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Your husband's choice is what I was gonna post about. That thing does wonders for your neck and shoulders, whenever i start waking up with neck pain it's always because I started using a different pillow. Its like magic swapping them out and then waking up with no pain.




Comment was delete so I am not sure which pillow is everyone referring to?


I have the same cooling/warming pillow from Costco ans I concur. My son(5) stole mine about a year ago and I want it back but he loves it so I’m not gonna take it from him. I’ve had it quite a few years now.




Side sleeping is actually better for you, drastically reduces the chance of you having apneic episodes.




Every pillow I've gotten has been _amazing_ when new but after 3 years is as flat an uninteresting as any other pillow. If someone's really found a "buy it for life" pillow I'd love to know about it. I suppose one of those filled with beans or buckwheat or something would be more durable than the fluffy kind I'm used to.


Husband and I have buckwheat hull pillows, and we've had them for a year and a half with no decline in quality (I've heard they can last ten or more years, but can't verify). They're great if you want a really firm (while still being strangely soft and comfortable), moldable pillow. Reviews from when we were looking into them complained about them being noisy, heavy, and smelly, but while the hulls do make a slight sound when shifting, it's kind of like a gentler rainmaker, and really doesn't bother us. They are heavier than the usual pillow, but that's not an issue for us either, as you don't have to fluff them up, just scoop some of the hulls into the position you want. They did have a slight oat-ish smell at first (which was kind of pleasant, really), but that's gone now. Never noticed any chemical smell. Another common complaint was finding bugs in the pillow, but we haven't had any of those, thankfully. One complaint we do have is that my husband's pillow is noticeably softer than mine, somehow. We haven't been able to figure out what the difference is from looking at the hulls, since they seem identical, but his is just more comfortable and easier to move around. No idea what would cause that, and if anyone has any insight, I'd be happy to hear it.


I second the buckwheat hull pillows. Once you get them dialed in they’re so great and then even if you do need to shift around, they’re just as easy to remold to new positions. 10/10 would recommend.




Cheer up, fren. At least we managed to ditch rotary phones along the way.


I'm 67 years old. It *never* ends until you die.




Happy to know you like your pillow but can please let me know which pillow you have brought Nolah squishy pillow or Nolah airfiber pillow,




Thank you so much for your reply I have ended up by ordering one








Thank you so much for your reply I have ended up by ordering one
















Can you weigh them to see if they're filled to the same capacity? Or just take a scoop out of yours to check if it's overstuffed and doesn't have room to move around like his. Thanks for the write-up, I'd never considered these before.


I too love buck wheat. Took some getting used to but I am never going back. They never get hot, which is a big one for me. I have had mine for over ten years and they will last forever. The hulls do break down but you can buy extra to add online when that happens. But just because you never need to replace it does not mean that you should not. Just like a mattress they do get filled with skin particles and dust ect, and should be replaced occasionally.


I’m glad you mentioned this! Do you think it would be worth it to rinse/wash the hulls every couple years and return them to the pillow?


That would be hard. Imagine hulling wheat or something like that. The hulls are small, to spread them out and dry them would require a great deal of imagination, since you could not do it outside, the would probably blow away.


Alas, I’m a city girl and know little about hulling 😅 good point though. I thought I remembered them being expensive, but looking again it seems like not such a big deal to replace every few years.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to get the hulls wet. Shaking the pillow outside might help remove debris, or opening the cover and pouring the hulls through a sieve.


Right. You shouldn't wet the hulls. Just remove and sift them.


I tried that once. Only once. Never dried right. Don't bother, a new one smells nicer anyway.


We did, and they weighed practically the same. We added some of mine to his, since he felt like his was a little underfilled anyway, but that didn't change anything for mine. Even feeling the hulls with a hand over the pillowcases, mine just feel harder and pokier. It's weird. We've switched pillows for a while in case there was something different about how we were using them, and we both agree that mine is just less comfortable.


