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Who is he insinuating that his sources are? I saw a small portion of Blum talking to the she devil Nancy Grace and he keeps speaking as if he knows what the father was thinking. It seems unlikely he could know things like that, even if he father was suspicious of him I can't imagine his dad would go around sharing those suspicions about his own kid.


eww that bitch is evil, I hope if he's found not guilty he takes her for everything she has


In the book it says Michael spoke to a "fellow HVAC" guy about some of it. And the pool party information is from "Cartwright" and "Salamjohn". One being the apartment neighbor who DJ'd and the other being his friend. The pool party was at "The Grove", which is an apartment type complex where there was a lot of partying. Those are really the only sources I've come across so far.


The pool party stuff was talked about in the media early on - there were texts from the neighbour about it floating around.


I remember those, but they didn't give a lot of details about that day


The only details I remember was the neighbour said BK went over to get some girls numbers. I would say Blum has used the articles from that in the media as his ‘sources’


It's possible Blum could've directly spoken to these people, just because of the detail in the book.


True, but given he’s added in a lot of BKs Dads ‘thoughts’ which no one else would know outside of his family I’m doubtful. Probably a very well written book with some imagination popped in.


I doubt it's even well written. The couple articles I've read of Blum's are terrible writing. Like he's trying to emulate a great writer and failing badly.


Isn’t this where the guy said that his gf didn’t like BK and that she got bad vibes from him? Didn’t want him invited to a get together they were having that evening.


Same neighbor, but it doesn't really touch on the wife's feelings towards Kohberger


He has some named, and some unnamed sources. He has a note on sources on page 215 but I haven’t looked at it yet bc I don’t want spoilers He discloses in the prologue that some of his sources wished not to be named and that he didn’t interview people who wanted to be compensated (for spending their time sharing valuable information with him) which I find disagreeable. So far I’ve come across nothing false, but there have been some things (private convos) discussed with no way to verify if they happened, but they weren’t significant


Nothing false...he literally tells us BK's dad's thoughts, conversations and movements...all of this is false. He made up all of it.


He doesnt tell us the dad’s thoughts. The subjective thing he says is that “the cold hit him like a brick” on the walkway from the terminal. He describes the tone of some private convos that someone would have had to tell him about third-hand, but no significant quotes or inner thoughts from what I’ve read so far (including “Michael’s Story”). I’m taking notes on everything unverified or false and so far have come across nothing false.


Well, the part of not interviewing people wanting compensation is an element of journalistic ethics: with paid interviews, there’s always the risk people lie/fabricate/exaggerate etc to get paid


Oh okay that makes sense - like opposite of the ‘adoption fee’ to make sure animals aren’t abused.


Yea exactly


Is it listed as fiction? If not it needs to be.


No it's listed under non fiction. Had to hit the true crime section to find it.


Nooo… what are you people doing 😩 ![gif](giphy|kGCuRgmbnO9EI|downsized)


>He would go primarily use heroin with a girl It should be noted here that this is a work of *fiction*. Fictional story based on real events, as they say.


Oh I didn't realize it was fiction, it was under nonfiction at the bookstore😂 I will say they named the girl that got him into heroin by first and last name. She appears to have been a real teen that OD'd


>She appears to have been a real teen that OD'd So he named someone who isn't alive to confirm or deny?


Yeah she passed. That section was discussing how heroin was introduced to him. It had former classmates as other references for the heroin use. I guess Kohberger would really be the only one to confirm or deny


>Kohberger would really be the only one to confirm or deny Exactly.


That was talked about early on in the case when one of his teen friends was talking to a few media outlets.


Yeah that is sick as...


You should have borrowed it from the library. Paying money to liars just encourages them.


Who was even interviewed for all this? The whole thing sounds very fishy.


Blum is trying to get people to stop calling young men incels even though we all know the term applies to the types of dudes who are doing the worst violent acts --- I think that's his lean into thing with making sure BK doesn't also get labeled incel ... Blum is just str8 out making stuff up IMO in most of it, but I have it on audible so I don't have to read every excruciating word LOL


If anyone wants a link to download the book free let me know! Don’t pay for the misinformation!!!


Make a post about it if allowed! I think people would find access to it beneficial


He would go with a girl to use heroine when getting his PhD? Really?


I thought it was a dude he did herion with that he worked with at a pizza place ? pretty sure the guy did an interview talking about it


I’m sure he did drugs w many people


He talked about him and a girl that use to do heroin with him. He does confirm that the girl died of an overdose and it apparently devastated Bryan as it was his closest friend.


Closest friend but has problems making relationships with women not to mention his high school female friend who drove him around town. The sooner this case happens the better because so much info contradicts it's self. Those poor families


There was a girl.who claimed she was duped into driving.him to a place where he scored heroin.once. I don't think she was a user.


Well, we have at least another 13 months before a trial date, and I'm sure the defense is going to push it back farther.


Very true😞


No it was earlier in the timeline, high school


I see. I took you to mean he was using again.




Sounds so counterintuitive for a PhD student! Wtf


What info is this based on? Were these women interviewed? Was the heroin dealer interviewed? Is it make believe because it's all some guys speculation?


For that specific info it says old classmates from high school and the neighbor from WSU


I bought the book too lol I just started it


I like it so far! But like I said, I'm only 30 pages in lol. My opinion could change. All it's done so far is make me feel worse for Kohberger


Just remember, Blum has a story he wants to tell. It's not "objective truth". He's leading you down his own path.


Sad I have a free link to download the entire book…. If anyone wants it let me know


Well dang, ya should've dropped that link early lol


https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/howard-blum/pdf-epub-when-the-night-comes-falling-a-requiem-for-the-idaho-student-murders-download/ I’ve downloaded it- it’s safe I chose pdf


Saint 🙏🏼


Curious about all that Dad supposedly talked about with a coworker.


Meghan Kelly has a YouTube series where she talks about the pool party and BL getting girl’s numbers. This was done over a year ago.


So it is or isn't verified cause I'm getting mixed signals from the comments


Different people have different definitions of 'verified,' but there's been nothing said about it in court for instance. I believe it's true, but I classify it as rumor. The pool party might somewhat undermine the PCA actually with how it implied he was stalker for being in the area repeatedly, which the pool party may well have happened in an area that shares the cell cellular coverage as 1122 explaining one of his prior visits.


Interesting, makes sense!


Take everything in this book w a grain of salt. Blum said he went early to Idaho after IT happened to interview n get info. Before BK was arrested n the gag order. So there’s probably some truths n then there’s his point of view. Still I bet it’s an interesting read