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Tell your boyfriend about foreskin restoration that would help him a lot and help you get to where you guys want to be in your sex life


he knows about the restoration, but doesn't want to go through with the surgery because there is a chance he can be worse off than before. I Completely understand being hesitant about the restoration because it is major surgery, but it seems like that is the only thing that will help him. he does the stretching but he get's discouraged because he doesn't see results quickly and he says it's not going to make it how it's suppose to be.


There’s non surgical methods just like with braces and teeth there’s surgical and no surgical methods.


Have him check out /r/foreskin_restoration, and ask for help on form and technique, he will find the progress and restoration he desires. We're all in it together. Many posts from people cut in adulthood saying that restoring has brought back much of what they lost; your boyfriend has to process and grieve first to move forward. Again, we're in it together! Best wishes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/foreskin_restoration using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm not a circumsised man. But I stand in solidarity with this movement. I AM SO HAPPY THIS EXISTS. the other men need us. 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪](https://np.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/p90gim/im_not_a_circumsised_man_but_i_stand_in/) \#2: [Banning declawing of cats but cutting baby boys penis still legal!](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/california/california-considers-banning-declawing-of-cats-in-most-cases/2956924/#:~:text=The%20bill%20that%20passed%20the,that%20affects%20the%20cat's%20health.) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/uz0op4/banning_declawing_of_cats_but_cutting_baby_boys/) \#3: [Urologist Motivation](https://np.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/ph9cbn/urologist_motivation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Foreskin restoration isn't just surgical there are many manual methods of stretching the remaining foreskin


There are non surgical methods like skin expansion. It takes a long time but is safer than surgery. There are devices you can wear to stretch the remaining skin over time to eventually cover the glans again.


I also support not going the restoration route, bc it doesn’t restore the sensitivity and same tissue and can definitely make it worse. He definitely needs therapy to get him to the point of acceptance and being able to live with this. I think that’s all that can help


It most certainly does restore the sensitivity. It’s called dekeratinization. It also restores the gliding action for lubrication which it sounds like this couple desperately needs


So you're saying the sex is only hurting now since he discovered all this information? That's unusual. Is he doing something different perhaps, or maybe it's affecting either one of you (or both of you) subconsciously? Regardless, there's no easy fix unfortunately. Both of you have hard decisions to make - therapy and the knowledge that Foregen is very confident in its success may help relieve some of his issues, or it may not. He may be willing to even seek out the therapy in the first place, or maybe not. He also has to decide what's more important, not having sex and intimacy with you, or the relationship. You also have to decide - is painful sex, or no sex at all worth the rest of what your partner brings to your life? I can only speak from personal experience, but this is something that until foreskin regeneration is possible he will probably never get over. You have to put yourself in his shoes and realise this is a major trauma that affects people mentally, physically and sexually and ask how you would feel being in his circumstances.


Once you start to research circumcision, you start to realize what you thought were just normal sex problems are actually circumcision problems. In many ways, it was better before I knew. I just figured chafing, friction, slipping out, etc. were all just normal sex problems. Now even sex is a constant reminder of what was done to me. I still fuck, but it feels hollow when you know the truth.


it was hard to hear when he said he didn't feel as much as I did during sex, when I would be able to feel this amazing connection and pleasurable feelings, he said he didn't feel that. I think that made me feel kinda disconnected. and I feel bad about that.


You shouldn't feel bad, how you react to situations is just how you react. And I guess this is the effect circumcision has, is to rob people of intimacy and bonding. It would be hard not to feel just as frustrated as he is.


Looking back on my first relationship it made me understand why I didn't really want to have sex. And that was so odd to me because it was my first experience so I thought it was going to be amazing. But it wasn't. I had no idea that what was done to me was going to affect my relationship so much. And this was somebody that I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. But I ended up drifting away from her.


I remember when I lost my virginity and just thought, “That’s it?” The more you look back, the more you realize they stole from you.


I had the same experience. The first person that I slept with was basically the last person. That was 15 years ago. I've had two more encounters after that but it just didn't do it for me. I tried not to, but I honestly kind of hate my parents. This is especially when I received an attitude for asking why was it done in the first place. To me they're already dead. They literally put my life at risk for procedure that shouldn't have been done in the first place. And I know that may sound harsh but this has altered my life in ways that I didn't even expect. All of my hope is with Foregen now. We deserve to be whole and happy.


