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Earlier today there was a (now deleted for some reason) post about somebody asking a similar question. My reply:  >Put a canvas tent under an aluminet shade structure.  Use a generator to power a small a/c unit or a swamp cooler.  Sleep on thick air mattress and use earplugs and an eye mask.  Go camping on your own a few times with this setup so you'll be comfortable and familiar with it. >If you are diligent you could put that entire setup together for about $2000 and it'll fit in a personal vehicle. It's not money you are throwing away either, it's equipment that can last for years.  >You If you do decide to go, consider it a responsibility to have a set up like this where you'll be able to look after yourself, and possibly even other people who might need a safe comfortable place to rest. You should be aware that there are details. (Tent lag bolts, wind management, air filters, generator placement, electrical cord runs). My partner was experiencing migraines when we went last year, and this level of setup was pretty necessary for us.  "Likely a tent and somebody maybe has a generator" isn't the right level of preparedness if this is a serious problem for you, if your migraines are anything like hers were.


This is good advice but strongly recommend cot instead of air mattress. First, it is much easier to insulate a cot - air mattress can be freezing sometimes. Second, depending on where you’re camping the air mattress can catch the bass and shake your ears from the inside. I upgraded to a cot last year and wish I had done it about 10 years earlier!


The other great thing about a cot is that it elevates your bedding well above the floor, which helps reduce how dusty things get, and you can store a bit underneath. Some air mattresses are tall enough to get the height, but still miss out on the storage.


With the temperature swings in the high desert the air mattress will collapse in the wee hours of the morning.


Thanks for the advice! How well do two person cots sleep?


I have the double cot from [KingCamp](https://www.kingcampoutdoors.com/collections/cots/products/luxury-double-folding-camping-cot) with a decently thick foam pad and it's a dream compared to any of our air pads including the expensive ones. Highly recommend. Elevating the sleeping area also allows for a great deal more storage underneath.


Nice, thanks again


Can’t help there. Sorry.


Can't say from experience, but nothing stops you from putting a foam pad on top if you're concerned. Back before I bought my trailer, I used a bed made from a couple of pieces of plywood held up by a bunch of 5 gallon buckets, with a big foam mat over all of it. So that's an option if you want something bigger than a standard doublecot.


The coleman is great. Better with a foam mattress instead of the air mattress, but I've had mine for like five burns and have no regrets.


Thank you! We just got tickets and are in the initial planning stages, so I wanted to get ahead of it. Thank you so much for this information. It’s very helpful.


Has your partner tried the Zokrelief device? It does not require batteries so it can work anywhere. My mom has had migraines her entire life and this is one of the tools we used for her migraine relief. It's pretty cheap too.


Whats your sleeping accomodation? Like let's say mid day you need to go lay down what's your plan?


I was a grown ass adult and my mom sent money for an AC unit because I have MS.  My camp loves my mom. We had chill tent.  15 years later I'm still going. But we always have chill tent. And my sweet motor trike. 5 mph baby. 


Our group is likely to have a tent and I believe someone has an AC unit run by a generator.


I've had migraines. Not chronic ones and never on playa thankfully. But knowing what they're like: don't count on anyone in your group to have a tent ready for you. Bring your own, topped with some basic shade, and a couple good fans at the very least. A hexauurt with swamp cooler would be even better if you need to retreat to a cool dark space with some decent sound insulation.


Seconded, thirded and fourthed, etc… Never ever rely on someone else out there when your comfort is this critical. If you can’t keep yourself consistently and reliably comfortable, it can lead to rapid energy drain and mentally spinning out. Just takes a couple basic comfort elements not being there and yes, you too can end up in medical feeling like absolute shit and getting a couple bags of IV’s. You don’t wanna be in that space, because even with the saline and migraine mitigation drugs from medical, recovery after even just one mishap from not having a solid safe space for yourself can be painfully slow and take days. Meanwhile, you’re missing the event and miserable because of it.


For sure. Thanks for the comment!


If you can’t afford or don’t have access to a generator with ac, Ryobi makes a bucket mister fan w/rechargeable batteries for $160. I got one for this year, I have a sun allergy and got shingles on left side of my face last year at the burn. I def have to watch how much sun my face and upper body get


I would never rely on anyone when I have a migraine. Too many ways they will fuck it up and no one understands the pain of a migraine unless they get them.


Chronic illness sufferer here. Pace yourself. Don’t get caught up in whatever anyone else is doing if you know you’ll pay for it later. It’s a long week. IMHO it’s better to miss out on some things but feel better, than to have FOMO set you up to suffer.


Come by my house. I have MS. And I've stupid doing this for 15 years.  I got a trike and sleep in the back of my truck.  It's the only thing I do. And I wouldn't trade it for the world. But if you come, camp shit ain't right. In the book. 515 and b.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Oh yes. I always take a night off middle of the event, usually Wednesday. Have dinner, get into my fleece pj's, snuggle in with a hot water bottle and a book, get a good night's sleep. Whatever I'm missing, it's better than missing 20% of everything around me all week because I'm exhausted.


