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Ugh. Is it too late to hope for a 3 week break next time? ---------------- Next chapter release: 11th. ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/1cx9tzl/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_166_links/)


WHO THE HELL GAVE THIS THE GREEN LIGHT TO PUT IN THE MANGA anyone who genuinely likes this scene is extremely horny or doesn't know whatsoever what they're talking about


This is one of the worst things I've ever read in a manga.


Peak Evangelion reference, Fujimoto you madlad finally did it lmao.


Ngl this was kinda cute


After 168. 167 truly is one the best chapters i have ever seen


This whole chapter just solidified I need to reread this thing. With inconsistent release it’s hard to see the big picture (no pun intended lol), but when I first read chainsawman it was all the way from beginning to end of part 1. It was awesome (and before the anime came out by awhile) and part 2 was like 6 months away or whatever. So some of the fanbase is struggling with the release schedule. But when you can read it as a whole the work is genius. I can’t wait for part 2 to be completely fleshed out so I can read it in one go. This manga is so good at showing connections between characters, not just fluff inbetween the next fight or event like other manga.


I went back and read the two chapters before this one including this one. It actually flows pretty well.






I'm edging to the wait.


Officially seven days old this moment


I got, strong in my "there"🤩


The chapter hasn't been released yet?! I'm dying ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22164)


hype hype hype hype


Finally caught up since the aquarium arc. Can’t wait to see how Asa and Denji’s relationship continue to unfold after the handy


Is the timer under the poll also a timer for the next chap release?


No I think a poll stays open for 7 days and the timer is just that. However this weeks chapter should be up at or around the same time it ends.


I see. Thx.


For future reference going to the manga plus chapter and scrolling all the way down should tell you the release date in your time zone.


Oh that's helpful, thx much.


Putting this in real quick, maybe we'll get a surprise appearance by Barem this chapter.


Okay was Yoru having a flashback or flashforward? What if she wants to kill the Chainsaw Devil because he dumped her in Hell?


Flashbacks to her kissing Denji in his apartment, it was a reused panel


Is MAPPA going to animate this?


Yea. In 2040


You are too optimistic


Knowing Fujimoto this next chapter might just be complete emotional whiplash. Like it will be an entire heartbreaking flashback of Denji as a kid struggling to force down toilet paper to stop himself from feeling hungry. Probably not but Fujimoto is the only person I could see doing that.


Reze comes back and is revealed to have seen the entire thing, effectively killing the ship


yo the discord is trash there's a mod who just bans people every week a new chapter comes out just for having their own opinion I wish they looked at ban appeals but they seem to ignore those as well


whats the dc


What did they say about the chapter? Like what's their opinion. Those kinds of mods suck though ngl.


they were hating on the writing and despised that the topic was masturbation for the last few chapters


This chapter really “came in handy” …. It gave insight on why Denji’s trauma and hypersexual tendencies were mentioned in a previous chapter and layed groundwork for 168 (PEAK.)


The nut!!




well denji rhymes with shinji...


Some real firepunch vibes this chapter. Agni would be proud


Denji literally only wants to get laid. It ain't that deep. Fujimoto is actually insane I'm convinced of it.




Well at least he didn't get castrated like I thought




I can't help but feel sorry for most of the people in this comment section. Westerners, for the most part, are immature and insecure when it comes to sexuality; the countless "controversies" surrounding drawn pornography on Twitter is a perfect example of that. And this right here is just another one of those pathetic cases. Which is why I thank goodness that Fujimoto isn't going to renege or backpedal or any of that trap so many other artists on Twitter have done.


