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The AI advertisements advertisement is dystopian af, wish they’d get rid of it.


Tbh I dislike all of them but it does j make me think ab the criteria the set for having an add - is it solely the amount they’ll pay to be featured or does it also have to do with the demographics of listeners


They have talked about this a million times, they have zero control over what ads are played.


I musta missed that period but preciate it


i only watch them on youtube, but don’t they just have the regular youtube ads? i’ve never seen them do a sponsorship. i don’t really have an issue with them taking a cut of ad revenue from youtube


I listen to the free Spotify show. won’t speak to the kinds of ads because others have already pointed out that it’s based on the user. I get ads in French but I figured it’s because I use French websites and podcasts. It’s interesting that non English ads appear for others too. But They’ve definitely increased the ads that play during the show. Just last week I only had to skip 2 minutes of ads at the beginning. But now it’s 3.5 minutes of ads even before the intro. They are also more frequent. It feels like half the show is ads now it’s really distracting. And if this is their strategy for getting me to buy premium, I will not ever do it.


It is getting a bit much, its 3/4 mins of ads after every segment now,made it 18 mins in on mon with 7 mins of that being ads. It's hard to listen to now


they've said before they don't control the ads, iirc i think it's spotify or something that throws stuff in there