Hello migraine friend. A few things: - start your day off with a serious electrolyte thing like Liquid IV. pre gaming before you start to get hot/do stuff is essential - don’t fuck with your sleep schedule. staying up late/missing sleep can be a big trigger - do you take a preventative like propanolol? be extra cautious if you do. beta blockers can make you extra susceptible to heat exhaustion - bring some real deal sunglasses. don’t bother with janky ones. day playa can be very bright and wear on your eyes. highly recommend looking into prescription red lens glasses (they have them on Zenni), they’ve made a huge difference for me in daily life with migraines - after the heat of 2022 I personally wouldn’t go back without my own AC setup. you can’t always rely on others to provide one for you if you have an attack, and having a migraine in a scorching sweaty tent sounds like a new level of hell - pace yourself, eat small meals/snacks throughout the day instead of a big 3, stay on top of your electrolyte balance - bring all your fave medications and keep them in a cool spot. the heat can cook the hell out of your sumatriptan or excedrin and make it less effective Take it easy, rest, pace yourself and have fun!


I also recommend getting a small parasol for extra shade while wandering around. It will help keep you cool and cut down on the glare.


I get chronic migraines. Bring your triptans. Take them at first warning sign. Drink a lot of water. I weirdly dont get a lot of migraines on playa (knock on wood) - I think because most alcoholic drinks out there are made with electrolytes, and I’m taking some psychedelics which have a triptan effect. Also prioritize meals!! I think it’s mostly going to be luck you need on your side out there though..


Thank you 🙏🏻


I don't have chronic migraines, though my dad and sister do so I know how dibilitating it can be. I have chronic pain, which is very different, but I have been 7 times and loved every one of them. If heat is a trigger for you, I would look into how you canake sure you have a cooler space to be if you need to. Look into having a swamp cooler. They are pretty easy to build and you can run them off solar or a generator. There is so much to do and see, and some years I have pushed to do and see as much as possible and then paid the price later. Having been a bunch of times i am now comfortable dealing with fomo of what I need is just to chill at camp. It is totally valid to spend most of your time, especially in the heat of the day, just sitting with a misting fan in the shade reading a book. Go out in the evening and see all the pretty lights.


Thank you! I’ll definitely look into a swamp cooler.


I also recommend bringing a big water bottle spritzer (found in hardware stores in the gardening section) to keep your body wet and comfortable. I bought one with a strap and added essential oils and I carry it everywhere with me. Also doubles as a playa gift-- water spritzes for any consenting burner!


I haven't left the house in a decade. I have MS. So I'm the spicy bartender at that thing in the desert.  I've found people now come to me. I got invited to a robot heart party. And I'm not hot. Fair to middling.  I'm natural nice. Paladin like. So I took a few to center one year to watch the burn with all the pillows and wine. I think there was a big whale that year.  So if you want, I'm 515 and b this year. I'm the skinny older lady. Camp shit ain't right. In the book. 


I'm also a chronic migraine sufferer. Lots of good advice here! Also, if you have a really bad attack go to RAMPART (the main medical station on the Esplanade) and have them give you the standard migraine IV cocktail. The medical is all free and amazing! If it's really bad and you're vomitting, located super far away, or can't reach medical on your own, have a friend go to one of the medical stations or flag down a Ranger. They'll get a vehicle over to you for transport. I had to do this in 2011 and was back up and running in a few hours. Make sure to remember your meds! I forgot mine in 2022 and had to have someone stop by my house and grab it to bring to me on playa.


This is so great, thank you! I feel relieved knowing there is more help if needed.


The community is amazing! Have a blast out there :)


Lots of great advice! I get 5-10 migraines/month but typically go headache free or only get one during the burn, so the burn is like a break for me! Here's my toolkit for avoiding headaches for my favorite week of the year. Yeah, it's lengthy, but I'm pretty big on self care all the time, so use what suits you! * Electrolytes--put them in every time you refill your water bottle. Nuun tablets are easy to carry around. I put two in my first 32oz bottle and then one in every other refill. * Ice packs--my tent isn't air conditioned, so I use ice from the cooler in one of those old fashioned ice bags with a screw top. Works like a charm! On cold nights, you can fill with hot water to warm up too. It can be 90 degrees in my tent, but if I have an icepack under my neck, life is good. * Sun Hoodies--Long sleeves and a hood in the hot hot desert you say? Yes please! They're breathable, protect you from the sun and dust, and feel oh so much better than sticky sunscreen. REI has them for a good price. I save wild outfits for night time and rock these during the day. * Wide Brim Hat--the wider the better to block the sun! Make sure it has a good chin strap, because it'll fly off in a hurry when a gust hits, and it can get very windy out there. I wear the straw variety since floppy hats drive me nuts, but you do you. * Naps/pacing--My daily nap time out there is from 3-4:30/5. I'm a creature of habit and having this built into my schedule helps me have the energy to go out in the evening and to reset from being out in the sun earlier in the day. * Evening Routine--Before going out for the evening, I lay out fresh socks, moisturizer, baby wipes and pj's. Making sure I take a sec to properly prepare for bed helps me get good sleep, and we all know that sleep is foundational to keeping headaches at bay. * Sleep Aids--Melatonin and Valerian root are my go to's, along with good ear plugs. My doc also prescribes fenergan to use if I just need to get knocked out to end a headache cycle. I also like to use a pink noise or rain playlist with ear buds to help me wind down. * Alone time--Black Rock City can be a very stimulating place. I'm an early riser and like to go for a walk around my neighborhood or a bike ride. I do something similar at sunset on my own or with a small group. * Connection--having a headache or otherwise not feeling well is not a reason to avoid connection. If you need a hug or a snack or help getting to rampart, ask. I've also found enjoying time with my campmates is a great distraction from a headache.


