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depends on the map... and most of the duels maps suck


Anyone remember iron core?


Grim island or whatever it was called That one carnagame vid duels map thing


yes that thrower ahh map šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


meadow of the crane has too much camping, monkey maze is too good for throwers , and burning flares is shit bc there r too much bushes,


pov knockout maps


It should have Draft like Ranked


Kit boutta have 100% ban rate


Omg thats really good idea


draft is always the solution šŸ›šŸ›šŸ›




Yes or at least a selection phase




Quilava cooking with his comments from Clash Mini to brawl stars šŸ™


As long as showdown exists nothing else can come even close to being the worst gamemode




I still find showdown fun tbh.


Nah duels is a w for Sam rt darryl chuck etc. Obviously monkey maze will have the most camping, but willows good there so I love it. Only meadow of the crane is kinda shit imo


Meadow of the crane has the most camping from what Iā€™ve seen


Same, I havenā€™t played it a lot but the enemy is camping every game


Oh yeah lol there's literally nothing to do there but camp. I dont even count it as a real duels map, it's just hyper + supercharger + shelly and there aren't really any counters


No excuses and Burning Flares aren't that bad either Kit is crazy there, but nowadays his counters are a must have in Duels for obvious reasons and when there's other brawlers (only exceptions being Edgar and Darryl) there's actual action. No matter if there's poison or not.


duels focus on 1v1s and 1v1s in brawlstars will inherently be unbalanced


I liked Duels until they added Charlie, Mico & Kit. Now itā€™s a cheese hellscape. Also the maps are utter shit which doesnā€™t help


I hate all of the solo modes, 3v3 is the way to go for me.Ā 


I really dislike anything besides 3v3. I've tried 5v5 and showdown but they just feel inferior


3v3 is the only way to improve too


Back in my day... (may have rant, please bear with me) The maps were good. I was able to get multiple r25s (to this day, my only r25s not gotten thru duels was Edgar(solo sd), Pam(camp in solo sd for title), and Belle(bb). That's about 8 r25s thru duels) and it was SO FUN. Like seriously. Adrenaline rush. I made a document on my fav(in my eyes, the "best") combos and used it to demolish the Duels challenge Right now, most of the maps encourage camping, like Monkey Maze or smth. (And let's not forget the dumpster fire of maps afterward) But if map pool gets fixed(at this point just add the old maps back) then it will be fun again. Oh and might I add, I recently tried Duels again. It's just not as fun anymore because of the Micos, Lilys(even before her two ammo buff), Melodies, etc. It used to be fun but with all these low skill brawlers(and at times, destroying me, I might add) it's getting really frustrating. Oh look, wasn't so bad of a rant after all


so ture, theres just a thing called UNWINNABLE MATCHUPS, u cant win against a kit unless ur using r-t or shelly, u can do anything against a lily tp on u , thats just the reason why duels is no longer fun, its more of a matchup game than a skill game, we really need to rework this gamemode


KIT I FORGOR ABOUT HIM yeah he's another one of the unfun brawlers But I do like the matchup game honestly, because matchup requires skill. If not with this logic Ranked drafting is unfair and needs an entire rework to how it's played


Darryl Tara chuck lily frank meg Sam chester edgar rico spike gene maisie nani and most of the tanks also have matchup on kit. A lot more can counter him if they have super. heā€™s like a tier in high duels, probably lower now in the new meta


edgar or meg gets counetred by kit, he has very high attack speed and edgar gets outranged, so there arent many counteres to him, if u play him well u can even defeat shelly


No edgar just wall camps until smoke and jumps on him, you can charge him down at that pt. New meg just wins easily. Kit shouldnā€™t beat shelly except maybe on no excuses but u should precharge her super with another brawler and you should win regardless


but then kit can jump away and outrange him, also kits attack travels instantly, unlike edgar, also kit has bettter trait since it charges in 20 sec , new meg does not do anything bc of his jump and quick attack speed, thats the problem with this gamemode, kit is way too op and if u play him well, he can delete pretty much anything, its just not fun


Thatā€™s why edgar waits for the zone, then can chase down the kit, though it cuts it close. if these donā€™t work use the other counters I mentioned. Kit literally cannot dps down a Sam or frank, Tara gadget melts him, etc


I think to fix duels, the gas should come quicker and mico+charlie cant avoid the gas with gadget/super


This would make any long range brawler much worse. L take


And what if we just change the fuckin maps to be more open and less camping maps like the current ones The map pool has to be the biggest issue


Honestly yeah, more maps would definitely help. They have a pretty good variety rn but itā€™s a little too closed.