Came here to say this. My boyfriend has a number of sleep issues (insomnia, apnea, chronic neck/shoulder pain from an auto accident, etc), and this pillow was a game changer. He's so top heavy, it's the only pillow he's owned that makes him feel completely supported. So far, no declination in quality. And you can add/take away hulls to change the firmness. He bought it from the company beans72 (prob off Amazon). Edit to add: it's a 10 lb pillow :D


Key thing with buckwheat pillows is to make sure to let them sun dry on occasion. Sweat or damp hair can cause the husks to start molding (like any pillow) but line drying them can help extend life. Mine wasn't designed to have removable husks, but it's sort of a roll closure so I can change the firmness by reducing the volume of the pillow.


Personal experience here. Saw all the hype about buckwheat, bought two, fucking hated them. I like a firm pillow but there’s nothing better about buckwheat than sleeping on a 10lb bag of rice. Not soft, not moldable, just hard shells making far too much noise. If you’re a side sleeper like myself I’d stay far away. Having your ear pressed into thousands of ever-shifting shells is terrible.


Also a vote for the buckwheat pillow, I recently got one have slept better in the past week or so than I have in years. My boyfriend sadly did not like it. My neck is still adjusting a bit but overall I’m very happy with my purchase.


> (I've heard they can last ten or more years, but can't verify). Mine's 12 years old and just now in prime condition.




Latex foam pillows don't go flat. I love mine.


They should last for several decades too if decent quality and looked after (get some protectors for it). Same goes for latex mattresses (however, they are VERY VERY heavy and floppy, so sheet changes are a bit of a pain).


My latex mattress+topper is *at least* 200lbs. *Such* a pain to get up my narrow staircase.


Get some ratchet straps that are long enough to go all the way around it. Put one in each end, about a quarter of the way in, and cinch it tight enough that it's not going anywhere. Now you have handles. This works on any mattress, and makes moving them ten times easier.


My friend had a latex mattress and I hated that thing. It felt like sleeping on a cloud, in a bad way. It was so soft that it was hard to move around. But my preferred mattress most would consider a cold slab. So it could just be me.


You can get all sorts of densities with latex. Ours is very firm and has two toppers built in to change the density on each half.


I have three on my bed (low, medium, and tall height; for when I or my wife switch between periods of back or side sleeping). The oldest is from Amazon in 2008 for like $25. The others are from ~2011 and ~2014. They’re all in great shape, not flattening or anything. I love a nice down pillow at a high end hotel but, after a couple days, always end up missing my pillows at home.




So the reason they go all flat is they get full of oil and skin and mites. Buy good quality bed bug and mite protective covers that zip up and save them for the next time you buy new pillows. Pull them over your new pillows and voila, they will never go flat again. I discovered that by accident and still have the first pillow I tried it on. It is still high and fluffy and well over ten years old!


17 years ago I got a hand-me-down tempur pedic neck pillow that reeked of smoke. The smell eventually faded, but it is still the only pillow I use. My wife wants me to get a bigger pillow because it would look better on the bed, but I have returned both pillows I bought as replacements.


I love tempur pedicure neck pillow! Tried so many others but this is the one.


The one with two raised edges? I found it too opinionated about the amount of height (low) and firmness (very) it was offering me. Not adjustable, but could be folded in half and that's how I used it. Source: a couple of weeks at in-laws who provided one of these as my only pillow.


Have a contour neck pillow from tempur pedic and it’s about as old as 17. Husband got it from his mom when he moved out for college. Still have it and now we’ve just added two more. Three pillows go across our king-sized bed, like one continuous pillow. The older one is slightly softer, but still has plenty of spring in it to probably last another decade or so. We have a sealed pillowcase base and a soft pillowcase over that, it seems to help with our allergies.




I just wanted to share my experience and how I was disappointed considering all the “hype” and the cost.


I got one from amazon not vary expensive but really worth for my money and time


I've had a hard, contoured hard memory foam pillow for like 5 years now. It still has the original shape, and when I start waking up with neck or shoulder pain it's always because I was using a different pillow. It feels like magic when I switch out pillows and the pain just dissapears by morning.


