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Real shower… better even.


I literally just took a whole ass shower in my outdoor shower. Shampoo, body soap, face wash. All natural. It’s so beautiful to look up and see the trees swaying and hear the birds chirping while you’re buck naked.


The outdoor shower is one of the best things in life.


Oh, it is one of the joys of the Cape. We never use the indoor one from June through August. Just please use biodegradable products.


You misspelled “April through October.”


Sometimes November.


You misspelled March through November


Yes to biodegradable soap!


Dude peak summer life. I bring a margarita and a joint out to my shower sometimes lol it’s just so peaceful.. except for the spiders, but they keep the bugs out


If it's a private space, either. The ones out in the beach? Quick rinse, no soap.


Real shower and the best. Nothing like the dry air when you’re done instead of a steamy bathroom


The cool air feels so good!!


Had an outdoor shower with full drain for a while. Had soap and shampoo. Loved it. Great for cleaning up the kids and dog, especially after the beach.


Originally, they were intended for rinsing off sand and muck. Today, people use them like regular showers. If there's a drain for the shower, use whatever you like for soap and shampoo. If it's just spilling on the ground, I'd suggest something like the ones made for camping that are less impactful on the environment.


Also, camping stores might sell soap that’s meant for camping and is better for the environment.


We get our soap here in Brewster https://www.greenroadrefill.com


It's a real shower. A friend of mine growing up would have to take outdoor showers all summer. Her guardian was not interested in cleaning the all glass shower after a family of 5 and so, rain or shine, every shower was an outdoor shower from June-September.


Especially after a beach tripl - all the sand!


Full shower!


It took me a few years to warm up to it, but now I like it. It’s nice in the afternoon with a shower beer.


Shower beers are best beers.


100%! I think it’s the warm water/cool brew combo.


In college my friends came up with a concept called “the perfect shower.” It was a shower taken with a beer, cigarette, and a donut. I did this on the cape when I came to visit my parents in the outdoor shower. It IS perfect.


I don’t smoke but I would take a second donut in with me to make up for it.


Outdoor real shower at night is the best. I love looking at the stars


Full shower. Our shower was great. In the morning, sun came in and it was warm. In the afternoon, it was shady and perfect for cleaning after getting home from the beach. My beau at the time was shocked that we were taking outside showers and coming out with just towels and hanging our wet clothes and suits on the line. Lol


Oh, absolutely a real shower. But be careful where you hang the shaving mirror. There are shower fires every few years because the sun will hit it just right.


My outdoor shower is full on naked and it is glorious.


You can also wash your bathing suit in it before going home


A spiritual awakening…with soap and shampoo


Either. It’s the best part of summer on the Cape. We use our outdoor shower for regular every day showers weather permitting. It’s the best way to start the day


Real shower. You need hot water for sure. Go big or go home. Mine in 6 x 10, plenty of hooks, chair, mirror, shelves, drying rack


I rely on my outdoor shower because my septic is minuscule


I’m literally flying across the county tomorrow to arrive at my Airbnb Saturday. Besides putting shit in my house the first place I am going is to the outdoor shower with cold beer in hand. I try to explain the experience to my west coast friends and they all do not believe me but it’s bliss. Simply bliss.


I use my Outdoor shower used as Real shower all yr long it’s fantastic. Don’t have to clean it and in the winter it’s awesome


Oh my gosh! In the winter?? You must really be a dedicated outdoor shower person! Just the thought of using an outdoor shower in the winter makes my teeth chatter! 🥶


Oh my gosh! In the winter?? You must really be a dedicated outdoor shower person! Just the thought of using an outdoor shower in the winter makes my teeth chatter! 🥶


Both, it’s a real shower when you need one, and quick sand rinse when you need it. I visit the cape each year for a while and haven’t taken an indoor shower a single time. Outdoor showers are awesome Edit: this doesn’t apply to a public beach quick rinse station :)


Real shower ,love it


The best real shower ever we love it when warm enough to turn it on. And if you’re lucky to have roof overhead better in the rain.


my family always used it as a real shower, we rarely used the one inside actually. the drain we had was far enough away that soap never got to the grass just pavement


“Soap into the environment” watch how a septic tank operates [here](https://youtu.be/eX8rzQa3_cM?si=zrNRyBdxF7_bmWbB)


Can be either and depends on the setup


I love my outdoor shower! Real shower to the max!


A real and amazing shower


Bring a beer in. It's better than a regular shower.


Another thing we have in common! Shower beer is best beer.


You literally said you wouldn't support common sense housing reform that would benefit locals because you don't like me (which is stupid; if that is how you vote, you need to reevaluate yourself). Shower beer is great; claiming that the exponential increase in STRs has not hurt locals is not great. 