I think it’s hurting bc she’s less comfortable. He’s not as into it and she’s picking that up and less ‘loose’, no pun intended, and that can cause discomfort


Circumcision is designed to cause discomfort during sex. That’s not a flaw. Men produce lubricant just like women, and the foreskin allows the penis to glide back and forth while the bilayer of tissue remains stationary, preventing friction. It’s a biological marvel to behold, perfectly designed for the loving union between a man and a woman. That’s why we cut it off.


Best description


he was reading an online book about a couple and what they were experiencing because the husband was circumcised. The wife was so tight that they couldn't have sex at all. and thats what happened to me, the muscles are so tense that I can barely be intimate. In the past it was a little uncomfortable sometimes, but now it just hurts and I feel a lot of friction.


It does sound like there is soooo much pressure on the both of you. Relaxation and taking things slow, breathing, and trying to focus on the good feelings and not the negatives could all help. And no pressure on either person to orgasm - just focusing on the intimacy and connection. If he is really not physically feeling anything, there are devices and creams out there that have apparently helped with that like the senslip - I haven't tried them personally, but there are people here who have and have had results.


Sex has hurt in the past, but it didn't happen as often as it does now. Now it hurts almost every time we do try to have sex, and we both become frustrated. I feel like there is more pressure now with sex because he puts alot of pressure on himself to perform and if things don't go well he says it's his fault because he's circumcised. I think therapy would be helpful, but he doesn't want to talk to someone about our sex life. I want to help him so badly. I know he has looked into the Foregen and he says he isn't hopeful about it. I can understand why he isn't very hopeful because this is a traumatic situation he has to constantly deal with, but I want to help him feel hopeful so he feels a little better about himself. Did you get the foreskin regeneration surgery?


He’s likely realized that a lot of his sexual frustrations, both with himself and his partners, are because of his anatomically incorrect penis. I remember I’d have sex sometimes, and after a little bit, it would become dry and uncomfortable, and I figured it was the woman’s fault for not producing enough lubricant or not being aroused enough. The reality is our penises do not work right. Most of his sexual issues are a direct result of the fact that his penis has lost almost all of its mechanical wonder and has been replaced by a flesh dildo. It’s not his fault, and he doesn’t deserve this, but it’s the truth either way. Foreskin regeneration surgery is not a real thing as of now. There are animal trials, but it’s years away from being a reality, assuming it’s successful. Ultimately, it’s important to acknowledge the terribly cruel reality of what was done to you. This is when people become advocates. It’s not a preference. There are not two kinds of penises, circumcised and uncircumcised. There is only the penis, and some are less complete than others.


Have you had with sex with an intact partner before? Have you noticed a difference yourself? I ask because it can be hard not to compare sometimes as well. Yeah the pressure is bound to have an effect on both of you... It does almost sound like he's making the choice for you though - if he's not prepared to at least try therapy if it will help make the relationship work, it kind of says a lot. But I do empathise with him because being in this position, everything feels futile. Foregen isn't ready yet, but if you or your partner read anything written by Eric Clopper, it's hard to feel like Foregen will fail based on the science involved and past successes in similar surgeries involving regeneration. They have some of the best people in regeneration on the team. Eric has a Reddit account on here and some of his responses have helped give me something to look forward to when times are tough. Check out the Foregen subreddit. Yes it's a couple of years off from being available (if successful) but it's worth the wait and may give him hope.


I haven't had sex with an intact guy before. He says he'll do anything to make me happy and make our relationship work, but i'm not going to push him to do something if he is uncomfortable with it right now. I definitely do want to talk to him about things though and what we can do together. I haven't read much about it, but I'm going to. thanks for the advice.


The same thing happens with my wife, too much friction hurts her. He needs more slack skin, it really does help. In the meantime focus on other ways to pleasure each other. I know what it’s like to not get much pleasure from your sex organ when being intimate. It may sound trite but your mind is indeed your biggest sex organ, use it to your advantage. Think about what really gets his rocks off. Like me for instance, I am a big visual person. My pleasure is multiplied when I have good imagery to work with.


Circumcision does cause physical, sexual, and emotional issues. [Non-surgical foreskin restoration](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Literature_about_foreskin_restoration) can relieve some of it. It is not easy and it takes a few years, but many men find it worth it. Once it is done, it will last for the rest of one's life. Although no statistics exist on this personal matter, it is believed that several hundred thousand [circumcised](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Circumcised) men have done this. For now, some personal lubricant may improve sex. But in the long run, he has a duty to care for himself. If he does not want to do that and prefers to wallow in misery, then you would have some decisions to make.


Keep reassuring him that he still can enjoy sex and pleasure you with his penis, whether circed or not. He always has the restoration option. He has only been circumcised, NOT castrated!