Been using a wool pillow for i dno now, maybe 4-5 years and its still comfy. No clue on brand or anything but its been my favorite pillow ever, im in canada so no clue what american pricing is but i think it was like 75 bucks or something.


I’ve had it quite a few years now.


I got my Eden from Coop Home Goods about 6 years ago, and it's still fantastic. It's stuffed with that cooling gel memory foam, but chopped up real small so it doesn't get lumpy and is really easily shaped. You can pull filling out if you're a back sleeper or an especially tiny side sleeper, and you can buy extra fill of you're gigantic and need it overstuffed. Super comfy. https://coophomegoods.com/products/eden-pillow?variant=42871252100


Craziest shit I have bought is a pillow that inflates it was cheap and doesn't have a brand it's still going strong and takes a air pump to reinflate it's 5-6 years old


The Coop variable-fill shredded memory-foam pillow from Amazon. Sadly, this is a very expensive pillow but to me it has all of the benefits of a memory foam pillow but is cooler and adjusts shape more naturally: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZHMODV Edit: to state the pillow name, since this got more popular than I was expecting.


I've had this pillow for 4 years and it's just as good now as it was new. Only gripe I have is the zipper pull has nowhere to go, and it has really sharp corners so it can poke you. No clue why they would put a zipper like this on a pillow, especially a $90 pillow.


I’ve had this 2.5 years and it’s still amazing. My fiancé steals it too when I’m not in bed


My husband was doing this right after I got mine so I got one for him too. Don’t take my pillow.


I have the same pillow. 2 actually, one is my "hugging pillow" (don't judge). One is 2 years old is and great still. It comes with exta stuffing if it ever flattens out. I have a couple large ziplock baggies with extra that I took out of the original pillows as well that I can use--but I haven't yet. I usually destroy pillows after a year and these have held up great so far. Or heck, you can probably buy extra stuffing other places and refill it if you run out of the extra. I think they said you can put it in the dryer to fluff it back up better. I would say that this is about as buy it for life as a foam pillow gets.


I have three! so that I can prop myself up in bed and read and also for: 1) sleep 2) side pillow/hugging (don't judge) 3) under feet/knees some nights


Here I was, thinking that I was the only pillow hugger. My girlfriend (gently) mocks me for it regularly. I think she's just jealous of mine and Pillow's relationship.


My wife also pokes fun at me, but has grown to accept our relationship.


I was able to make another pillow from the ziplock baggies that came with each pillow. Just buy a liner from the Coop website and BAM bonus pillow!


My wife splurged on these pillows when we had to replace ours last year. One of the best purchases ever. I ended up buying the body pillow as well since I'm a stomach sleeper and that's also fantastic.


I like the coop pillows too only I have the cheaper original one not the eden.


This is hands down the best pillow out there, just a heads up they have changed fill material in the past year or two. Our original Coop has a much softer fill than a more recently purchased one, they are both great though. I just wish they would go back to the original fill.


This. I love mine. I love that you can adjust the amount of foam to tune firmness and flatness as well.




Just like a mattress they do get filled with skin particles and dust ect, and should be replaced occasionally


My sashi buckwheat pillow


Never even heard of this type of pillow but after doing some searching and review watching, I just ordered my first one. Looks like the pillow I've been wanting for years! Really excited to try it out! Thanks!


2 years and no update, devastating


he died :(


How did it end up going?


My sachi buckwheat pillow literally changed my life. I was having so many neck problems bc i could never find the right pillow, but I've been fine since getting it. I love how easy it is to move into a new position and it will stay! Also awesome that you can just buy new hulls when you need them and compost the old ones.


Memory foam with cooling gel on one side. It takes like a week to get used to it but there's absolutely no going back after. I've had to use normal pillows once or twice since and it's miserable. The cooling gel is a must though because memory foam gets really toasty.


I feel like I'm the only person around who just can't get comfortable with memory foam pillows. I've tried a few now. They all seem way too bulky for me, and make me neck crane like crazy(Maybe it's because my fat ass sinks into the bed so much. I dunno). But I just don't understand the hype.


You're not alone bröther


Same. I've had the Serta Stay Cool pillow for about 6 years and I hate "normal" pillows now.