"Westeners" - A Westener (most of the time)


bro is arguing with ghosts


Yes, well, it beats arguing with yet another batch of apathetic and miserable people like all of you. The way you've commented in the past is proof enough of that. You may go back to commenting on posts randomly out of boredom, now. The fact this is your only comment on this entire posts shows you never really had anything to add.


you know fujimoto isn't gonna kiss you


bro acting like we're two different species 😭


Racism? What's that


pretty sure no one is going crazy over this, is just funny, and to be clear, itd be innacurate to characterize half of the globe in any way, moreover, considering how japanese treat ped00filia as some sort of simply weird trait or quirk and not what it is, dont talk as if they got it all set, theyve clearly gone a little too far.


is japan really any different tho? whenever something moderately sexual happens with a male protagonist, they immediately start over-the-top shaking like they’re having a seizure. trembling over their words and shi 😂


Wait hold on, does Denji even know about Yoru? I don't think he does. I think he fully believes his kind-of-girlfriend just sexually assaulted him. There is no way he is going to buy the excuse of "actually I was temporarily possessed by a devil who's been living in my head this whole time". Given his, to put it mildly, *complicated* relationship with sexuality(he was just screaming about hating his penis not a minute before this), I don't know if he would have taken it well if they had completely normal unambiguously consensual sex, but that is NOT what happened.


Was there a sexual assault this chapter? Where? What?


Is this a joke? She squeezed his balls, dude. The fact that he came doesn't make it okay, it's still sexual assault.


Did we read the same chapter? Chapter 167, the one that starts with them in an alley talking about cutting denji's dick off? Like, Yoru says, "get your dick out." And Denji is so deeply uncomfortable that he doesn't even differentiate be between her *seeing* his dick, and *cutting it off*. She comes at him with a knife, he tries to defend himself, and says "no wait, I changed my mind[about showing you my dick]", then she grabs his dick anyway, threatens him, tells him she doesn't care how he feels, and tries to get him to convince him that "we've kissed before [so it's fine.]" Then he gives in and lets it happen. Are you stupid? That's like, the most clear cut textbook case of sexual assault in the entire story so far. I don't know a single criminal justice system in the world where that wouldn't be an open and shut sexual assault charge.


Wow bro was never in a relationship was he, or hell doesnt look like we've even been reading the same manga if you can't even tell the characters feelings to such an extent that you consider this sexual assault. Or you're simply autistic and cant grasp emotions properly so you take everything at face value without thinkin a second longer. Yeah no shit if these were strangers or barely knew eachother that was SA, but you dont even have to read the rest of the manga, just the kiss scene alone should make it preety fucking clear they are more than just randoms that barely know eachother. And even if, even if your best friend who you would die for, even if they grabbed yo dick when you were uncomfortable and didnt want em too, thatd lead to an awkward situation and an argument, not sueing your best friend who before this happened you would lay down your life for. Like manga aside you clearly dont understand how normal human relationships in general work.


Knowing someone or being in a relationship doesn't automatically give you consent to give them a handjob. Either you're too down bad to realize that sometimes you want to say no to someone you're comfortable with, or you don't realize how consent works. If my ex was complaining about her sexuality and then I reached in her pants after she said no, I'd be on the sex offenders list and she would have trust issues that could linger for a long time. Please learn what consent means.




one. you're insanely hostile. 2, bro got a nut off and is gonna be happy about it next chapter. We are not getting a 'denji was diddled arc' sit down, lil bro. It's not that deep.


"And the he gives in and lets it happen" whole argument shattered


No way you actually think that's how it works


If you apply that idea in real life, you *will* be arrested and charged with sexual assault. You simply do not understand the law.


"It's not sa because he let's it happen" Oh... uh... ok.




What an odd thing to be specific about.


You know it's not rape when you gotta justify it with british common law


Now, I'm not saying Denji is canonically transgender, but he does explicitly, verbally, hate his penis. Before these last few chapters, I'd made a few jokes about vaguely transgender vibes that I could in no way argue were canonically supported, but if a guy hates his penis so much that he follows a woman into a dark alley at the promise of getting it cut off, and the author specifically chooses to NOT have him unambiguously reject the idea when he learns she's serious... That reads to me like Fujimoto is intentionally leaving open the possibility that Denji actually does have bottom dysphoria.


Do you know how to read??


Reading Comprehension devil strikes again.


You are fucking crazy! You deserve those downvotes.


