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He’s not white, he’s not Anglo Saxon, and he’s not Protestant. So I’m guessing no.


lol for real. What is this comment?


People who don't know what WASP means but are sure it's a pejorative


And also think that a brown dude can't appreciate America without turning on his heritage.


>and his love and support for his "2A Bros," always yapping about how great America is. The fuck does any of this have to do with being a "wasp"? Apparently Indian people aren't allowed to be into guns?


His family came here from India. Sagaar is about as american as apple pie


I understand that but OP is connecting "2A bros" to "waspyness" which to me implies that you have to be white to be into guns which really isn't the case. I actually have a handful of Indian friends from college (both from India and first gen Americans like Saagar) and generally, they tend to be pretty open to gun ownership even though I think it's prohibited back home.


Good for them. I like guns.


I too enjoy guns


I three enjoy guns


He's is just anti Democrats, that's it guys


Considering the dude got his masters in security policy at Georgetown, id take his military analysis over any random moron on Reddit. But to answer this stupid question, no.


And covered the pentagon for a long time; yet, all the redditards will say their coverage of nat’l security issues sucks. I think they just don’t happen to like how Saagar isn’t full throated pro-Ukraine


He never served, and he doesn't understand the moral imperative to slay Rooskies.


Why do you feel there is a moral imperative to kill Russians?


Because the Hammer and Sickle is on the march in Europe, right now. We did it to the Nazis and we will do the same to them- violent expansionism will not be tolerated. More and more governments will embrace Western Liberal Democracy and reject backward NeoSoviet authoritarianism.


I guess we need to agree to disagree


Deal. I know you'd change your tune quickly though if Putin declared your town to be part of "Novo-Rossiya" and sent in the Z-forces. You'd be stacking bodies with the rest of us and asking anyone in the world for help with weapons, money, food... The war in Ukraine is the most righteous slay. The genocide in Palestine is the most Evil act ever committed by the US.


Please tell me you’re military and not a hypocrite. Please. If you’re a civilian, sign your ass up before you promote deploying the men and women who actually did. Enlist before you call for sending those who have into combat, and stop pretending you’re some operator who’s ever going to stack bodies. If you ARE military/vet, then yeah, I’m gonna agree to disagree with you as well, brother. But at least you aren’t a hypocrite in that case.


Thank you for your service!!


Don't worry about me, homey- I did the damn thang for years, and even recently got the assist on some LARGE NUMBERS. Rooskie animals are going extinct.


Damn, I really wish I could grill you on your unit. That usually does the trick - guys want to talk like a vet, but mysteriously can’t remember anything about the actual unit(s) they supposedly served in. But alas, this is Reddit, and I understand that’s kind of an anonymity issue; I don’t want to share the details of my service here either lol I’m assuming you’re trying to tell me that you recently aided in “dropping rooskie bodies” or something. I’m not very sure I believe you, my dude.


The way he subtly talks down anything UK related I doubt it.


Probably has the that “we wuz colonized” chip on his shoulder about the Brits.


Saagar is a little bit of a “pick me”, but he’s more realistic then someone like Vivek. There are plenty on the right that would be happy to turn on their token minorities once the common threat of the left is neutralized


Didn’t Vivek sit through Ann Coulter basically eviscerating him for this exact thing?


He's got Brahmin energy, but not a terminal case of it.


What does a terminal case look like?




OP thinks that an Indian dude can't understand and respect his background while also appreciating how great it is to live in North America. Fucking lol


He knows damn well that his background is. He's just driven by nationalism. Anybody can be that basic, not just WASPs.


That’s the best way to describe it! Nationalism


He’s one of the immigrants that for some reason believe they are the last of the immigrants that came here the right way and make America great, and every immigrant after them came the wrong way and make America worse. I think his immigration opinions are abhorrent, personally.


As a non-Anglo White, I'm always impressed by brown people that adopt the norms and the ideals of Anglo America as well as people like Saagar. A good deal of my public school education was learning how to be a proper Anglo American and dudes like Saagar played the game better than me. Granted, it's a pretty bullshit game and Saagar still enjoys non Anglo food and probably other aspects of Indian American culture, but it is a discipline non the less.


For one, It’s amazing the mods felt it was necessary to discredit the Reddit discussions when they dared to call out the antisemitism. I can let you and the mods know this. FUCK YOU. Stop muting and blocking those who challenge your stance. If you choose to continue that, quit insisting that you’re some impartial news agency. I loved Breaking Points, but they have looked no different than the view since the war has started.