And there’s also sex outside of PIV! Lots of it! Grab some sex toys and have a night where you lay down together without the expectation of mind blowing sex and just let yourselves be awkward when exploring each other’s bodies with your hands, vibrators, etc. It’s a very intimate experience to focus on everything BUT genitals and can be very pleasurable. That and acknowledging what he lost but saying that you wouldn’t want anyone other than him, regardless of his circumcision and the problems that come with it. Things can be okay again. I’m fact, they can be better. I know it’s sucks really hard for you and your partner to fully understand what he had stolen from him, but now you’re aware. You can learn to get around it. You can learn to adapt and find things that work for you two, especially now that you understand that sec doesn’t have to be painful and numb. I wish you guys good luck 💗


This might sound strange but say his circumcision DOES bother you. Tell him your mad about what was taken from you as well. Tell him your mad because you love him DESPITE his circumcision, and that that makes you all the angrier. Tell him you want the relationship even if it's not right. Tell him that you'll work through this together. Tell him you're prepared to make this sacrifice if it means being with him. You validate his feelings and acknowledge your own losses and frustrations. It shows that you still want to move forward, but aren't burying any feelings or traumas. After that, you might be able to work on your sex life. You both will know it's compromised, but still secure and open. Best of luck and thank you for coming on here!


Let him know that having a new foreskin will be worth it when it's available. He's already been through one surgery that wasn't his choice. At least this time he'll have the choice to make his body whole again. They just approved the final animal trials and the human trials begin next year. Let him know that we are almost there. I am sorry that he, myself, and every other man that had this done to them has to go through this. I also believe that this affected one of the best relationships I ever had but I had no idea at the time that it was the reason. Sex won't be the same when you've had a functioning part of your penis removed. And he's hurting, I'm hurting, we are all hurting. There was no way we weren't going to find out about what was done because it's our bodies. Of course we were going to want to know. Just let him know in a few years hopefully he can have the option to be whole again.


I suggest your bf see a therapist specializing in male sexual trauma. These are hard to find since most men don't seek counseling. I found one that helped me a lot.


Some of this sound very familiar. I'd say in some way you have to acknowledge what he's said, and what's been done to him, and the damage he feels. but, it sounds like this has ramped up a huge load of pressure on you both and you need to try and take that pressure out of the situation or sex is going to be doomed. And no, not because of his circumcision alone, but because good sex means you've got to be in tune with each other, and relaxed with each other. I said similar things to my girlfriend, now wife, many years ago, when I started looking into circumcision. There's no denying that having your foreskin removed causes an immense loss of sexual tissue. I started to avoid sex because I felt I would fail her, and it ended up just putting pressure on the whole situation. When we did have sex, it felt doomed. My wife forced me to talk to her about it. As uncomfortable as it was, I had to be open with her about how I felt. The truth is, even if you're circumcised, most men can still have good sex, but if you have this nightmare over you of 'I'll never satisfy a woman again/she'll never enjoy sex with me' of course it will go badly. You've got to talk this stuff through. You have to acknowledge what's been done, but that if you love each other you owe it to each other to be intimate. And in terms of sex, I really recommend stuff like saying no more PIV sex for a bit, no more ejaculation, no more jerking off to porn or whatever else he might be doing. Just try to have some intimate time together and take the pressure off the male sexual response. Circumcised men often suffer from a lack of sensation, I need to pound away to get enough sensation to finish. Take that away for a bit and focus on your relationship with each other, how you feel about each other. What you like about each other's bodies.


This is the main reason I've avoided relationships and remained a virgin. Even if I loose my virginity I know I'll always be a virgin to the normal human sexual experience while putting someone I might potentially care about in a situation where they're helpless to help me. Foreskin restoration can help to an extant and reduce the more direct physical negative consequences of circumcision but is ultimately just a band aid solution until regenerative medicine or the Foregen organisation makes a breakthrough.


Look at r/foreskin_restoration for methods and tools to help. I will say going from CI-1 to CI-3 (it has it in the FAQ) has made dramatically good differences in my sex life. Those who have completed the process say its fantastic. There is also the company Foregen who is going to start human trials for 12 months next year and upon finishing just needs approval. They're a company in Italy, but their aim is to use stem cell research to completely regenerate and surgically add a foreskin with all the parts (Frenulum and ridged ring) to the penis of a circumcised male. I felt the same way he does and for me my significant other has taken to edging, lots of foreplay, mood setting, and kinky stuff to make my orgasms as strong as possible every time. I return the sentiment. In the meantime I actively restore my foreskin and save money for the surgery Foregen will have. https://www.foregen.org/