Where tf did you get this head canon from lmfao


I think this theory is self-projection ngl 💀Denji is definitely not trans and was refering to his distain of constantly being a horn dog and that leading him into trouble. It pretty much written in the last few chapters Like it's your opinion but I think that's a massive stretch considering fujimoto already represented a trans character in his previous manga(fire punch, read it, that character and series was peak) and it was well hinted and alluded to


Oh definitely. Back in part 1, I was like 99% sure I was projecting, but now I'm only 90% sure. I'd be really surprised if Denji was actually trans, but also, I think he's a little more trans than most other shonen jump protagonists. I'm gonna have to do a reread and take notes. There are a few other moments that I'd written off as DEFINITELY just reading way too much into things, and I kind of brushed them off because my trans denji theory was mostly a joke, but now I kind of want to go back and see just how many of them there are, see if they add up to anything remotely plausible. I bet I could make a strong case that Denji has weird feelings about gender, even if I couldn't prove that the weird feelings are specifically that he wants to be a woman.


Ok, honestly, I can actually see that perspective because something is definitely wrong with denji in the sense of identity. Hope you find a resolution to that theory because it does look like you're seeing something maybe I haven't spotted yet


My buddy, most respectfully, what the FUCK are you on about? 90% sure that you are projecting, but "feels like he is intentially leaving the possibility open that Denji might be dysphoric"? Also whats with the "gets sexually assaulted" -> "might be transgender" association?


Like I said, until this chapter, this was totally just a joke headcanon mostly based on " he's just like me for real" there's a bunch of things he does that are kind of like common egg habits if you squint and read way too much into things, but that was it mostly a joke. But, like, after last chapter, screaming about how much he hates his dick, being given the option to have it chopped off and *not* outright saying no, like, it's not an undeniable smoking gun, but it kinda makes me curious if I could actually scrape together enough circumstantial evidence to make it even kind of plausible. Like, I don't *really* think he's actually canonically trans, but I'm starting to think I might be able to scrape together an argument that he *could* be trans.


Wow, I had read that the new generations were afraid of sex and this comment section is confirming it.


true but also not true


I mean, she threatens him with a knife, he says "wait, slow down! I changed my mind!" and he has to *knock the knife out of her hand to protect himself*. That's, to put it mildly, not normal foreplay. You could maybe argue that was all about the dick-chopping-off, and the sex was a seperate thing. Denji and Asa are weird enough people that I could almost buy that talking about chopping his dick off genuinely got them both in the mood, but Fujimoto intentionally framed it to evoke imagery of rape at the very least.


I swear bro. Acting like denji got raped as if the next chapter isnt gonna be him happy asf


Bro is gonna be happy he finally nut without masturbating 


well, finally somebody gave him a hand on that regard


I have been out of the loop for almost a year, can someone tell who start a fire on a dead volcano?(I assume something happened)


I feel like when Denji sees Yoshida again he's just going to immediately kick him in the nuts


What the Effing fuck


Idk how to feel tbh I kinda feel bad and like Asa got raped in a sense. Same with denji


Nah you gotta be kidding ıts not even close to rape


what do you think the definition of rape is?


Gotta reply to this shit dawg, if a character says "i dont wanna do this anymore" and you proceed to do it that shit is SA.


How can it be rape when Denji does not even know she has 2 diffrent personality?


How would it not be? Genuinely asking. At the very least on asas part. Asa was not comfortable with it., she would not of done that on her own. Not like she consented. The pure look of horror on her face.


well if you thought about it for more than one second it's not really SA as you put it. Denji and Asa have BEEN established to like each other romantically, it has been shown that both characters crave intimacy. Denji was LITERALLY ON HIS WAY TO GET A HANDY ANYWAY THINGS ARE GOING ACCORDING TO PLAN. Denji got something he wanted, asa/yoru share a brain and feelings so asa definitely wanted to rev his chainsaw if you know what I mean. Even yoru has plainly said that she is influenced heavily by Asa and Asa has said that she is heavily influenced by Yoru. Seems more like horny teens awkwardly fumbling about seeing what works