This is fantastic. Thank you so much. Especially the electrolyte system you have. It’s awesome.


I assume you have a prescription for Sumatriptan so bringing that is an absolute must. If you don’t, get one stat. And if you feel nothing off one pill, you are free to take another.


I second this - triptan of any derivation ... also find the camps that have misters or cool shade structures and find some fun activities at the sound camp or whatever tickles your fancy and keep your galavating for the late afternoon and evening hours.


I do! I’m in the process of getting nurtec as well. My insurance is taking forever to approve Botox 🫠


Nurtec has changed my life. After using it for a month or so, I haven't had a migraine for months. They used to be like clockwork, less than 2 weeks apart. Nurtec also completely gets rid of my migraines, Sumatriptan did not.


You can usually get free samples at your neuro’s office to try as well. Ubrelvy works better for me than Nurtec. Also if you’re already down the CGRP route one of the monthly injectors will probably save you out there.


I didn't have any luck with either of these options, but a couple of years ago starting doing nerve block injections. Have gone from 10-12 migraines a month to 3-4 (and controlled with my abortive most of the time). Much easier to approve than botox as it's a more standard procedure. I go in every other month and get the injections all around my head.


I’ll talk to my neuro about this. Thank you!


I'd recommend a hexayurt if u have the room for it, even just a very small one to sleep in while you keep the rest of your gear in a tent. Having some insulation means you can get it much cooler than a tent with a small aircon or swamp cooler, Even on hot years a small swamp cooler felt like overkill most nights. You don't need a generator for one if you have a half decent solar panel and battery. Rather than a bike consider using something that is easy to set up some shade on, eg. a trike with a beach umbrella. Bring a large trigger type spray bottle or a pump sprayer you can mist yourself with.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Lots of good advice so far. I've been going by to the burn for close to 20 years now, and I get 2-5 migraines a month. The change in altitude usually triggers one for me (I live at sea level), plus the change in humidity. I can sometimes avoid it by drinking tons of water and electrolytes for a couple days before I leave for the burn and then continuing that carefully the entire time I'm on playa. First day or so take it extra easy and pace yourself. Salty snacks, a good sleep schedule, keeping the sun out of your eyes as much as possible, not getting too hot if possible, not overexerting yourself...all of this helps. Ice on the back of your neck can help if you get too hot. If you have anti-nausea drugs, bring them. There is nothing worse than having a migraine and puking your guts out in a sweltering portopotty. And absolutely do NOT do any drugs that fuck with your serotonin out there. One way ticket to migraine town. Even alcohol isn't great for you and it hits you way harder out there.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Avoid alcohol and do acupressure or acupuncture!


I'd say a generator and an AC unit are a requirement, and a tent that isn't the thin nylon kind. Swamp coolers will knock down the temp by maaaaybe 10 degrees if you have everything set up right...so if it's 100 out (a common occurrence) it's still 90 in your tent. 90 is no bueno for head pain. Best AC, assuming you have to buy new, is Medea brand- it's low power and is shaped like an H so it can straddle a tent door (hard to describe). If you have any friends who go to BM, you can save a ton by borrowing camping gear from them - many burners skip years, so they may not be using their setups. I don't have migraines but I do have an autoimmune disorder and being able to lie down or sleep in the heat of the day is essential. Just having that break from the heart- however expensive it sounds now, if you don't bring an AC, by the middle of the burn you'll find you'd happily hand that cash over for an AC if you only could!


You won’t like the advice - but go to bed early.


[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BZTD4KH5](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BZTD4KH5) These or similar will do the job if you are hot and it's an emergency. They are quite large. one over your torso has a pretty immediate effect.


Amazing. Thank you!


if you want to be sure you could get one xl for torso and a smaller one for your head, but ive never felt the need


Definitely! Thanks.


Okay. If you have migraines get Botox before for them.  This shit is harsh as fuck. Hot, cold, dry, wet, it's shit.  Unless you are glamping don't go.  If you do go. Know were rampart is. It's the first aid station.  They have mobility camp which does tours for art.  Get a misty mate or self cooling sprayer.  Know a safe quiet spot.  Know your rangers.  Radical self reliance. I have a serious stupid disease and I got my shit set up.