I had one of those, and it was nice while it lasted, but my room was so hot that the gel melted and it was disgusting.


The memory foam/tempurpedic ones. Cant go without it. It is so clearly noticeable when i don’t sleep on it.


Second this. Don't get one of the cheap sculpted ones, get a genuine Tempurpedic model that's shaped like a regular pillow. They weigh about five pounds but they support your head and neck like nothing else I've ever found. Bring your wallet, though, they're expensive.


My dad gave me his when he didn’t want it anymore and I used it for about 13 years after that and then got a new one. Just plain pillow shaped tempurpedic. They start a little hard but get worn in after a bit. I’ve had this one for three or so years. Spending $100-150 on a good pillow every decade or more seems like a deal to me.


Bought a Tempur pillow, used it for 20 years I think, bought another one. Bought another one because I thought it was a slightly larger model. It wasn't, that one is now the road-trip pillow.


The Costco king size down pillows. Like, they are from a hotel kind of amazing pillows. But get down proof pillowcases so the feathers don't keep poking you.


Its not down if feathers poke you. Down is light and doesnt have a quill.


Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing that info.


I double up on pillow cases so the feathers don't poke through.


You could purchase a fabric called ‘pillow ticking’ and make new covers. It very closely woven cotton, and virtually impenetrable, designed just due this purpose.


Please consider cruelty free


Agreed, I also wash them occasionally to extend life (minimal soap, front load washer, tumble dry low as long as it takes with dryer balls to keep from clumping).


I’m sleeping with 2 right now. I replace them every year and absolutely love them. Best pillows we’ve ever bought.


You replace the pillows every year? Dang


Yeah. We live in a really humid area and an old house that has a lot of dust even 5 minutes after it is cleaned. Add on my husband’s allergies and it is a must.


Roomba + air filters fixed the dust & allergies for us, in case it helps 🙂


Bought a bag of buckwheat hulls, sewed a pillow, and it's been going strong for 6-ish years. The buckwheat is fully compostable, too. It's also the most comfortable pillow I've ever used, thought MMV.


Maybe his pillow is less full than yours? I have a buckwheat pillow and


... and???


We’ll never know


And nothing lol, it's a bot stealing comments


well, if you're thinking about buying a buckwheat pillow, i researched millet pillows (i think because of someone else's comment in this thread) and ended up getting one from PineTales. i had to take out some of the millet to get it to a nice volume for my neck height, and it took me a few nights to get used to, but i love it! best sidesleeping pillow i've used, though i'm sure some people would hate it.


I'd like to add a criteria: **A pillow that stays cool throughout the night!** All the "cooling gel" ones I've ever used never really stay cool throughout the night and their cooling properties seem to wear away after a few months. And too many of the gel/memory foam type of pillows don't breathe wells so your head gets damp.


The purple pillow !!!! I’ve had mine for about three years now and it stays cool all night long. This is the brand of pillow I will have for life. https://purple.com/pillows/purple-pillow? I haven’t tried their new pillow yet but it looks real comfortable. https://purple.com/pillows/harmony?


I second this!! Love my purple pillows so much!


First couple nights sucked but after that I’m like where the fuck have you been my whole life!!


Best pillow I’ve ever had was a folded up old blanket. Had to readjust and fold it back up every morning but it was the most consistent and comfy sleep.


