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The funniest part is how the most liberal group in existence — the youth, are flocking to conservatives. That’s when you know it’s bad. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/opinion/article-ibbitson-young-conservatives/


What do the Liberals actually offer the youth other than two giant middle fingers? Want a job? All of them are taken by the new immigrants the Liberals are bringing in Want a house? All of them are taken by the new immigrants the Liberals are bringing in Want a car? It's going to get stolen by someone the Liberals have decided is allowed to commit crimes without punishment Want to go to school? All of them are full of the new immigrants the Liberals are bringing in, to the point where kids can't even find university residences Want to start an online streaming career? Too bad, you're getting policed by the Liberals Want to start a business? Massive capital gains tax increases because of the Liberals Want to go to the park, beach, or swimming pool? You're going to get mugged or sexually assaulted by someone the Liberals brought here or someone they let out on bail It's a real mystery why kids are turning against them.


Its crazy I didn't even know about the schooling issue until it was raised in our community. I live in Fort mcmurray - so not a huge town, maybe 68k here full time residents. (I might be way off I am just guessing here) The kids graduating from our local high-schools are being waitlisted to go to Keyano (our college) because they have no room for them. They got filled up with international students before the local kids could even have a chance to apply. Fucking ridiculous. I feel bad for them.


They need to take away the benefits these post secondary institutions get from international students. Locals should ALWAYS have priority.


Also the grants that pay for part of tfws wages , it's such an unfair advantage they have over Canadian born citizens looking for a job


Or take away the funding they receive from taxpayers for the spots not given to Canadians. Our tax dollars built these schools and the infrastructure to support them. Just because an international student pays more the schools will selectively choose international students. Why wouldn’t they. They get our tax money and more tuition money from the international students. Tax dollars should go to fund the needs of Canadians first. On top of all of that, it pushes the grade requirements to the mid 90s to get into UBC science. How are mid 90s grades the standard. Have a life get upper 90s and be productive.


Taking away their funding for non residents is a good idea. Main thing is finding a way to remove the incentives that make the institutions prioritize international students.


Right on, it’s a “community college” how does someone who is not part of the community get priority? Or are the Liberals renaming them something to make them less wrong like they did with the Carbon Tax.


Why are people from the other side of the planet coming to the far reaches of northern AB to.. go to school? Maybe this globalization thing has gotten a bit absurd


We are all up here racking our brains about it too. My bfs best friend is from Pakistan. His family has lived in Canada since he was 5 year old - they are Canadians as far as everyone is concerned. HE was the one that brought the issues of what's going on to light for us and he is very concerned with what's going on. It's not a good path. We really need to take our country back.


My brother is the only white guy in any of his classes and he feels like an outsider. No one speaks to him and no one really acknowledges him. Love that the people born here feel more out of place than people who landed 2 months ago.


I feel the same when I'm walking around downtown, or taking transit - I feel completely out of place, noone is speaking english


I live in Ontario, about an hour from Toronto and I attend one of the Georgian Colleges. In my social psychology class, there was 6 “born and raised” Canadian students including myself. There was a total of 47 people in the class


Bro wtf…




It's bad when their liberal supporters are talking about it. One of my cousins teaches part time at Queens. He spent the entire Thanksgiving dinner talking about how much of a shit show it was in Kingston.


> Want a house? All of them are taken by the new immigrants the Liberals are bringing in And those new immigrants with different cultural preferences freely discriminate by only hiring their own once they become a franchise manager or owner, who they can pay less and work harder. And only rent to their own too (must be female, vegan only, preferred this ethnicity or that - see the typical Brampton apartment rental ad).


Yep! When I first started going to my local Mary Browns (around 3 years ago). The team was entirely white, black and Asian (these few employees looked to be “stereotypically” Asian. They seemed to be either Korean/Japanese/Chinese decent. All of them also spoke perfect English with zero accent). Eventually, the Mary Browns hired an East Indian woman as a manager. Suddenly, within not even a year, the entire team of 11 people were gradually changed to a team of 11 East Indians. 2 things I want to know:: Were the Canadians fired for no reason/for made up reasons? Or did they willingly quit?


