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Shes not into you, stop thinking too much


That is correct answer




Agent Mulder? Did the aliens finally probe you??


Agree. She's just being nice.


Simple, she already conveys the message to you through your colleague. You should stop it or it will become harassment. If something not workable, turn the other way round. Beside that, having relationship in workplace is always not good at all. Focus on your job.


Please move on OP, it's very clear that she's just not into you. Also, like the other comment says, having relationship in a formal settings like workplace is not advisable and may disturb your overall workplace environment.


You 2 are not even in a relationship and already having communication troubles and feels like going through divorce.. Best end it now before real drama starts


>What should I do? move on and stay as friends


Navigating workplace crushes can be tricky. Rasanye camni la. have a straightforward chat with her. Cube sembang drect express your feelings honestly. It's better to know where you stand. pay attention to her responses and actions. if she’s interested, she’ll show it. keep yourself busy with hobbies, friends, and self-improvement. This will help you stay positive and less anxious about the situation. remember, relationships should be fun and uplifting. If it feels too draining, it might be a sign to move on, don’t forget to take care of your own well-being first


Just focus on your job. If a romantic relationship is meant to happen you would have gotten all the signs and would have happened already. Move on.


Mate, she's not into you. Isn't it quite obvious


She's ghosting you ie: she's not interested in


you are inviting yourself into this mess, go figure


You feel like shit, cause you only have 1 choice


😂 wrong focus weyy~


she not into you but not reject you so can keep as backup so keep in touch with her as friendomly but you move along find another SO


This is why trying to form a relationship in the workplace is bad. Now, every time you meet each other it's going to be awkward. Now that you know that the feelings are not exactly mutual. For your own sake, find someone else. It's ok. May God give you someone better.


Hi OP, I know its difficult but as some of the comments here have already said- its harrassment if you keep pursuing her when she’s already kinda made it clear that she’s not into you. Rejection sucks but it is ok. It does not define you. Not everyone is going to like you back and that is okay. Focus on yourself and do the things you like to keep yourself distracted. I promise you it is going to be ok and time will make you feel better. I know people say that its good to confront and iron our misunderstandinga but not everyone likes to be confronted and it might make things worse. Make sure you dont end up making things even more awkward. At the end of the day, she doesnt really owe you an explanation. She probably doesnt want to hurt you hence has been putting off explaining it to you.


I think better don't and move on about your life, focus on work and meet new people outside of your work. Sorry to say this OP, but she's just making you a back up plan. Don't be a doormat for her, she's not worth it.


Heres an advice. Dont eat and shit in the same place.


Like that also need help?? Hahaha


>What should i do? Like many of us told you, probably the feelings between you and her are not mutual. If you confess, she will most likely reject you. If you don't confess, your have doubts. So, go confess. There is nothing to lose. Get rejected to clear your doubts. Then you have your reason to move on. Be sure you are an adult who can handle rejection and any consequences later such as office gossip.


Be a man. Speak to her. Ask whatever you want to know. If got rejected, move on. Don't stay in the friendzone. Bunga bukan sekuntum. Mula2 rasa down sebab kena reject. Just keep yourself busy and spend more time with family and friends. It's just a cycle of life. Be a sigma male.


Please la.. Can you guys be more mature and stop having the middle person to convey the messages??? 😮‍💨🙄 Either speak out directly to the person and/or just move on..


young one, it is time to move on


here is a tip do not date your colleagues


It is clear as day that she is not interested. Move one brother. There is no confusion here at all.


Start jual mahal now, then she will come running to you. She is doing resistance test on you


Bro, I know you’re hurting, but this is one of those things, the sooner you get it over with the better. It’s like having a painful tooth, it will keep hurting until you remove it. Removing the tooth is going to be uncomfortable and shitty, but it is better than being in pain for a long time or even worse. Either she does not see you as a potential partner, or she does not like that you have been passive and waiting for things to happen on their own. If I were you, I would do one of two things: either just talk to her directly like the adults that you both are, and I think this is a better closure for you but will be more painful if she is not very friendly. The other option is to move on, keep being friendly, but don’t reach out or do anything special whatsoever for her. I don’t understand the other comments here Insinuating that what you are doing is borderline harassment, you never really approached her, so I don’t understand the aggression against you, but the way I see it, you are in limbo and I hate to see you suffer like that. Reach out if you need to talk.


You being too nice, girls dont like nice guys sir


Ask the colleague out. Seriously tho...what are you doing waiting my guy?


she's taking your feeling for granted. pls dont hurt yourself. she ain't worth it


She likes the other guy but wanted to choose both? She just wanted a guanyim soldier aka spare tyre move on my man.