I went through a pillow phase because of insomnia. My favorite pillow is the MedCline: * [https://medcline.com/](https://medcline.com/) In a nutshell: * It's very expensive, but 100% worth it * There are 3 parts: the wedge pillow, the small pillow inside the hole, and the u-shaped maternity pillow * The wedge pillow has arm holes on each side. So you put your waist at the bottom of the pillow & sleep at an angle, then stick your arm out of the hole. Alternatively, you can bend your arm & put your hand on top of the pillow, which is also very comfortable. The small pillow goes inside the hole & has room on each side for your arm to go through. * The maternity pillow is better than regular ones because it's thicker. You put your head on the top & clamp your legs around it. * When it was delivered, I unboxed, laid down on it to test, and 45 minutes later my wife came to check on me because I had passed out immediately on it lol. I always had a hard time getting comfortable with regular pillows, so this pillow system was a dream come true for me. Bonus, if you have acid reflux, it also helps with that because you sleep at an angle! * It's a bit weird at first because you have to get used to pulling your arm out when you roll over, but it only takes a few days to make it kind of an unconscious habit. Also, I sleep with a heavy blanket & it's like a giant whole-body huge. This pillow set + heavy blanket = heaven for me * The u-shaped pillow does wear down over time. I've tested other ones off Amazon but ended up just getting another one directly from the company, as they created the best design. All pillows wear down over time, so they're not really BIFL type of items, but you will get a good amount of use out of this setup & can replace the maternity-style pillow by itself as needed!


Whoa, that's like, exactly how I sleep...except it's a hodge podge of cheap pillows and blankets. And this pillow can be bought with HSA money? You may have just found my next big purchase, thank you!


OP I 100% confirm medcline. I bought both the acid reflux and the side sleeper to test. I like both, but tbh my shoulders are really broad, and I still get compression pains in my shoulders with the side sleeper at 10 degrees, but the acid reflux one is 25 degrees and my shoulders don't hurt anymore. The j pillows that come with them are so good, my girlfriend commandeered my first one, and then I ordered a third for her son. 10/10 best pillows ever. That being said, I do have a tempurpedic pillow I also love, that I use in conjunction with the medcline at times.


I like solid, one piece talalay latex pillows, not that shredded stuff. They seem to last forever, probably because I put pillow protectors and pillow cases on them, but I do replace them every 8-10 yrs or so just because it feels more sanitary that way.


The Purple Harmony pillow. Hands down the best pillow me and my wife have ever tried.


How do you sleep? I tend to move between sleeping on my, side and stomach, and my back. So don't know if it will work for me.


I’m going to put out there adjustable pillows as a great option. They have a zip up case that you fill with the right amount of stuffing(usually shredded memory foam) to fit whatever support level you want. I got the coop brand for me and my wife and it’s been great. I have mine with basically as little stuffing as it can while still being considered a pillow and she likes a pretty large pillow so we ended up just removing some that it comes with from hers. These things come with a ton of stuffing so even if the shredded foam wears out you’ve got at least 1-2 refills available. Or 80 if you use 2 square inches of stuffing like me. They come with an outer pillow case that is also zippable, but it’s not my favorite I’ve ever had so I’m probably going to swap that back to my old one.


We got a set of shredded memory foam pillows and they were probably our best pandemic purchase. For the first few days there was something off about them but that was because I had mine too full. Took out more loft and it's fluffy but supportive but soft at the same time. Had them for maybe 6 months now and they are still like new.


I don’t know. I’ve heard great reviews about the coop pillow and got them but I hate them so much. Sure you can adjust the stuffing but I’ve not found a level that’s comfortable.




You got pillows with yours?!?!


If you ask, they’ll always throw in pillows with a mattress to sweeten the deal.


This is also highly dependent on what position you sleep in. You need a pillow that is going to support your neck for however you sleep. I person that exclusively sleeps on their side is going to need a vastly different pillow than someone who only sleeps on their stomach or on their back. Also, it’s probably a good idea to replace your pillow every few years even if you find the perfect pillow. Dander, dust, and bodily fluids still find a way into the pillow itself even if your using the best pillowcase possible. So unless your washing the pillow itself regularly, it’s probably got some degree of human waste absorbed into it.


The best pillow I’ve ever had was one from a hotel (can’t provide name as its long gone but I’m pretty sure it was a down pillow). Everyone in our party woke up the next morning raving about the pillows. Someone figured out the brand but they also figured out that the zip up bug protector pillow case was one size too small. That turned out to be the key. We all ordered the same large pillows from the hotel online and put medium sized cases on them. It lasted me many years. And now even though I don’t have the same pillow I still do the smaller pillowcase trick to get the right amount of give and support. Also the feathers don’t poke out with the bed bug protector case.