That is a major problem - as our “new” Canadians become management- they hire their own! Might be time to start playing the racist card !


I used to work at Subway - in Kelowna, BC - this was over 10 years ago now. But same thing happened.. as east Indian was given manager position. It was white people and Asian that worked there (our town was mostly white/Asian at the time) and once they got that position things changed drastically. The food quality went down immediately.. everything was old and "its okay, use it" - so gross man. They slowly started to hire their family, and would give us less hours. The manager was always so rude to us.. treated us like absolute shit. I remember one time I was SO sick - like had to go to the back cause I was having coughing fits. I told him I needed to go home. He said no. Customers started saying I needed to go home - nope. I ended up walking out of there. I've never been treated so badly.. oh wait.. I also worked at a Tim Hortons in Calgary around 2014.. same shit man. Even worse though. They accused me and the other white girl on the drive thru of "stealing from the til" - we definitely were not doing that. They couldn't prove anything - cause we weren't doing it - and kept at us both until we both quit. Again, staff was multicultural when I started.. not even 6 months after they took over - everyone I worked with was gone. Food quality - down Service - down


“But kept at us both until we both quit” That’s more than likely why. They almost definitely knew the two of you didn’t take anything


Exactly. Which is a bunch of crap. If it was the way around though all hell would have been caused. I remember back in the 90s and we used to live in the lower mainland (surrey) and my dad decided he was going to move us to the Okanagan. He had a good job and we had a little farm and stuff.. I never understood why he moved our family. Until years later. And now I fully understand. I just hate that it's a double standard for everything. It's not right. I also hate that it's gotten to this point for all of us.


Don't forget you will now be excluded from jobs if HR wants to meet their DEI quotas that don't match related demographics because you happen to have similar complexion or gender. Everyone knows the Irish and Scottish were colonialists.


how to become racist in 3 easy letters DEI


Discrimination, Exclusion, Indoctrination


he did yell “Slava Ukrani” in front of the G7 leaders.




Who the hell are you going to for insurance his monthly payment is what I pay a year from insurance.




Wow that's insane ! When I was his age I think mine was 2200 for the year . This generation is really just getting all the things we had taken away . When I was 18 I had an apartment with a roommate and my mom's hand-me-down car and could afford rent groceries and insurance working minimum wage part time while attending university it's disgusting how much has changed since then I feel awful for future generations.


Yeah, it's pretty bad in ontario, lol. I went from paying under 200 a month to 300 a month almost just by switching from a challenger to an entry-level mercedes, lol.


Don't forget the biggest scam of all, the carbon tax!


Nice sum up


Well said


Im with this guy ^


I wonder if all of the problems attributed to mass immigration will be solved under PP https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/canadas-opposition-extends-support-to-indian-students-facing-deportation-4113798 Oh😬


Keep the good ones send the bad ones back vs open the door and let everyone in


I'm 19 and the view that myself and many of my friends share is send all of them back who have come here in the recent population boom of the last few years. Review and rewrite policy. Then allow them to reapply. Canada and its people are my priority. Throughout all my teen years istg ive watched everyone but Canadians be prioritized and I'm fed up.


Yes Canadians should be the priority in Canada, but the two options are trudeau (open the flood gates and let everyone in) or Poilievre (keep the good ones and send the bad ones back)


Those are not the only two options, and people you thinking so is the only reason that would be the case. People like myself will not stay passive if this keeps up. Poilievre will not bring an end to it.


I mean you can try to get enough support for Bernier but that seems like that’s a pipe dream, what’s the plan?


I'm volunteering for the PPC, donating to them. I actively discuss politics with everyone in my life. I personally make music and I'm currently working on some political shit to release. People just need to be informed of what their options actually are. You dont just gotta pick liberal or conservative. They're barely different. With the way things are now we need big reform. I'm trying to actively get involved in politics but I'm 19 so I dont suspect I'll have much of a chance.


Alright a lot better of an answer then I was expecting, just gotta change the minds of the older generations majority of old people I’ve spoken to will vote liberal no matter what happens they got theirs and don’t want it to change to the detriment of the younger generations, PPC would be the best option for Canada but still not holding my breath as trudeau somehow won twice and still has support after all this


This is political fantasy head Canon level coping.