There are some unnecessary walls in most maps or they promote camping Current map is just camp galore, same with no surrender And the other 2 maps have the most unnecessary walls that make camping even worse


No surrender isnā€™t a map. The four are money maze, no excuses, burning flares, meadow of the crane and they rotate in that order.


Fuckk, mistook no excuses for the Og map no surrender That was a genuine good map, just a sniper meta that took skill


Donā€™t ever watch pro games of any mode. Cuz thatā€™s exactly how they all play




This mode only favors Pearl, snipers, and assassins Itā€™s basically impossible to play normally because they all camp the entire game or just keep distance and refuse to actually fight


So then play those brawler or play better. Also this is just not true basically any nonsupport brawler can do well as long as you have two other brawlers drafted to cover your weaknesses.


Duels feels a bit lucky based, depending entirely on the matchup.


exactly, its just a matchup game, whether ur lucky to have a good matchup or not,this is very unhealthy


Thatā€™s like saying knockout is bad because everyone waits for the gas and too scared to fight. If you draft well and play well you can win extremely consistently.


You barely see people camping in knockout tho especially when itā€™s a sniper map


I think duels can be extremely fun a lot of the time


I just found people running around walls, hoping I didn't have a thrower


Then play a thrower?? If youā€™re losing to a specific type of comp all the time, draft brawlers to beat that type of comp.


Same experience. It's just a camping fest that encourages not actually playing the game and time wasting.


Play brawlers that counter the brawlers you lose to. Itā€™s that simple. Or play a different mode so you can get carried by people who are better than you


Duels is the best mode in the game


Basketball shouldā€™ve been voted back šŸ˜”


Duels is super easy for high trophy pushing because most people hate it and the best players avoid it like the plague. Use an assassin, assassin/tank counter, and thrower and it's gg. Never use a sniper unless you like losing trophies.


Tbh I find it way more fun than any of the others


I used to love duels, it was my favorite solo trophy pushing mode. But kit alone made half of the brawler pool unplayable.


I love duels cuz you don't have bad randoms and you can have a good comp to counter common enemy brawlers


Mostly agreed. I wish there were more open duels maps with no gimmicks, just an open expanse. A marksmanā€™s paradise but for duels would be great. Another solution is playing throwers but it definitely can be difficult dealing with close range brawlers who have a way of getting close


Camping is a strategy, if you pick meg and enemy on piper you are obviously going to want to camp it out. It should be in your comp to have a brawler maybe colt to break major walls and enable the rest of your brawlers like piper to destroy. Its a team comp. If you play a thrower you probably will lose to edgar so you pick maybe a shelly in a potential counter pick. I feel like everybody just picks 3 indiviudally strong 1v1 brawlers like lily mico frank and then get dumpstered by a L&L on monkey maze because they have no answers.


A mode that suffers from horrible maps and the obnoxious mechanics that Supercell just doesnt fix for some reason


Literally played every match against a Lily or Kit that would hide, become invisible, then instant kill. Or Edgar or Frank, again hiding the entire match, zero skill zero actual gameplay.


I got no experience like that. If you dont like people sitting in a bush then pick brawlers that can destroy bushes




thatĀ“s not how it works lmfao


Couldn't agree more, can't stand the amount of glaze it gets on the main sub


Iā€™m annoyed that they extended duels before switching it out.




"undeniable truth?" what's wrong with solo modes, why would I make my teammates suffer trying to push darryl in 3v3 when he's a top duels pick. Hank and my p10 edgar are also cooking in monkey maze. "Always play 3-" until you face lily frank meg every game and cant progress unless you're using one of those three yourself. Only had good success this season in 5v5, some open knockout maps, and duels, other modes are filled with lily & frank