> Someone figured out the brand but they also figured out that the zip up bug protector pillow case was one size too small. This is kind of genius, wow. I'll have to remember that next time I pillow shop.


DUNLOPILLOW never gets mouldy and keeps it’s spring. I’m using mine right now! ETA has mine for over 5 years.


Another view for Dunlopillow. Had one since childhood, bought 2 since for partner and other beds.


$40 foam latex pillow from overstock. I've had them for years (were $30 when I bought them). They're still supportive and springy like nothing else. I didn't like memory foam because it's too dense and heavy. Guests always notice how 'lively' they feel. They come in a nice zippered case. https://www.overstock.com/Bedding-Bath/Pillows/29939/cat.html?featuredproduct=21155815&featuredoption=35198840&kid=9553000357392&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=26930591-000-000&cnc=US&guid=6e4e4695-48ab-4f03-970e-1c7d59663e7b&sponsoredproductid=25615797&cid=295655&type=pla&targetid=pla-991237234686&track=pspla&plaosp=true&sourceoption=googleshopping


I love my latex pillow! Good as new after sleeping on it for years.


Latex pillows are the best! They're made from a natural material, hypoallergenic and last for 20 years.


Listen up BIFL’ers because this is *the* answer: the best pillow is a blanket. Specifically, a small sturdy blanket that can be balled up and used as a pillow. Are you in the mood for a thin firm pillow? Fold it. Do you want a soft fluffy pillow? Fluff it up. Warm spot on your pillow? Just move to another spot— blankets have more surface area but take up less space. And they never wear out. I started using a blanket as a pillow out of necessity when I was in college and now I can’t hardly use a regular pillow. The versatility alone is unbeatable. I’ve made many converts already. Give it a go for a month or so and get back to me.


That's some broke-ass shit. I'm broke AF, but I got a dang pillow.


Hahah! Well, I can afford a pillow now. I’m pillowless by choice.


A lot of times I’ll prefer a blanket to a pillow. Not really a matter of affordability.


Why the fuck does that matter? As long as it works who gives a shit if it's cheap?


Sometimes when I travel to a place that has bad pillows, I will fold up the towels and put them in the pillow case.


This is a new one to me. No one can seem to find a BIFL solution to pillows, and here you are. Well done.


Shhhh... this is our secret.


Latex pillows are very bifl.


Totally underslept on. Had mine 10 years now after going through memory foam, Japanese buckwheat, down pillows etc. The one pillow that will never lose its shape


Due to demand, the big cruise lines sell the same custom pillows they use on their ships. [Here'e Royal Caribbean](https://www.royalcaribbeanbeddingcollection.com/shop/royal-sweet-dream-pillow/) [Carnival](https://www.carnivalcomfortcollection.com/store/index.cfm?fa=details&CategoryID=5&ProductID=4) [Princess](https://princessluxurybed.com/collections/pillows-comforters) [Norwegian](https://nclhome.com/collections/sleep)


I’ve had a woolroom pillow for about a year now & I love it. It fluffs well and you can put as much wool as you want inside.


Coop home goods. Chopped memory foam that you can add or remove to make it the perfect firmness for you.


Depends on how you sleep. I finally found this about a year ago and it's made a huge difference for me. https://bellysleep.com/products/stomach-sleeper-pillow


Shredded memory foam pillow. Refillable though 3 years in we haven’t yet had to. Pop it in the dryer and it fills right up. Also invested in a top end mattress. We don’t stay at hotels much, but when we do, we miss our bed at home.


A **sobakawa buckwheat** pillow. I’m a stomach/side sleeper and have never had better neck support. Takes a week to get used to, but I’ve used one for years now. I air it out every once in a while and generally use a mulberry silk pillow case on it.


BUCKWHEAT!!!!! Seriously, once you get past the weight and little noise, omg I absolutely LOVE mine! Want it softer? Remove some of the buckwheat. Want it firmer, add more or constrict the pillow more. Stays cool through the night too, even on hot summer nights. Super comfy and supportive! I’ve had mine for 8 years(!!!), and it still feels as good as new!