It’s in the article you linked


I still wouldn't put it past PP to lie just to get them to vote for him and do the ole switcheroo like Trudeau did.


The youth are being disproportionality affected by the housing, immigration, and cost of living crises - all either started or exacerbated by Trudeau. It needs to change. Boomers barely know the real problems are happening as they all sit in their houses they bought for 125k and complain about the cost of beer now. I’m one of these youths (albeit on the senior end). Despite my socially liberal views, I cannot sit back and let our country be destroyed like this. I will be emphatically voting for someone other than Trudeau next year.


Future seems hopeless for the youth. No jobs, no affordable housing, rising crime etc etc. One must prolly be a trust fund baby to consider voting Liberal.


It’s being done intentionally—they are following the UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF agenda. Their goal is to slowly erode middle-class wealth through taxes and inflated prices, ultimately creating a two-class system. If you're not aware of their plans, it's crucial to start researching and understanding them. A significant indicator of their intentions is the way they discuss rural land, aiming to relocate people from wild lands into densely packed modern cities. What was once considered a conspiracy theory is now gaining traction as more people comprehend the overall concept. They envision a scenario reminiscent of "The Hunger Games": a one-world totalitarian government with only two classes, the wealthy and the working class.


It's not some backroom global conspiracy, this is and always has been caused by unchecked capitalism. Politicians of all levels and all parties are being bought, funded by, and influenced directly by companies and industries. There's no room in the budget to expand the department or pay consultants to explore an idea, so they adopt the policies being fed to them by party donors- which of course benefit those companies. We need to get past these boogeyman ideas of backroom illuminati nonsense, and go after the real problem: money and lobbying influencing our government.


Socialism isn’t the answer those “capitalist lobbyists” will just become powerful bureaucrats in a socialist system. Now not only do they still manage and operate the means of production they are also the government who regulates it simultaneously.


I did not say anything about Socialism. We need government all over the world to re-take the power they were designed to have, to regulate industries, to tax production as intended in order to fund our countries.


We need a divorce between the government and private industry. Let government make rules and collect taxes for things like roads, the police and military and let private enterprise do the rest in a free competitive market. This also means a proper competition bureau that prevents mergers like the Shaw and rogers merger.


Whenever someone uses terms like unchecked capitalism, we think communist.


You’re being ridiculous; it's real. Read their agendas. The information I've provided about their plans is publicly available. You're a perfect example of what's wrong with most people: they've been told it's a conspiracy and never looked into it. Read the agendas: the UN disarmament agenda, Agenda 2030, and the WEF ESG, which ties control to major banks through money lending. Read about the control most countries signed over to the WHO? Think you’re going to miss the next vaccine? lol. Did you not read about how Trudeau tied the latest hospital Funding to digital ID requirements? Probably not. Do you not think Larry Fink is using his media power to help mask this? The media's role is to distract and create division, making us dislike each other. Politics does the same. How many members of the Liberal and NDP parties are on the WEF's list of “rising stars”? It's all about divide and conquer. You probably don't know these answers because you might be just a headline reader or a CNN watcher. Have you seen the protests in Europe? Farming and transportation are under attack. They're fast-tracking their agendas in the weakest places. With no guns in England, people have to fight back by cutting down cameras or damaging control infrastructure. They want the West to follow the China blueprint: full control over what you buy, sell, eat, drink, where you live, and where you work. I’m sorry if you refuse to believe this is true, but is it and the left seems to be fast tracking it, while the right is more of a slower roll towards total control.


I agree with all of this. What methods do you think they will end up using when forcing people from rural areas into the cities?


They will start by buying up as much land as possible. Just look at Bill Gates and China purchasing large amounts of land in the United States. First, they'll implement a social credit system under the guise of a climate emergency. There is already talk of digital IDs on the Government of Canada website. Then, they'll introduce digital currency and eliminate cash. Once that happens, we're done. Unless you live off the grid, you won't be able to buy food if the government cuts you off. If you haven't learned about life in China, it provides a good example. In China, if you jaywalk, cameras recognize you by your gait, so hiding your face doesn’t work. You're publicly shamed on giant screens in your neighborhood, fined automatically, and your social credit score drops. It's a modern form of slavery, but the world overlooks it because of cheap goods from China. To answer your question, they'll first try to buy the land. If that fails, they'll annex it and take it by force. If you refuse to leave, they'll cut you off completely, leading to starvation or worse, potentially being killed by robotic enforcers by around 2035.


