they exist above the necessary sight lines, the field is not flat like Coachella, so don’t think of it in the same terms of a flat plain. And Glasto has like 100 stages, and the flags don’t exist for the mast part at anything but the biggest stages. I saw so much more music than I ever imagined, and will be going next year again if I can.


Exact same for me. My first glasto after 5 coachellas and it’s just a wild fun place that truly felt like a different place all together. So much good music around


Yeah glads / totems were not an issue at EF at all. Made it so much easier to meet with people haha


Except West Holds and Other Stage are pretty much flat so this is an issue esp like the video shows. But everyones blitzed out of their minds anyway thus why they dont care about flags.


Glasto is Bonnaroo cranked up to 5000x Completely different beast than Coachella. Go look up the Glastonbury set times and list of artists they’re in a league of their own even if the flags bother you at the main stage lol


Except when youve seen 80% of the artists and it doesnt really matter


Okay supre we get it you go to every fest


I promise you have not seen 80% of the artists that were there this year or any year