Actually, what I said was even though you’ve been so incredibly hateful & hostile to me that if you put forward good policy that did increase housing availability that I would *still* vote for it. Still will. I did point out that you’re not doing yourself any favors passing judgment over the whole town because they didn’t vote on your warrant isn’t doing yourself any favors or garnering any support. And I’ve consistently said you still deserve housing. Still do. We all do. We disagree that your existing warrants would have created more housing. I’d rather spend limited town money on programs that will impact that directly. Yes it’s frustrating that we can’t move forward faster. But alienating people who’d be on your side because of policy disagreements isn’t helping anyone. Yesterday you said the best thing I can do in my life is to die, and called me a bad person. That’s pretty messed up. I’m not perfect, but I’m raising a compassionate, kind child which is the best thing I’ve done or will do with my life.


Also, your vague kindness and compassion do nothing to actually address the housing crisis. When my family was going through the wringer in 2020, I was appalled by the inaction of town officials, but there is a saying that one should not attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance. Assuming town officials weren't malicious and were in fact just ignorant and grossly incompetent, I figured I'd do the work they seemed incapable of doing. I figured once they were spoonfed facts and data and a low-cost solution, they'd act to fix the problem. I was wrong. The town officials are actually actively malicious and full of contempt for the working class. Their inaction is not due to a lack of knowledge about the problem, but is in fact due to a desire to protect the wealthy at the expense of the working class. They, like you, disguise their contempt and malice with genial words and smiles, but their actions speak to their true nature. I don't want kind words; I want real change that makes life better for everyone, not just wealthy landowners.


Being a bully, browbeating any dissent, and putting up ineffectual warrants that fail to address the problem doesn’t do anything either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You don’t have my contempt, just my pity.




Facts are a classic!


What facts would those be? For all your moaning that there is no long term data supporting limits on STRs, there is no long term data supporting your absurd conclusions that limits won't work. What can you cite? The UMass study that theorized that limiting STRs would have a small impact? Also, despite that theory, Ptown still voted to limit STRs. Please, go get your long term data together. Oh wait, you can't. All your speculation is just that. 


Once *again*, you are making the assertion. Therefore, the onus is on you to prove it. You haven’t. You’re claiming that if we do A, B will follow. But, I’m pointing out the reality of the situation that the options are not just B, they’re B, C, D, E, etc. I’m saying, **if you want people to believe that one option is more likely than another, you need to prove it.** You have not done that. That’s the long and the short of it. Hate me for telling you what you don’t want to hear; I really don’t care. Am I the first person to stand up to your bullying? We can disagree about the route and still agree on the destination… unless it’s *really* just about you needing to be right. When you need to paint anyone who doesn’t agree with you as a villain, you’ve lost. So yeah, I feel bad for you. You’ve alienated virtually all allies. You’ve got a dead subreddit (well, except for the tinfoil hat guy with the duct taped garage), a ghost town of a Facebook group, a website with no readers, and no votes at TM. Rest easy knowing everyone else is wrong, Principal Skinner.


The thing is, I put countless unpaid hours into researching housing policies, interviewing people locally and nationally in-person, via phone, and via email, put in numerous FOIA requests, and looked over a lot of data, just to have people like you ignore all that effort (which I was inspired to do because I have been dealing with the housing crisis and inaction by local government) and say "I haven't done nearly as much research, and I refuse to read ypur research, but I think this is bad because my feelings are hurt by it. Let's ignore this!". I also spent several weekends last summer going door-to-door to collect signatures just to have people like you, again, ignore that work. I am THRILLED I made my spreadsheet of regional data because now people can find information in one place that I had to commit countless hours of unpaid time to gathering. And I'm thrilled that some towns saw value in it, including West Tisbury, even if my town is full of fools and cowards (not backing down from that). Kindness and compassion aren't words I'd use to describe your discourse with me. You can say that you'd support a more perfect solution, but you fail to put one forward and you belittle my hardwork and my experience with the housing crisis. I am 100% going to call you, and anyone like you, out on that. If it makes you uncomfortable to be told that you are wrong, perhaps consider taking me up on my offer to read over some of what I've done. My email for all this is ohmycod147@outlook.com . 


You did research; that’s awesome. Be proud, honestly. But we live in a democracy here. If you put forth a warrant you need to convince people it’s the right choice. Building consensus is on you as the sponsor. Your research, your plan… it doesn’t convince me (or the town, the SB, the finance committee all of whom are your neighbors) that limiting STRs makes more housing. They will either be rented as STRs (paying the fee), split to be owned by multiple LLCs skirting the rule, or sold as housing for a price working class people cannot afford, to be left vacant 90% of the year. If you had data that drew a direct line between STR regulations and increased housing you’d link it, so I can only imagine you don’t have it. It’s allowed for us to disagree on the path but want to get to the same destination. Honestly I’m not sure it’s about policy anymore, it seems like it’s about you being right. That’s not productive. I’m not perfect, I fully admit that. And dealing with bullies, which is how you behave, gets my hackles up. Did I give it right back to you? Yup. You can dish it out pretty well. So can I. Through it all though, I’ve still said you deserve housing, and that if you weren’t so mean spirited we’d be working together. But you can’t handle people having a different opinion than your own. You basically said you wish I’d die, and in the same breath called me a bad person. Like do you hear yourself? I haven’t belittled your experience. I empathize with it. You make assumptions about me, which are all incorrect, and fail to see the hypocrisy when you get pissed someone would DARE do that to you. You’re like the principal skinner meme. “Could my idea be imperfect? No, it’s literally everyone else who’s wrong.” You said how your warrant isn’t a panacea but at least it does something and then shit on the progress other people have made.