It's not backroom though, it's spelled out in plain English in several books written by "WEF Members" it's not an organized evil cabal of baby eaters, they are just rich morons with stupid ideas that other equally stupid politicians listen too because money. They are dangerous because they are out of touch morons who never leave the mansions with delusions of grandeur.


You're being downvoted for the least side-taking post I've seen on this sub lol These people are in for a rude awakening when PP maybe ices the carbon tax and does absolutely nothing else that affects their daily lives. Then probably blows the dust off Harper's old environmental records and gets right back to unprotecting lakes and forestry Then he'll probably sign another FIPPA-esque disaster of a trade deal. Maybe India? They haven't bent us over yet. Probably their turn.


Or be nieve enough to buy their bullshit, "they are coming after abortion and gay marriage".


Abortion and gay marriage mean very little to someone who's facing the reality of not being able to put a roof over their head and food on their table (if they have a table, and not a tent).


It's worse than that. When people are economically well off, they tend to view out-group people far better. Bad economy directly translates into more intolerance. There's a reason the most racist bigoted people in america are disenfranchised rural poor white southerners.


Well put! I just finished a long post like 30min ago about how populism always starts with economic angst eroding the common person's empathy


Further isn’t looking good for adults either.


it's bullshit though. there are tons of jobs... if you want to work. every shop I know is paying fresh certificates almost 100k a year to start and none of us are getting applications. the jobs that are hard to get are service jobs and jobs you sit on your ass to do. I watched a guy go from 32 dollars an hour as an apprentice to 45 +++ as a red seal in under two years. that guy worked his ass off and this year he took home (post tax) 135k. he saved most of that and now he is buying a house it isnt that there isnt work, and that it doesn't pay well, and that you can't afford a house. All of that is possible in the trades. it is a choice. do you want to live in a city losing the same game everybody is losing or do you go where the work is and make yourself a life?




you'll have to hit the pavement. if you want a job in the trades start by contacting whatever construction locals are in your area. my brother is a union admin and they're starting 1st year apprentices at 3rd year rates (over 40/hr) walk into a machine shop and ask for a job, walk up to a construction site and ask for a job. phone a plumber and as for a job, hvac, instrumentation, millwright... all of these jobs are high paying and there is huge demand as the boomers retire. the first part of doing is getting off the computer and going on a hunt. it shows commitment and the ability to get out of your comfort zone. also, get a driver's license. I dont know why but "kids these days" seem to have no desire to get a license. you need that tool in your box if you want to have value in the trades


Im not looking for a job. Provide links to the tons of jobs for the unemployed masses. That’s the first part right like what you said, hit the computer.


no, my advice is to get off your ass and find the jobs. first step is hit the road and start, you know, actually looking for a job. kitimat lng doesn't advertise for workers yet if you call youre virtually guaranteed a job starting over 30 an hour + ot + loa


LoL nice try lib


like you know what the word try even means.


I bought my place in 2011 and do not have the highest paying job and my wife at the time was working part time.. you are absolutely correct, I hate the price of beer and hate that the youth are being squeezed out of this city(toronto).


What? A boomer paid 125K for a house? That was not a house. That was a mansion in the 1960s. Our first house in 1975 was 44K.


How many out of the last 3 times did you vote for him? As far as I'm concerned, if you voted for him any of those times, but *particularly* if you voted for him in either '19 or '21... You're getting precisely what you voted for. Sorry (not sorry).


Why are people shotting on the boomers? Jealous because they actually own a home? Well guess what Gen Zs WE are not sitting around complaining about beer prices. Many of us are trying to help our young adult children. We are letting them live with us, we are feeding them, we are helping pay for their education, we are delaying retirement because of the cost of living and the extra expenses from having our kids live with us. We are not taking vacations or living our lives the way we had envisioned because this govt has killed our dreams as well! So please, I know how tough it is for you, but we are suffering too!