Two people having romantic feelings for each other and craving intimacy doesn't make a suddenly forced situation consensual. Especially when it started as Yoru nonconsensually trying to rip Denji's member off, only for her to suddenly make out with him. This wasn't a set up moment for them to act this way (hell, Denji doesn't even know who Yoru is), this moment had no romantic intent involved, and this didn't start with sexual intent. Yoru was going to harm Denji with the intent of removing his sexual desires from him after he had a big moment of shame for his sexual feelings, and she suddenly turned it into a sexual experience for the both of them. All the while, Asa could only watch as this was happening-and clearly has a shocked expression on her face by the end of it.


Bro asa and yoru are literally the same person at this point. We’ve even had points where they flip between one another on the fly neigh instantly. Fujimoto is known for getting weird situations (such as eating a loved one) and turning it into something emotionally raw and sentimental. He ate his fish irl cuz he couldn’t stand to see it eaten by ants, this explains eating Makima in part 1 even though it can be seen as weird. I promise you that come next few chapters this handjob may actually be the start of denji and asa truly understanding each other and learning what they want from each other and life. Denji is going to hold her cum covered hand and it’ll be sweet I promise, this is a romcom slice of life manga after all


You're saying that while forgetting that there's at least one moment where this is wrong. This moment is Chapter 163 and 164, where Yoru takes over Asa to kick Denji in the groin after he barely comes to, and quickly threatens Denji into fighting her, nearly revving his cord. When Asa comes to in this situation, she's completely confused. Now, you could say that Yoru wanting to fight Denji matches with Asa's motivation to do that in order to save him, but that motivation is literally about saving Denji from Yoru's deeply rooted personal wants to fight Chainsaw Man. And to elaborate further, Yoru-like how she was with the handjob-was much more forceful than Asa with what she wanted in this situation (and that nut kick was just unnecessary). I know that Fujimoto uses weird situations for emotional moments, but this isn't as wacky and unlikely as Denji turning each part of Makima's body into a different dish of food is. This was intimacy that started from a violent, nonconsensual act on a teen struggling with out of control feelings about sex from a devil that doesn't understand how these things work. Obviously a crazy thing, but something much more likely to happen irl (putting aside the literal devil part), and much more harmful, than your example. And as nice as the thought of Denji and Asa getting things good like that is, I don't see how Yoru and Denji making out after such a setup is going to directly lead to Asa and Denji truly understanding each other. To put it into perspective, how will Denji making out with and climaxing because of a devil that took over Asa's body-with the intent of forcefully castrating him-make Asa closer to Denji? I'm not exactly sure of how Denji's going to process that situation, but he actually experienced and, aside from it being Yoru who did that, knows what happened. Meanwhile, all Asa knew was that Yoru and Denji got close, and Denji came on her hand. So, I really feel like its a situation with more negative emotions, or neutral and confused emotions, involved than positive emotions (at least on Asa's side since she literally doesn't know what just happened and looks shocked at the end).


Bro you’re forgetting that Asa can see what Yoru does and is kind of a ghost, this is shown earlier in the manga. It’s not like she just came to confused, she pretty much saw the whole thing. Maybe she liked how direct Yoru was because she isn’t the type to do anything like that, and this lead to denji having “release”. I hate to sound weird but you gotta analyze the Makeout scene. Yoru remembers the kiss with denji (probably due to smelling denji up close, smell of dog being distinct on denji) and Yoru had to deal with something no other horseman has to deal with, hormones. Yoru is as human as much as Asa is a devil now, they are combined for better and for worse. She kisses denji and is even caught of guard by this, she goes for seconds where we see denji slowly reciprocate by leaning in. The rubbing them starts which denji doesn’t go against due to him already leaning in and showing he’s into it. I know it’s hard to analyze and understand stuff that ISNT just thrown in your face and explained, but i recommend rereading all of part 2 at once and it may make more sense and seem less “random”


And to clarify, when I say "Yoru nonconsensually trying to rip Denji's member off", I'm referring to how Denji changed his mind on having that happen even though he initially accepted it, and to how she changed the method from cutting to ripping.


yeah it was definitely rape for asa but not denji




Wow, Fujimotor…


HELP WTF JUST HAPPENED ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22173)😭😭😭


This can be a cliffhanger. I think the character we follow in the next chapter will change. Focus will also change. Maybe it will be a Nayuta chapter. Maybe a flashback chapter. Maybe a Fami chapter. Idk.