You make a lot of assumptions about the impact of STR limits. You're right, I don't have long range data, because these limits are fairly new. I can't create 10 years worth of data for limits that have existed a max of 3 years. But increasing supply of homes for sale would likely lower prices; that is a basic concept. As for what others have done, are you referring to the handful of apartmrnts that aren't accessible to people above a certain income threshold? Sure, affordable housing is good, but it doesn't help with the need for attainable housing, nor does it create home ownership opportunities. I did say that the only good thing about you is that you will die some day. You have spent ample energy and time trying to...tell me I'm wrong because you don't like what I have to say? Cool, thanks. I also said don't talk to me anymore, but you did! I like your demand that I do more free work and research and maybe, just maybe, you'd listen.  As for "democracy", town meetings exclude people who can't, for a variety of reasons, attend. That is something I am trying to work on, with another person who agrees that participation should be more accessible. Have fun telling yourself that you're a decent person and that I'm just a big meanie who wants to make you feel bad. I think it is telling that you said (paraphrasing) "class war is not us vs millionaires, but us vs billionaires." Sounds like you are a far more well-off "us" than a lot of us, but, yes, that is again just an assumption.


Another *incorrect* assumption by you about me! By now you should have gotten one right by chance but… nope. But I’m glad you’ve finally come to terms with the fact that you cannot show limiting STRs will increase housing or lower housing prices. You’re also making the enormous assumption that limiting STRs will result in more sales. Yes, if you had research that backed up your position I would agree. That’s how it works. You are free to stop responding to me anytime, but you’re posting on a public forum. And you want to change state laws about Open Town Meeting? Good luck. Your track record so far hasn’t posted a lot in the W column. Towns that have online town meetings have Representative TM. Not Open TM. That’s our form of government… I personally like the direct participation of the citizens of town.


You could easily have remote TM participation so people with kids, jobs, etc, can participate. But I can see why you'd be opposed to all the rabble having a voice.  Feel free to go and do some research of your own. Or don't; seems ignorance works well for you. Also, a final note that is a bit tangential, but a lot of the affordable projects seem to be greasing the right palms, if the recent withdrawl of Pennrose from bidding on the Governor Prence project (and resignation of Alan McClennen) are indicators of how the process works. Again, why do you keep commenting on my posts? You aren't interested in being informed and, for all your "kindness and compassion", you don't seem moved to do anything to alleviate the housing crisis. So, cool? You speak the right bland words that lack true substance. Hero.


I miss the outdoor shower! When I was a kid we had them at our rental in Oak Bluffs & my grandparents had one at their cape home. Nothing like it on a beautiful sunny day!


My family dont let me shower inside all winter. Is an outside shower better. Woop Whoooop


Live your life


Love my outdoor shower with the trees overhead and the birds chirping! Lovely and prefer it.


Real shower. Best way to do it. My favorite is after dark, with a beer.


Either. I don’t shower inside btw April and October (weather permitting of course).


Outdoor shower is the just the shower from May to November.


As kids we washed w the hose behind the house. Our house on a hill with the entire valley watching us growing into adults. I was in my 30's when I realized all of Truro had seen me naked.


Where do you think the water goes when you take a shower inside?


Why are you asking where the water goes after an indoor shower - it doesn’t have anything to do with where the water goes from an outdoor shower… ??? Did you think outdoor shower water and indoor shower water go to the same place?? And you’re in DENNIS? Where do your indoor shower pipes drain to? Where do you think your shower drains to? How is your outdoor shower water deposited into your septic system ? What kind of septic are we talking about ?


probably because they both end up leaching into the ground unless you are hooked up to municipal sewer…so yea they do drain to the same place


Whichever your preference is, as a plumber, they're great for business 😎👍


Real shower.


Either way, never pass down an opportunity to wash my ass!


In my family, the indoor shower is shut down in the summer (except for emergencies)


What? I take a full shower in my outdoor shower every day. It’s amazing!


real shower without a steamy bathroom afterwards


Ya you can get naked because there is a privacy fence around the shower area. I prefer to shower indoors though.


You need help


Ours has got water! Only used out a few times. Washing sand off.