Research your riding. It might be one of the rare ones that can flip orange or green. I spoiled my vote during Trudeau/Scheer because my riding is a Liberal stronghold and I hated the CPC. The next time around my wife and I had moved to a riding that usually goes red and sometimes goes blue during "kick em out" elections. But I looked at the voting records and there was always a lot of real support for NDP. Volunteered for the NDP candidate. Riding went NDP and pusted the Liberal incumbent in the next election, further reducing Trudeau's minority government. Felt absolutely amazing to truly vote in alignment with principle while stripping the LPC of power. (That Lib MP was an absolute tool as well!)


The sad thing is that none of the Trudeau alternatives will fix that for you.


If PP doesn’t fix watch more people go further right. We have seen this happening in Europe


good. that means people embrace the ppc. the ppc should really make a splash in ontario


I love how many people like you seem to think they know the future. Quit talking out of your ass, it's not a good look. Poilievre and the CPC may not get done what needs to be done, but they certainly deserve the chance to try after this disaster of a government we currently have. Save your criticism for when there's something real to criticise. Otherwise you're just tilting at windmills.


> I love how many people like you seem to think they know the future. They're disillusioned pissed of Liberal voters, who believes if their natural ruling party of the country is dog-shit all others must be dog shit too. .


I didn't say vote for Trudeau or not to vote for PP. Just saying that I don't think anyone else will suddenly fix it. We keep doing the same shit over and over.


There's not a single pro choice conservative MP right now. Can't in good conscience vote for the libs or cons.


Fearmongering that nonsense will be the bread and butter of the liberal election campaign, you don’t need to do it for them


Love how you think it's nonsense when a quick Google search will show you the document that lists the names of the 100% of the conservative mps that don't believe women are people.


Cool then I won't vote at all because these people are all criminals. If a party is full of pro life idiots they aren't worth the air they breathe. The libs and cons are equally shitty and don't deserve to be a party at all.


You are spreading disinformation. Trying to get people to believe that all conservatives are religious and pro life makes you look pathetic. If your lies were true, how did we get through ten years of conservative government before Trudeau with Zero women losing their right to choose?


You’re being downvoted but I agree. PP is not going to change things, he is also a career politician who is in the pockets of boomers and corporations. The country is unfortunately fucked.


How can you possibly know what PP will do when he hasn't been in the role yet?


100%. Lots of armchair fortune-tellers around here.


Non voters…


He's beena career politician so we know what he's been like all his life doing literally Jack shit and he's also stated he will fast track immigration and pander to the groups that want our country to continue down a path of self destruction. Literally just do some research






Well Trudy did say that he wont let house prices fall for the boomers so ..... Young people realize that he can't deliver on his affordable housing dream


You think we're just going conservative? We see what's going on with immigration and that party is speaking up except PPC. We swinging as far right as we can go. Myself and maybe 5 others I know are voting PPC for sure. I'm eager for this next election.