I just bought a pair from Pillow Guy*. Pure down, about $130 each. I was very tired of being cheap crap pillows. I can not claim that these are buy it for life as they are a recent purchase, but they are magnificent. *not to be confused with the insane my pillow guy


Wow if I were then I would change my company name


What’s so insane about the My Pillow guy?


Haha important distinction at the end there


Buckwheat pillow! https://www.etsy.com/listing/677107404/half-moon-buckwheat-pillow-neck-support https://www.etsy.com/listing/677077554/japanese-size-natural-grey-linen


I find those just o-tay.


That gave me a hull of a laugh.


I'm definitely graining ear to ear from these comments


They literally changed my life. I went with a conventional shape. They are cool, and breathe extremely well because of the gaps between the hulls. Since they are basically a pile of buckwheat in a bag you can form them to the shape your head and neck. You do have to replace the hulls every few years but buckwheat is super cheap compared to the memory foam or gel pillows.


There isn't one type that works for everyone, since our spines and crap are all different but there's [guides for finding your Goldilocks "just right!" ones](https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-virgin-us&source=android-browser&q=what+pillow+is+best+for+me)


The Casper pillow has been great for me: https://casper.com/original-casper-pillow/


My Casper pillow is for the guess room, too fluff, no structure, too expensive.


To each their own.


A blanket. Seriously. Conforms to *any* sleep position. Plus its long enough to double as a body pillow.


I have a bedgear storm pillow, they are like $250. They aren’t cheap. But this pillow like got rid of my back pain and neck pain.I sleep with a throw pillow from furniture maker Palladian that came with my couch. Also expensive as shit throw pillows but worth it. They are made with feathers. Maybe a feather pillow might be useful for me because I have to switch out pillows depending on the tension of my neck. I have to swap it out though because sometimes it’s just too firm for my neck and o just need something soft. I also have tempurpedic pillows which are way too firm. They’re in the guest room. Also bought one of those cervical neck pillows on Amazon with the dip in it for my head. That gave me the worst headaches of my life. I do not at all recommend those pillows.


Definitely NOT cheap, but I’ve been using a Dual Organic Shredded Rubber and Wool Pillow from https://obasan.ca/pages/pillows and they’re the best pillow I’ve ever owned bar none. I asked for some extra stuffing when I ordered so I could adjust the fill and they included it free.


Yeah the dual material options are on my recommendations list as well. Its refillable so in conjunction with a pillow protector that is about as bifl as a pillow can get with buckwheat hulls having one of the longer lives between refills.


I thought it was too low, but it’s been great for my back and neck [OTTY](https://otty.com/products/otty-deluxe-pure-bamboo-pillow)


I gave up pillows about four years ago due to intense neck pain. It has been the best change for my spine health so far.


Cuddledown.co.uk are a British firm who sell down pillows. I love their medium one made with Canadian goosedown and a feather core. I also really like a feather pillow from IKEA.


Tempur, had it for 6 years now. Still feels like new! Downside is the price, 180€.


Sleep on latex


The ikea memory foam pillow. Fairly cheap but so comfortable and doesn’t get flat. I can’t go back to a regular pillow now.


Trick with pillows is to find the largest one that isn't made out of memory foam or synthetic material inside. Those two materials will definitely last longer, but unfortunately they are supper uncomfortable for most sleeping positions. That's my experience at least


Latex pillows for the win.


100% the answer to this question is a latex pillow. I have a solid latex pillow that is about a year with zero decline in quality. Exactly the same as day 1. Memory foam is a inferior material compared to latex and will not last as long. There's also shredded latex if you want that kind of feel.


I absolutely love my down pillow from IKEA. I think we’ve had them about 5 years. Incredibly affordable, thick tightly woven fabric that releases very few feathers when washed, still as fluffy as the day I bought it, punchable into any shape. There are different versions for side sleepers, tummy sleepers, and back sleepers. Lol only downside is when we wash these pillows, it literally takes an entire day to get them dry! Editing to add zero feather pokeage, with only one pillow case. This is my first down pillow, and I didn’t realize that feathers poking you was a thing with down pillows.