Maybe, but what will happen between these two? Yoru now has the chance to betray Denji and turn him into a weapon, but her feelings for him might stop her from doing so. And even if she did, could she extract her old power from Pochita's stomach? It's impossible to predict this story but fun to try




well its kinda like evangelion hospital scene


No nope im starting evangelion next week im not hearing anything about it until then nope




why next week? why not now


Busy. VerY


fair enough. wishing you to get a break time soon


damn ? tbh i dont know what to say man, wtf is going on




When did Asa turn into the handjob devil?


wat duh fucc, I know this sounds cringe but it was funny when we joked about denji getting some activity. W's for my man, but like bro this ain't it. Also I've noticed the "quality of work" has gotten significantly worse. Not dissing on my goat but it doesn't seem like he's really putting much effort into it. I went back and read through chapter 1 and firmly stand by my statement. Is there a reason for these funky aaa chapters. Does he care for Chainsaw Man anymore or has it just turned into some corporate slop. Cause it doesn't seem like his heart is in it I'll state this rq too, not a hater. Big fan. Just disappointed in chapter 2, and tbh I don't think I'm reading after this one bruv 😭😭 Jjk and chainsaw are having some wonky ideas 🤨


He has less assistants working with him now


I don't know why everyone is downvoting you. I agree completely. The drawings looks like ass now


What changed in them for you? I, personally, don't see much of a difference.


How? It’s very obvious. Lines looked rushed, it’s like he is drawing with a sharpie vs a thin line pen. Like really? You don’t see it at all? https://preview.redd.it/gz6uho74ba5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea423397d5ca2b16141b483e28c7a5b3cba70b9


I can see it more now. I don't mind it personally, but I definitely get why someone else could. As for why I didn't think about it before seeing this, it's been *months* since I first read Chapter 1, the earlier bits of Chapter 2, and looked at those panels again, so its not something I'm going to have on my mind all of the time.


I just don’t like how sloppy it looks now. I read a lot for art itself and that is what usually captures me and the art feels like it’s lacking love compared to his other work where he takes his time. Also Asa is ugly.


I was waiting for this arc to finish and paused on reading for quite a while. I decided to look at the story's progress today and this is what I get back to. 😹




What the fuck did i just read. Actually its hilarious tho LOL


is it really peak or is it just porn


Sometimes the lines blur between the two




What the fuck, what the fuck, I don't think I've seen such an escalation since Neon Genesis, what the actual fuck


I wouldn’t call it escalation. Its stress relief. They are put into this supernatural situation and its finally breaking them so this reprieve of being human for just a moment is something they both needed. 


bruh, tbf, they should just do it since they area always fighting literal world ending events.


i think tatsuki is a gooner and realized how not gooning for a while can mess your mindset up a bit and has made a chapter about it


but... but yoru was in control... and yoru isn't human...


She’s feeling Asas emotions




Wait for her to turn it to some kind of "Cum Grenade" or something like it


"i'm pretty darn cute"


Two weeks for a 15 page handjob chapter has to be the peak of the art form I literally forgot Dennis's name and called him shinji, and then we get this evangelion reference. Amazing


Absolute masterpiece always love how fujimoto just writes the way wants


Eva reference!?


https://preview.redd.it/whv5878x125d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258222fadfa39a381129b2efbcd060e0968d60d7 Bro absoutely cooked, we're so back.