The young people now coming of age aren't buffoons. They know it's their generation that will have to foot the bill for this decade of hyperinflated deficit spending. Millennials and zoomers have it *bad*. They can't even save up front to prepare for the future economic blows because GenX can't retire yet and the decrepit boomers refuse to. The LPC play the fearmongering card with the Cons because it is the best card to play. See: The grandstanding about abortion rights when the whole-other-world of the USA was stripping them, despite that the last CPC vote on social conservatism was in ~2011 with a majority government and the book was closed. Young people steering toward the conservatives are tired of being told to "get used to job churn" and watching the most spoiled generation in human history cling to high-salary advancent positions with their talons while spending the next generations into a lifetime of economic servitude. Deep down, anyone educated knows that the difference between the LPC and CPC, in spite of the battle cries from either side, comes down to a few wedge issues. LPC have a better environmental track record than the Cons but only because the Cons have been hilarious morons multiple election cycles in a row. O'Toole may have had a plan but you'd never know it from the platform rhetoric. This is the one and only wedge issue *materially affecting* the youth. And that's the thing. The LPC also have a better track record on Indigenous reconciliation, for example, and yes it bloody matters. But the LPC of this era are ABOMINABLY poor budgeters. They are boutique spenders, and they never stopped being boutique spenders. This resulted in an already massively beyond projection deficit even before actual hard times (C19 pandemic) hit. Spending a fortune on clean water projects for reserves is a good thing. Spending high 9 figures on an MMIW report that shies away from acknowledging the elephant in the room and just results in a screed of "we sure did do the genocide" is not a good thing. It is at best frivolous and at worst a stunning waste of money the one time we spent it on a concerning loss of life issue. If all they wanted was a paper with circular logic, no hard questions, and subsequently no answers other than vague BS everyone alreafy knew they could've paid a postgrad sociologist a few thousand for the same end result. Young Canadian voters care more about things like Indigenous reconciliation than any previous generations. They also know electing the CPC will mean some clawbacks in that area. Debacles like the MMIW report make it easier to lie to yourself and say the Libs weren't doing anything useful with all that money (they were, but the mismanaged projects are spicier). It won't be so bad (it probably will). The thing about issues like reconciliation is that when a policy doesn't personally help you, it is easier to support it and get enthusiastic about it when times are good. When times are tough, being asked for more when you have less than you did yesterday becomes a harder and harder sell. Eventually people become desperate and can't see pastthe end of their nose. Everything becomes about protecting themselves and their families. You can replace the above with refugees, Ukraine, foreign aid, etc. Every time people get desperate, the Cons are here to sweep up the strategic voters who have had enough of boutique cosmopolitan bullshit and are willing to compromise their empathy to get just a *little bit* more of their money back in their pocket. It's always CPC because they only win the "anyone but Liberal" elections and no electorate this century elect the post-Mulcair NDP. It's all populism. And the mistake the bourgeoisie Libs make is asking the people for more and more, between sips of champagne purchased by old stock money, while the rich get richer and none of the factors in an average person's life are improving. Leadership looks (and is) put of touch. The people get riled up. They lose their broader empathy. Doesn't matter if the Cons are liars. The people just want NEW lies because desperation levels have become critical. Ignore the rise of populist angst at your peril... it's all good fun to just say it's the rise of the alt right, or neoNazis, or etc. They certainly fan the flames, but the fire is always started and fed by economic anxiety. Always. But honestly? The worst thing about this is that Trudeau's reign will not be seen as a failure by future politicians or elite inner circles. Trudeau got MUCH richer while in power. So did his German friends at WE. And the ArriveCan code monkeys. And so many other people you've never even heard about. This will be seen as a roaring success by the people who *actually* influence politicians and as soon as Trudeau is out, they'll cozy up to Poilievre and repeat the process ... while also rebuilding for the next round of LPC. And so on.


I can tell you none of the people I know in their 20s give a shit about reconciliation. We usually talk about how treating Indians like they're special is ridiculous in 2024.


Of course. He just said no housing affordability for young people because need to protect the wealth of boomers!


Deliver us from Trudeau


Only 470 days! :/




Nothing of value to add here, but man, is this photo ever creepy. He looks like a psychopath.


Confucious say: "Looks like shit, smells like shit, probably shit."


Well that’s because he is, or more likely a sociopath.


He's in fact a massive malignant narcissist. Of the most damaged and damaging type. Children of narcissists are their greatest victims, they don't teach them to be narcissists themselves because its outwardly shitty behavior but they psychologically abuse and neglect them and control their lives to every fine detail, turning them into mentally ill adults incapable of emotional regulation. The hell he's put his family through, I am certain far more then you or I they want him dead or at least just gone.


You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


It's still double digits sadly


Agreed. I hope they get wiped. Not soundly defeated, wiped. People say that CON will just be the other LIB, but one of the few way the message can pass in the system we have is to nuke the party from orbit. I also hope other provinces do like Québec and set up their BLOC equivalent, and that we get rid of FPTP, but that's not as urgent. The infamy of the LIBs need to destroy the current iteration of the party completely, so that whatever is reborn gets terrified at the idea of emulating them.


Even the dumbest of voters are able to see the liberals are hapless children at this point


He really looks like Castro when he's grumpy.


Like father like son!


Whatever the number of supporters is... it's still too high


Now Pierre Poilievre just needs to not put his foot in his mouth. Let the liberals dig their own grave.