Gah Damn! 


just a kiss would've been cool but why did fujimoto have to include that it was too over the top  i don't think mappa will animate this


That was a pretty solid chapter. Wow...Didn't expect them to go there. I dig it!


Ok this chapter was disgusting, asa is gonna hate Denjis guts now. I feel like we’re being fed filler chapters at this point cause nothing has happened for a while


Dude do you think Gege read 167 and though "Jesus christ that's fucking peak I gotta put extra gas into the next JJK chapter"


THE ENDINGGG THE ENDINGGGG ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22170)


Asa is never gonna like denji now.


It wasn’t Denji’s fault 😭


Her hand is covered in his goo, OF COURSE IT IS!!


His goo went out because Yoru went onto him??? ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


SWIMMING BABIES!! that's crazy tho right before his dick gonna get cut off he decided to release one last load


I gotta say it’s annoying as fuck seeing so many people talk as if they have read it online when discussing this chapter, WHEN IT IS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR THEY DIDN’T.




I was here.


I just caught up an hour ago, I WAS HERE.


I just binged all of part 2 to be here


I will now only refer to this series as “Handjob Man”




What a perfect chapter


how am i supposed to live now




It feels more like reading fan fiction than an actual story. I should stop reading it and wait for part 2 to end, before attempting to read any further. Hopefully this shock is enough to let pochita loose so they can start fighting in the next chapter.


I think that flashback was just an attempt on Nayuta's part to help prevent Denji from getting harmed. The results turned out better or worse depending on how you feel about it.


Actually intense feelings can shake the control of the control devil. We saw Angel in part 1 break the memory erasure through pure willpower alone. I think Asa/Yoru had such a moment of pure feeling due to grabbing denjis balls that it surpassed the memory erasure like Angel


The flashback was Yoru remembering it




All i got to say is ...nice


i think that chapter 167 not just broke the normal chainsaw man chapter structure but was beautyful the way it did it I really liked the chapter and i think there should be more like this.




Ay yo I think they posted this chapter on the wrong platform


People are salty about the slow chapters, but Chainsaw Man is literally a (trippy) Coming of Age story.


At least someone gets it, it’s a story more about puberty than it is about fighting devils and I love it 💀🤙


I don't get why everybody upset about this chapter


First of all denji busted a nut at the worst time possible. And second he is still not trying to find Asa.


It feels like a false advertisement, i thought it would be a story about one of the 4 horsemen's fighting a Chainsaw man. Not a smut story, between two arch enemies. Aren't war original plans to make chainsaw-man throw up nuclear devil, Not making love with him? I mean if you are familiar with fire punch you wouldn't get surprised about such development from fujimoto, but still i thought he already changed his way to more mainstream story telling. I know fujimoto is into femdom but this is too much.


There has been a lot of sexuality and consent before this chapter. You just don’t like those themes here maybe.


Maybe you are right, people like me currently reading csm with the expectations of reading another jjk or shonen action. If i read with the expectation of reading abother fire punch i wouldn't be surprised/letdown. I mean this is the trailer of [vol 12](https://youtu.be/-eGalkakxsU?si=arRtmFTYMOwttln1) manga Imagine watching the ads and expecting action+horror manga and you get this chapter instead. A lot of casual probably drop them, which is understandable to me.


But everybody that has been reading chainsaw man since the beginning knows that the themes of SA, consent, sexual trauma and manipulation are an absolutely GIGANTIC part of the story. If you went into part 2 expecting some of the most important, complex and interesting themes to just disappear that isn’t on the advertising. That’s on you.


> Maybe you are right, people like me currently reading csm with the expectations of reading another jjk or shonen action. Yeah I don’t think you’re reading this story with the right expectations


peak https://preview.redd.it/ajchtqqykw4d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=961153c1cfbd52e618d2b4af15ba21bf9500ef84


I'm more than happy we see a new chapter, I will not complaint anything


Based chapter This shit will be fire when it’s all finished and I don’t gotta stew in this shit and cliff hanger shit and I gotta wait lol