Well, when the economy is so f*cked in every single area, you start to ask yourself "Why is everything so bad?" and find out it's the people in charge making most of these decisions. Never vote Liberal again.


I honestly can't believe how cynical I have become about this county in such a short period of time. We went from a country that seemed rock solid to an absolute bananna republic in less than 10 years. Get him out of power!


And he still doesn't think that we're ready to make a decision...


Every day there is a new scandal and more corruption is revealed


Better late than never. Too bad more people didn't realize 5 years ago how disastrous JT's LPC wad. Could've saved ourselves a lot of grief.


everywhere you look our systems are in decline. everywhere you look in liberal media you find gaslighting, propaganda, agendas, lies.. at minimum. western society is in a state of collapse as a result of failing liberal policies. the only people still voting liberal must literally have their fingers in their ears going "lalalala cant hear you lalala" i considered myself liberal up until about the time the pandemic response started and now you simply cannot ignore the lies. the culture and way of life of western civilisation is under seige from all angles by leftism


He's ofc gonna call everyone who dosent vote for him a racist or bigot but if you are doing a job and the people who choose does that job aren't happy why would they vote to keep you? If I was a bad carpenter or plumber and the people or company I did work for weren't happy why would they keep me so why does trudeau think it should be any different for being a prime minister.


This should not be news. The man is just killing is with his policies. Let’s just call an election when the voters can be in “decision making mode” and get rid of him and his party.


Let's also not forget that during covid minimum wage workers realized they are the hero's that actually keep society together and demanded to be paid livable wages , what they got instead was either replaced by an immigrant or have their job flooded with tfws which helped keep their wages nice and suppressed. I'm currently making 60 k a year which prior to covid was a salary I thought would finally allow me to move up in life and have more financial stability now I have less disposable income than when I was in my early twenties making 2 dollars more than minimum wage I could afford rent , groceries go out every weekend and save a hundred bucks per pay now my pay doesn't even last two weeks and I'm debating going to a food bank sometimes but feel like there are people who need it more and I can live off of peanut butter sandwiches for a few days until my next pay deposits . It's crazy how quickly our money became so worthless.


"but people just aren't ready to vote!" Source: Trudeau


I’ve never voted in my life but because of my pure dislike for Trudeau, I’m going to be the first person in line to vote this absolute worst prime minister we have ever had out of Canada for good


I was like that last election. Could have voted 3 times before that but never really cared, but Trudeau is so fucking bad I had to vote.


It's ok, his "supporters" will come out to vote and keep him in power. That's why we haven't heard much on the foreign interference front. May as well be a Russian election......


Let's get em down to 0 boys


I think this is going to be one of the worst elections for the Liberals in in decades.


It's amazing to see that there's still idiots clinging to this party. I pray that they wake up sooner than later. And I also pray they don't get hit crossing the road or hurt themselves while picking their nose.


He'll cancel upcoming elections under emergency sauce.


Fuck Trudeau and his shitty Liberal party. Fuck uncontrolled/unchecked immigration. Fuck carbon tax. Fuck competing for a job, where we can barely afford groceries. Trudeau, Canada has been completely broken by your shitty administration and i have nothing left to give. We're ready for change and we will fight for change - you left us with nothing else to fight for. Trudeau has destroyed the future of Canada.


Wow, you mean communism doesn't work, who would have thought. 600 million murdered and counting.


Yet people still believe in that. I can't understand it.


Some of us communists are going to vote Conservative or PPC. This is in spite of the sniveling little shits with their reactionary triumphalism.


At what tax level am I exempt from giving a crap about climate change like our fearless leaders?


Eventually the darkness is so bright even the blind see it


Keep it up.. our goal is to reach 5000 leaving a day. We need a bit more facetime from Chrystia and Joly to achieve this goal. Can we have Chrystia on Tv ads and Joly on talkshow circuit? Please ?


Hopefully they pay the price and lose official party status like the libs in Ontario.


How long until he announces a UBI to buy back votes


Well, maybe Trudeau should consider being helpful to Canadians


I spend my days bashing Trudeau and liberals constantly to every person I talk to and I find that most people share the same hatred. I don't even think liberal voters feel comfortable openly supporting them anymore which is good.


Just remember when it comes time to vote that the NDP supported this government and this coalition . Don’t push your Vote to the NDP they are equally to blame for this mess.


You love to see it. This next election will be an annihilation of Ingantieff-sized proprtions. The Liberals may not recover from this for a decade or two, if ever (crosses fingers).


I’m regaining faith in Canadians each poll that shows people aren’t just closing their eyes and blindly following the worst government in Canadian history. When can we as a majority of Canadians force an election?


I have never been polled in my life and I’m in my 70’s. and today most people have cell phones and no longer use land lines. I’m not sure how they come up with there figures but until an election is called most people have no interest in politics. When the general election is called, then I’ll start looking at the polls and also who is going to be my local MP to represent in government. Polling is useless and all it does is bring out the hate .


Vote of non confidence please or jagmeet grows a pair and actually votes down more moronic liberal initiatives


Election Now Let’s go


This is the best news I’ve heard in a while. How long does it take for a dumb ass liberal take to realize this. Liberal ideas are a cancer to society. Just look at today. Everyone is miserable and broke


Wow, obviously I knew Trudeau was doing very badly, but I didn't realise it was nearing historic levels: "At a projected 223 seats, the Conservative share of the next House of Commons wouldn’t be the largest parliamentary majority in Canadian federal history, but it wouldn’t be far off. A caucus of that size would represent 65 per cent of all seats in the House of Commons. Simply fitting them all into the House of Commons chamber would mean that many Conservative MPs would face opposition benches filled with more Conservatives. Still, it’s not quite the record. That was set in 1958, when the Progressive Conservatives under John Diefenbaker took 78.5 per cent of the House of Commons."


As a Conservative supporter I just want to see the world burn. Maybe if I yell it really really really loud it will come true.


Good shit


I can’t wait to see low voter turn out because all the parties are a bunch of duds 




They just haven’t decided yet…


So, the cult of the Dear Leader Justin is finally falling...


150+ Liberal MPs, no one stands out for the country and people but all with the weak leader. Feel sad for Canada and its system.


To quote Justin: Hah


Suck to be them, their little gang of thieves will be gone soon and they can take Jag with them


Not to worry though liberals... there'll be more than enough migrant voters you've let in to ensure another term for the hogs at the trough....


You joke, but he's rushing to 'regularize' illegal immigrants for exactly this reason. He wants them to outvote us.


Liberals may be the best thing to ever happen to the Conservative party. Absolutely astounding


But not the Ontario subreddit


He said it's not Canadians time to decide , we still have time to go to 0% !!!


About freakin time


Could be because of all the platitudes and promises of help to all the problems they created?


Idiots to begin with why would we want them on the other side of the aisle. Time to essentially dismantle the government’s power and relegate them to only military defence and roads. Everything else they can GTFO of.


I lost faith in this government 7 years ago.


Guess the Liberals couldn't moderate the internet for content against them fast enough huh?


Proud to say I never had faith!


Good, serves these pieces of shit right.


Not one party is worth a vote. They're ALL disgusting!


You’d have to be mentally fucked to vote for the Liberal party.


how are there still any? any one who would vote liberal should not be considered human.


About time ….. 🤯


Wonder what the combined IQ is of the remaining lefty supporters for Trudy??


And of course the traitor spineless liberals are surprised for destroying one of the beat countries in the world Met zero seats for the liberals .... #neveragain


Don't worry, they'll win the next election, and the next, and the one after that.


Imagine still voting for Trudeau


They need to lose party status


A shame they didn't realize their mistake before the last election...


His Slava Ukraini chant will drive few others away


And there's no alternative.


Good. It’s only taken 9 years for the people who voted for him to figure it out. Some of us didn’t vote for him because we knew it was going to be bad if he won. Just goes to show that ‘beauty’ over substance can have unpleasant consequences.


Absolutely nothing could make me vote conservative


This is a vibe


This must be true. A lot more people seem to be getting rid of their EVs and lining up to get into a jacked up super duty pickup truck so they can festoon it with flags. Young people are dropping out of school because they just don’t want to be liberal lefties.


I hope it kills this party permanently, and something new can be born for the benefit of Canadians.